pacmansdaughter · 19 days
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Did you guys miss me or something
Oh well suck a dick in hell
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We are in a war because you guys want to act like greedy bastards you know some people are fine with having a business like tonight I was watching radical ice cream on TikTok and it’s a family owned business in Queensland Queensland Australia Australia Australia sorry I’ve been working on that again did that sound American that sounded totally American anyway
And then they’re like you can’t take that that’s actually I kind of grew up here as a prisoner of war so I guess I can take anything I fucking want huh yeah
So some people can have a business and that’s a nice thing because you can make money but then other people say I need to have a farm of children and see which one can perform so that I can make a lot of money and then use them as a slave because that’s just a woman
That’s exactly what Hayes tried to do with his I don’t know how many he has but he was trying to come up with Showtime children I think
Show tune **
Well you’re not going to have Showtime when you’re not a Showtime person in the first place because you’re not a pretty man before plastic surgery you look like dog shit
Yeah sweetheart I came into this world a very very lovely girl and I didn’t cut my face off so let’s just remember that sweetheart considering you have some features which you took from a child sweetie pie
And let’s also remember that I would have a Showtime child
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It was a disgusting stupid thing for him to do in the first place because he was never a showtime kind of face he had to get plastic surgery because the goddamn bastard was such a ugly fucking piece of shit you can ask anybody he altered those photographs
I have had better days but on the other hand I have not washed my fucking face taking a shower or anything else and as you get older you have to do that shit a lot more than before and I’ve used to do that all the time wow this is a backwards game
American kids as slaves and that’s not working out
He’s on the list hold on
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Hey Hayes hey hey guess who you’re not though hey you’re not a cool fucking person and you’re not a smart person actually you don’t want to be honest with you I’ve known a couple of people who aren’t really that cool they were only marginally intelligent
Well I’m gonna be like a robot to be honest with you I don’t understand that kind of greed when you can’t see that it’s because it’s not about greed it’s actually about having no morals whatsoever
Maybe that would have been James next step if he didn’t have a farm with cows he might start a farm with children but probably not it seems like usuallt rhats coming from more money but not extraordinary intelligence.
Marta wasn’t as smart as she thinks. She’s a drone
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Sam and those are jealous and angry.
Way way way too oily dental work I went to Albania what did you do
Oh you harassed people you know I don’t think so actually Hayes I think that you really really really want in the energy field of a man you can’t be honey let’s wake up sweetie pie you’re not a doctor New Zealand he’s done it again he’s got that tall puppy syndrome you need to lock him away
I said that he rapes his daughters
 Fiona fucking Apple I said when you’re a goddamn paedophile you don’t get any sugar you goddamn slut you rape babies furthermore your apartment is going to be bugged and you will not escape because we will have you goddamn for being a goddamn paedophile honey
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pacmansdaughter · 19 days
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I guess sometimes when I would sing in my bedroom I didn’t consider that I was possibly taking the power away from paedophiles because I thought they were just so busy making fun of me with Josh
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Tammy and those are pedophiles. So is Hayes.
You’re saying that PJ Harvey is a paedophile
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pacmansdaughter · 19 days
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Where did you say that dragon lived again
This farm situation has allowed Hayes into a world we already needed to clean up you guys are not clever and you’re not dark you’re not cool you’re not any of that horseshit you’re just some old fucking boring bastards
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pacmansdaughter · 19 days
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So you’re a paedophile is that right Stephanie Bryant
My stories are not for you honey Amanda Palmer is locked in a fucking dog cake right now do you want to join her
Sweet ]Food is not for paedophiles
Regina Spektor and Tori Amos Amanda Palmer the rest of you you’re not human baby you’re just a paedophile sweetheart they can consume you alive that’s what you’re for sweetie
Get back to work before I cut your vagina off
You guys need to make sure that it looks like they have everything but in secret you’re giving their money away to charity
If Tori Amos and other people would stop stealing my work it wouldn’t be a situation where you had to ask if I had to eat a paedophile for produce I don’t consume paedophiles
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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They used to but not now
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Nancy and Denny are scared because of money because they got caught and pedophilia isn’t acceptable human behaviour ever
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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Tammy junk and Teresa trash meant well once getting caught by people who said no we’re done.
Apparently they said they were done with freaks of nature but actually that’s not what they said it’s just that Teresa Cooper wanted somebody out there in the audience to be like oh you’re so so unique and different you know and so she tells me these nonsense stories about how everybody treats her like she’s a freak and she is just so different and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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Teresa coopers too pissy. I can’t stand the copying
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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Hailey… are you safe?
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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Honey I can have your throat cut you know that’s not a funny joke
I just don’t understand why you’re going to have farms of children to sell
The dodos… the women dodos come for smart
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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Do you know that they have farms you knew that they had fun you knew you knew
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All right honey what I’m understanding I’m sorry you might not wanna be called honey and I don’t really want to use that word to be honest with you but I might call you sweetheart so anyway if you’re not a paedophile look the thing is like I think that your daddy might need to die is that what you’re telling me Charles Cooper was killed because he was a paedophile among other things and he had jokes I remember when I was little he had a few jokes and he’s not a highly intelligent man he and Joy Cooper wanted to compete with others for intelligence
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You guys need to get Jack Coleman’s house bugged completely I want that motherfucker watched and I want him to lose his fucking mind I need him distracted I need him absolutely complacent because he’s probably going to be on the list for murder
Incest farms situations
He’s gotta go
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If it’s a Civil War in the United States of America he can’t escape somebody can get to that motherfucker
If he goes abroad he needs to suck a dick in order to have safety
I need immature people to stay out of field on that note because I made jokes
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I said Tori Amos is no different the only difference is that she might be able to offer some things to the police to help
So she offered Teresa Cooper up to the police
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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Hey Terry how does it feel to be worth zero
Because nobody wants to buy your goddamn autograph you fucking worthless paedophile
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You don’t like or appreciate beautiful gardens and I don’t like people who don’t appreciate those things Hayes
That’s funny to you because you’re retarded sweetheart
I am probably going to murder you myself
I’m going to call it I don’t wanna call it the Becca Becca Cooper remix
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He’s trying to catch some people who haven’t done nearly the things he has and so some of you are going to have to actually push for your freedom because if you’re not a paedophile you don’t need to be in that shit
Hayes is not a good judge of character and he’s not a man with morals he also does not see anything so I don’t really understand why he thought it would be appropriate to sort of purchase you guys
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Somebody in the Middle East with a whole lot of money said don’t worry about it
A lot more money than Hayes has
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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By the time they painted this energy it was all over the news anyway
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 Mark Saderholm and his narcissistic family they were very very deeply disappointed because they had hoped that maybe every human trafficking victim would be dead dead raped molested apparently there’s some kind of provincial version of dead somebody wanted to tell me about I don’t know look Mark I think that you’re retarded I think that your family is retarded and I think that you guys needed to travel a lot earlier in life but now you’re not going to have these options because I am going to take a lot of things from you
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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lol. Not lol.
Ehhh I’m tiny right now. Tammy is calling well travelled children junk
“Not a patriot.”
Awe honey, you’re not a patriot. Pedos aren’t citizens
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Fuck you I am not going through all of this and being like oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no that’s a lot of goddamn audacity People
Yeah but you know Hayes you’re not a person you’re a paedophile you are lower than those people you are hiring right now I’m a type of person so I’ll be taking over
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:) hmm
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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You have to be courageous because if you’re not courageous paedophiles will absolutely destroy the planet right now the popstar believes he has ownership of Australia the United States of America and New Zealand and that’s not happening I am telling you right now that I am offering to murder paedophiles myself
If you give me a gun and you give me keys to a car I will drive to his house and I will murder him
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Oh I love that song not because of you honey finding out that you were a paedophile really really broke my heart and of course I don’t want to ever see you on this planet again
Tori Amos you are one of the most despicable human beings on the planet honey
I heard that Gwyneth Paltrow rapes her daughter because her daughter is more attractive and younger
But the bottom line is we need to get proof and we need every single person’s home bugged
And I guess I’m just gonna buy a car and a gun and you guys are gonna fuck off and I’m not going to get into trouble I’m just going to do my job and you’re gonna fuck off
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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Hayes would treat me like garbage until he was 90 years old and almost dead he would still pretend like he was better than me even though he is such a low form of human life he looks like a fucking disgusting rat without plastic surgery
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Sour either side there, huns.
So we need Hayes murdered
I’ll do it myself if I have to baby
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Who said something about a mirror it wasn’t America
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Do I personally have to be the one who actually murders paedophiles with my own hand
I should be getting calls all day every day people need to be calling me saying Rebecca we need your help Rebecca that is actually the riskiest fucking thing a person could do in the United States of America right now you’re a fucking brilliant girl you’re a fucking hero baby let’s do it
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You’re such a worthless bastard. You’re miserable and unloved
Ugly rat Hayes lol
Amanda Palmer likes to steal other peoples work so that she can pretend to be them and it’s usually the people she victim because she’s a rapist
I get the feeling somebody has Amanda Palmer under control because I don’t think her husband likes her I think that he married her so that he had a punching bag somebody retarded he could abuse and say you don’t know anything about anything Amanda you’re just a stupid paedophile because she is a American paedophile and she’s extremely provincial
Neil Gannon says she deserves to be abused and I agree
Gaiman well you’re not that guy from one life to live honey you’re a white guy from England
Your wife is a paedophile honey if you could do better should you not have married a non-paedophile
Awe Neil is a pedophile plagiarist
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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 I wasn’t done yet serenity you goddamn rude paedophile piece of shit the popstar also agrees with me because you are that ugly of a fucking person
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Tori Amos when did you first recognise that you were a paedophile
Paedophiles have been murdering anybody good in Hollywood and there have been some good people in Hollywood but they are killing them so that Hayes can turn it into a paedophile nation here he wants america to be absolutely a paedophile nation and that’s not okay
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He needs to be killed I’m not afraid of you honey I’ve never been afraid of you and you are so fucking afraid of me you can’t even look me in the eyeballs because you know you’re a fucking retard honey
Okay Simon so you’re not clean either what’s your situation are you full paedophile or what
I need to know some information from the medical doctors I was a little bit on the fence with that one but I think he is actually from Australia Australia did you know that never mind you can kill Hayes right because you have more money than him I just need to know how the shit works because he’s a paedophile he needs to go and we’re not gonna have a paedophile nation and then of course he wants to destroy New Zealand and Australia by the way he wants to destroy everything and we don’t need to put up with little bitch he’s not even 6 feet tall you guys he’s a little fucking midget
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I have a strong feeling that you do get put away but I don’t know I guess the idea is going to have to come to me because you’re not going to continue on like this honey you’re not at all Hitler and I said you’re not Adolf Hitler you’re not anything like Hitler and that’s actually a fucking compliment but you’re so retarded you actually got jealous of me being related to Hitler
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So I had a dream that I was basically in a Natalie Imbruglia CD and I was not on the side I wanted to be on so God dang mama this Shirley is a dream surely is a dream hey look at that shit you goddamn whores I knew you were gonna fucking do that
Don’t call me Shirley
Leslie she’s been trying to go on the other side for years so that she could molest children I hope you’re not like that my other friend well she’s not really a friend
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pacmansdaughter · 20 days
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So you think that you have all of the money but you don’t I know that you hired some of those people I don’t like the way you think about people in general because I think about you as basically a dog who needs to be kicked around
I don’t feel that way about dogs. I feel that way about worthless people like you
Serenity dog, die sugar :)
I hope he slices that ugly mole out
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