ozonelasher · 5 hours
"I won't ask what your definition of 'letting loose' is, then," she deadpanned.
At this point in the conversation, Kaki began to accept the fact she may be talking to Raditz for the rest of the night and took her final shot. She cleared her throat right after, regretting not easing into it.
"I can't imagine it's easy, though, considering..."
She trailed off, trying to be a little sensitive by beating around the bush and hoping he picked up on it. She was referring to the fact that they were the only ones, at least from what the Freeza Force was aware of, but didn't want to say it outright out of respect.
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" And here I thought we were starting to get along. "
He finished the drink in his hand and returned the empty glass to the bar's surface. " We're really not that bad. Well, Nappa and myself aren't. Vegeta can be as bad as Frieza on his worst days. " He mimicked her shrug. " Not like we can really let loose even if we wanted to. We've got a leash on us just like everyone else around here. "
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ozonelasher · 5 hours
ngl ive been turning it over in my head but ive decided to make a big change in kaki's backstory. tldr, her ex-girlfriend was actively cheating on her and that's the reason why their relationship deteriorated. after for why kaki did what she did after samara's death; it's because she wanted to prove to people that she actually believed in the rebel cause and would do anything to further it. unfortunately it all just bites her in the ass so :^/
anyway, i'll be making the appropriate changes to the doc in the coming days
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ozonelasher · 5 hours
"I meant that in the, 'the idea of you terrifies most everyone' sort of way," Kaki clarified. She shrugged nonchalantly. "You're not that scary up close, though. You're just a run-of-the-mill prick."
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Raditz couldn't help but snort, and he finally took a drink. " Untouchable? " he repeated, amusement apparent in his eyes, his smirk. " What kind of tales do they tell about us in the medical bays, huh? You make it sound like we're some kind of favorites. "
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ozonelasher · 5 hours
She gave him a look before answering.
Not that the exchanging of their names meant much in the grand scheme of things. With the fast-paced environment they worked in, it was likely that they would never speak again after this. It would be sort of touching if Raditz was a tad more pleasant to be around.
"I haven't met any of the saiyans until now," she continued, cocking a brow in mild intrigue. "Sure, there's only three of you, but you're also sort of... Untouchable."
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Dark eyes narrowed momentarily and, when he surmised the pressing her on this matter would get him nowhere, he decided to embrace her change of subject instead.
" That's right, " he responded shortly, raising two fingers to the bartender to signal he wanted another pair of drinks. " I'd say I'm impressed you figured that out, but considering you had a one and three chance, I'm not as impressed. "
He swiped up one of the drinks placed in from of him, but did not drink just yet. " Do I get to learn your name? Or am I not allowed because it might upset your girlfriend or something? "
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ozonelasher · 6 hours
i keep forgetting to trim my posts my fault
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ozonelasher · 6 hours
"Other times, Freeza just wants to send a message..."
That was sort of ominous, wasn't it? Well, it was as weighty as it implied.
She didn't continue further than that and sighed, feeling the warmth of intoxication finally start to wash over her. She wasn't quite done, but she wasn't looking to get completely wasted right off the bat. She idly ghosted the rim of the last shot glass with a gloved finger before looking to the saiyan again.
"I'm assuming since you aren't the prince or... Nappa..."
She has to pause so she wouldn't say 'bald'. She wasn't entirely sure how well they all got along and she didn't want to start a fight over what may be taken as an insult.
"You're Raditz. Right?"
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She was really beginning to try his patience.
" I'm not an idiot. Of course I know that. We've been sent on scouting missions plenty that end in us just leaving after sending the report. " These were usually meant as punishment for them since they, more often than not, lacked any real action. Though it annoyed Raditz that he was always the one saddled with the bulk of scouting on these missions, he didn't mind the change of pace. He was better at it than Nappa and Vegeta, anyway.
" That said, your logic still makes zero sense. In such cases, there would be no need for you and your fellow medics to help anyone. So, why would your people help those not allied with Frieza? " He sniffed and ordered another drink. " The only time I can see it making sense is if the planet Frieza wants to subjugate is dealing with a rebellion and they're not quite allied with the force yet. Otherwise, it's a waste of time and resources since those people will likely be killed anyway. "
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ozonelasher · 6 hours
@risingsouls raditz: who are you waiting for? kaki: um. i get bitches? 🤨
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ozonelasher · 6 hours
"I have a girlfriend," she informed him, turning a little in her seat to face him. "We made plans that I would like to keep."
She glanced toward the rest of the bar through the corner of her eye. Her aforementioned girlfriend was nowhere to be seen still... and this brench woman was trying not to seem very worried about the fact. She took one of her drinks and downed it in one go to steel her nerves.
"All right. Since I have to explain everything to you," she began, resting an elbow onto the bar. "Do you really think it's beneficial for the Freeza Force to raze every single new territory it acquires to the ground the way you and your comrades do? No. Sometimes it isn't the land that's valuable—it's what's on it."
There's a part of her that's disturbed by her ability to say it all so plainly, but it was the truth. She didn't really have to room to think about it much further than that.
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" How bizarre...and a waste of resources. Frieza is usually careful about that, so I find it hard to believe anyone under his command would have such a tenet...let alone be allowed to act on it. "
It seemed nonsensical to him, if not suspicious. Why would any faction in the Empire practice such altruism? They purged and stole planets, and the only time they were asked to be more careful was when they were putting down rebellions on loyalist planets. He understood well enough that other members had other roles, but protecting people that wouldn't bend the knee to Frieza didn't seem to fall under that category.
He knocked back his drink; he would have to keep it in mind for later since she wouldn't tell him anything.
" Who are you waiting on? You've just gotten me curious and you're trying to dismiss me? "
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ozonelasher · 7 hours
"We save everyone, regardless of their affiliations. Clearly you don't know anything of the tenets Freeza's Medical Corps follows."
Well, those were the tenets Corps members who valued Manza's practices followed. There were some disagreements, there, but that sort of thing was better left unsaid in the moment.
Finally, though, he got an annoyed frown out of her.
"Look, are you going to bother me all night? I'm waiting on someone."
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" What? Do you go save the loyalists in colonies that get attacked?" Noting the second drink wasn't for him, he ordered his own.
" We only get ordered to planets that Frieza wants the people dead, so why the hell would you save them? Don't tell me you've gone rogue or something... "
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ozonelasher · 7 hours
"I'm older than both you and the prince, as far as I'm aware."
She set the glass upside-down before signaling to order two more. For herself, of course.
"...Anyway. Not all the combatants have the same job the three of you do," she explained. "We've cleaned up a few of your messes before, though."
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" ....Why the hell were you rescuing civilians? " He watched her down her shot and raised an eyebrow. " Are you even old enough to drink? I'm surprised they let you in here, thinking about it. "
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ozonelasher · 7 hours
And so he had finally committed the most egregious of transgressions in her eyes: being factually incorrect.
"I'm not that kind of a medic, genius."
The brench took a sip of a shot and then downed the rest of it, sniffing afterward as it burned down.
"I don't even work with the medical machines. I go off-planet and lead teams in digging up civilians trapped under rubble."
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" The only thing mediocre here is the fact that your job exists. It's pointless when we have healing tanks that do all the work. I don't see why they don't just make all the medics janitors so the bases might actually be cleaned once in a while. "
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ozonelasher · 8 hours
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"...In another life, you would have made for a mediocre comedian."
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" You're right. Short jokes are beneath me. Then again, I'm not sure I could offend you since you have the emotional range of a gnat. In a contest with a statue over who could emote less, you would win. "
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ozonelasher · 8 hours
🦒 5'5" for the hick
Send me "🦒" + your muse's height in an ask and I'll compare it to my muse's height with this tool!
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tfw you stopped growing at age twelve
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ozonelasher · 8 hours
🦒+ uuuuuh, how about Lila (5'3") and Caula (7'2")?
Send me "🦒" + your muse's height in an ask and I'll compare it to my muse's height with this tool!
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Kaki is doing this between them: 👉👈...
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ozonelasher · 8 hours
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"You're going to have to get more creative than that if you're trying to insult me, man."
Been there, done that.
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" You'd make a good armrest. Then again, it might be uncomfortable because I'd have to lean over too much just to put my arm on your head. "
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ozonelasher · 8 hours
@risingsouls — [Raditz] "So tiny."
She just cocked a brow at him.
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ozonelasher · 8 hours
🦒 + Rex is 5ft 9in / 175.26cm
Send me "🦒" + your muse's height in an ask and I'll compare it to my muse's height with this tool!
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