overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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𝔾𝕖𝕥 N͓͙͕a͕̪͎k̝̫͕e̠̠̘d̢̝̝ 🅝🅐🅟🅒🅗🅐🅣 𝗦𝗲𝟭𝗳𝗶𝗲𝘀
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
“Amor como este solo hay uno” 💞 Elpidio & Jessica😍 best proposal ever!!! He proposed to her on stage with @calibre50oficial
january 2017, Ferias de Juchipila Zacatecas. I was f*cking crying lol😭❤
Vc: @henrygj25
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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Feria pokimon
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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Envidia de la buena. México no se dejó manipular por la prensa ni por los corruptos interesados en seguirse repartiendo el erario eternamente. Han elegido a #LopezObrador candidato de la izquierda que se ha enfrentado toda la vida al establecimiento. Bien por MEXICO. Serán más grandes ahora. #VivaMexico #Viva el progresismo latinoamericano #Presidente#Mexico
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
Spanish Vocabulary - La historia y el museo
la arqueología = archaeology
la historia = history la historia = (long) story el cuento = (short) story
la leyenda = legend
el mito = myth
la mitología = mythology
el folclore = folklore
la costumbre = custom, tradition
la tradición = tradition
el pueblo = a people [in some cases it means “population” or “a town”]
la tribu = tribe
la civilización = civilization
la sociedad = society
la gente = people
el siglo = century el siglo XV [quince] = the 15th century
el milenio = millennium los milenios = millennia 
la era = era / age
la edad = age
el año = year
la década = decade
la cronología = chronology
el sitio = site / place
el reino = kingdom
el imperio = empire
el templo = temple
la ciudadela = citadel
el palacio = palace
la iglesia = church
el foro = forum
la biblioteca = library
el gimnasio = gymnasium / gym
el hospital = hospital
la universidad = university
el coliseo = colosseum
el estadio = stadium
la fragua = forge
la cantera = quarry
la cantería = stoneworking
la albañilería = masonry [related to el albañil which is is “bricklayer” or “construction worker”] la mampostería = masonry [related to el mampuesto which is more like “rough brick” used for stone walls and parapets etc]
la granja = farm la finca = farm [in the context of “farm” it’s something closer to “estate” or “plantation”… normally la finca is related to “real estate”]
la armería = armory
el arsenal = arsenal / storehouse
el almacén = warehouse [in modern context this would be “department store”, but it used to refer to storehouses and warehouses since almacenar means “to stockpile”]
el campo = countryside
la villa = villa / country estate [sometimes meaning “villa” as in a vacation home]
la panadería = bakery
el mercado = market
el bazar = bazaar
la tienda = shop [or in some cases “tent”]
la carnicería = butcher shop
el boticario = apothecary [today la botica or la farmacia for “pharmacy” are more common]
la sastrería = tailor’s shop
la herrería = blacksmith’s / foundry [specially related to iron and steel since it’s el hierro; la platería is “silversmith” etc]
la fábrica = factory
el astillero = shipyard
el taller = workshop
la presa = reservoir / dam
el tesoro = treasure / treasury
el banco = bank
la banca = banking
la tesorería = treasury el erario = public funds [sometimes called la Hacienda Pública] la Hacienda = treasury [more common today; this is like the ministry of finance or something like that]
el acueducto = aqueduct
la columna = column
la muralla = city wall / large defensive wall
la arena = arena / sand
el hipódromo = hippodrome / racetrack (for horses)
la piedra = stone
el metal = metal
el hierro = iron (Fe)
el estaño = tin (Sn) la hojalata = tin-plated
el cobre = copper (Cu)
el plomo = lead (Pb)
el mineral = mineral / ore el mineral de cobre = copper ore el mineral de hierro = iron ore
el carbón = coal
la aleación = alloy
el bronce = bronze
el latón = brass
el acero = steel
el vidrio = glass
el barro = clay
el oro = gold (Au)
la plata = silver (Ag)
la cerámica = pottery / ceramics
la Edad de Hielo / La Edad del Hielo = the Ice Age
la Edad de Piedra = the Stone Age
la Edad de Bronce / La Edad del Bronce = the Bronze Age
la Edad Dorada = Golden Age [antiquity; not to be confused with el Siglo de Oro]
el artefacto = artifact
la herramienta = tool
la riqueza = wealth las riquezas = riches
la pobreza = poverty
la guerra = war
la paz = peace
el ejército = army
la marina = navy / marina la armada = armada la flota = fleet (of ships)
la contabilidad = accounting
la agricultura = agriculture
el negocio = business
la ley = law
la corte = court
el arte = art las artes = the arts las bellas artes = the fine arts
la música = music
la ciencia = science
las matemáticas = mathematics
la astronomía = astronomy
el comercio = commerce / trade
la religión = religion
la filosofía = philosophy
la escritura = writing
el abecedario = alphabet
la cultura = culture
el arqueólogo = archaeologist (m) la arqueóloga = archaeologist (f)
el conservador = curator (m) [sometimes curador] la conservadora = curator (f) [sometimes curadora]
la exhibición = exhibit, display
la exposición = exhibit, display / exposition, exposé
el museo = museum
la estatua = statue
la figura de cera = wax figure
el retrato = portrait
la pirámide = pyramid
la tumba = tomb la sepultura = grave / tomb [more formal]
el ataúd = coffin
el sarcófago = sarcophagus
la momia = mummy
el dinosaurio = dinosaur
el esqueleto = skeleton
el remanente = remnant
los restos = remains
la cestería = basketweaving el cesto = basket
la artesanía = handcrafting, craftsmanship / craftwork, something made by an artisan
el artesano = artisan (m) la artesana = artisan (f)
la joyería = jewelry
la metalurgia = metallurgy
la exploración = exploration
la colonización = colonization
la conquista = conquest
la etapa = phase / age / period of time
el desarrollo = development
el apogeo = apogee / zenith / highest point
la caída = fall
el dios = god la diosa = goddess los dioses = gods las diosas = goddesses Dios = God
antiguo/a = ancient / former la Antigua Grecia = Ancient Greece la Antigua Roma = Ancient Rome el Antiguo Egipto = Ancient Egypt
la dinastía = dynasty
el legado = legacy
el gobierno = government
excavar = to dig / to excavate
descubrir = to discover / to uncover
aprender = to learn
investigar = to investigate
observar = to observe
enseñar = to teach / to show, to point out
inferir = to infer
suponer = to suppose
sugerir = to suggest
estar de acuerdo (con) = to be in agreement (with) / to agree (with)
debatir = to debate
construir = to build
destruir = to destroy
conquistar = to conquer
defender = to defend
vencer = to defeat
perder = to lose
emerger = to emerge
surgir = to arise / to come about / to spring up / to surge
llegar a ser = to come to be
enterrar = to bury
desterrar = to banish
prohibir = to forbid, to prohibit
permitir = to allow, to permit
castigar = to punish
sacrificar = to sacrifice
rezar = to pray
gobernar = to govern
reinar = to rule, to reign
celebrar = to celebrate
explorar = to explore
explotar = to exploit, to take advantage of / to explode, to blow up
aprovecharse de = to take advantage of
vender = to sell
comprar = to buy
forjar = to forge, to craft
hacer = to do / to make
crear = to create
yacer = to lie [said of places; as in “it lies upon the river”], to be located
vivir = to live
morir = to die
extinguirse = to die out / to go extinct
establecer(se) = to settle (down)
desaparecer = to disappear
estudiar = to study
leer = to read
encontrar = to find
buscar = to look for
el recurso = resource
la fuente = source (of information) / fountain, spring
la teoría = theory
la hipótesis = hypothesis
el análisis = analysis
la conclusión = conclusion
la investigación = investigation
la observación = observation
la prueba = proof
la evidencia = evidence
el método = method
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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LGBTQ Mexicans arrested 1935 x Plus LGBTQ Mexicans in the 1940s
A set of pictures of Mexicans, purportedly arrested for homosexuality in 1935. The photo belongs to the collection of the National Photo Library of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in Mexico.
Very little is known about the detainees themselves, except these pictures are dated around 1940. These pictures come from Lecumberri prison in Mexico City. Up until 1976, gay men were imprisoned in the prison ward J, or Jota. Joto(s) is still a common homophobic slur in Mexico.
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
Police in Charleston arrested a young Black protester who was kneeling peacefully and seemingly expressing remarks of solidarity
follow @nowthisnews for daily news videos & more
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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“Our hearts was like.. connected"✨❤
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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Cuando hay dos por uno en la universidad
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
Tiene una gran… suerte
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Ni él se lo cree, como para que no estuviese grabando la cámara.
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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overtheglowinghill · 4 years
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