ottolla · 4 days
How did you make your Psiioniic outfit? Would you mind sharing?
No prob! I’ve actually answered this for a few asks but this time I’ll go ahead and publish it. Not that I have much choice since you’re anon but yes.
First off, I used this pattern: http://www.jalie.com/jalie3135-skinsuit-sewingpattern.html to make a mockup out of some cheap stretchy material, which looked like this:
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Those lines are where I drew on it to show where I wanted all the black bits to go. 
Important: make sure you’re wearing the correct undergarments (body shapers, binders, etc.) when you’re trying on the mockup so that the final costume fits! 
After that I cut up the mockup to make a new pattern so that all the black areas would be sewn in as panels rather than appliqued on (it’s easier and looks better imo). Make sure if you do this that you mark which edges will need seam allowance added after you cut them! It can get pretty confusing so just writing it on the pattern pieces is pretty helpful. 
Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures of this part so I hope you can visualize the pattern… 
I decided to make all the small black lines on his suit from stretch piping which I made myself by covering stretch cording with the black fabric I used for the suit. 
Here’s what the chest part looked like on its own:
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This may be unnecessary to mention, but if you’re new to sewing with stretch DON’T SEW WITH A STRAIGHT STITCH. Always use a zigzag stitch (usually a narrow one so it holds together better) or a serger. 
And here it is on me with the sleeves attached:
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If the fabric you’re using is thin, make sure you add lining to it or else every wrinkle on your body will show, which doesn’t look good on anyone. If your fabric is thick then you really don’t need it though (like Dei’s condesce suit). I installed lining in mine everywhere but the sleeves since it was a thin jersey knit. 
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There it is all finished! There’s some things I still want to change but it’s a pretty good first draft, I think. I hope that’s helpful!
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ottolla · 4 days
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So, my friend made herself into 15 foot long cardboard velociraptor with googly eyes
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ottolla · 5 days
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A glorious fuck-ton of perspective angle references (per request).
[From various sources.]
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ottolla · 5 days
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If you can't be bothered to learn the difference between a rock and a mineral, well...
Based on a submission from stubeardsly.
Want me to doodle your D&D party? Commissions are open! Check out my profile for the posting, or e-mail yourdndstories at gmail subject 'Doodles' for more information.
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ottolla · 6 days
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ottolla · 6 days
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ottolla · 7 days
i love when fanfictions make men cry. it's like, one of the most important things anyone's ever doing. i'm currently reading a fic where the on-screen men are either fucking or they're absolutely weeping. just sobbing their stupid brains out. i'm scrolling through it SO happily like, thank u. thank you for your hard work, author. people might not like to admit it but this is peak performance. if men aren't sucking, fucking, or sobbing then i don't even wanna see it. dry eyes? dry pussy
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ottolla · 7 days
i saw a post on twitter by a european saying americans are fake for their random compliments to strangers and their general cheery demeanor and like no. no no no you don’t understand. if you get a random compliment from an american on the street about your outfit or whatever, that is 100% genuine. we mean it. we aren’t lying we are making a small but fleeting connection with you because our lives are shitty but the human condition is enduring. oh god i’m clutching my chest
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ottolla · 8 days
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ottolla · 8 days
ok enough is enough. whichever one of you virgins invented instagram starbucks recipes, die 1000 deaths. I had a customer come in today holding out their phone (full brightness) and looking all shy and Im immediately like 🙄 fine ok, what does the instagram user want me to make for them this time. well this time it's a cringe harry potter themed frappucino. excuse me??? "can you make this for me?" I said excuse me??? -- I mean *customer service voice* "yeah it looks like I have all the ingredients, haha sure!"
ok cringe instagram harry potter frappucino drinker. ok. die. "Ive never had this drink before" yeah I can tell due to the fact that it didnt exist until someone posted a #aesthetic photo of it to instagram 14 hours ago ok. ok,
but whatever, Im paid to put up with this shit. so I add the ingredients all up on my computer and congrats! ur harry potter cringe social media drink has $10 worth of syrup in it. are you happy??? is this what you wanted??? a $10 frappucino??? $10. for a drink. you doubled the price of this drink for ur off-brand "harry potter and the legend of the overpriced starbucks drink" drink. you doubled the price!!! is this how u imagined spending ur day? is this what u wanted to do when u woke up this morning? $10 for a 24oz drink?
and u know, you KNOW the influencer making this recipe doesn't even work at a starbucks cause when it was all said and done the drink looked like shit. my blender was straining against the weight of your sins (and syrups) and Im sweating, Im an animal, Im losing my mind and my blender is getting watered down frappucino syrups everywhere -- u put so much shit liquid in this blender it doesnt even fit in the cup btw. it's making a huge mess. but is it instagramable? no, its fucking ugly. #trending #foryoupage #cringe $10 harold potter drink for adult children,
so are you happy? is ur social media influencer bestie happy? I made ur stupid $10 drink for u. does it taste good? no? well I hope instagram shuts down tomorrow. I hope you read a different book. I hope I never get sober. there is no sign of land. I hope you die. I hope we both die.
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ottolla · 9 days
I spent ten years building up a following on Tumblr. I had 30k+ followers, great engagement, it helped my career thrive like nothing else. I could quit my day job and live off the fan base I’d accrued.
Then, their policies changed. Half my work was no longer allowed. People left the site in droves. I left too, for awhile. I came back to a ghost town. I still have 25k followers, but I don’t think more than 10% are active anymore. I’m followed by ghosts. Same with DeviantArt, although I was never quite as big there, and I’ve been gone so much longer.
This disallowed half of my work was never allowed on Facebook in the first place, or Instagram, but their algorithms are such that my stuff rarely makes it to anyone’s feeds, and if I post a link to where people could actually pay me for my content, it’s hidden unless I pay for it. Patreon swept my work away to a dark corner where no one could see it unless I personally guided them there. Twitch is so strict you can’t even show bare feet. The death of Google Reader means nobody follows RSS feeds anymore, so I can’t direct people to my own site.
So there’s Twitter I guess, where I can post whatever I want, but again, algorithms. But more than that, I don’t have the energy to build up a following once again on a site I don’t own that can delete my career on a whim. The thought of spending time jumping around through hoops for attention just to have it taken away again has stripped any motivation I had to try.
The internet has been gentrified. All the small cute houses and mom & pop shops have been shut down and replaced by big corporations that control everything. I’ve been making webcomics for twenty years, and at the start, the internet was a beautiful wild place. Everyone had a home page. It was like having a house and people came to visit you and you would visit other people in their houses. Now, we don’t visit each other in personal spaces anymore. It’s like we have to visit each other in the aisles of a megamart. Everything is clean and sanitized and the weirdos who made the internet what it was are no longer welcome. No space for freaks anymore.
People still ask me for advice on how to break into comics, and I don’t have any wisdom because I don’t recognize the internet anymore. I don’t feel comfortable working within its boundaries which seems to be getting smaller and smaller and smaller. None of the tools I used when I started exist anymore. They’ve been replaced by things I don’t know how to use. I don’t think I could break into comics today. 2002 had so few barriers compared to now. You might have started on Keenspace, but you could reach a point where you could break away to your own site and people would go to it. Now, you start on Webtoon or Patreon and I guess you just stay there? It feels so much like owning a hardware store for years and then having to go work as a cashier at the Home Depot that put you out of business. I’m looking at my career trajectory and it all points to being a Wal-Mart greeter with uncontrolled arthritis.
I don’t want to make “content,” I want to make comics, I want to make art, and I want to do it in a space that is mine. I’m not sure there’s a place for that anymore.
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ottolla · 9 days
anyway i looked up the post about seeing your grandma's boobs and tumblr has deleted the screenshot of the story where the finnish dude says that americans are "like that" because they haven't seen their grandma's tits
good job tumblr 👍
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ottolla · 10 days
hey, tag this with a food people get really upset about you not liking
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ottolla · 10 days
If you're lamenting the fact that you used to be able to shoot through a 500-page novel in like a day when you were in middle school and now you can't, it's worth bearing in mind that a big part of that is because when you were in middle school, your reading comprehension sucked. Yes, mental health and the stresses of adult life can definitely be factors, but it's also the case that reading is typically more effortful as an adult because you've learned to Ponder The Implications. The material isn't just skimming over the surface of your brain anymore, and some of the spoons you used to spend on maximising your daily page count are now spent on actually thinking about what you're reading!
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ottolla · 11 days
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ottolla · 12 days
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This needs a caption
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ottolla · 12 days
love leopard seals. they are so dragon coded. that is an entire mammalian marine wyrm
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