otometopia · 5 years
imagine roughly a million people realizing "yeah we could storm a government facility and they literally would not be able to stop us all" and not using that knowledge to overthrow the government
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otometopia · 5 years
Who is Malak al-Kashef?
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Malak al-Kashef is a 19-year-old activist, human rights defender, and transgender woman located in Egypt. She supported a protest against the government.
She is currently being held in an all-male prison, at risk of torture, and facing potentially, the death penalty
She was kidnapped from her home by police.
She faces the potential (fake) charges of “aiding a terrorist organization” and “misusing social media to commit a crime punishable by law.” She has already been subjected to:
Solitary Confinement
Sexual assault under the guise of medical examination 
And potentially many other things we are unaware of. She has already been tortured. If released into the general population, she could be murdered by prisoners.
This is now her 127th day in prison (as of July 11th, 2019), and we need to do something.
Here are some ways to help:
- Signal boost. 
- Get her name into the media. You think it might sound ridiculous, but the Egyptian government has shown time and time again to respond to negative press attention. Tweeting, blogging, and getting creators to make videos about the subject are not wastes of time.
- Send a fax to the Public Prosecutor, Nabil Sadek. Amnesty International recommends that you use their letter or a version similar to it. Please do edit their letter, as it has now been more than 3 times that her detention has been extended.
- Sending faxes for free internationally is very difficult to find, but you can find low-cost services like GotFreeFax ($0.70). For more options, check out this list. You can also fax (for a cost) at places like OfficeMax, OfficeDepot, and your local library. 
Where can you learn more?
Jimmy Snow
Amnesty International
Timeline - Frontline Defenders
Middle East Eye - They do graphically describe the assault/torture in this article.
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otometopia · 5 years
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otometopia · 5 years
tumblr is like wading through everyone else’s garbage until you find something good and go “ah. this is good” and take it and display it in your own garbage pile
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otometopia · 5 years
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Mo Dao Zu Shi: JingYi’s unexpected talent
No one knows the GuSu Lan rules better than Lan JingYi.
(Twitter has been wondering if LQR is dying. He’s not. He’s just sick–he’ll be back to putting the fear of deities into disciples with sect rules the next year.)
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otometopia · 5 years
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lotus pier / cloud recesses 
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otometopia · 5 years
MDZS: Highlights of Manhua Ch 61
LWJ tripping when he heard WWX saying that his surname is Lan! Oh LWJ, there’s no need to get so overexcited. WWX is only predicting what is (eventually) going to happen to you two. XD
 XXC, SL and XY are officially drawn~~~ Can’t wait to see A-Qing in the manhua so that the Yi City cast is complete!
The character designs of XY and XXC convinced me that these two were meant to be a Dark!version of WangXian. If you squint, this one image of XY kneeling on the ground and XXC beside him whilst being surrounded by random people kinda looks like LWJ protecting WWX during the Nightless Day events.
I’m not over the fact that WWX immediately thought of XXC as his Shi Shu. And that XXC and SL wanted to start a sect together that is not based on blood relations. In a Fix-It AU, WWX could have visited the XXC/SL clan and taught/ played with the disciples (aka XXC and SL’s adopted kids) just like he canonically does with the Lan disciples. :( 
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otometopia · 5 years
any cute oneshots?
Hey anon! you asked and we shall deliver;)
No recess from love - Wangxian fluff
How the Yiling Patriarch Got His Reputation - the real reason why wwx is feared lmao
Please Don’t Look at My Cat Ears - jc/ljy but this one is so cute otl
a hearth for the storm - wwx with toddler sizhui 
Rabbits -  more wangxian fluff
come rain or shine - one of my favs
morning routine - same author as the above, also one of my favs
a game of dares - same author and I rec this fic to everyone, its just too cute + kid trio fluff
The Last Three Feet - and more wangian fluff + rabbits
honeysuckle stars - song lan/xiao xingchen, very short but cute drabble
The Face - just wwx being a cutie
tastes like love - wwx cooks for lwj
Kissy Kissy - modern au, family fluff
Heart Song
Probably the best birthday ever - a little late for the birthday fic but this is too cute
Brownies, Bitch - song lan/xiao xingchen domestic fluff
Have fun reading!^^  
- Iris
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otometopia · 5 years
WWX: Hey Hanguang-Jun, I think you dropped something!
LWJ: ?
WWX: Your standards! You, me, rooftop tonight~?
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otometopia · 5 years
A Star Is Born, MDZS style?
(It has nothing to do with the movie.)
Wei Wuxian: "Lan Zhan, what is this...?"
Lan Wangji: "A star. For you."
Wei Wuxian: "...so a ball of hot air that may or may not have imploded a long time ago. Wow, you're pretty spot on. That IS me."
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otometopia · 5 years
Hello! I love your blog so much~ I would like to ask you something.Why was Lan Wangji so angry when Wei Wuxian pulled his ribbon? I understand why he would be upset since it's something extremely important to his sect but that reaction really surprised me! Wasn't he already in love with Wei Ying? Probably I'm reading too much into it but I still want to hear your opinion. Thank you in advance!💕
Hello there, thank you very much for liking my blog! ٩( ᐛ )و
So this is about the scene in the archery competition? Humm, yes, it is one of the rare occurrences when we see Lan Wangji get truly angry and it’s telling that these occurrences are all related to Wei Wuxian and rules-breaking (evidence A: the pornography book; evidence B: the forehead ribbon pulling; evidence C: the blindfolded kiss).
To answer you, I’ll first quote Lan Sizhui: “Our sect’s forehead ribbon is a special object that is very, very personal and sensitive. One cannot easily give another permission to touch it, one cannot take it off as they please, and one absolutely cannot tie it on someone else. That is, unless, unless
Yes, the forehead ribbon can be taken off by a loved one but that is still an extremely intimate act that should only be done privately. In this case, they were surrounded by the other disciples participating in the competition, including Lan Xichen (who tried to comfort his brother that it didn’t count as it was an accident and another man who pulled it!)
The next part of my answer involves more speculation as it is about the chronology of Lan Wangji’s feelings towards Wei Wuxian. My personal take is that Lan Wangji felt an attraction very early on, these feelings kept growing during their month together in the Library Pavilion and he acutely missed Wei Wuxian after the latter’s departure from the Cloud Recesses. However, he was in denial over it for a very, very long time as it went against everything he stood for and his persona as a paragon of virtue in the cultivation world. He only came to acknowledge what he felt much later, possibly in the Tortoise cave when he sang that tune. Even then, he did not want to act on his feelings as his reaction to stealing a kiss led to him flying into a rage, literally punching trees. An eventual acceptance process then happened which made him decide to devote himself to his love without expecting anything in return, we can see in later events that he is unfalteringly and selflessly supportive of Wei Wuxian. It took him a long time to get there but once reconciled with what he felt, he was steadfast in his love.
So to recap, during the archery competition, Lan Wangji was still struggling with his feelings for Wei Wuxian and being exposed without his forehead ribbon by him in public didn’t help any!
I hope I answered your question!Â â™ĄÂ°â—ŒÌŠ
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otometopia · 5 years
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otometopia · 5 years
I wanted some fluff, sue me ~
Wei Wuxian x Lan Wangji
Finding Lan Wangji was no problem, it’s like he had a sixth sense just for him. Turning around a corner, Wuxian stood frozen when he noticed the person he was looking for.
Wangji sat surrounded by his rabbits. His wide back was turned to Wuxian and he didn’t move a muscle to indicate that he noticed that he was not alone anymore.
Taking a few quiet steps forward, Wuxian sneaked closer, planning on surprising him. When he got close enough, he was finally able to look at Wangji’s lap. A snow white rabbit occupied it, looking extremely content with his sleeping spot. Wangji’s long fingers brushed the soft fur slowly and repeatedly, each stroke elegant. Only then, Wuxian noticed the peaceful expression the man before him wore. His eyes closed, breathing calm and whole posture relaxed.
It seemed like a crime to disturb him now, but he knew that Wangji was aware of his presence from the start.
“You noticed me already~”, Wuxian almost sang, closing the distance between them even further.
That’s when the rabbits also got interested by the newcomer.
“Aren’t you pretty?” He looked at a black and white spotted rabbit that was staring at him. Determined to pet him he crouched down, maybe a little too fast because the rabbits all ran in different directions, including the spotted one.
“Oh, no, you won’t”, Wuxian go back on his feet and reached for the rabbit who easily evaded his hands.
The chase continued, Wuxian grabbing empty air after the bunny skillfully jumped out of the way and then waiting an arm length away, as if teasing. They had no idea Wangji’s eyes were following them as they ran around.
“Not this time”, Wuxian launched himself at his target, filled with resolve. He immediately knew he messed up. The rabbit was out of his reach and he was already falling flat on his face. He groaned in pain as he laid sprawled across the floor, his arms spread in front of him, only inches from the mischievous animal. Still lying face down, he could feel the soft whiskers and small breaths on the tips of his fingers as the rabbit sniffed him.
But an unknown sound made him stop his self-wallowing. It sounded as a muffled huff of laughter. Straightening himself and sitting up, Wuxian looked around, but no one expect Wangji was around. And his eyes were still closed, with the hand stroking the rabbit’s fur.
Maybe I imagined it?
Standing up, he dusted his clothes and patted down his hair. Looking down at his feet, the spotted little rascal was staring at him. He just let out an angry puff and turned his face away, pouting.
A movement from Wangji brought his attention to the hand that patted the floor in an inviting motion. Does he want me to sit beside him?
Somewhat begrudgingly, he joined Wangji and watched him resuming his previous occupation, petting the rabbit in his lap. Wuxian blew a stray hair from his face, thinking of a way to annoy him. His hand was already inches away from Wangji’s face, threatening to poke his cheek, when Wangji’s hand suddenly moved, making Wuxian back away instantly. With a flutter of his garments, he shooed the rabbit from his lap and the animal listened obediently. In the next second, he placed a hand across Wuxian’s shoulders and pulled him down.
This rarely happens, but even Wei Wuxian was left speechless when he noticed that his head was lying in Wangji’s lap. Completely frozen, he didn’t even dare to move. As soon as he thought about making a snide comment and his lips turned into a grin, he was stopped by the strange sensation.
Something was touching his hair.
Wangji’s fingers now brushed along his hair, starting at the scalp and combing the hair down in a calming motion.
Whether it was the repetitive motion, Wangji’s alluring smell or the warmth of his body, Wuxian was reluctant to move. So he stayed like that, not wanting to admit to himself how much he enjoyed feeling the fingers in his hair.
What he was unaware of was the faint yet mesmerizing smile on Lan Wangji’s lips.
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otometopia · 5 years
Oooh! Wangxian 49 and 53?
Ship: Lan WangJi x Wei WuXian (MDZS)
Prompt: Fake Married + Mutual Pining

 Uhm. I’ve no idea how long this has been sitting in my ask box because I didn’t have access to a laptop in the past few days and the phone app doesn’t really give any notification for asks??
Please accept my sincerest apologies m(_ _)m
Moving on, let’s get our imagination going!
- Sort of modern AU, I suppose. The setting doesn’t matter much, anything goes
- Wei WuXian’s parents are alive and well, they’re best friends with Jiang Cheng’s parents. WWX and JC still grew up together
- Thing is, Wei WuXian had reached the age where he should ‘get married and settle down’ and his mom wouldn’t leave him alone about it. She kept trying to set him up with pretty much any good woman she could find
- But he had no interest in those women (He doesn’t realize this yet, but he’s pining for Lan WangJi, one of his best bros from middle school). He was also pretty sure that they’d run in fright if they ever caught a glimpse of his hectic lifestyle (living off cup ramen, sleeping at 1 and waking up at 9, that kind of thing)
- Jiang Cheng was out of town (because he needed a break from WWX) so Wei WuXian turned to smother Lan WangJi with his complaints
- “Lan Zhan, how do I politely tell my mom to stop introducing women to me?” “They’re really nice, but they’re just not made for me, ya know.” “Heeey, Lan Zhan, say something.” “Are you even listening?” “Nn.”
- Wei WuXian was originally expecting Lan WangJi — who was always telling him to fix his lifestyle and live properly — to say that it really was about time for him to get married. But LWJ just listened patiently to his rant. WWX thought it was because they were the same age and LWJ was also a bachelor through and through, so maybe his conscience prevented him from lecturing WWX
- And then Wei WuXian thought of a brilliant idea!
- “Lan Zhan, let’s get married.”
- Lan WangJi stared with a flat look. Wei WuXian thought he saw a glimmer of something in his eyes, but brushed it off as nothing. He wasn’t Lan XiChen, he couldn’t interpret the details of Lan Zhan’s expression. He just went on to explain his idea.
- They’re not getting married for real. WWX was just gonna borrow LWJ’s name and tell his mom that he’s already married to LWJ, please stop introducing women to him, thank you very much
- Lan WangJi was against the idea at first
- “Wei Ying, you shouldn’t lie to your mother.” “But she won’t stop if I don’t do something! Those women really aren’t meant for me, Lan Zhan!”
- Lan WangJi stopped rejecting the idea
- So Wei WuXian carried out his plan
- “Wei WuXian, are you lying to me? Why didn’t you tell me you were married, when did it even happen?!” “Because I’m married to a man! What if you disown me?” “What kind of mother do you think I am? I don’t care who they are, no man or woman is getting married to my son without my consent, even if it’s your best friend! So you’d better bring Lan WangJi home this weekend!”
- Wei WuXian wanted to bang his head against the wall. He’d already mentioned Lan WangJi’s name so he couldn’t just get some random person to act as his ‘husband’. Knowing his mother, she wouldn’t leave him alone until Wei WuXian brought Lan WangJi home for her to see
- “Lan Zhan, can I ask you a favor?”
- Wei WuXian explained the situation to Lan WangJi. He’d originally been expecting a flat refusal and was prepared to get on his knees to beg, but surprisingly, Lan WangJi agreed to help him
- So they met up that weekend. Wei WuXian was nervous for reasons he couldn’t comprehend. He was just bringing one of his best bros to meet his parents, what’s the big deal? Well, he’s introducing Lan WangJi as his ‘husband’ but that’s just an act!
- But his nerves were forgotten immediately, replaced by an emotion he couldn’t name
- Originally, he thought that he’d need to step in and keep his parents’ attention away from Lan WangJi so the lie wouldn’t be found out. He never expected Lan WangJi to be so cooperative.
- Not only did Lan Zhan bring the appropriate gifts, he was also answering his mother’s many questions earnestly and actually listening to her concerns regarding Wei WuXian!
- Let’s not forget the small shows of attentive affection, like when Lan WangJi helped fill his bowl with food during dinner and occasionally offered to help him get some more
- Wei WuXian was surprised he didn’t experience a heart attack, given the way his heart was running wild
- Mama Wei was pleased
- “What a charming gentleman!” “A-Xian is so lucky to have you.” “Please look after my son, I’m leaving him in your care.” “Do come over again in the future, you’re always welcome!”
- Papa Wei, who is not the type to talk much, just gave Lan WangJi a meaningful look and patted his shoulder when they shook hands. Lan WangJi looked like he had been entrusted with an important mission
- On the way back, Wei WuXian chattered away, like always
- “Wow, Lan Zhan, who knew you could be so charming!” “My mom was totally swooning over you.” “You were literally the dream son-in-law that every mother wanted.” “That was some fantastic acting.”
- Your future wife is a really lucky woman, to have a wonderful man like you, Wei WuXian didn’t say. He paid no mind to the sting of pain that accompanied this thought
- Lan WangJi stopped walking. Wei WuXian stopped a little in front of him and turned back to give him a confused look
- With the most earnest and sincere look Wei WuXian had ever seen on him, Lan WangJi said, “It wasn’t an act.”
- Wei WuXian’s heart throbbed.

 This turned out longer than expected. Hope it was worth the read??
List of prompts
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otometopia · 5 years
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What does the forehead ribbon represent?
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otometopia · 5 years
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meet the wangxian club member.
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otometopia · 5 years
MDZS/GDC Fic: In which happiness is possible for JC!
Prompt: Jiang Cheng x Happiness Characters: Jiang Cheng-focused. Featuring WWX, LWJ, JL, WN, and other Lan Sect kids. For: @nanbreadcos, @acertaincritic A/N: I think for me, personally, JC’s happiness is seeing his family happy, and I think years after canon (in this case about 5-6 years later), his hatred for WWX and LWJ, and even WN, had dissipated a lot. Also, this is clearly not a ‘ficlet’ anymore, but uh, what else is new.
On the day Jin Ling turned twenty-one years of age, he officially became the leader of the Lanling Jin Sect. With the endless support and strict instruction of his uncle Jiang Cheng, the once insolent and unruly teenage Cultivator had been honed into a sword of imminent strength, gleaming with potential: a young man who was ready to shoulder on the responsibilities of a sect leader even if the current Lanling Jin Sect was no longer as powerful and influential as it had been in the past.
Still, as Jiang Cheng watched his nephew, dressed in his formal ceremonial attires of vivid yellow and frost white, the peony emblem Sparks Amidst Snow delicately embroidered in gold thread, crossed the platform and took his place at the head of the court chamber, he felt his heart swell with a sense of pride and a hint of unfamiliar but pleasant warmth. Unfamiliar, because it’d been too long since it had touched his iron-clad heart, frozen in time ever since his parents’ and sister’s deaths; pleasant, because he’d missed this, and he knew he could maintain this small, elusive flame if he wanted to, to stir it up until it reached closer to its former brilliance, if only he’d allowed himself to.  
No one could observe all those conflicting, flickering emotions from his expression, of course, as Jiang Cheng’s face remained as stiff and unforgiving as he usually presented himself in public.
The ceremony itself wasn’t as luxurious and grand as how the Jin clan ancestors would have liked, but it wasn’t lacking in its own lavish embellishments. The banquet was exquisite; the guests were polite as they took turns drinking toasts to salute Jin Ling and congratulating the young master on inheriting the Jin Sect and all its traditions and glory.
Many of those people who smiled and felicitate him were the same ones who’d hurled terrible insults and hostile curses at Jin Ling and his clan right after Jin Guangyao’s death, and the young Cultivator had taken all of that in stride back then. The tears that had been shed inside the Guanyin Temple were memories of the past, a fragment of his boyhood he’d rather leave behind; he was turning a new leaf in the history of the Jin Sect, and Jin Ling would prove to everyone that he was capable of creating a new path for his people.
Jiang Cheng could see the tenacious determination and glimmering hope reflected in his nephew’s eyes, and he promised silently in his heart, to his sister in heaven, that he’d do anything to help Jin Ling achieve his goals.
Keep reading
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