osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
i did not know multiliteracy was a thing when i was younger and i did not even realize i was doing it at such a young age. in order to learn more spanish, i remember watching muzzy at school and having to read the words on the screen and seeing the moving pictures. my eyes and brain were working together to help better my reading and understanding of spanish.
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.
Frederick Douglass (via dangerous-beauty-00)
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
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Games like Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 and its Zombies mode taught me how to communicate in stressful scenarios, and it also helped strengthen bonds with my friends.  Shame on my brother for letting a 10 year old with a fear of anything involving horror anywhere near this stuff.
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
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Entering my freshmen year of college, technology has become my major source of multiliteracy. Social media has taken the number one spot to be precise. I am constantly on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. I have learned and seen a lot through these platforms. I enjoy them and I am more than sure I will be using them for a long time. P.S. Peep me with the cone and the tarantula legs below that one. 
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
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Around my Sophomore year of high school, I began to find a hidden passion I never knew I held. This passion was politics and controversies. My mother was the one who introduced me to the political field and was always providing me with information to read about or take in. Most of my time at home would be me reading articles online and catching up with all the links my mother sent me to look into. 
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.
Bill Gates
This quote describes the start of high school for me. Not only this but the late middle school as well. I noticed technology was beginning to teach me more and more. My teacher would simply tell us to do a lesson online and learn from there. I personally did not like this and found that it led to less communication with my peers. 
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
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Around the same time I was in middle school, my older brother introduced me to video games. My first game was Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on the PlayStation 3. This game gave me knowledge of the real-world issues, fears, and history that have taken place and still do. To this day, I play video games on a constant basis as I continue to improve my skills and also learn more.
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
At this point in life, I was in middle school. This is when I was introduced to anime by one of my friends. My first anime was “Attack On Titan”, which led to “Blue Exorcist”, to “One Punch Man” and so on. Any anime watcher knows it’s a rule to watch a Japanese anime as Sub. The voice actors put more emotion into their characters. Thanks to this, I watch all my shows and movies with subtitles, even if they’re in English.  
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
As cringy as it seems, the first song lyrics I read, sang, and temporarily memorized was John Cena’s theme song from WWE. I was a huge John Cena fan and I would watch this video multiple times to learn the lyrics and memorize them so I could sing it too.
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
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The Very Hungry Caterpillar was the first book I read on my own from what I can remember. The Caterpillar chomped through fruits and leaves to become a beautiful butterfly. It was always one of my favorites. 
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
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This is one of the earliest books I remember reading as a child. This book is about a little baby bird who loses its mother and goes on a journey looking for her. I still remember laughing at the book as a kid and feeling sad when my mother would read it to me. 
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osmoses-bones-blog · 6 years
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I'm back boys!!!!! 
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