origingened · 1 year
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[i'm always naked.]
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origingened · 1 year
is it a pokemon? it looks like a pokemon.
mew makes no effort to hide their presence for once, floating behind the strange... not-them... thing. they know it can sense them the same way they can sense it, so there's no point.
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they should be more concerned, maybe. a part of them might be. but they're more curious about whatever this strange creature with their own aura is and what it's capable of. is it friendly?
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origingened · 1 year
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Each screen flashes an ominous red across the various screens sitting throughout the room, the artificial illumination only amplifying it with each repeat of those four, little words. Saying this was alarming would be a severe understatement, even alongside the siren which wails in tandem to the voice that leaves their speakers. Only the sound of a frustrated sigh escapes the bespectacled blonde, the reflection in her glasses almost a comical mirror to the annoyance that glares from narrowed, green eyes.
“So, what’s causing it this time—”
It’s a question spoken in urgency, fingers immediately pinching the bridge of her nose. To think one, small change would cause such an unspeakable weakness in their defenses, no matter how temporary it may be. “And to think it’s already managed to burrow their way this deeply again, too, after all this time.” Were it not for the air of pride that clings to her tone, one would be sure to hear an almost exasperation that laces in her tone.
Another string of words, far more concerning than the last. One hand immediately shoots out to press a button, one meant to signal a broadcast to the very citizens they have sworn to keep watch over from the skies as Stars. And yet… no connection can be made. Only the lonesome sound of unnerving silence greets her before pittering out into nothing, as if left adrift in the darkness of space itself with all contact severed. Pleiades is swift to collapse into her chair upon realizing, taking a moment to observe each message blink to life across their computers as arms cross, a finger pressing to her lips in thought.
“I think I can gather what they’re trying to do, but…”
She scoffs, withholding a roll of her eyes in detest, keeping watch as datastreams begin to blip — becoming fragmented with each passing second — from view within the confines of the system.
“Ofiuco. Is it possible for us to buy time for you to manage a way to remedy all this? Before they manage to wipe everything, that is.” The question was pensive, something earnest as she finally offers a glance to address her colleague.
“Ah, you're in need of my services? Perhaps if I take control of one of my other bodies, then... I hope I'm getting paid overtime.”
“When, or if, we somehow make it out of this with minimal, or total, setbacks, it can be discussed then.” It was the least that could be offered as another sigh is let out. “But if that’s the case… I suppose the rest of us must play the supporting role by diverting as much collateral damage as we can manage. At least if we want as smooth of a retaliation as possible.” Wheels roll from her chair, reaching down into a bag to slip out another, more portable, laptop from a bag as a commanding look. “Then shouldn’t we all get to work?”
The sound of footsteps soon fall in sync with the whirring electronic sounds that send the chilling warning throughout the facility. And in the city, only silence reaches over the vast expanse of each ward and branch. Peaceful, a scene so serene that one could not think it possible to disturb — until the sound of white noise lingers softly in the air. Static snow flickers within an instant, only missed by a mistimed blink.
And then… nothing.
Perhaps it was merely a trick of the eyes; something your mind fabricated that leaves you with nothing but a sense of something missing. Maybe it was simply all in your imagination. There was no need to try recalling something that was never there in the first place. After all, were it something of importance to you, you would have remembered it, wouldn’t you?
If you did, would you even truly wish to remember it at all… ?
“Tsk. Dammit, NULL. What’s your…”
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welcome to our newest and 25th event, FRAGMEMORIA. while this event may deal with memories on a surface level, the theme is far more in the aspect of forgetting them and eventually, in turn, coming to the difficult decision between seeking what you feel you've lost and regaining them or possibly running away from them instead of facing or recalling them. this will be the first part of the event, with the second part being posted ONE WEEK from now. this entire event will run until APRIL 28TH, 11:59:59PM EST.
So what's happening?
null, after some time, has resurfaced once more and has chosen to once again breach the defenses of the stars for their agenda. what their aim is going about it this way is unknown, however one thing is very clear: the current target is the memory bank, thus the memories belonging to the people that have been brought into the city of spirale: you. due to this, vital memories have become fragmented or even erased entirely, leaving those affected with a gaping hole in some capacity to it. don't be mistaken, though. just because their memory has been fragmented or has gone missing, that doesn't mean it's been replaced or that they've suddenly become a different person who has lead another life entirely.
What does this mean for us?
essentially, this means that your character will be walking around with holes in their memory, no matter the contradiction that tries to resolve it. maybe as they go about their day, they might feel something is off. that nag that they're forgetting something that itches in the back of their mind, never quite coming back to them no matter how hard they try to remember. or perhaps they don't even care that there feels like an emptiness and carry on their life just as easily, maybe even better for some, as they had before.
maybe an event happened with someone, only for them to remember the event itself but can't recall who was there with them in that moment. or perhaps they forgot something that happened entirely, that period of time just a blank space in their mind. imagine the reasons why you fell in love with someone or becoming their friend suddenly vanishing, leaving you still with that bond between you yet forced to wonder how it all even happened in the first place, no matter how hard you rack your brain for those reasons.
keep in mind that your characters will act as they always have, as this isn't a basis for alternate versions of themselves. they'll still behave and act as they usually would, perhaps with very minimal changes such as treating someone they've forgotten a little more distantly, etc, but ultimately they'd be the same as they always have been.
Are we able to remember our things again at any point?
not at all! once any memory has been affected, it won't come back, no matter how hard they try to remember or others try to remind them of what they're forgetting.
but don't worry, either! remember (no pun intended i promise), this is a two part event, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled during the ongoing event for when the second half goes up.
What kind of memories are affected?
so long as the memory is something of great importance to the character, that's all the criteria that's needed for it to become fragmented or erased. these memories can stem from their canon or isola itself and they don't have to be bad or good memories, just so long as they had a great impact on the person.
How many memories can be affected?
depending on what you'd like to do, you're welcome to have none of your memories affected or up to about three or four. keep in mind that the entire memory of your life WILL NOT be erased at all, only specific memories. regardless, you're welcome to have all your memories hit by this at once or gradually do it over time, whichever suits you best!
Can one person forget something while another remembers it?
absolutely! in fact, things like this are also encouraged. each memory that's affected is on a personal level and not a collective one, so it's more than possible that someone has forgotten something that another remembers which can cause confusion and even conflict. regardless, no matter how much the person tries to convince someone what happened, who was there, etc, those memories will stay erased or fragmented.
I have a question I don't see on here!
feel free to send a message to the masterlist with anything on your mind and we'll answer them timely as to not keep you waiting to participate! we'll do our best to answer accordingly and be as clear as possible.
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origingened · 1 year
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[anda. anda. anda.]
they're probably trying to cheer, but it's hard to make the collar sound as excited as they feel. they'll just have to show it by zipping around anda's head and chirping loudly.
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origingened · 1 year
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oh boy i can't wait to give my good friend anda a birthday bath (that's where i lick them until they tell me to stop)
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origingened · 1 year
the trashcan tumbles end over end in the sand before coming to a rest - disturbing a nearby flock of seagulls into taking flight. hopefully they don't go after the poor guy they nearly flattened.
psychic energy is still visibly flashing around them like lightning, searching for an outlet, but they're careful to keep it directed away from their would-be victim as they dart worriedly around him. he seems unscathed - good reflexes!
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[i didn't see you were there when i threw it. i'm sorry.]
as often as yuri jokes about being cursed, it's not like he actually believes it. moments like these, though? they're enough to make him reconsider.
"what the--!?" yuri rolls out of the trashcan's trajectory -- a solid smack narrowly avoided, thanks to that squeaky warning and his quick reflexes (that would've been an awkward visit to the ER).
now who the heck would-- huh? some sort of cat? he's run into weirder monsters, but at least they had the decency to warn him, so... they're probably not a threat? still looks a bit feral at the moment.
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"yo! floating cat!" yuri scowls, more in scolding than out of genuine anger, "you always greet people by throwing garbage cans at 'em? a simple 'hello' would've done just fine." he doesn't care if they're cute, he'd rather not get a concussion, thanks.
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origingened · 1 year
scaring people is never really their intention, but a lot of times, they have funny reactions. not this lady, though - she gets over it quickly and lifts them up, which works just as well for them!
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[thank you. i'd turn you into a tree, if i could.]
if mewtwo were here they could turn her into a statue, does that work
⚔️ // she was surprised. startled , really. but it was not long before the newly transformed cherrim was hoisted in hand.
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"yes." she nodded. "the blossoms look very similar. you look lovely."
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origingened · 1 year
blossoms? they can do that, easy!
they land on the ground, transform into a cherrim, and hold up their little arms for the woman to pick them up.
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[like this, right?]
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⚔️ // hm... an odd little creature.
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"i appreciate the sentiment. you remind me of a blossoming tree."
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origingened · 1 year
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[i'll be a tree with you, nice stranger.]
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origingened · 1 year
oh! they'll take it!
between messy nibbles, they look up and trill gratefully in his direction.
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[don't worry about me judging you for whatever you did, by the way. i know you judge yourself for it more than anyone else ever could.]
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"...Would you like half of a cherry-blossom rice cake?"
Frankly, he was saving half for later, but if food will stop this creature from looking through him, he's happy to give it away.
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origingened · 1 year
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Somehow the topic of people becoming trees has caused him to shift uncomfortably.
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origingened · 1 year
anda calls it the zoomies.
mewtwo just called it annoying.
mew doesn't care what it's called, they just want to move! they just want to go really fast and maybe cause some problems on purpose! they've got too much energy in one tiny body, and it's apparently not okay to throw trucks into the sea, because they belong to people or something!
there's not even any people around the beach tonight. maybe they can get away with launching the trash cans from the boardwalk across the sand.
they're metal and bolted down, so it takes mew a second longer to rip it from the ground and send it flying....
nearly taking out the person they didn't realize was standing there!
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'mew!' they cry out in their squeaky voice, at the same time as their collar calls -
[watch out!]
think fast, @darkenforcer
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origingened · 1 year
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what's rarer than mew? ash posting a starter call-
capping at 3? dm me if you wanna do something though !!!
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origingened · 1 year
biiiig yawn. they had just settled down for a moment which turned into the devil's nap, and suddenly there's... a party going on?
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[happy birthday?]
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origingened · 1 year
it's prooobably not polite of them to laugh at the girl for being startled, but they let out a few good honks before changing back.
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[you're funny. i like you.]
Talk about scaring the technicolor right back into her soul.
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"You put that back!"
"Just because you're noseless doesn't mean you should try to be a nose-it-all!”
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origingened · 1 year
it's been a while since they've seen a trainer, they think. they're not as apprehensive as they might be otherwise, but they still land on the ground behind a shrub to observe the pair before making any decisions.
ah, the poor goomy's been hit with the island's mysterious de-evolving power! regardless of their feelings on humanity, they do miss playing with other pokemon. it might not be the wisest thing to do (they can practically feel mewtwo's disapproving aura), but they transform into a goomy themselves and begin to slither out towards the little dragon.
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their translation collar sits atop their head like a funny crown. hopefully, that'll keep the trainer from assuming them to be wild and trying to catch them. that would be a hassle.
'hi, hi!' they warble to the other goomy as they approach.
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âťť This is... Quite the predicament, âťž an understatement to be certain, but there's no other way she can think to word her situation right now. Truthfully, Diantha wouldn't be as ill-prepared mentally if she had her full team of pokemon with her, but...
âťť Oh dear, Goomy... It's bad enough this happened to me, but you are also stuck here with me.. De-evolved, too, at that... âťž she looks down at the Goomy clinging to her legs. It only lets out a small, unsure but sad whimper, causing Diantha to immediately crouch down and give it a few pets. Poor thing!
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origingened · 1 year
once you’re stripped clean, what’s at your core?
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spun gossamer
the easiest thing to do is stay quiet when something’s up. you’re not bothered, and you know what? you shouldn’t be! it’s none of your business, even when it’s entirely your business. it’s difficult (read: impossible) to tell if your cheery demeanor is a cover-up for something sadder, or if it’s simply your natural state of mind. you see a lot of things: people coming through town, people leaving the house and never coming back, lies and deceit of the highest degree. what happened to you? will you ever be that kid again? your presence smells like cotton candy, and your fingertips sparkle like stars. whatever white rabbit you’re chasing isn’t going to lead you to wonderland if you don’t start reaching out when you’re not feeling okay.
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