orchidsquare · 8 months
☠ kyle mendoza ☠
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one of the main characters
☠ physical appearance ☠
Height: 5 ft 9
Body build: skinny
Eye color: dark green
Skin tone: tan (mexican)
Distinguishing marks: an S carved into thigh, very faded, arms are covered in very old faded scars, jus barerly visible
Predominant features:
Hair color: black
Type of hair: thick
Hairstyle: long metal head hair
Voice: deep
Overall attractiveness: 8/10
Usual fashion of dress: metal head or goth
Favorite outfit: type 0 negative shirt with camo cargos, 2 studed belts, long black boots, lots of braclets
☠ personality ☠
Good personality traits: hes only nice to saint and oph'lieah
Bad personality traits: hes very toxic, hates mostly everyone, constantly tries to eat people, murdering people, incapable of comforting others, cant keep a relationship, cheats, (add more)
Mood character is most often in: neutral
Sense of humor: dark humor
Character’s greatest joy in life: eating people
Character’s greatest fear: saint or oph'lieah leaving him
Why? Their hes closest friends, and mean the world to him
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? saint or oph'lieah leaving him
Character is most at ease when: hes with saint or oph'lieah, listening to music, skating, smoking
Enraged when: grace does litterly anything
Depressed or sad when: grace is around, cant listen to music, cant smoke
Priorities: saint and oph'lieah
Character’s soft spot: his tickle spots, his kinks
Is this soft spot obvious to others? only to saint and oph'lieah
Greatest strength: eating/murdering people
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: anything related to his kinks
Biggest regret: letting his father abuse him, having internalized homophobia
Minor regret: being in rehab
Biggest accomplishment: how many people hes eaten
Minor accomplishment: his body count
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: -
Why? -
Character’s darkest secret: being gay/in the closet
Does anyone else know? no one knows
☠ goals ☠
Drives and motivations: -
Immediate goals: -
Long term goals: -
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: -
How other characters will be affected: -
☠ past ☠
Hometown: orchid square
Type of childhood: traumatic
first memory: meeting saint
Most important childhood memory: his abuse/truama that led to his cannibalism and murdering
Why: bc it competely changed him
Childhood hero: saint
Dream job: doesnt want to work
Education: junior in orchid square high
Religion: Christianity
☠ present ☠
Current location: orchid square
Currently living with: himself in a small apartment
Religion: satanist/atheist
Occupation: mc donald's
☠ family ☠
Adpoted mother: alyssa mendoza
Relationship with her: great (10/10)
Adopted mom: amya mendoza
Relationship with her: also great (10/10)
Adopted brother: nate mendoza
Relationship with him: ok (5/10)
Spouse: none
Relationship with him/her: -
☠ favorites ☠
Colour: black/dark green
Least favorite colour: yellow
Music: metal
Food: anything spicy
Literature: none
Form of entertainment: youtube lets plays
Mode of transportation: skate board/roller skates
Most prized possession: his slipknot masks
☠ habits ☠
Hobbies: eating people, murdering people, art, skating, smoking, drinking
Plays a musical instrument? drums
Plays a sport? skating
Spending habits: ok
Smokes: yes
Drinks: yes
Other drugs: would do anything you give him
What does he/she do too much of? eating and murdering people, hating grace
What does he/she do too little of? work at his job
Extremely skilled at: art and skating
Extremely unskilled at: anything hes asked to do at hos job
Nervous tics: yes
Usual body posture: sorta
☠ traits ☠
Optimist or pessimist? pessimist
Introvert or extrovert? introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? both
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? both
Prefers working or relaxing? neither?
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? narcissistic
Animal lover? yes
☠ self-perception ☠
How he/she feels about himself/herself: he loves himself, very narcissistic
One word the character would use to describe self: metal.
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: very cool and awsome and the best. (wouldnt feel like writing a paragraph)
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? being awesome
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? none bc he thinks hes the best
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? his hair
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His nose
How does the character think others perceive him/her: that hes so hot
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: nothing
☠ relationships with others ☠
Opinion of other people in general: doesnt rlly like anyone besides saint or oph'lieah
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? yes? no? maybe so?
Person character most hates: grace...
Best friend(s): saint and oph'lieah
Love interest(s): -
Person character goes to for advice: oph'lieah
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: saint
Person character feels shy or awkward around: -
Person character openly admires: any metal band members
Person character secretly admires: saint and oph'lieah
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: saint and oph'lieah
After story starts: -
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