oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
The very last GIF is very accurate too
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Baekhyun taking a selfie with his biggest fan: the air conditioner
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
i love everything about this
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
When the signs insult you
Didn't mean it they just completely forgot that feelings are a thing: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Aries
Didn't mean to they were just trying to be completely honest: Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
@jaehyunsass my initials are AC. Baekhyun took a selfie with me.
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Baekhyun taking a selfie with his biggest fan: the air conditioner
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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from cute to rude in less than a second
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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When you can’t believe your crush likes you back
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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Hamilton + Text Posts Part 2/?
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
I was tagged by @smileynini​ and @protectsquishykyungsoo​ thanks guys!!
Rules: Tag 10 people you wanna know better.
Countries I’ve lived in: Only the US

Favorite Fandom: Idk it’s a tie between the Fairy Tail fandom and EXO-L tbhh
Languages I speak: Spanish, English, and I’m currently learning French ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Favourite Film of 2015: Tbh I didn’t really watch a lot of movies last year so I can’t really pick 

Last Article I Read: Something on soompi about 4Minute possibly disbanding and HyunA being the only one renewing her contract so far :’)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Shuffle Your Song Library And Put The First Three Titles:
1. Thunder by EXO                                                                                               2. You Lie by coldrain                                                                                           3. Buried Alive Interlude by Drake                                                                        (Bless, my playlist finally decided to not repeat the same artist like 234095720972 times)
Last thing I bought online:  EXO’s EX’ACT album ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Last Person I Dreamed Of: A friend I think???? Idk I don’t usually remember my dreams
Any Recurring dreams:None i think lmfao
Phobias Or Fears: Falling, and being alone

How Would My Friends Describe Me: Idk probably something like “Somebody who looks like she’s a bitch because of her face but in reality is nice, also someone who likes anime and kpop”

Would You Take A Bullet For Someone: Depends lmfaooo
I Had Money To Spare What Would I Buy First: Probably food :>
I’ll be tagging @adorkabletaeyong @alltheloveforkpop and @oranges-and-pandas 
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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bts’ self portraits
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
The first time I read this chapter, I was a little put off that Gajeel had reused the crucify tactic on Levy again, but after rereading the chapter a couple more times I realized how much it must have killed Gajeel to do that.
Gajeel, who was so desperate to keep her safe, had to do this:
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Reminiscent of their first meeting, which as Gajeel had said earlier was 
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When Levy asks him what he’s doing we get this panel:
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Look how his eyes are hidden. He doesn’t want to do this. It kills him to have to do this, but he needs to keep her safe. He has to put her through the same ordeal to save her life. Although he must know it is the right thing to do, he is ashamed to do this to her again. The inner turmoil Gajeel had to go through to do this must have been tremendous. Of course, this doesn’t keep Levy put for long
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Levy is not even phased, she too is desperate to save Gajeel. And then we get this face:
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He’s begging her.
These two, both so desperate. Gajeel desperate to keep Levy away, Levy desperate to get closer. They’re both so determined to save the other, Gajeel to the point of reenacting his worst memory.
After this we get Lily stepping in, firmly preventing Levy from risking herself and allowing Gajeel to give his last words before his temporary passing, but I just want to bring attention to this one moment. Mashima could have had Lily step in from the beginning, preventing the whole scene, but Mashima chose to play it out this way. He chose to give us this painful, aansgty moment to show the development of these two. What Gajeel had done out of malice in the Phantom Lord arc, he did again out of compassion. Levy, who would hide behind walls out of fear from what this man did to her, broke free of the same trap to save this man.
This chapter broke me in so many ways. Mashima wrote out this moment so tragically beautiful. Thank you.
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
I want to talk about my AU where all the Dragon Slayers have wings (for some reason)
Natsu’s are like Atlas Flame’s made of fire, and when he gets emotional they flare up and he sometimes starts accidentally floating (Gajeel jokes that he’s full of hot air)
Gajeel’s are the stereotypical dragon wings, covered with a hundreds of tiny scales that sheen like metal. They weigh an enormous amount, as Pantherlily learns when Gajeel falls asleep with one on top of his.
Wendy has feathery wings that match her hair, wings like a song bird that flutter when he she gets nervous and in no way improve her clumsiness
Laxus’s wings are like a butterflies, but visible veins of lightning crackle in the seemingly paper thin membrane. His grandpa jokes that he looks like a true member of Fairy Tail, that Mavis would have been delighted to see him.
Cobra has wings that are identical to Cubellios. They learned how to fly together, white wings free in sky for the first time, but he hasn’t flown in years.
Sting has the wings of a dragon fly. He would be upset at that they emasculate him but they refract sunlight so well, forming a rainbow whenever he angles them just right.
Rogue’s are that of a bat, a black to match his hair, and surprisingly soft to the touch. He’s a little bit embarrassed by them, he can’t control them when he gets upset.
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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monster mirrors: mandarin vs. korean version.
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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♡ Candy Color Lace Up Casual Shoes ♡
♡ Discount code:  shan (20% off) ♡
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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“ I really did.. want to walk with you.. side by side.. forever ” ch. 488
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oranges-and-pandas · 8 years
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∟ “You intend to block my path… knowing full well who I am?” // chapter 488
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