oraios-rueviel · 8 years
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (via csi-middle-earth)
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
Opportunities tend to come in rare instances that sometimes don’t even scream out their importance until days later. Such an opportunity had presented itself to Oraios and while he was aware that the opportunity was a large one, it wasn’t until he was settled down in the backroom of the shop that he realized just how big.
His business partner had already left for the night and closed the front of the shop when he had departed, leaving Oraios with only a single light to illuminate his work station and the gentle ticking of clockwork to provide background noise. Spread out among the man was various components. Crystals were laid out on a piece of velvet, with slabs of copper between each one to keep them from accidently touching. Half spheres of two different sizes were spread out on the opposite side of him and above that was three jars that bore glowing seals that contained the crackling arcane energy within.
Capturing his bottom lip between his teeth, the man’s verdant hues narrowed behind his square-rimmed glasses. In his gloved hands was two separate tools, both with wooden handles that tapered into a metal that drank in the light rather than reflect it. While one came down to a thin and sharp point, the other curved into a hook. It was with these tools that he worked on the metal object before him.
Energy swirled within the opened adamantite chassis, the arcane magic crackling around the khorium sphere that rested within. Oraios drew in a breath as he leaned in closer, the crackling magic sparking close to his face as he slid the hooked tool beneath the khorium sphere and there was a gentle swoosh. As if with a breeze, the crackling jumped lower and lower until fully dispersing, leaving naught but the chassis and the core in sight.
The engineer straightened, his eyes widening and lips tugging into a crooked smile. It had taken him three days to discover the focus point that contained the first layer of magic within the explosive and then a day more to disconnect the focus from the conductive metals without cracking the khorium within. His heart leaped with excitement and with a chuckle, Oraios set aside his tools and pulled his glasses up to the top of his head.
His gaze slid toward the far table that held an assortment of tubings, vials, metals, and casings. All of it was in organized piles, with each item very carefully put into a place with others of its likeness. On the table beside it, the makings of a very specific project was taking form. The man’s smile only widened as he then stood and stretched out his form with a grunt.
Opportunity not only smiled on him, it smothered him with affection.
@anashae @aradoth For relevance.
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
Send "✓" For my muse to say something they like about your muse.
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
OOC: Thank you for the boost, doll. You’re fantastic. If you guys follow me and don’t follow her, do so. Her writing is phenomenal and OOC she’s a great individual.
✔ - @terenus - Been writing with him for a long time. His stories and characters are very indepth, faceted, and well portrayed. He is approachable ic and out and a good writer.
✔ - @felonous - Felon’s blog has a little of that flirty playboy thing going on that is very much Felonous Blacksun. It is interesting to see glimpses of the character’s past woven throughout. Also, if you send him an ask, he always sends one back.
✔  - @lydianah - Excellent writer, very well written character. This character isn’t what you’d expect exactly and I’ve seen her grow over the years.
✔  - @fairstrike @duskwrath - Yeah, I’m doing a 2fer with these guys. Have known them forever and seen them grow and develop as characters over years of ic interaction. Always a delight, seriously.
✔ - @aedonai This is a new relatively new character, but I have always enjoyed role-play with him. This guy is one of those sneak up on you rpers and is very talented and engaging. His writing quality is excellent and the waters of inspiration run deep. Send his ass prompts.
✔ - @smith-hadeon Such a collection of awesome characters and good writing. I have not ever been disappointed in interactions with smith’s characters. And OOC- a dream!
✔ @oraios-rueviel - An engineer IC and new character. Much development going on and is very open to walkups, new interactions, and broadening rp experiences with everyone. Engaging character too!
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
    modernize me.
          for characters from fantasy or historical settings.           send a symbol to see what my muse would be like in the present day. 
                  ►   Netflix                   what does their Netflix queue look like? if Netflix has all the TV & Movies!
                  ♪    Playlist                     random five songs from their favourites playlist. 
                  👏   Dream                       what is their aspiration?
                   👓   Education                       top 3 subjects, worst 3 subject. what was their ‘clique stereotype’?
                  ♚   Resume                       what is their occupational history?
                  ☒   Criminal Record                     do they have one? what did they do? their mugshot.
                  ☺   Online Profile                       top five sites, example tweet, what would their tumblr be like?
                  ✞    Beliefs                       what is their religion, political leaning & what would they advocate for?
                  🎧   Gaming                      top 3 games, favourite game genre. are they any good?
                  ✎   Books                       their five favourite books. what type of story do they like?
                  ✈   Travel                    good driver? how do they get to work? been abroad?
                  ✿   Home                       what does their home look like; and their bedroom?
                  ☕   Coffee Shop                       what would they order from a coffee shop or cafe?
                  웃   Wardrobe                       what is their style label? 5 examples of their clothing.
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
Silly? Sexual? Salty? Sorrowful? Sinful? Sanguine? Scary?
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I don’t know. But feel free to send me Sunday stuff. Which I probably won’t get to until Monday. For Laereth @laerethbloodhawk or Morollan @twilightveil 
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
With the gentle melody resounding off of the walls of the drawing room, it was quite easy for the curly-haired man to lose himself to the music. Piano and violin harmonized into a beautiful song that, with his eyes closed, Oraios could almost picture himself at some fancy affair. He, of course, was dressed gallantly and actually looked the part of what his parents once imagined for him.
While there were lessons in dance when he was younger, they had long glided from his memory, and gods knew he had no idea how to even begin with the ones that had entered into fashion since those years. Oraios, after encouragement from Vincien, sought out the woman that he thought might be able to assist him with his dilemma of not quite having the polish to pass in a formal setting. Rose.
Little begging and pleading was needed and before he knew it, he was put with a dummy and taught the new dances. Hours stretched and by the third, he began to feel much more confident with his steps. It was this confidence that had him merely enjoying the music, his eyes closed and his lips pulled into a warm smile.
So enveloped was he in his little world, that by the time he realized the dummy was no longer in his arms, a body was in its place. Those verdant hues opened, his brows raising and that smile widening.
“Don’t you dare laugh.” A soft chuckle passed his lips as his grip is corrected. He continued with the steps, though he fumbled slightly now, confidence ebbing as there was actual feet now to crush if he had a misstep. “If I’m rubbing elbows with nobles, I should fit in a bit, eh?”
“Don’t you dare laugh.” - Oraios
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There was the gentlest strain of violin and soon, a piano joined; the combination luring August to the drawing room like the tide to a full moon.  He had not known what to expect, but with his brother Iyvand home, truly anything was possible.  The pads of his tapered fingers brushed the intricately carved door, opening it upon silent hinges, the warm fire lit air greeting him with a heavy scent of cardamom tea and violets.  Rose sat at the piano, stately and elegant, a lady in every way in her advanced age, her fragile hands intricately weaving over the keys.    At her side, Iyvand, the polished wooden body of the violin nestled just so under the chiseled curve of his chin.    
August smiled, taking a hushed step into the room, his footfall muffled by the thick rug when a movement caught his eye.   A man?  He was…dancing and Rose began counting the beats out loud.  The man was holding…what was that?  A dressmaker’s dummy?  “One…two…three…four… and one…two…three…four”  
August’s pale lips parted as if to correct the position of his hands, the manner in which he placed the ball of his foot on the third beat, but he simply could not.  It was wonderful…  As he turned, Oraios’ eyes closed in concentration; there was the most delightful smile upon his face as he mastered the intricate steps of the waltz.  But the manner in which he held the dressmaker’s dummy was all wrong.  He would drop the girl for certain, and all of her petticoats would show.  It simply wouldn’t do.
Striding forward, he took the mannequin from his friend’s gasp and inserted himself in its place, moving Oraios’ hands, one upon his shoulder, the other in his own palm, letting him take the lead.  His eyes opened with a start as he saw August, “Don’t you dare laugh!” he chuckled, the waltzing continuing as Rose counted on, “I wouldn’t dream of it, my friend.” August replied.
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
She might not have been dripping sweat but by the gods was he. The first twenty of the rep went fine but by number twenty-five he was wearing more then thin and the last ten were nearly unbearable. He managed to listen to the words she spoke as he followed through with her orders, his sweat-soaked brow furrowed and his teeth taking hold of his lower lip in determination. At the end of his rep, the man shifted his weight onto the foot he had been kicking with and proceeded to repeat the exercise with the opposite foot. "I can't imagine... doing this... In anything heavier." He spoke between kicks. @anashae
❝ We all have our parts to play . ❞ - Oraios
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At first, she didn’t move one muscle just holding him pinned within that steely gaze. There was no deal brokering here, no polite talk of civility or chivalry, absolutely nothing in the way of friendliness. This was business. “Exactly. And today, your part consists of standing in front of a dummy and trying to look like you’re not leading off poorly with your right foot. Do it again and do it right, or I’ll go get one of the children in the first level class to school you on it.” 
Turning upon heel, she slid through to her target and began a series of precision moves that dodged every movement of the hand to hand training dummy while landing a blow successfully in between. It was so fluid that it looked like some sort of strange dance and yet during the exchange, she never once halted in the progression of her movements.
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
Send a space thing for questions
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
Venus: What’s your first language? 
Earth: Where’s your home? 
Mars: What’s your sexuality? 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? 
Saturn: Any pets? 
Uranus: What’s your hobby? 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? 
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? 
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? 
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? 
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? 
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour? 
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie? 
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? 
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? 
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? 
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? 
Other stuff: Wishes 
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? 
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? 
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? 
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
In dreams they came, visions of the opulent spires of Silvermoon engulfed in verdant felfire. The sun was obscured by ashen smoke. Mobs of starving nameless were rioting through the streets strewn with corpses of family and neighbor alike. Yet soaring above, glittering through the blackness, a shining white phoenix appeared. It sundered the billowing darkness to shed brilliant shafts of Light upon the blighted earth below. With the dawn came a feeling of hope, of purpose. @asteros-brightwing
Fear was the primary emotion that overtook him as he ran from street to corner to building and only to find himself overtaken by the horrors that surrounded him. The anxiety the wrecked his system was overwhelming but as he drew in a ragged breath and calmed the clawing flight instinct, he sought instead to pick up a blade and call out to those who ran and scrambled about him.
Where the blade came from, he wasn’t sure. Clearly it had been strapped to his waist and he had drawn it without truly realizing the action. Oraios sought to bring order to the chaos, to organize the rioting mobs and encourage them to leave the deathtrap of the streets. His gaze caught the phoenix as it flew above and his chest swelled with the feeling of hope.
Then… then the bodies of those closest to him fell at his feet. He heard their death cries and saw them breathe their last. His vision blurred as he let out a scream of agony.
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He awoke in a jolt, his entire body drenched in a cold sweat. Oraios looked around wildly as he reached up to drag a hand through his disheveled curls. He tried to take stock of where he was and what was going on, the carnage still bloody and vibrant in front of his eyes. Yet here he was in his bed, with the gentle breeze of the night blowing through the open window. The scent of the incense he had burned before going to bed still lingered in the air.
Oraios exhaled heavily, his thick brow furrowing in consternation. “Last fucking time I smoke those herbs,” He mumbled to himself as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and rose.
Time for distraction, like hell was he getting back to sleep anytime soon.
[Been meaning to reply to this prompt. Thank you for it. :) ]
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
7) What’s something your character would secretly love to do with someone else?
Oraios would love to go climbing with someone close to him. He hasn’t had the opportunity to go climbing for pleasure outside of Quel’thalas and has always wanted to find somewhere with a good view and camp there. It’s not really a desire he advertises just due to his nature. As far as his friends are aware, he climbs for the pure rush of it, not for the sights.
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
Send in “Vices” and I’ll name one of my character’s negative traits
Oraios takes immense pleasure from gambling of all kinds. From cards and dice, to races, to bets on situations that could lead to a loss of life or limb. When it comes to the root of it, adrenaline and risk-taking are his worse vices.I put them together since they fall hand in hand.
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
Send in “Vices” and I’ll name one of my character’s negative traits
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
In Depth Headcanon Prompts;
☠ : Are there any recent/daily thoughts they have about death or dying? ☯ : Do they believe for every darkness there is a lightness? If not, why? ♥ : Name one thing about the way their emotions work that they despise. ☆ : Would they ever wish upon a falling star? If so, what would they wish? ☁ : Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day. ☂ : Storms or clear skies? εжз : What about nature do they find calming? What about nature do they find disagreeable? ☎ : List three or more people they would call out for during an emergency. ☛ : What is their typical response to being given orders? ☢ : Describe a thought or dream that would cause them to have a mental meltdown. ✄ : Are there any reasons why they would ever think of self-harm? If so, what are they? ❤ : Describe a physical action that shows complete trust. ❥ : Describe a verbal way they would express complete trust. ✗ : Explain how they portray feelings of hostility or dislike. ⊗ : What is something that causes them to question themself? ☾ : On a sleepless night, what would they be found doing? ☤ : Is there anything about their health they are continuously on edge about? Something they disregard? ✓ : Name at least two people who can trust them with their life. ❣: Describe a way that will earn affection (whether platonic or romantic) from them. ✖ : Describe a way to make them uneasy or apprehensive. ♆ : Are they prone to violent outbursts or thoughts? ✏ : What are their creative outlets? ✉ : Do they tend to rely on words or actions more? ♡ : Is there a certain scent that brings about nostalgia? If so, describe a memory this scent brings back. ۞: Are there any inner demons they can never seem to get rid of? What are they?
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oraios-rueviel · 8 years
Oraios' lips tugged into a line as she snapped order was given and then his stance was corrected. While inwardly he cursed her, he also reminded himself that this was exactly why he had asked her to help him with this field of combat. Those verdant hues of his locked upon her form as she ran through the motions to fully show him the notion that would give him the best results. His sweat coated brow furrowed as he tensed his muscles and mimicked her motion. "This?" He mumbled, his movements mechanical and slow as he consciously took note of every muscle. @anashae
❝ We all have our parts to play . ❞ - Oraios
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At first, she didn’t move one muscle just holding him pinned within that steely gaze. There was no deal brokering here, no polite talk of civility or chivalry, absolutely nothing in the way of friendliness. This was business. “Exactly. And today, your part consists of standing in front of a dummy and trying to look like you’re not leading off poorly with your right foot. Do it again and do it right, or I’ll go get one of the children in the first level class to school you on it.” 
Turning upon heel, she slid through to her target and began a series of precision moves that dodged every movement of the hand to hand training dummy while landing a blow successfully in between. It was so fluid that it looked like some sort of strange dance and yet during the exchange, she never once halted in the progression of her movements.
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