oraculodekransis · 1 year
Reign of the Empyrean Autarchs - 7. Autarch Gara “The Child”
A sense of dread accompanied the ascension of Princess Gara to the autarchic throne.
The wounds left by the disastrous reign of the World-Burner had barely healed, despite the best efforts of Princess Tinabuna, the Shadow Autarch, her sister Princess Tinguafaya and the now forsaken Princess Tinizara. The coffers were empty, the streets unsafe and the borders unguarded.        
Soon after her husband’s funeral, Lady-Chatelaine Yballa joined the two remaining sisters as co-regent, as it was her right. Although the laws and the influence of her father Viscount Egentire would have backed her claim, she avoided getting involved in political decision-making. Instead, she took it upon herself to oversee her daughter's education, while her sisters-in-law ruled in her name.
Details of the relationship between these women are scant, but their ongoing cooperation proves that they were all united in ensuring the safety of Gara, and by extension of the entire realm.
First-hand accounts of the young Autarch's life are inevitably fragmentary as well, but they paint the picture of a sensitive, studious girl, wise beyond her years. Favorable comparisons with her illustrious great-great-grandmother Madaya are common in all of them.
The following years were free of any serious crisis, but rather a progressive economic and political stabilization. Many dared then to indulge in the luxury of hope, that this young child could one day lead her House and the Known Universe to a new age of splendor. Their confidence was tragically misplaced.
The grim predictions of the tech-men became true even earlier than what they had theorized, as the aging core of the Wormhole Gates network finally imploded. The resulting blackhole first swallowed the Homeworld’s solar system, to then degenerate into a hyperspatial quake, ripping apart the fabric of reality, and causing massive destruction in all the planets with active Wormhole nodes.
Untold billions of lives were lost in a matter of minutes, and galactic civilization collapsed just as quickly.
Warned, but too late, of the impending catastrophe, the Autarch and her co-regents tried to evacuate the planet. However their shuttle was badly damaged during takeoff, and crashed into space debris resulting from the destruction of the solar system.
Thus died Autarch Gara, but not her House, for the Xerax name would live on, rising again from the ruins of the Known Universe.
Sobriquet: 3-3
Spouse: None
Heirs: None
Events: (1) Fall: 6-6
Death: 6-1
Dishonourable: 2
Unstable: 1
Weak: 2
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Autarch Gara “The Child” of House Xerax
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oraculodekransis · 1 year
Reign of the Empyrean Autarchs - 6. Autarch Thenezort “The Unfortunate”
The days that followed Autarch Tenasar’s death plunged the Homeworld of Artiacar into a state of chaos, to the point that the records from that turbulent moment are often incomplete and even contradictory. Historians refer to this period as The Purgue, although this term has also been used to name the protracted, troubled and incomplete process of removal of the agents and power structures of the previous regime in the rest of the realm.
Composed decades later by Attidamana of Hipalan, and set in this time of tribulation, the hagiographic, but not without artistic merit Holo-Opera “Felgeda” reveals the enduring approval of the World-Burner in some regions of the Known Universe.      
However for the majority of the population of the realm, this was a time of liberation. The priests of Magec were hunted down by the mob, their temples set ablaze and the massive faces of the Autarch carved into mountains blasted by any means available. To this day, mutilated stone faces still dot the alpine landscape of many worlds and most of their inhabitants ignore whom they portrait.  
By the time the dust had settled and the corpses had been cleared from the streets, a new Autarch sat on his shaky throne, Thenezort, who in the years to come would earn the bitter sobriquet of “The Unfortunate”.  
As a child he had been a timid prince often ignored by his father, who believing himself a living god found little use for an heir. He had grown to become a weak-willed man, now ruling over a realm in turmoil and haunted by the monstrous shadow of “The World-Burner”.
The situation was dire, with entire sectors in open rebellion and communication and trade routes cut off. After decades of constant warfare, the autarchic fleet had become a husk of its former self, and without its protection, pirates and warlords were free to pillage and carve their own petty kingdoms.  
The task ahead of the new Autarch appeared insurmountable, even if he could live ten times the life of his father, he couldn’t undo a tenth of the harm done by him.
Defeated by this realization, Autarch Thenezort sought relief in the privacy of his chambers and the abuse of narcotics, which plunged him into a stupor free of thought and memory. He became a mere figurehead, leaving the actual governance of the realm in the hands of his younger sisters, the triplets Tinabuna, Tinguafaya and Tinizara.
To appease the remaining loyalist forces, led by House Achuguayo, the Autarch had to marry the eldest daughter of Viscount Egentire Achuguayo, Lady-Chatelaine Yballa, who nowadays is barely remembered.  
Theirs was a distant marriage, filled with a cold, mutual contempt. Once Lady-Chatelaine Yballa became pregnant and gave birth to Gara, their only child, they would never share a bed again.
The political skill of the triplets, specially of Princess Tinabuna, the eldest, known as the “Shadow Autarch”, managed to avoid the complete dissolution of the realm, but there was still a steep price to pay ahead. In exchange for their military aid to restore order, the loyalist league and especially House Achuguayo obtained important concessions in terms of fiscal sovereignty and self-government.
The work of the triplets could have been remembered as one of the greatest feats in the history of statecraft, had it not been for the terrible scandal involving the youngest sibling, Princess Tinizara, that cost her exile and widespread repudiation.
The trail left by a series of heinous ritual murders led the secret police to discover her role as Great Mystagogue of a sect that practiced an extreme form of the faith of Magec. She managed to escape the planet, and the suspicion that she had received help from her sisters to do so was never fully cleared.  
After this scandal, a group of political philosophers started voicing their support for the ancient drollery of democracy, another symptom of the weakness of the Autarch's authority, a far cry from the absolute power his father once had held. The secret police quietly silenced these radicals, but to this day their inflammatory writings still upsets the order of the civilized worlds of the Known Universe.
In the grand political scheme, Artiacar remained the nominal capital of the realm, and kept some importance as central node of the Wormhole Gates network, but its glory days were over. A clear example of this decline is the cessation of any repair work on the infrastructure damaged during The Purge, due to a chronic lack of funds. This effective transfer of power to other Houses marked the official end of the Golden Age, which had actually withered long ago, and the beginning of the Fall of the realm.  
Around this time, the tech-men at the service of the Autarch issued a secret report about the deteriorated and aging state of the systems controlling the Wormhole Gates network. Their verdict was that if immediate and costly action was not taken to repair it, its malfunction could cause a massive rift in the space-time continuum in the years to come. These tech-men were soon arrested by the secret police, tried for treason and executed.
Autarch Thenezort died shortly after of an overdose, and the tears shed for him were few and false.
Sobriquet: 4-3
Spouse: 4-2
Heirs: (1) Gara (f)
Events: (5) Golden Age: 1-6,1-3, 6-3, 3-1 Fall: 2-2
Death: 3-1
Dishonourable: 2
Unstable: 1
Weak: 2
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Autarch Thenezort “The Unfortunate” of House Xerax
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His consort Lady-Chatelaine Yballa of House Achuguayo, co-regent during the brief reign of their daughter Gara.
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His sister Princess Tinabuna of House Xerax, elder of the triplets, often called the “Shadow Autarch” for her crucial role in the governance of the realm during the reigns of her brother and niece.  
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His sister Princess Tinguafaya of House Xerax, middle sister of the triplets, also co-regent during Autarch Gara’s reign.
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His sister Princess Tinizara of House Xerax, youngest of the triplets, forsaken for keeping her father’s faith and taking part in ritual cannibalism enhanced by analeptic substances.
0 notes
oraculodekransis · 1 year
Reign of the Empyrean Autarchs - 5. Autarch Tenasar “The World-Burner”
The inhabitants of a myriad of worlds braced themselves for the reign of this new Autarch, already preceded by a reputation that left no place for indifference. The Messiah of a New Eon of Creation for his acolytes, a madman for everybody else.   
He had taken for Consort a distant cousin, Lady-Chatelaine Felgeda of House Moneiba, who had been one of the first to be enthralled by his teachings, becoming his most pious follower.  
Like his father before him, he was enabled by a court overfilled with sycophants. At first most supported his delusions for personal gain, but a terrifying core of true believers grew over time, eventually purging the infidels from the highest echelons of power. By the time of his death, the divinity of the Autarch was held as the purest universal truth.
Since childhood, Autarch Tenasar had claimed to experience prophetic visions, which became even more frequent with the years and his forays into mysticism and fringe spiritual practices. These supposed glimpses into the shape of things to come would become a fundamental part in his process of policy-making, with catastrophic results. 
A particularly powerful vision visited him shortly after his ascent to the throne, in which he saw himself in the image of the Increate, crowned with a tiara made of galaxies, lording over the entirety of Creation for time everlasting.    
In those early years of his reign, a team of archaeologists made an amazing discovery in a vault beneath the lifeless sans of planet Tajuya. This was a collection of manuscripts inscribed on ridulian crystal paper, apparently written by the first humans explorers that had left Old Earth to venture into the cosmic void. 
The texts were written in an incredibly archaic language, and their content was filled with obscure philosophical meditations, sometimes bordering on the incomprehensible. The Scions of Magec took control of them and soon published an official translation. The writings, now named The Revelations of Magec, were interpreted as prophetic wisdom that had been brought out of oblivion by the divine predestination of Autarch Tenasar.   
Nowadays the accuracy of this translation, and even the actual authenticity of the texts is questioned, but at that time their influence was so powerful that the Realm entered in a Golden Age, in a blaze of religious zeal.
With copies of the Revelations in the hands and the minds of billions of his subjects, the Autarch acquiesced to the pleas of his most devoted followers. The time to reveal his divinity had arrived at last.  
He proclaimed himself Alpha and Omega, Last Bodhisattva, All-Father, Divine Hermaphrodite, Unconquered Sun Incarnate, and many other forms of godhood. He was, even by the most conservative accounts of his contemporaries, completely insane.
His father had been a cruel and vindictive despot, who had generally been sated with mere opulence and flattery. Autarch Tenasar demanded an abundance of those, as well as debased worship. 
An edict was issued, ordering the billions under his rule to recant the faith of their forefathers and convert to the one true faith of Magec, to pay outrageous tithes and carve the tallest mountains of their planets with the divine effigy of their ruler. A collective punishment of massive orbital bombardments awaited to all defiant worlds. That was no idle threat, scores of planets were reduced to radioactive cinders during the reign of Autarch Tenasar, and not once was his sorrowful judgement averted.    
Over time, the World-Burner grew bored of the interstellar war that tore apart the cosmos in an unending cycle of repression and uprising. He left the matter in the hands of his increasingly desperate commanders and retired to the comfort of his palace, ever mindful of serenity and meditation. 
In this time of placid isolation, his closest advisers proposed him an outrageous new project that would exalt his greatness and ease his ennui. The construction of a vast new capital city paired with the massive terraforming of the very planet. Its athlete-inducing gravity would be alleviated with the installation of a network of anti-grav pylons, and its harsh volcanic ranges would be molded into green rolling hills. Artiacar was to become a garden world, full of gentle things for the delight of the divine lord of the Known Universe. In the following years the entire wealth of ten industrialized planets would be squandered in the pursuit of this extravagant dream. 
Even with his mind warped by megalomania and delusions of divinity, Autarch Tenasar was still somewhat aware of the mortality of his flesh, and sought ways to overcome it with increasing desperation. A new experimental form of nanotechnology was presented to him by his tech-men, one that promised to turn him into a living god, inmune to aging and disease. The Autarch embraced this new wonder of science, which actually granted him renewed vigor and superhuman abilities befitting his pretended godhood.
However, this state of affairs would not last long, for his nanite-infiused body violently liquefied itself as he was officiating the Cosmic New Year ceremony. His ignominious, gruesome and extremely painful death was live broadcast to the entire population of Artiacar, and despite the frantic attempts of the inquisitorial Order of Seekers of Truth, recordings of it would eventually reach even the most distant worlds. 
Sobriquet: 5-6 
Spouse: 5-2 
Heirs: (4) Thenezort (m) Tinabuna (f), Tinguafaya (f) and Tinizara (f) 
Events: (5) - Rise: 4-2, 6-3 - Golden Age: 4-3, 5-6, 2-3 
Death: 3-3 
Dishonourable: 1
Unstable: 1
Weak: 2
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Autarch Tenasar “The World-Burner”. Also known as “The Unconquered Sun”, “The Son of Heaven”, “The Divine”, “The Arch-Heresiarch” and “The Madman” 
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His Consort Lady-Chatelaine Felgeda of House Moneiba, who ritually immolated herself in the same spot where her husband was liquefied. 
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His brother Prince Dailos of House Xerax, radical trans-humanist and revolutionary leader against his regime. His death was never confirmed.    
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His sister Princess Tazirga of House Xerax, one of his most fanatical supporters, and head of the Order of Seekers of Truth, tasked with hunting down heretics and malcontents.  
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oraculodekransis · 1 year
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Mek references for The Great Pendragon of Mars Campaign
1 - Remnants (edited)
2 - Broken Blade
3 - Nobunaga the Fool
4 - Kuromukuro
5 - Escaflowne - The Vision of Escaflowne
6 - Scherazade - The Vision of Escaflowne
7 - Alseides - The Vision of Escaflowne
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oraculodekransis · 2 years
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Maps for The Great Pendragon of Mars Campaign
1 - Map of Europe in Pendragon
2 - Map of a proposed model of colonization of Mars
3 - Blank map of terraformed Mars
4 - Map of Mars for Diplomacy 
5 - Map of Mars for Warzone
6 - Map of Cavaliers of Mars 
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oraculodekransis · 2 years
Reign of the Empyrean Autarchs - 4. Autarch Bendalut “The Tyrant”
There was a mixture of uncertainty and expectation as Bendalut rose to his mother’s throne,
The new Autarch had never excelled at anything, his academic and military performance being average at best. Yet his reputation was already marred by scandal, for he had taken an eccentric celebrity and commoner, Vidina “The Diva”, as his consort.
Still, the first years of his reign were peaceful and prosperous, built on the foundations laid by his illustrious mother. The dominion brought to him by the expansion of the Wormhole Gates network was the perfect symbol of this time of inherited, and often underserved, glory.
However the cracks in this facade began appearing over time. Autarch Bendalut revealed himself as a capricious and indolent ruler. Forgiving with his sycophants and merciless to anyone who dared question his ill-fated commands. His court became a carnival of excess and decadent luxury, a deliberate insult to the austere dignity of his mother's era.
It was in this dissolute environment that Tenasar, the crown prince himself became the leader of a bizarre but growing religious sect, The Scions of Magec. The Autarch was delighted by the popularity of his heir and favorite son, and even gave generous donatives to further the cult’s expansion. The resulting discontent of some majority faiths turned into riots, and even revolts, which were repressed with brutal swiftness.  
Just when nothing seemed capable of threatening Bendalut’s primacy, the unthinkable happened. A pirate fleet took control of the outlying planet Agana, a world of desolate glass landscapes that hid vast reserves of super conductive minerals. The leader of this fleet was no other than Bendalut’s uncle, the renegade Prince Rayco “The Black”, who proclaimed himself Lord of Agana and true heir of the autarchic throne.
When informed of this, Autarch Bendalut was seized by a dreadful panic. This was no common void-brigand rabble, but one of his own blood, a veteran commander that could turn the entire realm against him. Luckily, he could count on the right man to crush this usurper and the seed of any rebellion alongside, his brother Prince Belicar, The Great Navarch.    
Although this is a chronicle of those of House Xerax who held the august title of Autarch, no account on Bendalut’s reign is complete without devoting some lines to his younger brother, Prince Belicar, The Great Navarch, whose fame has long eclipsed his.
Many idle scholars have amused themselves imagining what the history of the Known Universe would have been like if he had ruled instead of his elder brother, but this is no place for such frivolities. For the sake of brevity, Belicar was all Bendalut should have been, and sadly never was: just, honorable, competent and above all, loyal.
He was appointed as Great Navarch, supreme commander of all the fleet only answering to his brother, after his blazing success in suppressing the religious revolts opposing the rise of the Scions of Magec. That was a frantic campaign, waged simultaneously on the front lines of several solar systems, with strained resources, and against enemies driven by fanatical fervor.    
Because of his triumph against those odds Belicar is remembered as one of the greatest military leaders of all time and his tactics are still studied today.
Following his brother's order, Belicar mobilized a formidable fleet and set out for Agana, only to find upon arrival a force almost equal to his own, and that had the advantage of fighting from a defensive position. Rayco “The Black” had managed to rally under his banner a ragtag coalition of malcontents, rebels and revolutionaries, held together by their common hatred towards the Autarch.  
The battle was brutal, energy shields clashing and collapsing, burning ships assaulted by squads of marines, vibroblades slicing armor and flesh alike while beams cut hulls in half. Salvage capsules scattered among debris igniting in their uneven entry into the atmosphere.
With all certainty, the duel to the death between Belicar and Rayco on the burning deck of the rebel flagship, as painted a century later by Urma The Elder, never happened. However, the look of grim determination on the Great Navarch’s face portrayed there just before killing his uncle has become inseparable from his memory in the public imagination.
Upon his return to Artiacar, the victorious Belicar was greeted with a lavish celebration befitting a hero. He was received in the throne room and the Autarch himself, inexplicably unshielded, rose from his seat to decorate him. However when Bendalut was close to him, Belicar drew a hidden blade and stabbed him to death.
Belicar died a few seconds later, his body torn apart by the blasters of the Praetorian Guard, and his motives died with him. He was an intensely private man, and his personal diary had been partially deleted after the battle of Agana.
Akin to his duel against Rayco, that void was filled with tales of lost love, envy, remorse, conspiracy and even of religious epiphany, all as riveting as fictional.  
Sobriquet: 2-4
Spouse: 3-6
Heirs: Tenasar (m), Dailos (m) and Tazirga (f)
Events: (3) - Rise 6-1, 5-5, 3-6
Death: 6-3
Dishonourable: 1
Unstable: 0
Weak: 2
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Autarch Bendalut “The Tyrant” of House Xerax
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His Consort Lady Vidina “The Diva” 
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His brother Prince Belicar of House Xerax, the Great Navarch 
0 notes
oraculodekransis · 2 years
Reign of the Empyrean Autarchs - 3. Autarch Madaya “The Builder”
Since childhood, Autarch Madaya had loathed her father's criminal past and feared becoming the puppet of a kleptocracy once on the throne.
To avoid this fate, she quickly took an unexpected consort, Count Benamaz, leader of the ancient House Achaman, rulers of planet Icode and once faithfully stewards of House Eraoranhan. After barely surviving the War of the Hundred Pretenders they had retreated to the misty moors of their Howeworld avoiding any further political upheavals.
However, Count Benamaz was a man of ambition, weary of the discreet mediocrity of his elders, he possessed a brilliant mind for intrigue and a nascent web of contacts. He recognized a kindred spirit and a potential ally in the new Autarch, with whom he could restore the prestige of his own House.
Thanks to her consort’s diligence and connections Autarch Madaya purged the criminal elements from her court. Her aging father Lord Bentor was exiled to a heavily guarded asteroid-spa along with his few surviving cronies, a gilded cage they would never leave. Meanwhile Count Benamaz saw his family’s former power restored, becoming the core of the realm’s reformed secret police. Theirs was a loveless marriage, a calculated alliance motivated solely by political gain, yet two children were born to their union: Bendalut and Belicar.
None of the Autarch’s siblings showed any interest in the governance of the realm, and eventually were forsaken for their respective transgressions. The question if Autarch Madaya felt sadness or relief for their banishment remains unanswered.  
In foreign policy, the new Autarch took advantage of the collapse of the Achined Commonwealth, extending her protection over one system after another until the eventual dissolution of this once formidable power.
With this considerable expansion of her domains, the Autarch was advised to invest in developing the Wormhole Gates network, to maintain the political cohesion of the realm and prepare it for further growth.
The discovery of new massive deposits of super hard minerals at Adeyahamen, Homeworld of her grandmother Duchess Gazmira, allowed the construction of a new fleet that would guarantee peace in her domains.
The reign of the Autarch Madaya has been recognized as one of the periods of greatest stability and growth in the history of her lineage, and for that reason posterity remembers her as "The Builder”.
In the last years of her life, the Autarch's health experienced a gradual decline that no medical science could alleviate. The infirm ruler of a myriad worlds abdicated in her eldest son, Bendalut, and retired to a discrete villa on the outskirts of the capital. Although this was considered by most to be a sensible decision, staunch traditionalists saw it as a sign of weakness.
Sobriquet: 5-2
Spouse: 2-1
Heirs: (2) Bendalut (m), Belicar (m)  
Events: (3) - Rise 3-4, 4-3, 5-4  
Death: 5-1
Dishonourable: 1
Unstable: 0
Weak: 1
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Autarch Madaya “The Builder” of House Xerax
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Her Consort Count Benamaz of House Achaman
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Her brother Prince Rayco “The Black” of House Xerax, who renounced his noble title to became the most feared space pirate of his time, sometimes acting as an unofficial corsair in his sister’s wars and others plundering the very domains of his forefathers
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Her sister Princess Daida of House Xerax, founded the mystery cult known as the Children of the Golden Wyrm. Excommunicated and disowned for her apostasy she was last seen leading thousands of her followers on pilgrimage into the deadly fungal jungles of Maxorata  
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oraculodekransis · 2 years
Reign of the Empyrean Autarchs - 2. Autarch Cobura “The Merciless”
The new Autarch's accession to the throne was far removed from the pomp and circumstance of her father's.
From the beginning, the suspicion that Vildacane's death had not been accidental hovered over Cobura, considering how much it had benefited her.
Paradoxically, the exile of Mídeno, which the late Autarch had intended it to serve to distance him from Cobura’s influence, had completely cleared her way to power.
Fearing for his life, Mídeno was quick to swear allegiance to his sister, spending the rest of his life as Margrave of the frontier with the Titeroygatra Dominion, where he would eventually earn a reputation as a competent administrator and tactician.
The new Autarch soon showed how little she cared about other old noble conventions, along with those related to succession. She married a commoner named Bentor, who had made his fortune as the leader of a rising trade company. However, it was an open secret that he had deep ties with the Tibicena Clan, a powerful criminal organization, and that his luxurious robes hid the tattoos of a full-fledged member.
In the years to come, this link with the criminal underworld would be of great help to the Autarch to neutralize inner dissent, although it would tarnish House Xerax’s honor and earn her the sobriquet of “The Merciless”.
Their marriage was, all things considered, a happy one, and between the wars and the ruling of the realm, the Autarch gave birth to three children: Madaya, Rayco and Daida.
The new autarch soon found herself faced with a challenge similar to the one that had soured the last years of her father’s rule.
Inspired by the successful secession of the Titeroygatra Dominion a generation earlier, the planets of Esero Region declared their independence. Autarch Cobura did not respond with the same passivity as his father, and for years ruled the realm from the front lines, as she waged an extensive war of attrition that ended with the unconditional capitulation of the rebels.
This distance from the capital should have weakened her power, and in fact some of the most prominent aristocrats, led by House Aranfaybo began to conspire to depose her.
Their plans were nipped in the bud with the assassination of the leaders of all conspiring Houses, which no one doubted was the work of the Tibicena Clan. With these internal enemies eliminated, no one dared challenge the Autarch’s rule again. 
The realm rose once more, but already tarnished by this underhanded and dishonorable plot. 
Despite her life filled with violence and conspiracies, the Autarch met a most conventional end, dying during a routine heart surgery. There were many suspicions surrounding her death but no evidence of foul play was ever found. In any case, the complete medical team responsible for the intervention was condemned to a miserable life of exile in the frozen snowfields of planet Daute.
Sobriquet: 1-1
Spouse: 2-4
Heirs: (3) Madaya (f), Rayco (m) and Daida (f)  
Events: (2) - Fall: 1-2,  6-5
Death: 4-4
Dishonourable: 1
Unstable: 0
Weak: 0
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Autarch Cobura “The Merciless” of House Xerax
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Her Consort Lord Bentor
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Her brother Prince Guanehale of House Xerax, cowardly assassinated by agents of House Eraoranhan
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Her brother Prince Mídeno of House Xerax, Margrave of the systems bordering the Titeroygatra Dominion  
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Her sister Princess Janequa of House Xerax, Ambassador Plenipotentiary to the Holy See of the Church of the Flame Imperishable
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oraculodekransis · 2 years
Reign of the Empyrean Autarchs - 1. Autarch Vildacane “The Conqueror”
His Holiness Nisamar XXI, Arch-Hierophant of the Flame Imperishable personally crowned the new Autarch in a lavish ceremony that sought the mark the beginning of a new era for the Known Universe.
Shortly after the Duke’s ascension to the rank of Autarch an auspicious discovery was made by his astronomers, a nearby star system with three unpopulated planets suitable for human colonization and ripe with valuable resources. The system was named after the Duchess, and Autarch Vildacane rewarded his three most trusted captains, all veterans of his triumphal war of conquest, with their stewardships. The three planets were named after these brave and loyal men: Ifonche, Kebehi, and Sirdo.  
The reign of Autarch Vildacane reached its greatest height with the discovery of the Wormhole Nexus Theory, which allowed space travel at a speed and range previously thought impossible. With the construction of the first Wormhole Gates, Artiacar once a backwater planet, became one of the most important seats of power in the Known Universe. A Golden Age dawned upon Autarch Vildacane and his people!
But joy was short lived, for Duchess Gazmira died after giving birth to her fourth child, a girl named Janequa. A grief-stricken Autarch Vildacane vowed never to take another wife shortly after her state funeral.
Tragedy fell again upon the Autarch’s House, when Prince Guanehale, his oldest son and heir, was killed by an assassin sent by the last remnants of House Eraoranhan, who had taken refuge in an asteroid fortress, still clinging to their past greatness. That den of malefactors was swiftly pulverized with atomics, but Autarch Vildacane found no closure in their deaths, as he sank into a deep melancholy, neglecting his duties as ruler.
Sensing the Autarch’s apathy, the Houses of the frontier Titeroygatra sector formed their own alliance directly opposing his rule.
Even with the aid of the Wormhole Gate the Autarch’s fleet couldn’t bring those upstarts to heel, spreading itself thin in sterile skirmishes, one defeat after another.
Eventually the independence of the nascent Titeroygatra Dominion was grudgingly recognized by the Autarch.
This show of weakness confirmed the end of the Golden Age, as the realm began to Fall.
Princes Cobura and Mídeno who by this time had come of age, were eager to replace their increasingly unpopular father, and contended with each other for that right.
By the ancestral laws of the House Xerax, the dukedom should be inherited by the sons, eldest first, and then by the daughters, eldest first. In that case Mídeno would be the one to ascend to the throne, despite being younger than his sister Cobura. She and her many supporters, on the other hand, argued that the old laws of the House were no longer valid, since they corresponded to the dignity of Duke of a single planet and not that of Autarch of a myriad of worlds.
Cobura, in a highly unusual display of magnanimity, proposed to her younger brother to convince their father to split the realm upon his death, with her keeping the Homeworld and the largest portion. Mídeno, knowing himself less popular and tested than his sister, accepted this argument, not without bitterness.
Meanwhile, Princess Janequa, still a minor, resigned herself to be a pawn in the machinations of her older siblings.
Autarch Vildacane did not take well the pretensions of his ungrateful offspring, and publicly reprimanded them. He sent Mídeno to oversee the strongholds bordering the Titeroygatra Dominion, in part to keep him away from his sister's influence and to make him gain experience as a commander, far from the palace’s comfort.  
It is likely Autarch Vildacane had some punishment in mind to correct Cobura’s insolent attitude too, but that will never be known for sure.
He was decapitated by a faulty portal the same day Mídeno’s ship departed.
Sobriquet: 4-6
Spouse: 2-2
Heirs: (4) Guanehale (m), Cobura (f), Mídeno (m) and Janequa (f)
Events: (6) - Rise: 4-5, 6 -6 - Golden Age: 2-2, 1-1, 6-5 - Fall: 1-1
Death: 3-4
Dishonourable: 0
Unstable: 0
Weak: 0
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Autarch Vildacane “The Conqueror” of House Xerax
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His Consort Duchess Gazmira of House Moneiba
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oraculodekransis · 2 years
Reign of the Empyrean Autarchs - Prologue
This is a solo play of Reign of the Star Kings by Wash Your Hands Games, and illustrated by Perplexing Ruins. 
It incorporates elements from Empyrean Dynasty by Michael Raston and James Millichamp, for extra world building.  
Support them and their games! 
Naming conventions:
Only the rulers have the rank of Autarch, regardless of their gender, their consorts are addressed by the titles they had before marriage, or by Lord or Lady if they had none.
The names of characters and places come the language of the indigenous inhabitants of the Canary Islands. The complete lists of names can be found here.
Prologue. On the demise of Autarch Hapalupu “The Feeble” the fall of House Eraoranhan and the War of the Hundred Pretenders.
The sudden death of the heirless Autarch Hapalupu, lead to not only the fracture of the realm of his forefathers but the very extinction of House Eraoranhan itself.
A bitter succession dispute broke out among his relatives, soon degenerating into a violent civil war with as many sides as pretenders to the throne. The conflict culminated with Orone, their Homeworld, once renown for its grassy plains and health inducing crops, becoming a scorched ruin of irradiated glass.
As Hapalupu’s domain crumbled into cosmic dust, a new power rose to prominence, House Xerax, lead by Duke Vildacane, whom History would remember as The Conqueror.
Until that moment his House had seem content with ruling over planet Artiacar, known for its athlete-inducing gravity levels and harsh volcanic ranges. But secretly, at the behest of Guanyxemar, the Duke’s late father, the entire House had been fortifying itself for decades by mastering the skills of political charisma and battle tactics.
By marrying the wealthy Duchess Gazmira, ruler of House Moneiba, the Duke gained access to her House’s interstellar ships and to the super hard minerals of her Homeworld, the windswept tundra planet of Adeyahamen. With her riches and those two key resources the Duke’s war machine was unmatched, as it crushed the exhausted and demoralized remnants of the splintered branches of House Eraoranhan, now little more than void-brigands. 
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Autarch Hapalupu “The Feeble” of House Eraoranhan  
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oraculodekransis · 2 years
El Oráculo de Kransis ha escuchado tu súplica, y así será escrito tu destino en la voz de los cuatro grandes vientos del Universo.
Del viento Lar, “que la mariposa morirá a la sombra del dragón.”
Del viento Sar, “que la sangre derramada por el cometa hará temblar tu propia sangre.”
Del viento Mar, “que el gigante entregará su magia al niño y en ello cumplirá su destino.”
Y del viento Zar, “que cuando todo esto se cumpla, verás la cara del enemigo de tu destino y lo amarás.”
Así lo dicta este Oráculo. Y que el viento lo lleve al infinito.
Con esta profecía sacada del serial “Cuando Juan y Tula fueron a Siritinga” inauguro este blog, en el que espero compartir mis ideas y proyectos relacionados con los juegos de rol. Espero que les guste.
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