optikpi · 2 years
Why should Gaming Platforms exploit Digital Marketing?
Marketing is the best bet for survival in the fiery competition among gaming platforms. Not just any form of marketing; you need the highly effective ones. Digital marketing has long overthrown traditional marketing. According to GlobeNewswire, traditional marketing might attract an older clientele. Those aged 50 and above spend nearly twice as much time reading the newspaper and watching television than people aged 21 to 34. But the money and resources spent on traditional campaigns won’t help you reach every desired gaming demographic. Digital marketing overshadows its counterpart completely by creating highly personalized real-time campaigns for your target audience; it effectively helps you reach your preferred demographics.
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optikpi · 3 years
Kudos to you for creating a cool mobile game, now let’s focus on getting it into the hands of everyone! Marketing a mobile game requires a specific set of skills, we have created this article to share them with you. Want your mobile game app to dominate the charts? Read our article to make your gaming app stand out from the rest.
Why do gaming apps require a solid marketing strategy? The app stores are flooded with millions of mobile games every year. Mobile gaming apps alone make up a significant portion of the whole gaming industry (that is huge!).
There are various reasons why mobile games seem to be the most sorted type of applications worldwide. It is on a steady rise and the most downloaded type of apps at Google Play and the iOS App Store. The reasons being - It is easy to play, occupies less space and is often free (making it accessible to everyone who has a phone and internet connection). People have loads of options to choose from due to abundance in availability. So, if your game fails to create a dent in the market, it will end up lost or discarded in the sea. Good for you, we are here to help you stack on track to victory!
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optikpi · 3 years
How to acquire a New Player?
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An online gaming platform requires a great player acquisition strategy in order to cut the cost of onboarding new customers. The marketing needs to be focused on driving quality traffic towards your site or app. Following are some of the best player acquisition strategies, read the article in its entirety to find out about one of the leading cutting edge marketing tricks and tools that are exclusively designed for gaming operators. Since the competition between gaming providers is at an all time high, the participants are exposed to abundant numbers of games. Thus making it possible for them to try out tons of platforms in a short period of time, hence grabbing the attention of a new user within that window is of utmost importance. Instead of spamming their world with unnecessary promotions as commonly witnessed, create an effective player acquisition plan that solely focuses on delivering the best results, “focus on quality over quantity". Provide real value and promote the same instead of beating around the bush, this will create a snowball effect which will in turn produce incredible results! To read more -  How to acquire a New Player?
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optikpi · 3 years
Marketing automation in Gaming Industry
What is marketing automation?
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Marketing automation has revolutionized the marketing process by automating traditional marketing and multi functional campaigns across multiple channels to deliver personalized messages automatically.
Businesses can automate their marketing campaigns to target customers and automatically deliver highly personalized messages across in app push, web push, email, SMS, etc. It can be created right from scratch as per the users needs or they can modify a pre-built template that suits their needs as preferred.
With the help of automation the marketing tasks become simple and error free since manual repetitive tasks are avoided, marketing teams can now shift their focus on areas that require immediate attention.
Good marketing automation platforms help scale your business by saving time and cost while also helping in lead generation, conversion and measuring the effectiveness of your ROI on campaigns. To read more -  Marketing automation in Gaming Industry
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optikpi · 3 years
Cards or Segments?  Use OptiKPI for advanced segmenting filters
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Welcome back to OptiKPI, let’s dive back into the data pool & discuss more on how our segmentation process works.
Segments can be described as the advanced segmenting filter which is used to compare two or more criteria to produce finely processed data that are rich in quality (literally) which can later be used for targeted marketing.
Example: To group all players who’ve registered but have not deposited yet - a segment can be created with a name “Registered Today but Not Deposited yet” and with the help of the filters will produce our required results (“registration date = in today’” excluding those customers who “number of successful deposits is greater than 0“)
So, it’s not a matter of which one (Cards or Segments) to use but it’s a matter of when to use!
Click here to Schedule a demo now. 
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optikpi · 3 years
Player Registration: welcome your new users right off the bat
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AI technology was seen as the future but in reality it is in the forefront of almost all industries, driving major developments at present. Virtually every industry can benefit from AI, the power of such a sophisticated technology when implemented with precision can not be overstated.
Online Gaming industry is one such sector which can hugely benefit if it manages to harness the power of AI. The future of online gaming is bright and so is the competition, the ones who take advantage of AI will have an edge over others. The raw data that once stood idle when fed into a powerful AI tool becomes an ultimate weapon and yields multifold results in both revenue and growth. AI technology observes user behaviours in real-time and forms an effective pattern on the go, it will help operators to predict the future even before it happens. Gaming operators can create a smooth user experience, the journey of a new player can be designed in such a way that they feel engaged and connected to their respective platforms, increasing the loyalty of customers will always result in increased revenue!
One such tool is OptiKPI, it is designed exclusively for the Gaming industry for their business growth. With a powerful AI, OptiKPI platform supports all marketing requirements and real-time automations to deliver precise messages to customers at the right time, it stands out as one of the best in the industry. OptiKPI has multiple built-in automations and jumps right into action when integrated into a platform. Let’s take a look at one of the user journeys that will bring player satisfaction and business success!
One of the key marketing strategies is to convert newly registered users into depositors. So, let’s build the flow in OptiKPI! 
Once a user registers on a platform, he will receive a Welcome Offer with a deposit code in the 1st minute to grab his attention. If the user deposits within the next 10 minutes (OptiKPI will check it in real-time), the scenario gets completed and we’ll reach our goal!
But if the user fails to deposit within the first 10 minutes, OptiKPI will send him a different Deposit offer after 3 hours. You can create your own conditions with your very own marketing strategies to reach the ultimate goal - to convert users into depositors. And OptiKPI will help you automate every process; once configured, the system will work tirelessly for you so that you can concentrate on your main business tasks.
OptiKPI can be easily integrated into a Gaming platform as a marketing tool and is very easy to handle, any and all actions can be customized and automated in real-time. With 24/7 customer support from around the globe OptiKPI guarantees uncompromised service. Click here to schedule a demo. 
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optikpi · 3 years
Cards or Segments? - OptiKPI
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Segregate your players with OptiKPI for Target Marketing In OptiKPI we have 2 different, but similar features, called Cards and Segments that act as the backbone for all of your marketing activities. Let’s find out which one is the best! Cards can be described as a simple filter that helps to group and host certain customers using a set of criteria that you wish.
Example: To group all new customers who’ve registered today - A card can be created with a name “Registered Today” and with the help of the filters ‘registration date = in today’ you will get the list of all customers who’ve registered today. Likewise, to a group, all successful depositors who’ve deposited at least once - Another card named “All Successful Depositors” can be created using the filter ‘number of successful deposits is greater than 0’ to get all the depositors who’ve deposited at least once in your gaming platform. Such an easy way to group raw data into potential leads, right?
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optikpi · 3 years
Beautiful Still Smart Analytics: OptiKPI Dashboard
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OptiKPI offers a beautiful representation of all your data in an analytical Dashboard by means of charts & metrics, hence the numbers become very simple and visually friendly for you to analyze your business performance. Dashboards & KPI’s can be created according to your preference with ease & tracked, all in one place! You can configure different analytical dashboards for different departments such as: performance of marketing campaigns for your retention team; revenue and turnover tracking for your financial team and so on.
Example of KPIs to track on dashboard:
Registered vs Deposited as acquisition funnel
Registration trend, Revenue trend as bar chart
Installment tracking as line chart
Activity of your players as heatmap
Tell me more about OptiKPI.
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optikpi · 3 years
A Game-Changing Marketing Solution - OptiKPI
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If you’re a gaming company seeking to get an edge over your competition this could be your chance. Make smarter decisions, drive growth, strengthen your user-relationships, increase profitability & streamline your gaming operations with OptiKPI Business Intelligence.
Multi-Channel Platform
Create marketing content and send them via multiple channels. Send push notifications via browser, email or SMS. Just schedule it and monitor its progress. Now operate multiple marketing channels from just one place.
Customer Journey
Streamline your process by targeting users and creating content based on their segmentation and send campaigns automatically based on actions that work as triggers. Create personalised experiences and retain more customers.
Advanced Analytics
Get statistics with just one look on our customisable dashboard, all the information you need no matter where you are. Go through your customer's most frequent actions, check your performance on various platforms, schedule marketing campaigns based on past data & so much more.
Content Management
Whether it is push, email or text content or content for your online interaction, connect and store all of it at one place by uploading it just once and use them whenever you require for your various campaigns. Use analytics to find which campaigns received the best response and plan accordingly for the future.
Click here to Schedule a Demo for free.
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