opiumismyopium · 4 years
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It's a me substitute.
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
Oh marylock
Oh, Marylock!  I really just love them together in almost any context: friends, frenemies, adulterous lovers, part of a happy (or angsty) OT3… 
There’s something beautiful and terrible and bittersweet between them that I can’t get enough of.  Sherlock knows from that first meeting that Mary is not like John’s other girlfriends, and he takes to her immediately.  I love the little hints that they talk to each other behind his back – discussing his weight since the wedding, and arranging his schedule like parents with a child.  ;)
And then she shoots him!  And Sherlock’s world is turned upside down – I’m not sure there’s anyone else he trusted so completely, who so completely surprised him.  And at first it’s…  bad.  He has to take seriously the possibility that she is scheming against them both. 
But as bad as she admits to being in that empty house, she says the right thing: that she did it all for John.  As far as Sherlock is concerned, that’s the best possible defense, because he knows the outrageous things he too would do for John.  And I think in that moment, he forgives her utterly.
And out of that moment grows something really special but also heartbreaking.  Because now that Sherlock knows who she really is, he can see how well-suited they are to each other.  And I think there’s a part of Sherlock who looks at John and Mary and isn’t sure who he’s jealous of. 
And then there’s the fact that, while Sherlock adores them both, John and Mary’s relationship with each other is…  far from perfect.  And maybe if Mary had met Sherlock first, they all would have been happier…
And then she dies!  Dies to save Sherlock’s life.  Which is very awkward, with her husband and his best friend right there in the room with them.  And John gets to have all this super intense grief and mourning, and everyone respects that, but Sherlock’s grief and trauma has to be repressed because it’s inappropriate to mourn too openly for your best friend’s wife…  So Sherlock winds up saving John from himself and comforting him and holding his hand through this whole process, and meanwhile is barely allowed to indulge his own grief over her.  
It’s just…  ugh. 
People always say love triangles are stupid and cliche, but if you ask me, this is how you do a love triangle right.  It’s beautiful and destructive and heartwrenching all at once.
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
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Profile ~ Benedict Cumberbatch at SAG Conversations Q&A with the Imitation Game (Jan 2015)
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
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Profile ~ Benedict Cumberbatch at SAG Conversations Q&A with the Imitation Game (Jan 2015)
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
Famous Londoners share their favourite hometown film spots - with Benedict Cumberbatch.
What was the first film you saw in London?
‘It was “Octopussy” at the [now closed] Kensington Odeon. It’s quite a sophisticated first memory! I remember the fold-up plane coming out of the horse truck and thinking Roger Moore was the coolest thing in the world. The tuk-tuk car chase was brilliant. Talking about it now makes me want to see it again.’
What’s your favourite London cinema?
‘Our local is the Everyman [in Belsize Park]. I love the Ritzy too.’
What was the last film you saw?
‘“Captain Marvel” in Swiss Cottage. It’s a wonderful guilty pleasure watching a film in the middle of the day. I used to do that a lot as a student with my Cineworld card. That was a favourite cheap ploy of mine. I only recently gave it up. ’
What was your most memorable place to film at?
‘Freemasons’ Hall [in Covent Garden] is stunning. I’ve filmed there on “The Current War”, “Patrick Melrose” and “Parade’s End”. I jumped into the Men’s Pond on Hampstead Heath before Gary Oldman during the shoot for “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”. It was October and he turned to me and said, “Fucking hell, that water’s going to be cold, isn’t it?” I said, “Look, I’ll test it for you.” It was the coldest I’ve ever been. Gary turned white.’
What are Londoners like when you’re filming?
‘When we did “Sherlock”, Martin Freeman described it as like doing street theatre. We’d get crowds of about 500 people. Of course, there are people who think it’s original to hoot their horn when they see a camera, but Londoners are fantastic. It’s a fun city to film in.’
Which films capture London best for you?
‘“Withnail and I” is right up there. I probably know the dialogue better than any single part I’ve played. And Bond does London proud, too. We completely ripped off that shot from “Skyfall” of him standing on the [Ministry of Defence’s] Whitehall roof in “Sherlock”.’
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
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Benedict Cumberbatch and Elizabeth Olsen at SDCC 2019
Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
The neck, the nose, the cheekbones...so much emotive power in such a brief snippet.
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
Sharing the talents who inspire him - a couple very close to home.
The Art of Precision
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
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Hello little brother. How’s the exile going?
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
It’s interesting to note that the series introduces the character with a supremely kinky moment indeed. Inescapable not to have one’s mind go down the gutter after that.
BBC Sherlock’s Kinkiest Canon Moments, Part III
See also: Part I and Part II
6. Moriarty chained up in Sherlock’s Mind Palace (bondage, masochism)
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SHERLOCK: Why did you never feel pain? JIM MORIARTY: You always feel it, Sherlock. But you don’t have to fear it.
5. Moriarty fellating a gun in the Sherlock’s Mind Palace (gun kink, necrophilia)
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MORIARTY: Dead … is the new sexy.
4. Mycroft watching Jim get tortured (BDSM, voyeurism)
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3. Irene Adler beating Sherlock with her riding crop (BDSM)
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IRENE: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It’s been a pleasure. Don’t spoil it. 
2. Mycroft watching Sherlock get beaten (BDSM, voyeurism, incest)
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SHERLOCK: You were enjoying it. Definitely enjoying it. 
And the number 1 kinkiest canon moment in all of Sherlock (according to me) is…………
1. Molly flirting with Sherlock over a dead body and a riding crop (SM, necrophilia, voyeurism) 
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MOLLY: So, bad day, was it?
(Extra points for this one coming a mere 8 minutes into the first episode.  Way to set a tone!)
The deleted scene of Magnussen fondling and kissing a semi-conscious Sherlock (somnophilia, forced feminization)
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MAGNUSSEN: Oh, I covet your hands, Mr Holmes … Look at them. The musician’s hands. An artist’s. Or a woman’s?
And that’s all I’ve got!  Please feel free to make additions and argue interpretations in the comments!
Part I.  Part II.
(Special thanks to @vulgarweed, @the-sign-of-tea, and @pennypaperbrain for consulting with me on this ~v. important topic~, and to @callie-ariane for her transcripts.)
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
BBC Sherlock’s Kinkiest Canon Moments, Part II
Click here for Part I.
12. Culverton Smith smothering Sherlock (breathplay)
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SMITH: Maintain eye contact. Please. I like to watch it … happen.
11. Moriarty as the Bride (crossdressing)
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10. Sherlock commanding John to fetch his phone (D/s)
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SHERLOCK: Pass me my phone. JOHN: Where is it? SHERLOCK: Jacket.
(okay, this is the one where I’m least certain the characters are canonically aware of the kinky implications…  but I love it too much not to include it, sorry!)
9. Culverton Smith and his beloved corpses (necrophilia)
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SMITH: This time, knock.
8. Molly’s appearance in the Victorian mindpalace (crossdressing. D/s, daddy kink)
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HOOPER: Oh, isn’t he observant now that Daddy’s gone?
7. Irene Adler discusses collaring Sherlock. (D/s)
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IRENE: I should have him on a leash – in fact, I might.
(Obviously almost everything Irene does in this episode is explicitly kink-related, but I did try to limit myself…)
Part I.  Part III.
(Special thanks to @vulgarweed, @the-sign-of-tea, and @pennypaperbrain for consulting with me on this ~v. important topic~, and to @callie-ariane for her transcripts.)
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
BBC Sherlock’s Kinkiest Canon Moments, Part I
formerly known as the top ten kinkiest moments but I got carried away
From a blackmailer who works as a professional dominatrix to a philanthropist with an unwholesome interest in corpses, the BBC-verse delights in hinting toward unconventional sexualities.  But what exactly makes something canonically kinky?  My basic rule was, are the *characters* aware of the erotic implications, within the story?  That still leaves a lot of room for interpretation and debate, but here’s my take.
19. Sherlock goes to Buckingham Palace in the buff.  (Exhibitionism)
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PLUMMER: Please, Mr Holmes. Where you’re going, you’ll want to be dressed. SHERLOCK: Oh, I know exactly where I’m going.
18. The uniform fetishist theory. (Uniform fetish/military kink)
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SHERLOCK: Uniform fetishist. “All the nice girls like a soldier.”
17. The old man with the dirty DVDs (religion kink)
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MR SZIKORA: “The Holy War.” Sounds a bit dry, I know, but there’s a nun with all these holes in her habit. 
16. Janine inquiring about Sherlock’s handcuffs (bondage)
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JANINE: Do you always carry handcuffs? SHERLOCK: Down, girl.
15. References to the Holmes family history of crossdressing (crossdressing)
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MYCROFT: How very like Uncle Rudy – though, in many ways, cross-dressing would have been a wiser path for you.
(See also: “MYCROFT: He talked me out of Lady Bracknell. This could have been very different.”)
14. Sherlock and John handcuffed together (bondage)
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JOHN: Now people will definitely talk.
13. Jim Moriarty playing Daddy (Daddy kink)
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JIM: But the flirting’s over, Sherlock… Daddy’s had enough now!
(See also: “Daddy loves me the best!”)
Part II. Part III.
(Special thanks to @vulgarweed, @the-sign-of-tea, and @pennypaperbrain for consulting with me on this ~v. important topic~, and to @callie-ariane for her transcripts.)
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
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Sherlock rewatch | A Scandal In Belgravia
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
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Sherlock rewatch | The Hounds of Baskerville
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opiumismyopium · 5 years
Re-identification of Viking corpses has revealed that half of their warriors were female.
“Researchers at the University of Western Australia decided to revamp the way they studied Viking remains. Previously, researchers had misidentified skeletons as male simply because they were buried with their swords and shields. (Female remains were identified by their oval brooches, and not much else.) By studying osteological signs of gender within the bones themselves, researchers discovered that approximately half of the remains were actually female warriors, given a proper burial with their weapons.”
Women have always fought. We have always been there, ‘contributing to history’. Our own, modern sexism contributes to the erasure of it.
(Bolding mine)
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