oohlana-blog · 8 years
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
the thing is, somebody cares. i know your best friend seems really busy all the time and is shit at texting but she still loves you and she talks to you more than she talks to anyone else and you’re the only breath of calm she has on this planet. the boy in your science class loves seeing what music you’re listening to on your headphones - he has the same taste and wishes he had the nerve to ask you about it. your english teacher loves the insight you have on your papers. somebody cares. the person who lives down the street from you notices when you are sick because they don’t see you stomping your way to the schoolbus - it’s how they know it’s time to get their breakfast ready. somebody is looking for you at the party, even if they don’t know they’re really looking for you - but when you don’t show up, some part of them is disappointed. somebody is looking for you in the library, in the spot where you eat lunch, in front of that one step you always seem to trip on. i know your parents are a complicated mess and there’s drama between your friends and your love life is sort of shaped like a constant question and everybody seems all caught up in their own lives and their own happiness and nobody really notices: but somebody always does. every face in your dreams is someone you have met, and that means that you are in a million’s stranger’s heads. they see you when they go to bed. and somebody cares. somebody still thinks about you even though you were just a person with a nice outfit or good eyeliner or a great smile or because you were having one of those moments that are so charmingly human in nature or because they regret not asking if you needed help when you fell or because they wonder what you were thinking about or drawing or writing or just because you’re alive, and that makes you fascinating. somebody cares. when you were on break from work and saw a dog hanging his head out of the car and suddenly broke into a smile: there was a girl in the back of that car, and I was her, and I still think about you, and i hope you get more chances to smile like that. and there is you, sitting here reading this, and by some small extension, meeting me, and i am telling you, I care. somebody always does. i promise. i promise. you are loved.
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
Saying that you don’t have time to improve your thoughts and your life is like saying you don’t have time to stop for gas because you’re too busy driving. Eventually it will catch up with you.
(via bedroomfireflys)
If you want to improve your surroundings, you need to start with yourself. 
(via theambitiouswoman)
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
Sometimes people think they know you. They know a few facts about you, and they piece you together in a way that makes sense to them. And if you don’t know yourself very well, you might even believe that they are right. But the truth is, that isn’t you. That isn’t you at all.
Leila Sales (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
trends girls hate:
not being able to walk alone at night
not being able to walk alone at any time really
being cat called
dress codes
“not all men”
literally being murdered for turning men down
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
How come it is so hard to say our thoughts out loud? Why is it a bad thing to let yourself be vulnerable? We so fluently write these prose in our head, but we can’t seem to verbalize to whom we intend.
mymindfulheart (via wnq-writers)
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
i cant wait to wear only underwear around the house with the person i love
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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56K notes · View notes
oohlana-blog · 9 years
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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@occmakeup’s lip swatches on Instagram are all of a model with brown skin! Companies rarely do that. Look how godly they look.
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oohlana-blog · 9 years
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by Valentin Chenaille
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