onikattingz · 30 days
a little post of images i’ve screenshotted or saved that reminds me of what loa is all about pt. 2
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onikattingz · 30 days
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I have received so many messages from people about how difficult it is to visualize while entering the void state. I can empathize because I too have struggled with visualization.
I believe that struggling to visualize is one of the most common hurdles that people face when trying to enter the void. Many people find it difficult or even impossible to visualize anything, especially if they have Aphantasia. However, I want to remind you that visualization is not necessary or required to enter the void state. I know visualisation is something that most people struggle with, so here's a "No Visualization Method" to help you enter the void State.
Do this method when you feel so sleepy
STEP 1 : Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes and say "I give my body permission to enter the void".
STEP 2 : Start counting to 100 until you loose track, when you realise you have lost track start to focus on your breathing in out and keep doing so until your body feels weightless.
STEP 3 : Keep affirming to yourself, I give myself permission to enter the void, I give myself permission to enter the void right now and just fall asleep.
STEP 4 : When you will wake up, you will be in the void. Now just affirm for your desires and ENJOY ! 🤍
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onikattingz · 1 month
multiple manifestations.
"but ella, what if i have several manifestations i want to manifest? what if i want X, Y and X all at the same time? is it possible to manifest it all…?" yes, it is. it is entirely possible.
creation in detail.
if you took a look at all the things around you, all the things which are close to you right now or within eyesight, do you recall imagining all of these things? as in, do you remember imagining each one of these manifestations individually? thinking of them to their very detail? i don’t think so.
everything is created.
all of these things surrounding you are a creation of you. everything is a manifestation, regardless of conscious or subconscious origin. everything was once imagined, once thought of, once contemplated. so, why would you think that you are asking for too much? why would your mind not be able to deal with or handle your desires? it’s impossible for you to burden, confuse or irritate your imagination.
it exists already.
speaking of manifestation and desires, to desire something means that you can conceptualise it. you can think if it, therefore you can imagine it. to think means to imagine. and you think aka imagine all the time! additionally, since any desire represents a possible state you can shift to, it does also represent a possible reality — one, out of infinite realities. and as you know: creation is finished. it’s done. it exists already.
infinite realities exist.
because it exists already, because creation is finished, that means that there are INFINITE realities of yours. in some of them, you don’t have any of your desires. in others, you have one desire or a couple. and in another reality or other realities, you have ALL the things you wish to have or be. there is a reality that represents your goal. this is where you want to shift to. that reality reflects the state that you want to occupy!
all things are possible.
the law doesn’t care if you desire to have one thing, two things, five things or a hundred things. since you can imagine anything you'd like, since all realities exist, you can also manifest anything you'd like. there are no rules on what you can manifest, how long it'll take and how much you can have or be. it is up for you to decide. and in imagination, all things are possible.
and most importantly, manifesting several desires doesn't need to equal a lot of effort. you don't need to "work" hard in order to manifest. imagining should never require too much!
with love, ella.
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onikattingz · 1 month
"there's no logic, it's not even scientifically probable"
babe SCIENCE ITSELF is unlogical and scientifically improbable
stop making excuses for your incompetence and the pathetic belief that hardwork is how you win in life
cause it's not true.
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onikattingz · 1 month
So the secret to getting into the void is changing the assumptions? Can you give me an idea of a supposition to enter the void in 2/3 minutes or to wake up conscious in the void? I can't 'believe' that I'm going to enter, you know? That's why sometimes I think I fail, I'll be grateful if you can help.
In my opinion this is not entirely true. The first time I realized I had entered a void state, I didn’t even know what it was.
The most important secret of entering the void state is to relax and fully concentrate on the inner voice or voice from meditation. When you are completely focused on it, you simply do not think about the manifestations of the physical world, as well as wandering thoughts, and thus almost instantly enter the void state.
Of course, you can set yourself up to enter the state of emptiness in 2/3 minutes, but it is important that this does not limit or bother you. That is, so that you do not wait to enter the state.
You don't have to believe that everything will work out. And, it seems to me, you don’t even need to change your assumptions about void state It's not obligatory. Your task is to simply relax (but not fall asleep) and concentrate on your inner voice or the voice of guided meditation.
There is no need to complicate void state. Everything is much simpler than you think. Just trust the process!
Good luck!
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onikattingz · 1 month
first step to living a better life is believe you deserve it. you deserve good things. i promise.
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onikattingz · 3 months
this was just on my fyp:
what do you think? its kinda making me doubt things because i can see the perspective shes coming from.
i mean, she's obviously right, lol. the things you dream about and whatever you repeat in your head over and over again doesn't manifest. that's not how the law works. she's just confusing the law of attraction and law of assumption together for some reason.
literally no one is wishing, hoping and "imagining". people aren't daydreaming and wondering what it would be like to have a different experience in order to manifest. the law of assumption is called the law of assumption for a reason. the law requires you to make assumptions. it's whatever you assume to be true that will be true, not whatever you repeat in your head over and over again will be true.
once again, you guys fail to realize that the law isn't about getting what you want. that's how it's presented, that's how you find out about it, that's the appeal, but that's not what it's about.. this is why so many people fail to manifest.
the reason why you can even "manifest" in the first place is because your reality is a reflection of your state. your current reality is a reflection of who you are being. whether it be poor, rich, a soldier, whatever. whatever you identify yourself as, your current situation as, is what manifests. that's why you don't get what you want, you get what you are.
you get what you are, that's all. the thing is, you don't need any permission to be something else. that's where imagination comes in, in imagination, you can be, do, and have literally anything. since you don't need permission to do any of these things and your imagination doesn't require you to already have experienced a certain thing to imagine it (it's actually the opposite.), you have unlimited control and freedom over your imagination.
the thing is, your imagination and your assumptions are basically one. to make an assumption, you have to imagine. for instance, i can imagine myself rich, but i can assume that i will be poor for the rest of my life because my entire family is also poor. i can assume that i'm not going to be a cycle breaker. that's just be setting limitations for myself, but i believe it's true and therefore it is.
the point of the law is that whatever you decide is true is what is true. not what you decide you want is true, what you decide is true. it doesn't matter if you have bad circumstances and deserve pity, that doesn't change your situation. it's about your awareness of the situation. it's your situation, so obviously your perception of it matters.
a lot of people on social media are also just really miserable. they create so many problems that you don't even have, there are so many trends that are literally just about being miserable, are those the people you want to listen to? do they have your best interest in mind? i mean, i understand the doubts and concerns, but why won't you just give the law a chance instead of just assuming immediately that it doesn't work? have you even tried applying what you already know?
i really don't see what's so hard to believe, i mean i understand being skeptical, but that's why you're supposed to try it out first. you don't lose anything from deciding to accept something new as true, you really don't. even if the law somehow wasn't real, it wouldn't kill you to be more optimistic.. at least believe in yourself a little. it's sad that a lot of you guys don't.. and you also won't unless you're getting something out of it.
she clearly knows more about witchcraft than she does about the law of assumption.. or neville goddard. i mean she talks about people going to war, yet she clearly doesn't know that neville literally manifested himself out of the military by imagining and assuming he was somewhere else (i believe it was new york with his family). he was told no a few times, but he just persisted and got out pretty soon. no one is asking the universe for anything. they're just simply giving it to themselves. i don't see why it's so hard to believe in yourself. you guys believe in every other thing but the one thing you know is actually real: yourself.
you will literally choose to listen to a lady who believes in witchcraft, a lady who doesn't know a damn thing about manifestation, that somehow manages to correlate the law of assumption with "asking the universe", but you find it so hard to believe that your assumptions have some kind of significance. doesn't that say something? i mean, honestly, are you going to listen to the people with actual success stories who are telling you to stop hating yourself and stop settling for less.. the ones saying that you matter and aren't destined to live a mediocre life, or are you going to continue to feed in to negativity and things that make you miserable?
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onikattingz · 3 months
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I believe that the past fears can definitely be a reason why most of you fail to enter the void. We all carry emotional and mental baggage from our past experiences and those can be the things that interfere with and prevent us from entering the void. It's important to have as little resistance as possible in order to reach the void, so it's important to try and release all emotional barriers or past fears.
It is important to work on these things in order to overcome any barriers that may be standing in the way, so for this I have a excercise for you all which will help you banish your fears and help you enter void easily but keep in mind that it requires consistency !
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Credits - Pinterest
STEP 1 : Clearyour mind, or just think about something nice.
STEP 2 : Cross your arms, place your 2 hands on the tops of your shoulders and close your eyes.
STEP 3 : Stroke your hands down the sides of your arms from your shoulders to your elbows, down and up, again and again.
STEP 4 : As you carry on stroking the sides of your arms, imagine you are walking on a beautiful beach with each footstep in the sand, count out loud from one to 20 with each step that you take.
STEP 5 : Keep stroking the sides of your arms and open your eyes, but keep your head still.
STEP 6 : While you keep stroking 6 your arms, move your eyes laterally to the right, then laterally to the left.
STEP 7 : Close your eyes and stroke the sides of your arms while you imagine walking down a flight of stairs and count out loud with each footstep.
STEP 8 : Now, open your eyes and check on a scale of one to ten what number is the intensity of the feeling? You should be feel- ing much better - if not, repeat the technique until you do.
An Additional tip - Put on a calming music, subliminal or waves while performing this exercise
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onikattingz · 4 months
I Finally Experienced
The Void State
Before I entered it, I viewed the void as the ultimate state of oneness with the universe. I viewed it as the place where I could finally be free from all suffering and limitation. It was a place where I could be at peace and experience the ultimate reality. I also viewed it as a place that was beyond anything I could imagine or describe. It was the place I was drawn to and wanted to experience more than anything else in the world. It was where I knew I could find the ultimate truth and the ultimate peace and bliss.
I was never a fond of it, I just and wanted to feel it, experience it by myself. I don't understand why it's so hyped up after all.
I tapped in by listening to my subliminal. Before putting on the sub I did a special, ancient breathing technique :
Bhastrika or the bellows breath
For this you have to Close the right nostril and inhale twenty rapid bellows-like breaths through the left nostril. Repeat with twenty more bellows breaths through the right nostril while keeping the left nostril closed. Proceed to take twenty bellows breaths through both nostrils. This method helps the body and mind to clear out mental, emotional and physical blocks.
After doing this, I put on my subliminal and a blind fold on my eyes and imagined myself walking inside my own mind and it's getting darker and darker as I get deeper into it, exactly like Eleven did in Stranger Things. Okay, so doing this made me super duperr relaxed which got me slept and when I woke up I knew that I made it! and NO, my void was not pitch dark, I don't know but for some reason it was white, pure white. I felt like I'm directly looking into a bulb you know :)
My void experience was a feeling of emptiness and peace. Not a single thing was there in the void other than my consciousness. I felt completely liberated and at ease when I was in the void. My thoughts were dead silent and I was just being. I felt a deep sense of connection to the universe and a knowing that all is well. It was a feeling of emptiness and unity at the same time. Everything that is, is within me. It can not be described because it is beyond any description. No words and no labels can truly define or grasp the eternal silence of the void. The void I experienced was full of utter peace and stillness. It was the complete lack of self-consciousness and the total realization of eternity. It was pure, uninterrupted consciousness. It was a place of pure awareness and complete freedom from all attachments and desires. It was a place of absolute silence and the absence of all thought and emotion. It was a place of complete and utter bliss and nothingness at the same time. I felt a deep sense of timelessness and immortality. I felt like I was in my purest form. I felt like I was in a state of total nirvana and perfect happiness. It was like being in a state of pure bliss and complete oneness with the universe. I felt connected to everything and everyone, and it was the most pure and peaceful experience I've ever had. However I have entered the void twice but snapped out on incident within seconds. Staying in the void for hours is totally different :)
I really don't know how to put it into words
I just feel COMPLETED now !
No, I didn't manifest anything in the void. Manifesting something through the void was never my intention because I already have manifested almost everything just by listening to my subliminals and I love listening to them. But if in future if I'll manifest anything in the void, I'll update y'all about it for sure with pictures.
Believe me or not the void is unnecessarily so hyped up in this community, it's so easy to access it. Now with my experience with it I know how I can be helpful to y'all in regards of accessing the void state.
I know people will ask me for the subliminal that I listened to, so first of all I made it myself, because few days back while I was on my journey to entering the void I listened to a subliminal, which made everything worse, I knew that the subliminal maker has used some bad spells in it, so I made my own sub. No wonders tho because earlier I used to make subliminals for myself and they did worked for me and I manifested a lot of things but I was so lazy that I stopped making them :)
But as I really wanted to experience the void within myself, I decided to work a Lil hard and make a sub for myself and after researching deeply on how I can make subliminal work faster, I managed to made it myself.
I have posted it on my YouTube channel but remember my sub will not work for those who have bad intentions! ThankYou.
Here's the video :
Enter the void in the blink of an eye : Use w/ caution
Make sure to hit the subscribe button because I'll be uploading more such subliminals ! 🤍
At last I wanna thank few bloggers here on Tumblr who introduced the void to me and always kept it simple !
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onikattingz · 4 months
Stop Making Yourself Miserable
this is going to be really mean and maybe a bit passive aggressive, lol. it's another rant.
everyone you've been reaching out to for help, whose posts you've been reading, who you've received coaching from (if they actually know what they're talking about and aren't just bullshitting you for money), has told you the law is meant to be simple, that you are the operant power/ god of your reality, that your assumptions create your reality, that everyone is you pushed out, that the 3d is an illusion, we share our success stories and then you ask "how did you do it?" "how much time did it take?" and we say the same exact thing. over and over again, accept it as a present tense fact, don't worry about the when or how. it's all the same thing. don't you ever get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again?
when we tell you to stop over complicating the law and you keep doing it.. whose fault is that? when we tell you to stop overconsuming and to just apply and you don't, whose fault is that? when we tell you to read neville's books or listen to edward art for extra clarification and you don't, whose fault is that?
it's all on you. everyone who is not you is just an illusion in your reality. at the end of the day, it's you who determines how everything in your life goes and there's no getting around that.
you have no one to blame but yourself for your current issues. (obviously this excludes heavy topics. regardless of the 3d being an illusion, shitty people still exist, and you are NEVER at fault for that.). it's your fault your sp doesn't like you back, it's your fault you have no friends, it's your fault you failed your class, it's your fault you didn't wake up with your dream body, it's your fault that you don't have a new phone. why? because you accepted the fact that you don't have these things. YOU did. not the person who told you no when you tried to mess with the 3d even though you were told not to, YOU.
if we tell you the 3d is an illusion, that its not real, that it's not final, that you can live your dream life by simply giving it to yourself through imaginal acts and you choose not to listen, THAT IS YOUR FAULT.
if you choose to blame others and not acknowledge the fact that you are the problem, that is on you and you are putting everything on hold. you decided to give permission to something outside of yourself to dictate your life, now you're suffering the consequences. you chose to manifest something negative by accepting it as true, so it is true and you are now experiencing it. that's how manifestation works.
you are the problem.
but, you are also the solution.
you have to acknowledge that as the creator of your reality, you have the ability to imagine anything good, bad, or indifferent. manifestation isn't some new thing that everyone's finding out about and now using. it's not a tool, it's an "ability" that you are born with, that you have been using for years. any and everyone is and can be in any state of being at any time. the only real difference is that you've learned to not seek validation from what's outside of you because it gets you nowhere, you've learned it's not real and that you're creating it. you have the ability to imagine anything, you always have.
if you choose to practice the law, unlearning your negative ways of thinking and perceiving the world, maybe if you choose to no longer be a submissive slave to your own creations and practice what we've been screaming in your ears for the past week, month, year, few years, whenever you found out about this community but haven't gotten results since you got here, maybe you'd have some results. maybe if you stopped being such a victim to shit that isn't even real, you'd have some results. maybe if you gave it to yourself and enjoyed it without needing it to show up for you to feel validated, you'd have some results.
if you choose to be lazy and continue with your "comfortable" way of living that's really just hurting you because it's convenient and easy for you, that's on you. if you won't accept help, you won't learn, you give up and go "yea this stuff isn't real", that's ALL on you. if you choose to just listen to the "this is how you get what you want" "this is how you manifest correctly" bullshit floating around the internet, that's also your fault.
you seriously shouldn't need someone to tell you how to do everything. nowhere in any reliable loa source do you see or hear anything about "oh, but watch out for this when manifesting" or "follow these steps: ___" or "follow these exact steps or else you won't get your results", but i guess since you can't accept that, you're too paranoid to believe that all obtaining your dream life requires is believing in yourself, shifting your consciousness, and persisting despite not being able to see it.. since you don't believe in yourself and you think nothing comes out of just simply believing in yourself (which is actually really fucking pathetic and sad to be honest), you can go ahead and listen to the people who don't know what the hell they're talking about.
or, if you want, you can listen to the people who say to just accept it as fact even though you can't see it.. because maybe, just maybe, these people know what they're talking about. maybe the people who don't add any bullshit ass extra steps to the simplest shit they've ever heard, maybe those are the people who know what they're talking about. maybe the people who didn't make themselves miserable writing the same thing down 20 million times and didn't repeat the same 5 words in their head for 6 hours straight, and instead just gave it to themselves and continued with their life like a normal fucking person know what they're talking about.
the law is simple. every law is simple. the law of gravity for example: is it "what goes up must come down" or is it "what goes up might come down.. but it isn't guaranteed. it depends on the weight of the object."? obviously not the second one. ITS A LAW. if it's not guaranteed every time, then it cannot be a law. it's the same thing with the law of assumption. since it's a law that says "whatever you assume to be true will be true".. obviously that means your assumptions will create your reality. it doesn't say to affirm, to visualize, to write something down until you can't feel your hands anymore, it doesn't say something won't work, it's literally just about belief and acceptance. neville uses the word "whatever", which literally just means anything.
so, in the end it's all your choice. either you listen or you don't. add extra steps, stress yourself out, obsess over getting results in the 3d, continue to crave validation from something that will never give it to you, continue to overconsume.. or don't. the choice is always going to be yours. don't try and blame anyone else, don't cry to any loa blogger or anyone on twitter when your ignorance and insecurity gets you nowhere.
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onikattingz · 5 months
hi everybody!!
today is day 2! make sure to listen to your subliminals, do the yoga nidra meditation and to do SATS tonight.
Manifestation 101 Section:
Today, we're going to be going over Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard. Here is a link to the book, it's a 20 minute read:
You can just search up "Feeling is the Secret free pdf" if links don't work. Or just search it up on YouTube, there's so many audiobooks for it.
If you're lazy or want it in a Tumblr format, go ahead and read these 4 posts:
Personally, I recommend reading Neville first and then reading these posts^ to just reinforce the ideas and clear up any confusion.
Exploring and Applying Manifestation:
Maybe this is a bit obvious but the reason I chose to start off with Feeling is the Secret is to help everyone understand the power of SATS and why it's so beneficial to utilize our sleep since we will be practicing it throughout this challenge (while also giving a basis on LOA). The main "technique" you should take away from today is SATS and how it's really just falling asleep in the wish fufilled.
I also do think feeling is such an important but misinterpreted concept so I wanted to discuss it and practice it today. I read a lot of LOA content and so many people seem to think feeling=emotion.
Let me quote Neville for this:
“When I speak of feeling, I don’t mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. And you can think you did that, but you can know for sure: if you haven’t achieved your goal, you don’t have acceptance. And the reason you don’t have acceptance is that you are still thinking of the goal rather than thinking from the goal. That is all there is to it.”
So maybe you did all the reading and you were like "okay im super motivated, im going to be super happy all the time, nothing can stop me"
don't feel bad because most people fall into this trap, including me but what you're really supposed to do is to feel from the wish fufilled. let me provide an example:
imagine your stomach starts hurting right now. really hurting. you call your doctor and they said you need to take a certain medicine and the pain will disappear in 5 seconds, so you order the medicine and it'll take 5 hours to arrive.
are you supposed to pretend the pain doesn't exist or feel excited through the pain? NO!
but you know the medicine is coming, this is going to be over soon and you might even tell yourself "it's okay, the medicine is coming soon and the pain will be gone." it's that feeling of knowing that it's coming.
that's what Neville means by Feeling is the Secret.
you need to stand so firmly confident that you have your desire and truly believe that so you rest in that feeling of the wish fufilled.
you're allowed to have negative emotions. for example, if you're manifesting pretty hair and you catch a look in the mirror and your hair looks like a broomstick, no one expects you to be all happy. but if you know that your your 3d reflects your 4d and in your 4d you have pretty hair, then you can look at your hair and just tell yourself "it's okay, i know i have pretty hair"
if you're an experienced manifester or if you really accept that your desires is yours, you might not even react to the 3d at all because you just know. but it's okay to react to the 3d as long as you ground yourself again in that feeling of the wish fufilled.
the technique we're going to be practicing for today comes from Edward Art: "Take anything I say or Neville says that truly hits you, that you sense a freedom in the sentence and repeat that sentence under your breath. Feel that sentence, from that feeling you will have more thoughts in nature of that sentence."
so here are the steps:
1. Choose one statement that really empowers you in that idea of "you are god" and "you DO have your desire." A lot of people choose "My 3d is just a reflection of my 4d. I know I have my desire" Choose one that really works for you.
2. Anytime you think about your desire or have negative intrusive thoughts, repeat that statement to yourself and feel it for a few seconds. Really know your desire is yours.
That's the technique for today (on top of SATS). It's a nice technique and I think it'll help a lot of you.
Make sure to do your Everyday activities and I'll see you guys tomorrow 💟
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onikattingz · 5 months
The Art of Successful Prayer
How to Avail Yourself of the State Akin to Sleep
"Prayer is the art of yielding to the wish and not the forcing of the wish. Whenever your feeling is in conflict with your wish, feeling will be the victor. The dominant feeling invariably expresses itself. Prayer must be without effort. In attempting to fix an attitude of mind which is denied by the senses, effort is fatal.
You should awaken within you the feeling that you are and have that which heretofore you desired to be and possess. This is easily done by contemplating the joy that would be yours were your objective an accomplished fact, so that you live and move and have your being in the feeling that your wish is realized."
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I. Intro.
In this post, I will guide you through the procedure of using the state akin to sleep to retrieve the feeling of the wish fulfilled. The state akin to sleep is a state of relaxation and receptivity akin to the feeling attained just before falling asleep in which you are able to shut out the limitations of the objective world and obtain reality of the subjective state. The drowsiness of this state facilitates the procedure of persuading yourself to believe that you are that which you desire to be because minimal effort is required to direct your attention towards the wish fulfilled. If you feel the wish fulfilled, you will live in the end and if you live in the end, your assumptions will harden into fact.
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II. How to do it:
"If your world would change, determine what it would look like; then construct a scene which would imply you are there. If your mental construction comes close to your fulfilled desire, your little daydream will become a fact!" / "If the suggestion is given with conviction and confidently accepted by the operator as true, then you have the ideal setting for a successful prayer." - Brazen Impudence / Prayer, The Art of Believing Ch. 4
The first step is to define your objective. Have a clear idea of what it is you would like to be (or be in possession of).
Next, ask yourself, “what does the end of that goal look like?” For example, if you would like to manifest a prestigious job opportunity, you’d be congratulated on it. If you’d like to manifest a change in appearance, you would receive compliments (It doesn’t need to include another person, but you may find it more helpful in order to feel it more real). Whatever the end looks like, it must always be an event that implies its fulfillment, that it is done. This is the wish fulfilled (more on that later).
Get into a comfortable position. You can lay down or sit upright, it doesn’t matter, do whatever feels most comfortable.
Relax. You can do some breathing exercises, listen to music, have a warm drink, whatever it is that makes you relax. 
Induce a moderate degree of drowsiness where you can still concentrate on the wish fulfilled, but be sure to not feel too drowsy where you find it difficult to focus. When you feel like you could move but you don’t want to (because you’re too comfortable), that’s when you’ll know you’re in the state akin to sleep.
Construct a scene that implies the fulfillment of your desire by making elsewhere here and then now, then feel it real by incorporating your senses into it and imagine yourself being present within your imaginal scene from your perspective. Confine your scene to a single action. If your scene implies that you have received wonderful news, do not wander off in your visualization by doing a thousand irrelevant things afterwards, simply stick to the congratulations and mentally feel yourself being present in your scene. Repeat the scene until it takes on the tones of reality. [A tip from Edward Art: Focus on feeling it real (feeling the wish fulfilled) first and then the sensory aspects of your scene will follow]
If you do this right and you’re able to shut out your senses and concentrate on that single sensation of fulfillment. You will actually feel as though it is all actually happening at this very moment, as if you are there presently. When you choose to exit the imaginal scene, you will quite literally feel surprised at the fact that you are back in the comfort of your home and not where you were a minute ago.
"As soon as man assumes the feeling of his wish fulfilled, his fourth-dimensional self finds ways for the attainment of this end, discovers methods for its realization" - Remain Faithful to Your Idea
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III. The lullaby method
"If you cannot concentrate on an act, if you cannot snuggle into your chair and believe the chair is elsewhere, just as though elsewhere were here, then do this: Reduce the idea, condense it to a single, simple phrase. Whatever the phrase is, let it imply that the assumption is true, that it is concrete, that it is already a fact and you know it." - Assumptions Harden Into Fact
If you find it difficult to focus on a scene and feel it real or if you simply cannot conceptualize what the end would even look like, follow steps 1 through 4 and do the following:
Condense the fulfillment to three words or less and repeat them over and over again until your mind is dominated by the single sensation of thankfulness. Meditate on this phrase until you accept it as a fact.
Something that helped me understand the lullaby method was the following analogy: Think of a moment where you were repeating a word to yourself over and over again until it no longer sounded like a real word. The lullaby method is almost like that except in the opposite direction. Instead of repeating your three words until they don’t make sense, you repeat them until you are consumed by the acceptance of them, as if they do make sense. 
Examples of three words that imply the end:
I made it, I passed, I got accepted, I found it, they said yes, I won, I am (beautiful, healed, employed, successful), thank you, it is done, it’s finished, isn’t it wonderful?, I AM
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IV. Revision
If your goal is to revise an incident, you do the exact same process:
Construct a scene that would suggest the preferable outcome. If you dropped your phone and broke your screen, imagine that you caught it instead. If you received undesirable news, imagine what you would have preferred to hear instead. 
Again, if you cannot conceptualize a scene of the ideal, pick three words that confirm the end. For lullaby, you can stick to “It never happened”
It could take some practice or maybe you’ll succeed at feeling it real on the first attempt. There comes a point where after visualizing or repeating those three words long enough that it’ll simply feel real. When you step out of that state you will feel surprised to realize that you’re no longer where your scene implied that you were. The vividness of your scene will feel as a real occurrence to you. Whenever I do the lullaby method and step out of that state I am filled with a sense of relief, as if my prayer has been answered. That’s how you’re supposed to feel after inducing the SATS rather than “hoping” that what you just did is enough.
Although you can induce the SATS at any time of day, if you choose to do it before bed (which is an excellent idea and I’m about to explain why), you can take that feeling of the wish fulfilled and fall asleep in that state. Always fall asleep with that satisfaction clouding your consciousness. Your prayer has been answered and there’s nothing left for you to do (but you can turn to the SATS whenever you need a reminder of the wish fulfilled).
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V. Wish fulfilled briefly explained.
“When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. Feeling grateful, fulfilled, or thankful, it is easy to say, "Thank You," "Isn't it wonderful!" or "It is finished." When you get into the state of thankfulness, you can either awaken knowing it is done, or fall asleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.”
I remind you to proceed with this state not with the intention of doing in order to receive but rather to acquire the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Much like a prayer, think about it through the word "wish". Imagine what it would be like to ask for a wish and know that it's been granted, or asking for something and knowing you will receive it. How would you feel?
"The only condition required is that you believe that your prayers are already realized." - Feeling is the Secret Ch. 3
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VI. How to you know if you’re in the state akin to sleep.
You’ll know you’re successfully induced this state where you’re still capable of moving but you don’t want to. You know when you rest your head on your arm or hand and you’re so comfortable that you don’t even want to move? That’s the state. It's like when you're so exhausted you throw yourself onto your bed and do not want to move because you immediately get comfortable, that’s how you should feel.
You’ll also know when you’re able to still guide the direction of your thoughts, if you’re too drowsy to the point where you’re slurring your words or cannot stick to your scene you've gone a little too far. You want to be able to focus and control your attention with as little effort as possible.
Symptoms may vary from person to person but here are the ones I personally feel that confirm I’m in the SATS:
My body feels slightly numb and will mildly twitch
My breathing is slow and short, my chest doesn’t rise much.
I am aware of the silhouette of my body but I cannot feel where my limbs touch.
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VII. Misconceptions.
You do not need to physically impair the body.
You do not need to do this at night before bed.
The lullaby method is not affirming until you fall asleep.
Visualizing during the SATS is not a daydream, you are literally harvesting your future by assuming what the end looks like and then feeling the wish fulfilled.
You can induce sats at any time of day.  Neville himself recommended inducing it at a specific hour every day and soon enough you would automatically begin to feel drowsy at that same hour every day.
It is preferable to visualize in first person rather than in third person as if you are watching a scene unfold because you are meant to feel the scene as real as possible, as if you are actually there at this very moment. 
The affirmations are ideally condensed to three words or less so you can focus on them easier. I had personally found this to be much easier for me to remain focused when it’s only three words and not longer because I eventually start slurring my words.
How I personally induce the SATS:
I prefer to do it sometime between 18:00-21:00 when I have no intention of sleeping
I make myself a cup of tea (lavender or chamomile) so I feel relaxed.
If I struggle to focus I'll do a small ten minute guided meditation beforehand.
I then turn on brown noise or theta waves on noise canceling headphones.
I repeat to myself, “I am relaxed” “I am sleepy” until I start feeling drowsy.
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VII. Final words.
I strongly advise you to approach the SATS not as a method but as a way to feel that your prayer has been answered. Do not induce the state in hopes of trying to “be” something because you can’t become what you already are. Utilizing your imagination during the SATS can be such a fulfilling and rewarding practice that I would encourage you to partake in it purely for enjoyment even when you are not specifically seeking the wish fulfilled. Remember to have fun with the SATS and let your imagination run free. ʚ♡ɞ
"Your prayer must be answered if you assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your objective. To pray successfully then, you must yield to the wish, that is, feel the wish fulfilled." - Feeling is the Secret Ch. 3
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onikattingz · 5 months
Neville Goddard lecture summaries
⚜️⋮ Assumptions Harden Into Fact
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⚜️  Barabbas or Jesus.
If you came to this meeting tonight conscious of wanting something, desiring something, you walked in the company of Barabbas. For to desire is to confess that you do not now possess what you desire, and because all things are yours, you rob yourself by living in the state of desire. My saviour is my desire. As I want something I am looking into the eyes of my saviour. But if I continue wanting it, I deny my Jesus, my saviour, for as I want I confess I am not. I cannot have and still continue to desire what I have. I may enjoy it, but I cannot continue wanting it.
Barabbas represents your desire, your lust for what you want to manifest.  To be accompanied by Barabbas means that you’re dwelling in a state of yearning, you are conscious of the fact that it is not currently in your possession. To release Barabbas is to accept your desires to be yours now, meaning you no longer desire them. Jesus personifies your imagination. If you walk in the company of Jesus, your desire is yours. After all, imagination creates reality.
You and I perpetually keep alive either Barabbas or Jesus. You know at every moment of time who you are entertaining… If at this very moment you have an unfulfilled ambition, then you are entertaining that which denies the fulfillment of the ambition, and that which denies it is Barabbas.
“I am struggling to manifest” “Nothing is changing” = Barabbas
“I am that which I desire to be” “Everything I desire is already mine” = Jesus
If I become what I want to be then I am saved from what I was. If I do not become it, I continue to keep locked within me a thief who robs me of being that which I could be… If we are wise, we too should clamor for the release of that state of mind that limits us from being what we want to be, that restricts us, that does not permit us to become the ideal that we seek and strive to attain in this world.
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⚜️  The passover - the release of the state of mind that limits us from being what we want to be.
Man is incapable of passing over from one state of consciousness into another unless he releases from consciousness that which he now entertains, for it anchors him where he is. To keep the feast of the Passover, the psychological feast, I pass from one state of consciousness into another. I do it by releasing Barabbas, the thief and robber that robs me of that state which I could embody within my world.
If you don’t know what that Passover is, it is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. When Neville says passover, he means change.
To explain the mystical, psychological transformation known as the Passover, or the crossing over, you must now become identified with the ideal that you would serve, and you must remain faithful to the ideal. If you remain faithful to it, you not only crucify it by your faithfulness, but you resurrect it unaided by a man… You walk in the consciousness of being that which you want to be, no one sees it as yet, but you do not need a man to roll away the problems and the obstacles of life in order to express that which you are conscious of being.
How to experience the Passover:
You must release Barabbas, your present concept of self, which robs you of being that which you could be, and you must assume the new concept which you desire to express. The best way to do this is to concentrate your attention upon the idea of identifying yourself with your ideal. Assume you are already that which you seek and your assumption, though false, if sustained, will harden into fact. 
To quote my self concept post: Self concept is how you see yourself in relation to the world and how you see the world in relation to you. 
You will know when you have succeeded in releasing Barabbas, your old concept of self, and when you have successfully crucified Jesus, or fixed the new concept of self, by simply looking MENTALLY at the people you know. If you see them as you formerly saw them, you have not changed your concept of self, for all changes of concepts of self result in a changed relationship to your world. We always seem to others an embodiment of the ideal we inspire. Therefore, in meditation, we must imagine that others see us as they would see us were we what we desire to be. 
Relating to everyone is you pushed out (how you see the world in relation to you), here is an example: If your current conception of self believes that you are unlovable and unlikeable, the people around you will play the part that aligns with that assumption. If you change your concept of self into being a person that is adored and appreciated, others will reflect that idea back to you. They will always serve as indicators of what you think about yourself. 
By this simple method of experiencing in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you the embodiment of the ideal you serve, you release Barabbas who robbed you of your greatness, and you crucify and resurrect your saviour, or the ideal you desired to express.
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⚜️  Rahab - the spirit of the father.
You are functioning three-dimensionally and you cannot seem to reach the fourth-dimensional world where your present desire is already a concrete objective reality. You cannot seem to reach it because your senses bar you from it. Reason tells you it is impossible, all things round about you tell you it is not true. Now you employ the services of a harlot and a spy, and her name is Rahab... The profession of a spy is this: to travel secretly, to travel so quietly that you may not be detected. There is not a single physical spy in this world who can travel so quietly that he will be altogether unseen by others. He may be very wise in concealing his ways, and he may never be truly apprehended, but at every moment of time he runs the risk of being detected. Rahab's next profession was that of a harlot, which is to grant unto men what they ask of her without asking man's right to ask. If she be an absolute harlot, as her name implies, then she possesses all and can grant all that man asks of her. She is there to serve, and not to question man's right to seek what he seeks of her.
Your ability to feel is the spirit of your consciousness and that ability is symbolized by Rahab. She is both a spy and a harlot. Her profession as a spy represents the appropriation of a state of consciousness while the profession of a harlot refers to giving yourself satisfaction through feeling the embodiment of that state. When you visualize and you make elsewhere here and then now, you emulate the profession of the spy. When you give yourself the embodiment of the state, you have given yourself what you have asked for, the same way a harlot would.
You have within you the capacity to appropriate a state without knowing the means that will be employed to realize that end and you assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled without having any of the talents that men claim you must possess in order to do so. When you appropriate it in consciousness you have employed the spy, and because you can embody that state within yourself by actually giving it to yourself, you are the harlot, for the harlot satisfies the man who seeks her. You can satisfy self by appropriating the feeling that you are what you want to be. And this assumption though false, that is, although reason and the senses deny it, if persisted in will harden into fact… You will never lose the capacity to place yourself elsewhere and make it here. You will never lose the ability to give unto yourself what you are bold enough to appropriate as true of self.
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⚜️  The Sabbath.
It is the state when man is completely unmoved in his conviction that the thing is. When I can assume the feeling of my wish fulfilled and go to sleep, unconcerned, undisturbed, I am at rest mentally, and am keeping the Sabbath or am blowing the trumpet seven times. 
The Sabbath is the period of mental rest at which you feel absolute security and acceptance of the fact that what you desire is yours, otherwise known as the feeling of the wish fulfilled. It is the internal transition from lack and coveting to acceptance and acquisition. The Sabbath is not something you force yourself to embody, it consumes you naturally after the persistence in an assumption has successfully altered your consciousness. You give credence to the fact that it is done.
Do not mistake the Sabbath for something that is difficult to feel or embody, the Sabbath is in everything we know because it is exactly that - knowing. The same way you know that the sun will set today and rise tomorrow is the same way you know your desires are coming in your possession, that is the Sabbath. Because you know it is yours, you’re no longer moved by doubts, methods, means or concerns about its fruition. You simply rest and let it be taken care of, there is nothing else for you to do. 
When I reach that point the walls crumble. Circumstances alter then remold themselves in harmony with my assumption. As they crumble I resurrect that which I have appropriated within. The walls, the obstacles, the problems, crumble of their own weight if I can reach the point of stillness within me. The man who can fix within his own mind's eye an idea, even though the world would deny it, if he remains faithful to that idea he will see it manifested. There is all the difference in the world between holding the idea, and being held by the idea. Become so dominated by an idea that it haunts the mind as though you were it. Then, regardless of what others may say, you are walking in the direction of your fixed attitude of mind. You are walking in the direction of the idea that dominates the mind. As we told you last night, you have but one gift that is truly yours to give, and that is yourself. There is no other gift; you must press it out of yourself by an appropriation. It is there within you now for creation is finished. There is nothing to be that is not now. There is nothing to be created for all things are already yours, they are all finished. Although man may not be able to stand physically upon a state, he can always stand mentally upon any desired state.
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The mental journey into the desired state, with its subsequent feeling of reality, is all that is necessary to bring about its fulfillment. Your dimensionally greater self has ways that the lesser, or three-dimensional you, know not of. Remain in the mental state defined as your objective until it has the feeling of reality, and all the forces of heaven and earth will rush to aid its embodiment. Your greater self will influence the actions and words of all who can be used to aid the production of your fixed mental attitude.
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onikattingz · 5 months
Neville Goddard lecture summaries
⚜️⋮ Remain Faithful to Your Idea
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⚜️  What have I to do with thee?
We get into the habit of accepting as final the evidence of our senses. Wine is needed for the guests and my senses tell me that there is no wine, and I through habit am about to accept this lack as final. When I remember that my consciousness is the one and only reality, therefore if I deny the evidence of my senses and assume the consciousness of having sufficient wine, I have in a sense rebuked my mother or the consciousness which suggested lack; and by assuming the consciousness of having what I desire for my guests, wine is produced in a way we do not know. 
In the second chapter of the Gospel of St. John. Jesus says to his mother, "Woman, what have I to do with thee?" John 2:4. 
Jesus represents you because you are God and his mother represents your consciousness because it is the cause (or mother) of all phenomena.
Imagine your state of consciousness being other than what you would like for it to look like. In such a case, you should not allow yourself to accept it, to which you respond with, “what does this have to do with me?” or in Neville’s words, “what do I have to do with the evidence of my senses?” Don’t take no for an answer and don’t accept what you don’t want.
I have just read a note here from a dear friend of mine in the audience. Last Sunday he had an appointment at a church for a wedding; the clock told him he was late, everything told him he was late. He was standing on a street corner waiting for a street car. There was none in sight. He imagined that, instead of being on the street corner, that he was in the church. At that moment a car stopped in front of him. My friend told the driver of his predicament and the driver said to him, "I am not going that way, but I will take you there." My friend got into the car and was at the church in time for the service. That is applying the law correctly, non-acceptance of the suggestion of lateness. Never accept the suggestion of lack.
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⚜️  I AM the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me.
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." Isaiah 45:7. If I am hurt, I am self hurt. If there is darkness in my world, I created the darkness and the gloom and the depression. If there is light and joy, I created the light and the joy. There is no one but this I AMness that does all. You cannot find a cause outside of your own consciousness. Your world is a grand mirror constantly telling you who you are. As you meet people, they tell you by their behavior who you are. 
A reminder that I AM is the origin of the world around you. You always possess the power to decide what comes after I AM: I AM loved or I AM unloved, I AM wealthy or I AM poor, I AM healthy or I AM ill. There is nothing outside of you responsible for the contents of your consciousness because you are the only one who can define your I AMness.
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⚜️  Prayer.
If I could define prayer for anyone and put it just as clearly as I could, I would simply say, "It is the feeling of the wish fulfilled." If you ask, "What do you mean by that?" I would say, "I would feel myself into the situation of the answered prayer and then I would live and act upon that conviction." I would try to sustain it without effort, that is, I would live and act as though it were already a fact, knowing that as I walk in this fixed attitude my assumption will harden into fact. 
Prayer is another word for manifesting by feeling the wish fulfilled. In order to successfully pray, you must define what the end looks like and accept that it is done. Believe that you have received that which you desire to have and you shall. 
Anyone who prays successfully turns within, and appropriates the state sought. You have no sacrifice to offer. Do not let anyone tell you that you must struggle and suffer. You need not struggle for the realization of your desire. Read what it says in the Bible. 
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⚜️  Forgive.
"When ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses." That is what we must do when we pray. If I hold some thing against another, be it a belief of sickness, poverty , or anything else, I must lose it and let it go, not by using words of denial but by believing him to be what he desires to be. In that way I completely forgive him. I changed my concept of him. I only forgive something when I truly forget. I can say to you until the end of time, "I forgive you." But if every time I see you or think of you, I am reminded of what I held against you, I have not forgiven you at all. Forgiveness is complete forgetfulness. 
To forgive is to stop feeling angry or resentful toward another. When you forgive, you are letting go of the undesirable in order to turn to the desirable (you forget). This is essentially what Neville means when he says you cannot serve two masters. If you seek to shift your state of consciousness, you cannot continue to entertain the old contradicting one, so you must forgive (forget) in order to welcome in the new one. 
Give yourself a new concept of self for the old concept. Give up the old concept completely.
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⚜️  Future’s flexibility.
The most remarkable feature of man's future is its flexibility. The future, although prepared in advance in every detail, has several outcomes. We have at every moment of our lives the choice before us which of several futures we will have… Since man can observe an event before it occurs in the three dimensions of space, then life on earth proceeds according to plan; and this plan must exist elsewhere in another dimension and is slowly moving through our space. 
If the occurring events were not in this world when they were observed, then to be perfectly logical they must have been out of this world. And whatever is THERE to be seen before it occurs HERE must be "pre-determined" from the point of view of man awake in a three-dimensional world. 
Therefore, my object in giving this course is to indicate possibilities inherent in man, to show that man can alter his: future; but, thus altered, it forms again a deterministic sequence starting from the point of interference -- a future that will be consistent with the alteration. 
The moment called NOW.
To the natural view, the past and future are purely imaginary. The spiritual view on the other hand sees the contents of time. The past and future are a present whole to the spiritual view. What is mental and subjective to the natural man is concrete and objective to the spiritual man. 
The habit of seeing only that which our senses permit renders us totally blind to what, otherwise, we could see. To cultivate the faculty of seeing the invisible, we should often deliberately disentangle our minds from the evidence of the senses and focus our attention on an invisible state, mentally feeling it and sensing it until it has all the distinctness of reality.
The future event is a reality NOW in a dimensionally larger world and oddly enough, now in a dimensionally larger world is equivalent to HERE in the ordinary three-dimensional space of everyday life. 
It’s easy to let the evidence of your senses dictate what your circumstances look like, you feel trapped by the present moment and although reason tells you that all looks a certain way, but truth is the future you desire already exists at this very moment, it is not far away from you. The only reason we are held back by the concept of time is because we perceive it as being linear and we process events as occurring chronologically. However, the past, present and future are all occurring at this very moment. There is no universal timeline, all exists and is occurring at this very moment, which is also the reason why manifestation is always instant. 
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⚜️  Follow the desire.
The first step in changing the future is DESIRE, that is, define your objective -- know definitely what you want.  ?
A little practice will convince us that we can, by controlling our imagination, reshape our future in harmony with our desire. Desire is the mainspring of action. We could not move a single finger unless we had a desire to move it.
The desires which impel us to action are those which hold our attention. A desire is but an awareness of something we lack and need to make our life more enjoyable. Desires always have some personal gain in view, the greater the anticipated gain, the more intense is the desire. There is no absolutely unselfish desire. Where there is nothing to gain there is no desire, and consequently no action.
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⚜️  The four dimensions of space.
To understand how man molds his future in harmony with his assumption -- by simply experiencing in his imagination what he would experience in reality were he to realize his goal - we must know what we mean by a dimensionally larger world, for it is to a dimensionally larger world that we go to alter our future. 
The observation of an event before it occurs implies that the event is predetermined from the point of view of man in the three-dimensional world. Therefore to change the conditions here in the three dimensions of space we must first change them in the four dimensions of space. 
Your future is not predetermined, it is always being created by molding in harmony with the assumptions that become a part of your consciousness because consciousness is the one and only reality. Ask yourself what you want, give it to yourself in the 4D and allow it to unfold in the 3D. 
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Assume you are that which you wish to be; walk as though you were it; and as you remain faithful to your assumption -- it will harden into fact.
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onikattingz · 5 months
Hi Sora! Thank you so much for your advice and help! I’m sorry for the long post ahead, please feel free to ignore me if you find the post too chunky.
I checked out RealityWarpingg and saw a post that goes like this “And if right now, I could 100% drop my belief in the possibility of failure, success would be the only thing that I would experience for the rest of my life” and I kinda see what you mean by “If self is perfect and you are self then why wouldn’t everything be perfect”. I’m not sure if I’m understanding it correctly, please correct me if you see a problem.
It’s the self that gives the reality to the experience. I’m so afraid of letting the problem go because I think once I let it go, the body and mind will suffer from hell knows what problems. Back in loass, I always have this and that method to do to “fulfill” myself so that I think I’m working towards something, so the world won’t burn because of me doing nothing. All these thoughts were because I identify myself as the ego, the ego thinks she has to do xyz or the world will doom. But if I stop identifying myself as the ego, and start to know who the true self is, I just drop the problem, and it will disappear, like literally disappear, in the example I stated before it’s “dropping out of school doesn’t exist, everything is perfect because the self is perfect”.
This is my understanding till now, please correct me if I made a mistake!
Writing this down arises another two question:
1. so how would the problem be resolved? By the belief or the love the self has? Because Self loves all of her creations?
2. I remembered reading a post of Ada several days ago, I don’t remember the exact words, and based on my understanding I remembered the overall meaning as something like “you have to accept the worst situation that might happen to the you, have the courage to face what the ego fears”. I’m sorry if I misunderstood what her meant, please ignore it if you find this sentence ridiculous. Did she mean “only when we are open to accept the worst situation do we let go the ego”? Because if we don’t see ourselves as the ego, we won’t be bothered by the problem it’s facing, then the problem flies away because we don’t give it reality? Or did she mean “let the ego deal with the problem, it’s not my problem, let the ego suffer because it’s all just a dream”. I think this is not what she meant because this is duality, but I’m not sure of my understanding.
Thank you Sora, for your help and time! Apologies for the long post, I’m really bad at concluding my thoughts lol.
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hello again love!
I’m so afraid of letting the problem go because I think once I let it go, the body and mind will suffer from hell knows what problems. Back in loass, I always have this and that method to do to “fulfill” myself so that I think I’m working towards something, so the world won’t burn because of me doing nothing.
Oh boy I get this! It is so incredibly scary to just surrender since we have been in a process of doing and controlling 'external' circumstances (which there has never been a process but we identify with there having been one). ND is radical whereas LOA is more to get something so if you want to just get something right now, I would suggest LOA just so you don't spiral. Any 'method' 'works'' as long as you know that you are not a human and that which you 'think' you see is an illusion and effectively, unreal and can be molded into a different thing at any given moment the Self decides. There are no facts at all, there is nothing that is static and stable, it depends on your will to accept yourSelf as the Absolute Authority you ARE. The character has no power because the character is an illusion. You can try changing from the outside world but the only reason it will work is if you know that circumstances start and end with You.
By Ada:
But if I stop identifying myself as the ego, and start to know who the true self is, I just drop the problem, and it will disappear, like literally disappear, in the example I stated before it’s “dropping out of school doesn’t exist, everything is perfect because the self is perfect”.
Yes, because the one who you think you are is in school just because you believe they are in school, therefore if you wanted a different experience you can easily get it because there is no one here but you. No other power but you. The world is only solid because you believe it is.
1. so how would the problem be resolved? By the belief or the love the self has? Because Self loves all of her creations?
The problem will be resolved because Self doesn't want to experience it anymore. Imagine this:
You are painting a beautiful scenery. You have alllll the colours you could have but for this painting you only want green. However, you have red in your hand. The green is RIGHT THERE for you to grab but you won't let go of the red. The paint doesn't have a mind of its own, the air isn't dictating which colour is in your hand, it is all YOU. You are struggling against your own Self, trying to grab green whilst your hands are filled with paintbrushes with red. Drop the red and grab the green paint. THERE IS NOTHING BUT SELF! There is no effort, just a conscious decision to stop identifying yourself as the paint but instead, as the painter. Then you go one step forward and identify yourself with every-thing because the reason that there even is a thing is because of You. In reality, Self is a total negation.
Did she mean “only when we are open to accept the worst situation do we let go the ego”? Because if we don’t see ourselves as the ego, we won’t be bothered by the problem it’s facing, then the problem flies away because we don’t give it reality?
Yes, because you are not afraid of it anymore. It is just a passing thought with no basis.
Read this - the following are not my words, the creators have been credited in the beginning of each section:
I AM the believer limited by my beliefs, the knower defined by the known. The world is my conditioned consciousness objectified. That which I feel and believe to be true of myself is now projected in space as my world. The world – my mirrored self – ever bears witness of the state of consciousness in which I live. There is no chance or accident responsible for the things that happen to me or the environment in which I find myself.
The most difficult thing for man to really grasp is this: That the “I AM-ness” in himself is God. It is his true being or Father state, the only state he can be sure of. The Son, his conception of himself, is an illusion. He always knows that he IS, but that which he is, is an illusion created by himself (the Father) in an attempt at self-definition.
Now that you have discovered your I AM, your consciousness to be God, do not claim anything to be true of yourself that you would not claim to be true of God, for in defining yourself, you are defining God.
The visible world of itself can do nothing; it only bears record of his creator, the subjective state.
Lester Levenson:
God is All, God is Perfect, and if God is All and God is Perfect, everything must be perfect, and that leaves no place for imperfection or troubles - Lester
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reality warpingg:
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"Deciding to wake up as a different ego" How do you expect to wake up as something that fundamentally does not exist? Would it make sense to you if the ocean wished to wake up as a wave? Does a wave truly exist on its own or is it an illusory form the ocean takes on? What are both made of?💧
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onikattingz · 5 months
Ways to Relax Your Body for Manifesting/Shifting/Meditation/Etc
I've noticed a lot of people have trouble with getting their bodies to relax when they need them to! So, as someone with adhd and anxiety, I have loads of tips for this.
1. Deep breathing exercises
Cannot recommend this one enough. Now, I want you to take your fingers and check your pulse either along your wrist or your neck. Keep your fingers there, close your eyes, and breathe in and out slowly. If you noticed your heartbeat getting faster as you breathed in and slower as you breathed out, good! That was heart rate variability and people who have a strong vagal nerve will notice the difference more. The vagal nerve is the longest nerve in our body and, among other things, sends messages to the brain to let it know that we're safe and we can calm down.
Practicing deep breathing exercises will help you strengthen your vagal nerve which will help you control your anxiety and relax faster. This is why it always gets recommended. Focus on your breathing. So try some deep breathing exercises whenever you can, maybe once a day if you aren't used to it. Whenever you intend to relax for things like meditation or methods, always start with deep breathing. (My favorite exercise is breathing in for a specific count, then holding my breath for a few seconds, then breathing out as slowly as I can.)
2. Scrunching
I'm not sure what this is actually called but I call it scrunching because it sounds funny. Basically, and this can be done lying down or sitting up, you want to "scrunch" or "squeeze" up certain body parts as tight as you can (but not so much that it hurts) and then slowly release them. I find that this is like a physical, bodily version of deep breathing exercises. It forces your body to let go of any tension it's holding. Try to start either top to bottom or bottom to top for a better sense of control too (and to help you keep your thoughts focused).
3. The Valsalvia Manuever
I recommend researching this one for a more in-depth explanation but essentially, the Valsalvia Maneuver is trying to create more pressure in your chest to trigger the vagal nerve and force your body to relax. One way to do this is by plugging your nose, closing your mouth, and then pushing out as if you're going to sneeze. This should not hurt. You should only feel pressure in your chest. Another way is to breathe in for five seconds, hold it, then bear down for five seconds, and then breathe out for five seconds.
Like I said before, the vagal nerve is responsible for tons of things, and one of those things is sending messages to your brain to basically tell it to chill. By increasing the pressure in your chest and then relieving it, you are triggering that vagal nerve which then triggers the parasympathetic response which in turn calms you down.
4. Visualizing
I'm sure everyone has dabbled in this so I won't really explain it too much. Pick anything that calms you down or relates to what you're doing. For instance, if you're meditating just to relax, pick a calming beach or forest, really anything that brings you peace. If you're manifesting, pick a scene that correlates to that manifestation (like you and your SP going on a date if you're manifesting an SP) and so on and so forth.
It's perfectly okay for your mind to wander. If you have trouble with that, one thing I would suggest is visualizing multiple scenes. I tend to get bored with just one and that makes me think about other things. A good way to practice visualizing multiple scenes is by running through an entire day of your ideal life. So, waking up, eating breakfast, talking to friends, etc. Just go through an entire day - it's okay if there are time skips - and that should help some if you have trouble with focusing on just one scene.
5. Telling your body to relax
Basically affirm for it! Do some deep breaths and when you feel calmer, tell your body to relax. Just say, "relax", in your head preferably but out loud if you want to. You need to really feel like you're in control (which you 100% are) because if you don't feel in control this may not work as fast or as well.
6. Rolling your eyes
When you're sleeping, you're eyes naturally move around in the first stage and in REM sleep. One motion that happens early in the sleep cycle, is your eyes rolling to the left. You can essentially trick your brain into thinking you're asleep by closing your eyes and rolling them. It should be a little slower than the typical eye roll but not too slow. Your eyes should roll smoothly so if it doesn't feel smooth then you're probably rolling them too slowly. Again, this forces your mind to slow down and calm down. It forces it to think you're already sleeping.
7. Listening to calming music/waves
Pretty self-explanatory! Listen to something that's calming. Try not to pay attention to it, it's just supposed to be background noise. If you find music and waves to be too distracting, you can also try white noise, asmr, rain, etc.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions about these tips!
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onikattingz · 5 months
SATS: State Akin to Sleep Guide
I've mentioned that the SATS method is one of my preferred methods for manifesting and shifting, and as such, a lot of people have asked how I use it. So here's a little guide on what it is, how to do it, etc!
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Before I start this guide I need to clarify some things because I often see confusion regarding this matter.
The state akin to sleep is just a state of consciousness. It's not a method.
The SATS method that most people talk about, refers to one example of using this state to manifest. This specific method does include visualization however, there are tons of other SATS methods that don't. I'll be going over the visualization method as well as the lullaby method and mentioning a few other options for you in this guide.
Now that I've got that out of the way!
First, what is SATS?
You sit down for the purpose of creating a state akin to sleep, as though you were sleepy, but do not push the drowsiness too far, just far enough to relax and leave you in control of the direction of your thoughts.
-Neville Goddard
The State Akin To Sleep (ie SATS) is a state of consciousness where a person is completely relaxed, and often somewhat drowsy, yet is still aware of and in control of their thoughts.
This state can happen at any time of the day, however, people are most often aware of it right before they go to sleep and right after they wake up. It's still important to note that you can get into this state whenever you want, not just before sleep!
Now, remember what I said at the very beginning, SATS is just a state of consciousness. There are multiple different methods one can do while in SATS. There are also other things you can do in this state, not just methods! I'll talk about this more further down.
Now that we know what SATS is, let's get into some SATS methods!
Neville Goddard explains one of his personal methods of using SATS to manifest as such:
Get into a completely comfortable position and start to relax
Know what you want to manifest and decide on it beforehand
Decide on a scene to visualize that would imply you have your manifestation (ex: manifesting being rich and visualizing seeing millions in your account/counting money/etc)
Once you've decided both of these things, allow yourself to fully relax and enter sats (try not to think too hard about this - just relax)
The moment you enter this state, visualize your scene on repeat until you fall asleep or decide to stop.
Another version, the Lullaby Method, is extremely similar but uses repeating affirmations in place of visualizing. So do go through the first two steps and then instead of visualizing a scene, pick one or a few different affirmations to repeat until you fall asleep or decide to stop.
The Vaunting Method is another method that can be done in the state akin to sleep. To do this method, simply pretend to have a conversation with someone of your choice, and then talk/brag about your manifestations. This one is popular with people who don't like repeating the same aff over and over again and prefer their affirmations to sound more natural, hence the conversational tone of it. This method doesn't need to be done in SATS but it is a fun option.
"Feeling it real"
In this feeling, it is easy to touch anything in this world. You take the simple little restricted action which implies fulfillment of your prayer and you feel it or you enact it. Whatever it is, you enter into the action as though you were an actor in the part. You do not sit back and visualize yourself doing it. You do it.
-Neville Goddard
Neville repeats quite often that "feeling it real" is very important to this method. I want to make it clear that 1. you don't need to feel it real and 2. feeling it real is actually a lot easier than people think it is and most people are able to do it.
"Feeling it real" in regard to visualization or affirmations usually refers to that feeling of confidence or assuredness that you already have your manifestation. Say you're manifesting your desired face; feeling it real would come with a feeling of just knowing that you have your DF and the scene that you repeat would actually feel real, not necessarily in a physical sense, but in a way that you know it to be true and you're not just imagining/wishing for it to be. So again, it's not about feeling physical sensations, it's more about feeling the emotions and thoughts that you would feel if you were actually experiencing your desires in the 3D.
For example, if you're manifesting being rich, imagine the emotions and feelings that being rich would give you. Would you feel happy? Comfortable? Secure? If you're manifesting a partner, what emotions would you feel being with them? If you're manifesting a vacation or a new phone or getting accepted into your desired university etcetc, imagine the emotions, thoughts, and feelings you would have if you were experiencing this right now.
Try not to be worried if you can't feel it real or it doesn't come easily to you at first. Tons of people manifest without feeling it real, myself and a lot of other loa blogs here included! It's not necessary, it's just another option that can help. It's another facet of knowing your desires already belong to you. Which... they do! Regardless of your doubts and fears, they belong to you. You already have them. This is partially why feeling it real works and also why it isn't technically necessary. It works because you're acknowledging that you already have it but it's also not necessary because you quite literally already have it, regardless of how you're thinking.
Common Questions
How do you use the SATS method to shift?
It's basically the same thing! Instead of visualizing/affirming something about a manifestation, you would just visualize/affirm your DR/WR.
Is visualizing necessary for the SATS method?
I answered this above but I want to say it again. Yes and no. Visualizing is one of the methods. That specific method is a visualization method. However, there are other methods that use this state that don't include visualization.
I know a lot of people like to say you don't need to visualize for the SATS method, and they're like... partially right. The state akin to sleep isn't a method itself, it's just a state of consciousness. There are hundreds of different things and methods you can do while in the state akin to sleep. However, the specific SATS method that most people talk about in loa and shifting circles is referring to one of Neville's methods which does include visualization as a major component. So no, you don't need to visualize while in SATS, but yes, visualization is part of that specific SATS method. I know it can get confusing, which is why there's so much debate about it. It's mostly semantics though and once you know that difference, it's a lot easier to understand these conversations and figure out something that works for you.
If can't or don't like visualizing, check out the above methods and/or the last question!
How do I get into SATS?
You can let yourself enter it naturally by sitting/laying in a comfortable position and calming yourself down. I have a post that gives a few different options for getting and staying relaxed.
Again, try not to overthink this! The state akin to sleep is literally just a state where one is completely relaxed (and could drift to sleep) but is still awake and aware of their thoughts. That's it! You don't have to be getting ready to sleep to enter SATS. If you've had one boring class, you've probably gotten into SATS during the day!
Is the SATS method necessary to manifest/shift?
Can I move while in SATS?
Yes. This isn't the military - do whatever you want. No, you won't get knocked out of the state if you move.
What are other methods that use SATS?
Besides the ones mentioned above, one of Neville's other methods was feeling thankful; essentially feeling thankful for your life and for already having your desires while being in SATS (this one also employs the feeling of the wish fulfilled). I'm not sure if there's a name for it, but another one is to listen to music, subs, and/or waves that remind you of your manifestations/desired realities while in SATS. Again, there are other options, these are just some of the most common ones!
Do remember that the state akin to sleep is simply just a state and you can do literally whatever you want in it. You can make your own method that works better for you! Don't be afraid to just lie there and try something out.
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That's honestly it! SATS and SATS methods are really simple actually! Once you know what the state is, and I promise you've already experienced it, it's really easy to figure out a method that works for you while in it.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions! 🥰
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