oneinchbravery · 5 years
At long last, she did it! Took long enough, but it only managed to last so long before the small princess managed to pull herself together as little as she currently even could to tear herself apart from Seija’s grasp (literally).
Inexperience and new social interaction practically reek from the air around Shinmyoumaru, almost being a tangible concept with how badly her nerves were getting to her. Hey, at least she didn’t have to try anymore, considering how well nothing to her caused such a disarray of emotions to pour out of the poor girl’s mind.
Her lips cracking a small smile were barely noticeable anwyay, as Seija made only an effort in ensuring the scroll did not fall under Shinmyoumaru’s trembling grip, all the while Seija kept direct eye-to-eye contact with the tiny girl as the latter pushed through and through away from her.
Trying to run away, aren’t’cha, you midget?
That golden bracelet was visible once again, if Shinmyoumaru turned her head, as the tall, horned lass forced the princess to a near halt, holding her arm as if asking her to wait up; not too weak, but not yanking it either.
As she spoke, her cold hand slowly rubbed on the small girl’s arm, farther and farther up, and those crimson eyes flared up once again, as if signifying something imminent.
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« Oh, leaving now, aren’t we? Well, how about I help \e s c o r t\ you to your room then, princess? It is quite dark in this hallways, is it not? We wouldn’t want you to get lost now, would we? » 
Even though her room was only a couple of floors up, Seija planned to take a more…alternate route, that might or might not have involved unnecessarily long detouring across the entire castle. To build up some ‘trust’, no?
Yeah, let’s just call it ‘trust’. Ha ha.
It’s unlike anything she’s ever seen on Seija’s face so far.
The amanojaku grabs her arm, holding Shinmyoumaru there, and in those eyes shines a light so hard to decipher that it takes her a few moments to react. What pulls Shinmyoumaru out of the depth of red is a grin – one that shows the ivory white of Seija’s fangs.
Shinmyoumaru feels small again. Her body, which she had not so long ago celebrated for its newly gained height, is intangible; in spirit she is again the small inchling face to face with a creature ten times her size. Instinctively, her left hand reaches for the cotton-made scabbard in which her needle rests. It stops halfway there, but the first intention is still painfully obvious.
It’s just Seija. She’s got no concept of personal space tonight, but – it’s just Seija.
Shinmyoumaru thinks the suggestion over. Does she really need to be escorted to her room? It’s true that she doesn’t know the castle very well yet (just about last night, it had taken her twenty minutes to find the larder), but she isn’t afraid of exploring it even in the dead of night.
Being royalty comes with its share of people ensuring that nothing happens to you, or so she tries to convince herself is Seija’s prime motivation here.
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“…Okay.” A beat. She eyes the scrolls and books hastily left on the table. “But please make sure this room is cleaned after that.”
Shinmyoumaru’s hand moves again, this time to rest on the Miracle Mallet tied to her obi belt. Its warmth comforts her and grounds her back to the present – away from the fluttering feelings and the fear and Seija’s pretty face. She’s a princess, with an important mission.
“Could you lead the way?”
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oneinchbravery · 5 years
A sense of shock, confusion and bewilderment from her majesty shockwaves through her, enough that Seija can feel it. Take it in. Figure out how the poor girl musters to take this information. Surely, she was still young in inchling’s terms, so this might have been new.
Exactly the one-of-a-kind response Seija would have wanted, and lo and behold, it did manifest.
The poor monarch’s ears, all flared up, her cheeks ablaze in a pinkish-red hue, and an apologetic, even adorable, expression of unknowing and surprise. Shivers of anxiety and confusion lagging on her thoughts, as it feels she’s in presence, but not in spirit, completely thrown in for a loop in her own imagination.
|Amanojaku are artisans at the art of manipulating the naive, after all.|
Her disgust at the faux-display of ‘affection’ transformed into a bout of curiosity, amusement, and pride in herself. Had her…attempt to know each other b e t t e r not worked, there were no guarantees to what she would have to do to mend that mistake.
However, it seemed as if that wasn’t necessary.
There’s that face again.
As Shinmyoumaru pulls her arm away from her resting place, then almost refuses to look back at her, the amanojaku calls it a success.
«You sure do look like you need some rest, as well.»
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The attempt to break away from the moment is cute, but painfully obvious.
If Shinmyoumaru wasn’t willing to look at her again, she would obviously notice a pair of arms with gold bracelets going over her shoulders, helping her with the scrolls she so-desperately wanted to use as an excuse, wouldn’t she?
Would she notice a whisper to the point of being able to feel how close her aide was?
«Indeed we should.»
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«But first, some help would be appreciated by her Highness, wouldn’t it now?»
And now she waited.
It would be over soon for her, but hopefully stuck to the mallet’s wielder for a long time.
Oh, Shinmyoumaru definitely notices the arms coming from behind. The glint of gold catches her eye faster than the warmth spreads on her back. What was it again, trying not to think about Seija?
So much for that.
Surprise strikes into her heart as Seija whispers words of help. She is very close; perhaps too close, Shinmyoumaru feels. Is it because of instinct, or because physical proximity is new in many ways to her, there’s no way to tell; but in this moment her emotions balance between a sprout of happiness and what appears to be… apprehension.
She pulls herself together, grips the scroll firmly and turns around to face Seija. It’s a bit awkward in the small space of Seija’s arms, and Shinmyoumaru resents the claustrophobic feeling that situation induces, but she doesn’t look down when their eyes meet.
Oh, how she wishes the apple red of Seija’s eyes weren’t so captivating, this up close.
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“I mean… if you insist…”
She holds the scroll up to Seija’s level, and pushes it into the other girl’s hands. Seija wants to help? Very well. She would be a fool to pass up the offer.
“Thank you. I’ll leave it to you, then?”
Shinmyoumaru doesn’t wait for an answer – she wiggles her way out of Seija’s arms, thankful to her short height for once.
“… Sorry.” She offers an apologetic smile, unsure if it means anything to an amanojaku but unwilling to just go, and takes a few steps to the castle’s stairs. “I’ll be in my room, if you need me.”
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
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That was it.
That impatience was what got in her nerves. Contrasted with how meticulously planned, careful and neurotically thought-out her idea of a so-called ‘revolution’ , was it really such a shock for Seija to slip a fair bit of annoyance and, to some degree, sound the least bit unamused?
…Again, this was not exactly a call for the tiny monarch to leave her, and thus having to play regent, enforcer and | a l l y | to the inchling was, (un)fortunately, part of the role she had to play. And if lies were to mean anything, said untruths would have to blend with encouragement and positivity to keep the farce going.
The tall, slender girl bent her knees, patting the inchling - now the size of a small child, as per her wishes on the Mallet -, slowly ruffling and caressing her hair; all while giving out a slightly smug smile.
«Yes, yes we do.»
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«You see, your highness, you said it yourself. Even though we do have your mallet, you don’t even know how strong that shrine maiden may be, do you?»
« It would be a bad idea to rush in head-first to something as important as our own little revolt, without knowing what would stand in our way now, do you not agree? »
The amanojaku gave her a light pat in her head, before laying her bowl of a hat back to where it previously rested; then rested her arm on her shoulder, bringing them both closer than before. Almost a hug, even.
«For now, don’t you think enjoying the peace and quiet would be better? A little rest before a big day never hurts. »
It was a good thing she never tried to mean anything she said.
Otherwise, seeing herself spit these words would have her hysterically laughing over how far the stretch of lies she called truths went. Or, she would nauseously wretch at this same idea.
The gesture throws her for a loop.
Shinmyoumaru, born a cloistered princess, doesn’t immediately register the touch of Seija’s hand in her hair and on her shoulder. It’s not like affectionate head pats are completely foreign to her – she fondly remembers her appointed nanny granting her one from time to time. But this is different.
When she takes it in fully, Seija has already brought them a little closer. There’s the white of her dress and the scent of her, everywhere. Shinmyoumaru’s eyes widen and suddenly she is reminded of the servant who would read romance novels so often, back when the palace still felt huge. She had always found them so silly. Shinmyoumaru is a daydreamer, but the dizzying warmth and the longing sighs lack the taste of adventure so dear to her heart. Why now then?
It doesn’t make sense. She and Seija only barely know each other.
She looks up, badly hidden confusion dancing in her eyes, and there’s Seija sweetly talking like she’s seen her do a few times before. The amanojaku is so good at it – a smile on her pretty face and words like a gift, carefully tailored to what one wants to hear. The amanojaku, Shinmyoumaru has to remind herself.
Her ears feel too hot and she forgets for a second what Seija is saying. She forgets how Seija was her other self moments ago, the side of her that Shinmyoumaru wants to know so much more about. Now there’s just the warmth, holding her there.
Right. The revolution. The shrine maiden. Taking a break.
“Um...” She doesn’t know which foot to walk on with Seija; not yet. Shinmyoumaru gently reaches for the arm that rests so pleasant on her shoulder, takes it away with her fingers, holding Seija’s wrist, slowly, slowly. Her cheeks are a shade of pink that makes her feel all too aware of her inexperience. The self-confidence from wanting to test the limits of Seija’s patience is gone and she only has a sorry smile to offer. “Some rest. That might be a good idea, yes.”
She turns back to the scrolls they had been studying, all laid on the table. “You’re right. Let’s take our time.” Facing Seija again is out of the question, and pretending to put the scrolls away is the perfect excuse.
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“That goes for you as well. Should we call it a day?”
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
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Where did Seija go?
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
@gyaku-no-amanojaku | (cont.)
It was a surprisingly mild answer. Some of the words Seija had chosen did sound scornful in her mouth, but nowhere near what Shinmyoumaru’s imagination had suggested after learning her companion’s true nature.
Ah well. "So...”
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“Is it really necessary to wait such a long time before fighting the shrine maiden? I mean, we have the Miracle Mallet on our side! She can’t be that strong...”
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
"So you were fooling me all along.“ "Yes, I was only using you.” “How awful. I’m so hurt. But I’ll be good to you and pretend I didn’t hear anything.” “Why?” “Even if it’s a lie, I want to dream a little longer. Heheh.” “Oh, really.” “Please, continue expertly fooling me until the very end.” “Then I’ll fool you until death.” “Yes, that sounds perfect."
Fafoo (via vgperson)
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
“I’m sorry, when did I ask for your opinion?”
“Oh– Do I need your permission to speak now?” Shinmyoumaru looks up from the old scrolls the two of them had been inspecting before her offhand comment on Seija’s habits. They were still only getting to know each other, and she feels curious to see just where exactly Seija’s limits could be.
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“Could it be that you’ve forgotten who’s royalty here, Seija?”
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
Doctor Who — Knock Knock  {Sentence Starters}
“You coming up?“
“So, we’re trapped?“
“Oh, it can move fast.“
“What do you mean, alien?“
“You’re not leaving, are you?“
“Yeah, but why’s it so cheap?”
“What? No, no..! No, no! Stop!“
“I’m not cool enough, is that it?“
“Mercy at last. Beautiful, isn’t it?”
“I am helping. This is me helping.“
“See? I’m good at making friends.“
“Don’t you understand? We were happy!“
“Maybe it’s a little doll that’s come to life.“
“This stuff really freaks you out, doesn’t it?“
“Oh, well, that’s why I gave it up. Ran away.“
“So long as that’s the case, I’m most content.“
“Are you being cheerful? I’m against cheerful.“
“Do I know who this is? Yes, I know who this is.“
“That’s all you’ve got? I thought you’d have loads.“
“It’s not like there’s some massive mystery going on.”
“No, no, no. It’s fine. You really don’t have to. It’s not…”
“I kept our lives a secret, and a secret we must remain.“
“You told me it was necessary, that we had no choice…”
“For a man such as myself, discretion is second nature.“
“Forgive me, but are you looking for somewhere to live?“
“You have brought her nothing but misery and confusion!“
“I did what you told me, because I thought you knew best.“
“I have no desire to intrude, but I felt there was a problem.“
“If you get scared in the night, you know where I am, yeah?“
“There might be a few old things, but it just needs updating.“
“You really can go now, though. Thanks for the help. Job done.”
“Honestly, there’s nothing going on. Nothing weird, nothing alien.”
“And secondly, that’s weird and I want to make a good impression.“
“It’s just a new house, and people you don’t know… Not scary at all.“
“I’ll attend to your requirements in the morning. In the meantime, sleep well.“
“People have died… and will continue to die unless you stop all this, right now.”
“But, basically, this is the bit of my life that you’re not in. Do you know what I mean?“
“I just get nervous when there’s no reception. Like something bad’s going to happen.”
“Look, I know you miss it all, but I’m stuck here too, you know? We’re both prisoners.“
“What’s the point in surviving if you never see anyone? If you hide yourself away from the world?“
“It’s a heart-breaking experience, to leave one’s charge behind, all alone in the big wide world.“
“I keep thinking there’s going to be one of those bookcases that you pull special books and it’s a secret passage.“
“Well, you don’t have to go to outer space to find monsters. There’s plenty of things that want to kill you right here on Earth.“
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
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Artwork for sale at Corazon Gift/Gallery in Minneapolis
based of the story of Little One Inch :]
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
@gyaku-no-amanojaku (x)
“Aww, don’t be mad, Seija. I was just making sure you weren’t dead.”
While the initial reaction might have shaken her a little, there’s now a mocking smile on Shinmyoumaru’s lips. Who said she couldn’t be mean-spirited too sometimes? Instinctively, the inchling sits a little more in her trademark bowl, shoulders hunched as if to protect herself from a counterattack; the needle sword rests by her side.
The grass sways under the afternoon breeze. It’s a warm day, and Shinmyoumaru Sukuna is in high spirits.
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“For real, though. If you drop your guard in such an open place, someone worse than me might show up.” It’s the basics, she almost adds. What was Seija thinking? “Were you so tired from running that you just dropped asleep in the middle of a field?”
If the answer is a yes, it will certainly make her worry.
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
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Matsumoto Castle (Japan - Nagato)
Sulakking / Twitter
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
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    “What makes you think I’m up to anything?”
There’s a bit of a whine in the amanojaku’s tone -  as if she were pouting about Sukuna’s (well-deserved) caution, and completely ignoring the tension between the two. (she knew it was there - why wouldn’t it be? she had caused it after all - hell, if anything, she seems all too comfortable with it…)
Thank the gods, though - Seija may not be willing to say as much out loud, but she was quite thankful that those searches had stopped. Perhaps interests had strayed elsewhere? The constant hiding had gotten really old pretty quickly, but if she’d become no better than a pest to kick out, rather than a problem to stamp out, she’d take her fortune and run.
    “As much as I’d love to put another plan into action, I like my head where it is.     Doubt they’d let me keep it if I caused trouble this soon.”
They’d be keeping an eye out for her, most likely. Not the red-white, perhaps, but the youkai sages certainly. It was their authority she had nearly ursurped, after all.
But she’s making no moves to come down from the rafters. Not yet. Just staying up there, hunched over where she could see the inchling, chin resting on her hand.
    “What’s the matter, Princess. Don’t like me being up here?“
It doesn’t fail to make Shinmyoumaru pout childishly. Small as she might be, her pride is the one thing that didn’t shrink back; and how rude of the amanojaku to think she can just tower over her like that! So typical.
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“Well then, fine— Stay up there like a creep if you want to.”
Maybe it’s worth trying a different approach, if Shinmyoumaru wants to worm something out of her former companion. Who knows what works with Seija? For now, Shinmyoumaru does her best to put aside the old lump of whys and what ifs in her throat.
Her eyes focus on the intricate carving of the wooden beams as she talks (if Seija won’t get down then the inchling won’t look her in the eye— ).
“...How long do you plan to stay hidden, anyway?” It’s not like the really strong ones ever took you seriously, she almost whispers; but she keeps it quiet to her heart instead. “Rumors about you have long stopped now.”
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oneinchbravery · 6 years
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Has it really been almost 3 months since my hiatus notice...? Oops. I’m back and I’ll try to be at least decently active for a while—
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oneinchbravery · 7 years
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(This blog will be on hiatus for all of November because of uni + fandom projects. I’ll be back in December! Replies are drafted, I’ll make sure to post them once life’s a bit less hectic.)
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oneinchbravery · 7 years
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Anything can be a bathtub if you’re small enough.
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oneinchbravery · 7 years
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Japanese shodo scrolls and old books, photographed by D. Watson.
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