onebluelobster · 9 months
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shofar. bwaa
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onebluelobster · 9 months
Bumblesweet (g4 or g3, either is okay!) And Apple split (g4), maybe keeping his accessory if that's alright
Honey Pony and Apple Pony?
Well, I don't know if it's intentional, but Rosh Hashanah is coming soon (September 15-17 2023), and it's the Jewish New Year celebration which happens to include within its many many customs dipping apple slices in honey...
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שנה טובה ומתוקה
Have a good and sweet year!
Also Apple Split and Bumblesweet are Jewish now, not sorry.
-Mod Dragonfly
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onebluelobster · 9 months
hi! I’m a conversion student so not Jewish yet but not approaching from a place of total ignorance either — wondering if you have any suggestions on how to still make some meaningful observation of the high holidays when I wasn’t able to get off work to attend services? It’s the first year in a while I won’t be able to go to service and I’m feeling really down about it.
Hi Anon,
I’m sorry you can’t attend the HHD I’ve definitely been there with not getting time off work and it’s so upsetting, I'm sorry for that.
Now I don’t know your Rabbi or how far you are along in the conversion process so I’m going to make more general suggestions, my sponsoring Rabbi was fine with us saying brachot and performing tashlich before we mikvehed but it’s Judaism so your mileage may vary.
For Rosh Hashanah, you can still have apples and honey and say the blessings (Pri HaEtz and Shecheyanu) If you’d like to do tashlich by yourself you just need a body of water and bread or seeds (seeds are kinder on the birds) or failing that some people use a bucket.
You can also make Lekach or Honey Cake which is my favourite HHD food here’s the recipe I use. Also if you haven't heard the shofar in person yet listen to a recording!
If you have to work on Yom Kippur I would consider what you have to do before choosing to fast, I don’t know what you do as a job but bear in mind that fasting can risk your health especially if you require any medication. One year I took my ADHD meds on an empty stomach and nearly fainted at shul so if you are going to fast, fast safely.
I definitely recommend listening to Kol Nidre if you can’t attend services online or in person the trop is haunting and it serves the pseudo-legal purpose of releasing you from all the promises you made between yourself and G-d and yourself and other Jews for the year.
Study Teshuvah and think about how to apply it to your own life and relationships. Teshuvah is not about blame or forgiveness if you apologise to someone for hurting them they don’t have to accept nor do you have to forgive people who have abused you.
There are a lot of recordings of Yom Kippur Tfilah on Spotify and YouTube, Even if you can't make it in person you can listen to the seasonal inserts like Unetanah Tokef and Ashamnu. Also, the High Holy Days are a time of giving tzedekah so if you are able donating to local mutual aid funds, food pantries or shelters is always a good gesture.
Also, Sukkot and Simchat Torah tend to get left out of these discussions as much but if you can make it to synagogue to be in the sukkah and to shake the lulav and etrogim I definitely recommend it, it's a much-earned relaxing holiday after the flat-out sprint of the earlier High Holidays. I got to help pick the etrogim this year and they smell incredible. Simchat Torah we dance with the Torah and megillot and there are a lot of kid-friendly activities we organise too.
L'Shanah Tovah u'Metukah, anon. May your conversion go well and may you be enshrined in the book of life for another year.
Rosh Hashanah What is Tashlich (Chabad) Tashlich (MJL) Traditional Foods on Rosh Hashanah (MJL) Rosh Hashanah Round Challah Listen to the Shofar
Yom Kippur Rabbi Angela Buchdahl's Kol Nidre (just a personal favourite you can find all kinds online. Just watch out for messianics they're a plague on youtube) Practising Teshuvah (MJL) (Chabad) (Recon) (OU) Unetanah Tokef (MJL) (Full Text)
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onebluelobster · 9 months
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Commission for @lonleyghostposts ! Happy Rosh Hashanah!
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onebluelobster · 9 months
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onebluelobster · 9 months
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onebluelobster · 9 months
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RavDovber Pinson
Rosh Hashanah 2023 begins on the evening of Friday, September 15, and ends at sundown on Sunday, September 17, 2023
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onebluelobster · 1 year
Rugrats Yom Kippur Episode
Scene: The Rugrats are sitting in the living room, watching TV.
Tommy: I’m so excited for Yom Kippur!
Chuckie: What’s Yom Kippur?
Tommy: It’s a Jewish holiday where we ask God for forgiveness for our sins.
Phil: That sounds scary.
Tommy: It’s not scary, it’s just a time to think about how we can be better people.
Lil: I’m going to ask God to forgive me for hitting Angelica.
Stu: That’s a good start, Lil.
Dil: I’m going to ask God to forgive me for eating all of Grandpa’s cookies.
Stu: That’s also a good start, Dil.
Chuckie: I don’t know what to ask God for forgiveness for.
Tommy: You can ask God for forgiveness for anything you’ve done wrong, even if it’s small.
Chuckie: Okay, I’ll ask God for forgiveness for not sharing my toys.
Stu: That’s a good start, Chuckie.
The Rugrats continue to watch TV.
Later that day, the Rugrats are at synagogue.
Rabbi: Today is Yom Kippur, a day of atonement. It is a time to reflect on our actions and ask God for forgiveness.
The Rugrats listen to the rabbi’s sermon.
Rabbi: We all make mistakes, but it is important to ask for forgiveness and try to do better.
The Rugrats think about the things they have done wrong.
Rabbi: Yom Kippur is a time to start fresh. Let us all go into the new year with a clean slate.
The Rugrats say goodbye to the rabbi and leave the synagogue.
On the way home, the Rugrats talk about what they learned at synagogue.
Tommy: I learned that it’s important to ask for forgiveness for our sins.
Chuckie: I learned that it’s important to try to do better.
Phil: I learned that Yom Kippur is a time to start fresh.
The Rugrats arrive home and go inside.
Tommy: I’m glad we went to synagogue today. I learned a lot.
Chuckie: Me too. I feel better now.
The Rugrats go to bed, feeling happy and ready to start the new year.
[Created via Google Bard]
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onebluelobster · 1 year
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onebluelobster · 1 year
terfs can go kick rocks, im gonna break my jaw on some she/her c
*tumblr breaks my door down and smashes through my windows. before i can click post they tackle me to ground and strangle me with my mouse cord. "take it back!" they scream, "take it back you stupid bastard!" I can't speak, on account of being strangled. they bash my skull open with my keyboard and leave me lying in a pool of my own blood. my vision blurs and i let the cold dark embrace me. i wake up in a hospital. the nurse informs me my account has been banned for hatespeech*
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onebluelobster · 1 year
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Andrew Garfield on The Stephen Colbert Show discussing his problem with certainty of faith. [x]
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onebluelobster · 1 year
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this is an appreciation post for elle argent's wardrobe 💖
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onebluelobster · 1 year
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creatures are breeding in the pacific garbage patch
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onebluelobster · 1 year
I’m getting top surgery in may and I follow a tiktok account that’s counting the omer every day. I enjoy counting it along with counting my top surgery :)
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onebluelobster · 1 year
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onebluelobster · 1 year
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BARBIE (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
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onebluelobster · 1 year
honor among he/theys
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