on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
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oh i do hope Ubisoft doesn't ruin the American Revolution
cuz while I didn't know much about Italy, things are a bit different this time around
OHOHOHOH //history goggles on
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
La Volpe, do you have a Little Volpe to someday carry on your name?
Children then? All the thieves under me are my children in many ways. Just because it is not in blood doesn't make the title of 'family' any less meaningful. However, if you must ask, I have one particular boy who shall be called Little Volpe, and he's learning the ropes much quicker than anyone else before him.
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
There is no one better than Niccolo in terms of politics. I gave you the best of the absolute best and there is no doubt in my mind that that is true. He may be absent on occasions, but the moment he comes back, he drills you with lessons. He makes up for it. -smiles at him and walks off, expecting the young boy to follow him- No, hush. I don't want to hear it and I wish to discuss this night. -turns to him- Well, come with me, would you? I meant every word by it. The offer is genuine, now hurry or I change my mind. Thieves stress speed, son.
nyktelios started following you.
He teaches what he can. And can if it doesn’t fall under these three categories: 1. I don’t pay attention 2. He doesn’t decide to lecture me in something useless or 3. He doesn’t disappear on days on end. Can’t you find someone better? And politics is not important least not essential to us and how we carry on with our lives. I don’t see you writing books on how to govern the people and losing yourself over the word ‘princely’. Princely. What does that even mean? All he does is choke me in a cloud of his political opinions completely submersed in references to Livy and Romulus and some Egyptian people! He speaks not Italian! I do not care for what he has to say. [mumbles and near inaudible] Nor do I like him any better when he’s not sober other than being easy prey. -air balloons once again in the side of his cheek and his half-closed eyes crawl down to the corner of the floor before shooting open quick like a bullet, his attention rekindled- What? Really? You’d do that?
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
I thought you'd like your mother, Machiavelli. You don't? -snickers- He is to teach you because politics is very important, believe it or not, in my life. It snakes its way in, you see, to what I do without my waking conscience. So, because of it, you must learn it and there is no use complaining about it. You're a young man now and I don't want to hear any of your childish comments about it. But, if you really want, I am going on a 'trip' tonight, and I don't suppose you have anything planned, do you?
nyktelios started following you.
What? W… Where and who did you hear this from? -crosses slender arms over his breast and exhales loudly like the low whisper of a distant howl- [growl] Mhm. Fine. -pouts appropriately accompanied with defeat in his eyes the symbol of embarrassed anger- But I would be doing better in lesser time if you let me come with you rather than keep me cooped back learning the useful art of political science. 
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
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the Fighter, Lover, and Thief 
by *Envos-the-Bouncy
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
Really? I heard you failed at a theft earlier and judging from the weight of your pouch, I say that those words don't go without some truth. -an all knowing spark in his eyes- Perhaps not adorable, but you definitely need some work. So, yes, still very little and still very young.
nyktelios started following you.
Hmph! I may be little but I am certainly not adorable! Just the mere mention of the word… I laugh at it! I am perfectly capable of handling my own and I haven’t any need of it to be looming over my head like some vulture. -sucks in a ball of air concentrated in his left cheek, agitation thick in his eyes cold like an operating table-
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
>> Unfollowing some people.
Mainly blogs that have become very sex-oriented or I just don't know if it's an RP blog anymore.
It's nothing personal, so don't take it personally. I just prefer a clean dash.
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
No, you don't. I'm sure I'll find out anyway with or without you telling me. However, you can try and be all secretive. It's quite adorable.
nyktelios started following you.
-a pout frozen on his face, nose wrinkling- [grumble] Just? I was out doing my own business and doing a good job at it! I need not tell you of my findings. -eyes dart to the side and he quickly rubs his nose, walking off and throwing his hood over choppy hair-
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
nyktelios started following you.
-smiles with a small chuckle- Ah, well, look at who decided to get out of bed. You're becoming a little too lazy, you realize?
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
oh god. don't tell me it's going to be Altair vs. La Volpe
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
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#11 “Honestly I think La Volpe is quite sexy.”
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
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I got a paypal all set up now! My paypal is under [email protected]. So, I’m just going to advertise my work and say, hey, guys, if you want some art from me, well, here ya go:
1— Lineart + Color // $10
This takes me a long time to do. We can negotiate price depending on if you want fullbody/group shot or not. 
2— Lineart + Color (Chibi) // $6
A lot simpler and a lot less time consuming. Again, full body/group shots might alter price, but I will usually do full body anyway.
3— Sketch + Color // $5
Time varies depending on what you’re looking for. 
4— Sketch + Color (Chibi) // $1
Pretty much the easiest thing ever, so $1. Depending on if you want some god damn Mona Lisa drawn up, this will range from $1-$2. 
** I only ask for ONE thing: Do not pester me about art. I will always do my best, but I can be busy or, hell, I just want to live my life. Payments first, then I’ll give you the finished product. I’ll send WIPs over if you ever want them (just notify me).
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
condottiere replied to your chat: (( I HAVE IT.
No, it was “I like Dick [Grayson] but I always have.”
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
Niccolo Machiavelli : I like dick but I always have.
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on-the-sly-blog · 12 years
...Oh. Well, well.
Round 3, Match 8: Claudia Auditore vs. La Volpe. Who wins?
Claudia Auditore:
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La Volpe:
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VOTE HERE! You have until the end of today!
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