olivialocke · 6 years
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“Coming,” Leon called out as he heard Olivia’s voice, picking up a towel to wipe his hands clean of dust as he moved towards the front door. “Well, what if I want crazies like you to waltz in here? Gets rather lonely out here otherwise. –What is it? Everything okay?”
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“I mean, as long as it’s crazies like me and not some other one. This is Westport, after all, which means you never know who’s walking through your door. And plus, I get jealous.” As playful as she was being, it was true though. You never knew in a town like this. “No no, everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know about this audition I was asked to come in for.... in L.A.” 
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olivialocke · 6 years
something short & sweet for @leondavenport
“Leon? You home? Front door was unlocked... which really isn’t a good idea. Allows crazies like me to waltz right in. But now that I’m here, come here—there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
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olivialocke · 6 years
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olivialocke · 6 years
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olivialocke · 6 years
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olivialocke · 6 years
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The truth was, Leon often thought he would never be able to properly love anyone, not with the kind of love his parents portrayed to him at home. He never wanted what they had, yet also wasn’t sure whether he’d be capable of anything else. But Olivia had quickly helped him prove that he could. The love they shared was always so pure, so intense, never even making him question that this was the right thing to go with. Even after what had happened between them, there was now no doubt in his mind. She’d hurt him, yes, but she had been hurt too. They both survived, and found back together. If that wasn’t a sign, then what was? He’d be an idiot to ignore it and push her away, when all he wanted was to hold her in his arms for the rest of his life. They’d planned their lives together before, and the image of them growing old together now seemed even more appealing than it did when they were younger. He hummed softly against her lips, her words only intensifying the smile on his lips. “That does sound like a very good plan.” Just the two of them together; them against the rest of the world. They’d never really cared about what anybody else thought, and that hadn’t changed for Leon. All he wanted was to be happy, and to be the one to make her happy. It felt as if his entire body was burning with happiness, a flame fueled by her words and her body on top of his. His hands on her hips guided her to press her onto her back on the couch, his own body hovering above Olivia’s. Their lips hardly separated, as her lips were just too damn intoxicating. Leon could never get enough of them. So a lifetime spent kissing her – yeah, that definitely sounded like something he could get on board with. “I love you.” His voice was husky, hardly above a whisper as the words left his lips. It felt like an eternity since he last said them out loud, and it felt a lot like breaking free of a cage – once more, those three words were out in the open, and he was incredibly happy that they were. Saying them felt like coming home. “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you, Liv.” The admission easily slipped through his lips, no longer scared of coming on too strong but simply telling the truth.
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It did sound like a good plan. It had when they were younger and still rang true today. A lot of the time, people thought they were ridiculous back in the day. Their parents, parents of friends and even random strangers thought they were crazy to think that high school love lasted forever. She could remember taking him to a few premieres of small movies she did back then and how all the interviewers had something to say. Small gossip websites constantly talking about them and their picture being thrown up in Soap Opera’s Digest. It was a lot, given their age, but even with Olivia being in the spotlight and constantly feeling like everything was going to go wrong, she tried to remain positive. And though things did fall apart, it wasn’t because they stopped loving one another. In fact, quite the opposite. She just loved him too much and at that age, she wasn’t sure how to handle it. All that had changed now and she was able to accept where her life was going. Able to accept that loving Leon was just apart of her and she was going to have to learn to live with the fear of possibly losing him. Because truthfully, that feeling of fear wasn’t nearly as powerful as the feeling of knowing she’d get to be with him every day for as long as he wanted her. “I’m glad you agree. Because I plan on making a habit of this. It’s going to happen every single day.” And maybe that was a bit fast, but it wasn’t as if they had to go through all those stages again. They had been there already and there was no use redoing it. So she let things go at whatever speed felt right. She didn’t want to think about it. Instead, she was going to let it happen. Like now, when he had pushed her onto her back and was now lying beneath him on the tour bus couch. She continued to converge her lips with his—pushing against them hard and fast, only to speed up as he managed to sneak out a few words. Hearing that she was still the one person he loved more than anyone and that no one compared to what they had, only intensified the feeling of euphoria. She hadn’t really thought about anyone that came after her, but she was happy to know that any other girl Leon had been with, didn’t matter as much as she did. It was the same with her, honestly. No one held a candle to him. “Good, we’re gonna keep it that way.” She teased, letting her hands roam down his body before reaching the base of his jeans. By now, she didn’t even waste time. There was no hesitation. “Hopefully no one walks in... I didn’t lock the door.” Mischevious laughter hummed through their tied up lips before she unbuttoned his pants and slipped her hand inside—making her way straight for his length.
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olivialocke · 6 years
“Oh, best friend, where the fuck are you? We’ve got a nice date to get to, sweetie pie.” @olivialocke
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“You should know by now that it takes me about fifteen years to go ready, sweet bottom. Really, are you sure you’re my best friend? I feel like there’s a lot of things you’re forgetting about me. You haven’t found someone to replace me, have you?”
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olivialocke · 6 years
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olivialocke · 6 years
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Leon knew this was a big risk to take. He let Olivia trample all over his heart and feelings once before, and there was no proper certainty that it could never happen again. But he trusted her word when she promised him that it would never happen again – and now he knew she had never done it because of a lack of feelings, but only because of awful circumstances. Because she blamed herself for what they lost, and didn’t want to share the pain with him. He understood that, no matter how often she said she didn’t understand it herself. He had to understand it, because it was the reason he’d been looking for all these years. A reason that wasn’t her falling out of love with him, or finding someone new. No, instead they found back together, and he couldn’t imagine anything better than that. He hadn’t felt this happy in years, so even if any bystander wouldn’t think this to be a good idea, he didn’t care. To him, it was what he’d been waiting for for so long now, everything he ever dreamt of. “I promise you, I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here with you. Like I said, you’re stuck with me. I’m not going to leave you.” Leon understood her fear of losing him. While he had turned his back on his parents on purpose, she’d lost plenty of people in her life without wanting it. Just the thought of losing his sisters had his heart ache, so he could relate. And he wasn’t about to add to the list of her losses. He intended to stay with her forever, and this time for real. No more misunderstandings or tough situations pulling them apart – he wanted those to push them even closer together. “You’ve always deserved me,” he breathed out against her lips, feeling the need to make her see that he never stopped loving her, and that he always wanted her, no matter what she thought. In a way, Leon always figured he didn’t deserve her. He’d always been the quiet one, the odd one out, the one who was scarred by his parents – he had never seen himself as worthy of her love, but he also never complained. Because her love was the best thing that ever happened to him. The kiss they shared after her confession was passionate, sealing the promises they’d given one another. His hold on her tightened further, if possible at all, leaving no space between them as they kissed. “I’m so happy to have you back,” he muttered against her lips, half caught up in the kiss, half feeling the need to clarify just how happy he was in this moment.
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It was crazy to think she was so willing to jump into this when still to this day, she had a huge fear of losing those she loved. It happened far too frequently for her to not be scared or hesitant. And while curses were obviously not real, that’s what it felt like. Everyone in her family had lost so many people they loved and cared for, so it was difficult to look past the explanation of them just never ending up happy. But she was so caught up in the intoxication of his life that Olivia was able to push aside her fears and just let go. She had lived one too many years without him by her side and she was done living that way. Done depriving her of the one thing she wanted most out of life and that one thing was him. His promise to her made her heart skip a beat and while she was nervous to accept it, she couldn’t help but do just that. She’d be an idiot to walk away from this now. Especially considering this sort of love was something people dreamt about. The chance to finally be with what people consider a soulmate and grow happily in love. That sort of thing didn’t happen often in this world anymore, so like hell was she gonna let it get away from her now. “ I like the idea of a lifetime spent kissing you.” She whispered, her body finding comfort while wrapped up against his own. Olivia never understood the word presence until they were together. Leon had taken up so much of her heart and mind that when they were finally together, it was like the world faded to black and it was just the two of them. She felt so strongly for him and it was crazy to think that after all this time, they had finally found their way back home. As he told her she deserved him, Olivia remained quiet. Her smile growing wide despite not fully believing it. But the moment was too pure and perfect for her to fight back or disagree. All she wanted right now was to just enjoy this with him. “Me too. I’m happy to be home.” Because truth be told, he was her home. Had been since they were kids and still was now. Neither of them had the best of family life at their actual homes, so instead, they made one together. As she then spoke, she continued to mock his movements by pressing her lips roughly to his. The intensity was more powerful than any of their past kisses before. This time it was fueled by so much more. By love, happiness, assurance, and desire. It was the solidifying factor that this was real and that despite everything, they were doing this again... and this time, this time it was going to work. “I love you, Leon,” she managed to push out in between breaths. Her voice husky and labored, all because she was now getting lost in the feeling of them coming together as one but she couldn’t help herself in saying those three words. Like an anthem, she now had on repeat and never wanted to stop saying. 
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olivialocke · 6 years
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olivialocke · 6 years
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It was a bit hard to believe that this was actually happening. So many years, he’d either dreamt of this happening or lay awake imagining it – but never did Leon think he’d really get another shot at being with Olivia. He figured their time was over, even if he never truly wanted to believe that. Now, it felt like fate was showing them they belonged together after all. As if they had to go their separate ways first to figure out that they could only really be themselves when they were with each other. Her words had his heart racing, a smile so wide it must look silly taking over his features when he listened to her. Of course, the reason they had found back together in the first place was painful, heartbreaking. But that it could lead to something so good… in a way, it felt as if their child hadn’t died for nothing after all, but to bring its parents back together. His arms tightened their hold around her body, pulling her in closer so their fronts were pressing together. He didn’t want to let a single inch come between them any longer. “I was scared, too. Of getting rejected again, that you wouldn’t… want anything serious with me again after what happened. But I do, Liv. I want to be with you so badly. Because I never stopped loving you.” His forehead leaned against hers, eyes gazing deeply into hers and finding his home in them once more. “I’m in love with you, Olivia Locke, and I won’t let you push me away ever again. You’re stuck with me now.”
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After all that she had done to him and the pushing him away, hurting him, tormenting him here there... it was surprising he’d ever put himself in this position again. There one too many years apart were spent with Olivia being nothing but a downright brat to him. She did everything she could for a while there to convince him that she hated him, hoping that at the end of the day, he’d hate her back and forget all about her. Clearly, however, what they felt for one another was too strong to let die since they were back here again. Even if years ago it would’ve been considered just teenage love, they could happily say now that it was much, much more than that. “At least you know now that that isn’t the case. I’ve always wanted you. It’s always been you, Leon. I just don’t want what happened to everyone else in my life that I love, to happen to you. So, you gotta promise me you’re not going anywhere.” It was like the thought of losing Sullivan. She couldn’t bear the idea. And if something were to happen to either of them, Olivia wouldn’t know what to do. Every part of her would shatter on the spot because that’s how much they meant to her. So while she was overjoyed right now, it was still risky to put herself out there and love him when she worried that everything she touched, died. However, it was hard to focus on that when he spoke again and the words of him loving her came pouring out. At that moment, her heart stopped for a second. The sound of him saying that had been nothing more than a memory and to hear it again left her feeling weak. She couldn’t even find the right words to say. Her mind racing and heart pounding. Olivia felt over the moon and it was all because of him. For a moment, she just sat there with her forehead pressed against his and a huge grin growing effortlessly. It took a second but once she processed that this was real, she finally managed to speak up. “I love you too, Leon. I never stopped... even when I knew I didn’t deserve you, I never stopped loving you.” She finally admitted before breaking the last bit of proximity between them and pressing her lips to his in a hard, passionate kiss. 
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olivialocke · 6 years
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olivialocke · 6 years
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Her words caused a low groan to leave Leon’s lips, only intensified by the movements of her hips. While he was trying to focus on something else, it was always hard to distract his body from reacting to her the way that it did. He was nothing but melting butter in her hands when she spoke like this. Sure, this wasn’t all about sex – at least it wasn’t for Leon, but after being apart from her for so long, he couldn’t help the need to make up for lost time, and the need to claim her as his over and over again. He’d always been rather physical, preferring to show his love for her through touches than words as he was simply better than that, and it hadn’t changed. “God, you’re killing me, woman,” he mumbled jokingly, pressing another lingering kiss to her lips. But as much as he wanted to just rip her clothes off of her right then and there, he couldn’t help but be entirely distracted by the smile that lit up her face, and the words that left her lips after his question. It had been risky to ask, yes, but with every new word leaving her mouth, he was more and more relieved that he dared to ask it. If he hadn’t, maybe they would have gone on like this forever – no strings attached. And his feelings for her were still too strong to do that. “I’m sure.” His voice was stern, trying to convince her of just how sincere he was being. “It was a lot, yes, and it was painful, but… this is what I’ve wanted, every day, since you left me. My – my feelings for you haven’t changed, Liv. I want you, and I want you to be mine. So if you’ll have me again, then yes. I’m one hundred per cent sure. I want to wake up next to you, and take you out and… and just live our lives together. That’s all I ever wanted.”
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She couldn’t help the small string of laughter that fell from her lips at his statement. In the midst of such a serious conversation for them, she still found herself chuckling softly at how much power she had over him physically. And truthfully, it only made her want him even more. The fact that he was feeling the exact same she was. Because god everything he was doing was killing her. Leon was so damn intoxicating and the fact that they were back in one another arms was the most addicting feeling in the world. Even more so when he began to speak, and it was like her towering walls were ready to just tumble over. He was the reason she put them up, to begin with. The lost of their child and the fear he’d hate her drove Olivia to do things she never wanted to do. Made her crazy and willing to cut off everything good. But now the good was back in her life and she’d be a damn fool to ever walk away from this again. “I’ve wanted it too, Leon. I was just too scared to let myself accept the fact that I am and always will be in love with you. But I’ve been done being scared since I told you about our child... and ever since then... god, ever since then I’ve been waiting for you to just say something. To tell me that you still love me or even just that you want to be with me.” After all, he was the one who got burned in her fire. He ended up with the broken heart, so it was his call to say something whereas Olivia didn’t want to overstep—despite doing that anyway. “So I guess what I’m trying to say is that yes, I’ll have you again and this time... this time I’m not letting you go.” 
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olivialocke · 6 years
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“I kind of want to hear you say it. But I also kind of just want to go and let you surprise me.” The smirk on Leon’s lips was a teasing one, as was the tone of his voice. There were plenty of things he could imagine doing with Liv in here, after all. It had clearly shown since the night he first showed up at her apartment after the little funeral they held for their unborn child that they were unable to keep their hands off of each other, much like back in the day when they were still together. Leon had simply always been intoxicated with her. He could lie next to her and listen to her rant on about the most unimportant things for hours, but he also couldn’t keep his hands away from her body a lot of the time they spent together. Plus, just having sex was easier than worrying about whether she’d ever want him for more than that. Sex was easy. Sex was good. Asking her for more was a risk, one he wasn’t sure he was ready to take in fear of losing her all over again. Which was why her words surprised him so much. He pulled away slightly, quite surprised by her words – and also awfully hopeful. Was she saying what he thought she was saying? Staring at her, he tried to find the meaning behind her words in the depth of her eyes. Clearing his throat, he needed a moment to find a proper answer to her question. “You mean like a–” like a couple, he meant to say, but the words wouldn’t leave his lips. Because what if she didn’t mean it that way? What if it would scare her away? What if it was too much? Then again, what did Leon have to lose? He’d waited so long for any of this to happen, and he was too old to play a game of hide and seek for long. He was done playing games in general, actually. So after a moment of hesitation, he inhaled a deep breath, and as he was entirely lost in her eyes, he asked in a whisper, “You mean like a couple?” The words rang dangerously in his ears, still afraid he might be asking too much. But it was too late to take those words back now. “Because you know… I would be on board with that in a heartbeat.”
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“Well, which one is it? You want to hear about how badly I want to take you into my mouth? Or ride you until we’re both sore? Or would you rather I just rip your clothes off right here and risk putting on a show for whoever walks through that door next?” A devious smirk was quick to take residence on her features. Her body then moving in closer to his; hips rocking just a bit to add even the slightest bit of tension. Truthfully, this wasn’t all she wanted out of this weekend, but damn was it hard not to end up in this position. They had spent years apart and now that she had tasted his lips once more, trying to hold back from devouring him each time she saw him, proved to be rather difficult. But as much as she wanted it right now and as aroused as she was getting in the moment, she had other matters to address. It was a bit nerve-wracking too. Putting her heart out on the line was something Olivia swore she’d never do again. But then Leon waltzed back into her life and suddenly the idea of being without him was one she didn’t want to keep living with. Because truth be told, but Leon was it for her. At least, that’s what it felt like. It felt as though the universe was fighting for them to be together and this was their second chance. So now that the topic was up in the air between them and they were finally approaching the conversation, Olivia was quick to run with it. “Yeah, I guess that’s one way to put it.” The brunette chuckled, nodding her head up and down softly as she brushed her lips against his own. His words did nothing but add a huge smile on her face, and soon the hold she had on him became slightly tighter. “Really? You sure? I mean... after everything we’ve been through... or well, everything I put you through... you sure you’re willing to risk that again? As amazing as this has been, are you certain you’d want to go down this road with me? Not saying we have to... well, do that or anything. Maybe I’m overstepping or being dumb by even suggesting but I don’t know. I just—I like the idea of doing this with you whenever we want. But also doing other things... like waking up next to you and going out to dinner with you or anything, really.” 
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olivialocke · 6 years
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why does she have 1 black berry and 4 iphones…
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olivialocke · 6 years
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“Something else? Like what?” The tone of Leon’s voice was light, teasing almost. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt like this – for so long now, he’d been stuck in a spiral of rather negative emotions, having lost the good ones when Olivia broke up with him. But ever since she showed back up in his life, things had considerably been looking up; especially his mood. And that had only been intensified by her admitting that she had a thing for him, and if only over text. It was certainly a good start. He maneuvered them towards one of the couches, twisting them around so he managed to take a seat before pulling her onto his lap. Their lips never quite lost touch, devouring each other as if they were still the same smitten teenagers they had been once upon a time. And in a way, it felt exactly like that. “Do you really think I wouldn’t have come?”, he mumbled into the kiss, smiling softly. “You’re pretty much the only thing I think about these days, and seeing you is even better than just thinking about you. Never in a million years would I say no to the opportunity of seeing you all weekend.”
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“Mmm, I think you can guess that one. Unless you want to hear me talk about all the dirty things I want to do to you in here.” It had been pretty obvious with what happened every time they hung out since the night at her place. The two couldn’t keep their hands off one another. Like they were still rediscovering every inch of their bodies over and over again. Maybe it was because sex was easier in their current situation. It complicated things, yes, but they didn’t have to talk about it. It wasn’t until they put their feelings out there did things get difficult... because then there was the fear of rejection and truthfully, Olivia wasn’t sure if she could handle any sort of rejection from him. “No, I knew you would. I just like the reassurance,” she then giggled, lips still moving against his and heavy breathing escaping through as much as it could. She sat right on top of him, one leg on each side and chest to his. Being this close was comforting. She felt safe and dare she say it, but she was pretty damn happy right now. Even more so when he started admitting things she never thought she’d hear again. “Oh yeah? Well, why don’t we start making a habit of this?” As she spoke, she then let go of his lips slightly but kept the proximity close and her tone came to a whisper. “And I’m not talking about just the making out and sex.. but I don’t know. Maybe something more.”
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olivialocke · 6 years
Corey rose an eyebrow, giving the woman a look. He didn’t really want a picture, but since she mentioned the autograph, he couldn’t really say no. He handed her his solo cup, a crooked grin on his face, “Fine. Sign the cup. A photo ain’t gonna do me no good. Plenty of people are here and seein’ ya.” He picked up a shot for himself, downing it as he waited for her to sign. “Cheers, PD star.”
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The intoxication had taken over and made it so she was too drunk to even let him get a word in before she finished. Now that she had and he was going the autograph route, she happily took the plastic cup from him. “True, but not everyone in here gets to hang out with me. Clearly, you’re doing much better than they are.” She giggled, starting to write something before she paused for a moment. “Wait, you got a name? Gonna make this note a little more special than just my name.” 
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