olivers-tatsyea · 6 days
lewie is NOT allowed to come back this season thats my season 6 husband so back the fuck off all stars
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olivers-tatsyea · 7 days
All Stars (S9) Future Islanders
Now that the episodes have been released, I've been able to dig around in the game files.
It's possible that they'll add more as the season goes on, but so far this is what I've been able to find. It could also be placeholder to throw dataminers off, so do with this information what you will.
Right off the bat, there are no islanders from Seasons 1-3. I guess that was to be expected but it's still disappointing.
For upcoming girls, Grace, Kelly and Uma are all in the game files.
For boys we have Cassius, Zeph, Eddie and Marshall.
There's also islanders named Jude, Lyle and Stefan in the game files. I'm assuming these are from other franchises that we haven't seen before.
ALSO the Casa Amor assets are included, so it's possible that we're getting Casa this season? Again it could be placeholder so idk.
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olivers-tatsyea · 7 days
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This is the best I could do lol
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olivers-tatsyea · 8 days
I just know the worst part about all stars with these new people is that they're gonna have history outside of the Villa or in their previous season and it's gonna be hidden behind a paywall
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olivers-tatsyea · 14 days
i really don't think Fusebox should've prefaced the name of season 9 with "all stars," if the trend of new faces continues..
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maybe they could've named it "second chance," 👀 that way, the arc of returning islanders we've never seen still makes sense with whatever they've gotten written down already
really, it's another blunder by Fusebox, and we're left to pick up the pieces once again 🥴
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olivers-tatsyea · 16 days
Playing season 8 to get ready for all stars , why’s it kinda good ( I’m on ep 7 )
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olivers-tatsyea · 17 days
I need to speak on this because it’s happened far too many times and seems to be a recurring pattern with Fusebox.
It’s really shameful and disheartening to see how often Fusebox puts black women characters into couples with people that don’t actually like them, and proceeds to villainize them in the eyes of MC/other characters in the game.
We’ve seen it in S2 with Hope being loyal to Noah then getting disrespected by him when he confessed to MC in the end.
We’ve seen it with Grace in S6, sticking with Ozzy although he’s disrespected her and clearly wasted her time by staying with her when he was pining for MC all along. And even when he does tell her he’s not interested anymore, she does everything in her power to “win him over” instead of allowing her to rightfully look elsewhere for love.
And if you’re going the Jin route in S8, it happens with Luna. Jin doesn’t want her but he sticks around to spare her feelings. She embarrasses herself trying to win him over only to get booted off the show.
Next, they love to turn them into the “mean ones” by getting upset with MC/defending their relationship when romance (often initiated by the one they’re coupled up with) strikes.
Then they’re the enemy and everyone is waiting for them to be voted out of their game.
Yeah, sure, they’re just characters. It’s just a game. But it blows my mind, especially seeing this as a black player, that time and time again they’ve done this with the black women characters in the exact SAME way:
1. Couple with someone that’s not interested
2. argue/be a jerk to MC/refuse to take hints that their love interest doesn’t like them
3. do acrobatics to win said love interest over
4. get heartbroken, kicked off
If you’re going to put black women in your show, is it too much to ask them to be respected? To be deserving of a happy ending too? Reflect on how you’ve been representing black women, Fusebox.
Then do better.
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olivers-tatsyea · 17 days
Nah because all this all stars talk got me missing s4 a lot:(
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olivers-tatsyea · 17 days
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Sent by anonymous:
“i will never forgive fusebox for making us wait until the very end to drop in oliver. he’s still one of my favourite li’s, but knowing how good his route would have been as a friends to lovers if he was there a bit earlier pisses me off. they hinted at the possibility of him being demisexual (which would have been so cool if they actually explored that properly), but gave no time for him and our mc to establish an emotional bond because of how late in the season it was. and don’t get me started on his tattoos…
he’s just such a good character and he deserved better. i’m just praying for a reunion for s4 so he gets more screen time :(”
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olivers-tatsyea · 17 days
They can’t call it all star season if they don’t include Tim from season one
Justice for all the folks who have been trying to romance him since the beginning.
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olivers-tatsyea · 17 days
I know a lot of people aren’t very happy with the all stars season but tbh?? I’m kinda looking forward to it (cautiously). Like I’ve wanted an all stars season for a while and I’ve seen others talking about it too but yeah I’m a little excited to see who will come back. All I’m saying is as long as it’s islanders we haven’t been able to romance before and not endgame islanders I’ll be cool with it!!!!! (Rohan I need you carnally) (and honestly bring back Dylan for the chaos)
Look, I’m not gonna lie, I’m excited.
But i’m excited in the way that i feel like this is gonna be such a fun season FANDOM WISE
Like it is gonna be SO FUN to scream over fusebox ruining someone’s favourite, or making someone else’s love interest the villain, it’s going to be so fricking fun and I’m just frothing at the mouth over it.
I’m not expecting a miracle, but I’m really hoping they can give us more than just “here’s what I’ve been up to would you like to pay 29 gems?”
We’re going to get a whole lot of new CANON COUPLES. Hope/Lucas? Miles/Lulu? Or @queen-of-boops’ favourite, Harry/Iona?
Fr. I’m so excited. Bring on the islander reveals.
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olivers-tatsyea · 17 days
Hope fusebox sees this , I need more Oliver
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@rebelrayne did a tier list for who she wants to see back so here’s mine!!
Create your tier list
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olivers-tatsyea · 18 days
Each Islander's Answer to: "Would You Be Willing to Return for All-Stars?"
under the cut (endgames included for fun)
Emel Ivy Kat Kelly Lily Johnny (with a dramatic flair) R!Hannah Summer Uma
➥ Yes, I would be.
Bianca* (S8 CA) Blake Cassius* (S7 Bombshell) Erikah Felicity* (S8 CA) Hazel Meera Nicolas Rachel* (S8 OG) Stephen* (S7 Bombshell) Toby Valentina
➥ The show wouldn't be complete without me.
Allegra Arlo Brad* (S8 Bombshell) Bryson Christy* (S8 Bombshell) Eddie Elisa Finn Iona Jamal (I'm sorry he is pure chaos) Lexi Marshall Mason Rafi (sorry, he's there for the fame) Reese Ryan Sienna
➥ Doesn't wait for a call, just shows up.
Hamish Liam (he's told to go home)
➥ Depends...Do I get a hot tub date?
➥ Pretends they're busy for flair, then says yes.
➥ I don't know...Look what happened last time.
Grace Hazeem Hope Jo Lucy Kobi Priya Rohan
➥ Maybe? Let me think about it.
Cherry Daphne Estelle Flo Genevieve Geri Harry (Sorry Mo, he'd just feel bad to say no LOL) Jasper Jen Luna Nicky Sammi Vicky Willow
➥ If I don't have anything better to do, sure.
Jakub Miles Shannon
➥ Lol! This reminds me of a throw pillow!
➥ My Nan would kill me, mate.
Gary Lewie
➥ *Rambles until the producer just hangs up*.
Bill (because he can't shut up) Bruno (because he can't figure out how to say no) Juliet (because she has advice for them) Rahim (because he starts talking about Violet Man)
➥ Tries to say no, tricked into saying yes.
Ciaran Tom Rafael
➥ No thank you.
AJ Alex Andy Arjun Bea Bella Bobby Carl Chloe Claudia Elijah Elladine Evan Gabi Hari Henrik Jack Jake Jin Jo Kyle Levi Logan Lucas Lulu Max Oakley Oliver Ozzy Shawn Tai Talia Thabi Theo Yasmin
➥ Hah. I'm still waiting for the punchline.
➥ I wrote enough fanfic about it.
➥ No thanks, Mamacita.
➥ Full offense-no.
Angie Lottie
➥ Non.
➥ "Oh, sorry! We forgot you exist."
Tiffany Tyler
➥ Ghosted and/or ignored the call.
Joyo Kassam Noah Seb
➥ Ghosted the call, but by accident.
Cora Najuma Will
➥ Production didn't even bother inviting them.
Alfie Bonnie Dana Felix Francis James Miki Travis
➥ Calls & complains they weren't invited.
Dylan Graham Pete Sophie Suresh
➥ Ghosted & Ignored...by Production.
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olivers-tatsyea · 19 days
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GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!
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olivers-tatsyea · 6 months
Gone, but never forgotten
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(it's not everyone because I cba)
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olivers-tatsyea · 6 months
all my mutuals replaying season 1 and simping for either jake, rohan or tim the way it should be
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olivers-tatsyea · 8 months
I thought this ask was saying hung like execution
And I was like ?????!!
Oh god Alex being hung Alex being hung Alex being hung Alex being hung Alex being hung Alex being hung Alex being hung Alex being- nsjsjkdkskdksklddsnndnrahhhdndnmsm
Thought the Alex fans would like that one 🤭
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