oldworldfantasyrp · 2 days
"This Compass is but a small imitation of the Great Wu Xing Compass that resides in Wei-Jin. This Compass allows us to observe the direction of the winds of Magic" Zhao explained pointing gout the subtle movements of the compass hand "Their are eight Wind directions for us to observe. The Great Bastion, The Dragon Emperor's Wrath, The Warpstone Deserts, The Celestial Lake, The Broken Lands, The Nongchang Basin and Ashair"
"Each wind benefits Cathay in one way or another with the wind currently pointed toward the Warpstone Desert we find our Alchemy is benefitted and enhanced" Zhao was so practiced at ignoring the looks of the crowd he barely even registered them "with the benefits of the winds our alchemical alloys are stronger, our reagents react better and as a result our research becomes easier"
"The Compass in Wei-Jin is so vast we can even control the winds direction" Zhao smiled at Hayase "When the winds of magic blow against the natural winds of the world strange effects happen, so it is our duty as Dragons to observe the various effects and ensure the people of Cathay are not suffering our decisions"
Hayase tugs on Zhao Ming's clothes.
"Sensei, what are we gonna learn today?"
Oh he hopes it's something with all the glass bottles that do blip blip blip and ppssshhh and potions and stuff! The 'since' things! It smells bad but it looks and sounds so cool!
"Today, little cousin, we learn about the fundamentals of magic" He smiled and lead the boy not to the Alchemists lab but to the courtyards where a large golden clockface, raised upon an ornate cart, lay. "This is a Wu Xing Compass"
Upon the compass face was not time but rather images and runes. The dial, larger than both the bot and even Zhao Ming in their human form, upon the face pointed towards a rune that looked like two large desert dunes though it shifted and swayed slightly.
As the pair entered the courtyard various bows took place, the generals placed a fist in one hand and bowed from the hips, statemen and officials placed their hands together, bowing low and those few lesser ranked mortal men fell to their knee's before the Iron Dragon, who with a wave of his hand, caused the brief commotion of their entrance to dissipate.
Around the Compass many officials in their robes scribed notes and murmured to one another, generals and state officials discussed various important matters before the compass and Shugungens spoke politics behind dark eye masks.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 2 days
What was your relationship with Kurt especially when you were younger (Karl)
"he taught me that Ruthlessness is Mercy upon ourselves" Karl answered "that battles are won or lost upon the backs of the common trooper, not on the general leading them, that logistics is more important than speeches."
"he taught me more about leadership than anyone else" The Emperor sighed and rest his hand upon Ghal Maraz at his hip.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 3 days
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Angry & Irritated Sentences, Vol. 20
(Angry and irritated sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Why do I get a feeling that no isn't an option here?"
"I have limited tolerance for being ambushed."
"You may not realise this, but I've been pretty damn patient with you already."
"I don't know who you are or who you work for, but I don't care. I'm leaving."
"Now see here, if you're going to make personal remarks, then I won't stay a minute."
"You just slide through life, don't you? And everything just slides off you."
"What? Is there some rule against having fun?"
"Don't be an asshole. Do you want to hear this or not?"
"I don't have to tell you who I've slept with!"
"I suppose you think you're very clever."
"Yeah, whatever. I have enough belief for both of us, okay?"
"That was a really stupid thing to do!"
"These people trusted you and you betrayed them!"
"It is nobody's business how old I am!"
"I'm competing for your attention again, aren't I?"
"Ignoring the truth doesn't make it a lie."
"Now, I'm not calling you dumb. I'm just saying that some of the things you do are dumb!"
"You were doing so well. Now you're being simply foolish."
"I will not be spoken to this way!"
"You are good, but you're not that good."
"You know, your arrogance is one of the big reasons why you're not further ahead with your career."
"You're following me. I don't care to be followed."
"You shouldn't have interfered. You'll pay for this."
"You keep promising that, but I don't see anything happening!"
"I can take care of myself just fine, alright?"
"I wonder if you even know you're lying."
"I like to keep my private life private, okay?"
"I know what you're doing. I also know it's going to get you killed."
"Notice how I didn't need to lower myself to your level?"
"Shh, don't talk! I want to hear what happens!"
"One day, you will wake up and wonder 'why is my life such a completely chaotic mess?'."
"I appreciate this concern, but I'm not like you, alright?"
"Are you trying to embarrass me?"
"I'm not going to take lectures on professionalism from you!"
"You just had to keep digging. You couldn't let it go, could you?"
"Of all the lies people tell themselves, I bet that's the most common."
"This is none of my business. I don't want to hear it."
"The fact that you won't explain explains everything."
"You're working way too hard to piss me off. It makes me think you're hiding something."
"I'm old, not stupid."
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oldworldfantasyrp · 3 days
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oldworldfantasyrp · 3 days
after burning the world as Valkia the Gorequeen i am now going to maximise slavery under industrialism as the Chaos Dwarf's
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oldworldfantasyrp · 4 days
Questions for ‘Extraordinary’ Muses
Questions for muses who have superpowers, psychic powers, medium abilities, magic, or any other power that is not considered ‘ordinary’.
When did you realize you had an ability?
Were you born with your ability?
Did you have to train or be educated to use your power?
Describe the first time using your talents.
Does anyone you know have similar powers at their disposal?
Have you ever been bullied, ostracized, or feared for being different?
Has your ability altered or manifested in your physical appearance?
Does everyone know about your power?
Is there anyone who doesn’t know and who you are afraid to tell?
Is having special abilities normal in your community/society?
Have you ever had an embarrassing moment while using your ability?
What is the hardest thing about having a special power?
What is the most useful thing?
Would you ever choose to give up your abilities?
Would you ever choose to trade your ability for another?
Does your power cause more good, or more harm?
What does it feel like when you use your talents?
Have you ever hurt yourself with one of your abilities?
Describe at least one of the things you can do in detail.
Do you find people are impressed by your abilities, or do they express a negative reaction?
Do you have limits of how much of your power you can use?
Have you ever had to hide your abilities around people who wouldn’t understand?
What is one of your favorite ‘tricks’ you enjoy doing with your power?
How did your family/friends/significant other react the first time they witnessed your abilities?
Do your powers cause you any discomfort?
Do you ever consider having a special ability to be a burden?
If you could give your abilities to one person for a day, who would it be?
Do you use your abilities on a daily basis?
Does it ever offend or exhaust you if someone asks for your help because of your special power?
Name one skill you haven’t yet perfected that you want to master.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 4 days
Torture sentence starters
“Oh god.. Oh please, god, no!”
“Please… Please..! I’ll do anything..!!”
“P-please.. Please don’t..”
“Anything but that.. Please, please! Stop!”
“Stop? Why on earth would I do a thing like that for?”
“We’re having so much fun!”
“We’ll have so much fun, you and I…”
“Look at the new toy I got for us to play with!”
“Shut up! Shut up!!”
“Oh please.. Like I haven’t heard that one before…”
“If I had a nickel for every time someone begged me to stop… I’d be fucking rich.”
“Ooh, look at that. Look at all the blood. Amazing, isn’t it?”
“Let’s crack open the hood and see what’s underneath, shall we?”
“You know what I love more than agonized screaming? The sound of people choking on their own blood. Very satisfying.”
“If you beg, I might just stop… Maybe. But only if you’re sincere.”
“Beg me, you stupid whore! Beg me to stop! Come on!!”
“Go ahead – beg for forgiveness. God’s the only friend you’ve got down here. ”
“Shut up or I’ll wrap your intestines around your throat like a scarf.”
“Ha ha! I love it when they scream!”
“Keep going… I love the sound of your voice.”
“Stop praying! There is no God here.”
“Shut the fuck up!!”
“Let’s play a game, shall we? It’s called, ‘how many of your organs can I remove before you die?’“
“Alright, here’s the deal… Since you scream every time you see me – let’s just remove your eyes, hm?”
“Has anyone ever told you how good you look in red?”
“Beautiful… Absolutely beautiful…”
“I’m not going to kill you… But I’m going to make you wish I would.”
“This is what you get! This is what you get for hurting me!”
“Do you like rats? I hope so. Because we’re going to play a little game with one that involves your stomach, a container, and an open flame.”
“Have you ever heard of abacination?”
“You’ve got cavities back there, you know. Why don’t remove those pesky teeth for you, hm?”
“Wake up! Can’t have you passing out on me.”
“I won’t scream.”
“I won’t tell you anything.”
“There’s no way I’m gonna tell you shit.”
“By the time anyone finds your body, they won’t be able to identify it.”
“No one is coming for you.”
“You won’t get away with this!”
“People will notice! They’ll look for me!”
“Stop, oh god, please! Please stop.. The pain..!”
“You’re insane!”
“Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing – I’ve got a medical degree, you know.”
“Shh, don’t cry. Don’t cry.”
“No tears now, okay? Everything will soon be over.”
“Stop! Please, stop! I’ll tell you anything! Just stop!”
“Tell me – how does this feel?”
“I hate you! Oh god, I hate you!”
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck off!”
“Oh, what a mess you’ve made…”
“You look like a mess.”
“Chin up, kid. It’ll be over soon enough.”
“I’m just going to borrow a few fingers, okay?”
“Could you lend me a ‘hand’? Yes? Oh good. I was planning on taking it anyway.”
“Shut up, I’m not going to kill you. You don’t deserve that kind of mercy.”
“You know why you’re here.”
“Own up to what you’ve done and maybe you’ll leave here alive!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?!”
“Please! Someone help! Anyone! Oh god.. PLEASE!”
“Not that – anything but that! P-please! PLEASE, NO!”
“Let me go. Please.. Please let me go…”
“I’ll tell you anything you want! Just please, please stop!”
“I’m not going to break that easy.”
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oldworldfantasyrp · 6 days
The racous laughter of the Tyrants died down as Greasus moved his immeasurable bulk from the throne, a feat he reserved for the battlefield and rarely anything else, he approached the messenger with a hungry smile and looked down into their eyes with bloodshot, ravenous and beady eyes of his own.
"Let ol' Greasus make somethin' perfectly clear to your lot" he said quietly, causing a few mumbling tyrants in the back to shove closer so they could hear the Overtyrants words "I don't care who sits in that big ol' sword seat of yours , this place, what you called 'The Vale' belongs to the Ogres now. We don't got no Kings nor Queens, we'll 'appily fight for the right price and eat who we want to"
"Now you go running off, to your lords and your ladies and you pretty up my words 'owever you like" he reached down to place upon the shoulder of the messenger "but you make it plenty clear that the mountains belong to Greasus"
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oldworldfantasyrp · 6 days
Send me a “💭“ and your Muse will experience one of my Muse’s Memories
Bonus: Specify what kind of memory! (Ex: A Happy memory, a Childhood memory, an experience from college, etc)
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oldworldfantasyrp · 8 days
What was your relationship with Kurt especially when you were younger
((Unsure who this is for))
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oldworldfantasyrp · 8 days
Hayase tugs on Zhao Ming's clothes.
"Sensei, what are we gonna learn today?"
Oh he hopes it's something with all the glass bottles that do blip blip blip and ppssshhh and potions and stuff! The 'since' things! It smells bad but it looks and sounds so cool!
"Today, little cousin, we learn about the fundamentals of magic" He smiled and lead the boy not to the Alchemists lab but to the courtyards where a large golden clockface, raised upon an ornate cart, lay. "This is a Wu Xing Compass"
Upon the compass face was not time but rather images and runes. The dial, larger than both the bot and even Zhao Ming in their human form, upon the face pointed towards a rune that looked like two large desert dunes though it shifted and swayed slightly.
As the pair entered the courtyard various bows took place, the generals placed a fist in one hand and bowed from the hips, statemen and officials placed their hands together, bowing low and those few lesser ranked mortal men fell to their knee's before the Iron Dragon, who with a wave of his hand, caused the brief commotion of their entrance to dissipate.
Around the Compass many officials in their robes scribed notes and murmured to one another, generals and state officials discussed various important matters before the compass and Shugungens spoke politics behind dark eye masks.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 8 days
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Okay i think i found the best Greasus reskin, holy fuck, look at this beast. Might even make this the canon look for him in my verses.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 9 days
If u interact with my posts, just know I respond like this:
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oldworldfantasyrp · 9 days
PROMPTS FROM A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES *  assorted dialogue from the novel, adjust as necessary
don't feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy.
be glad of your human heart.
has anyone ever taken care of you?
i heard you scream.
i figured that would get you to stop crying.
stop? don't pretend you care, human.
what is that bruise?
before you start yelling...
do you lie awake at night to come up with all your witty replies for the following day?
i'm tired and lonely, and you're the only person i can talk to without putting myself at risk.
you can leave if you're just going to insult me.
i would have been gentle with you, though.
pity those who don't feel anything at all.
when i kill, i do it slow.
killing is easier in pants.
i didn't want to consider what the punishment might have been.
we're too powerful, too bored with immortality, to be checked by anything else.
i wanted you everywhere. i was drowning in that need.
i don't particularly enjoy losing, so i took it upon myself to become good at them.
what's it doing?
why are you telling me this?
i don't think it's absurd at all.
remember the last time you ignored my warning?
fear no evil.
would you like me to grovel with gratitude for bringing me here?
i might die of surprise. you made a joke, [name].
your hair is... clean.
when the legends get written, i don't want to be remembered for standing on the sidelines.
look how you're trying not to cry out in terror.
i didn't want you to fight alone. or die alone.
you don't hold on to power by being everyone's friend.
each of us has a beast roaming beneath our skin, roaring to get out.
against slavery, against tyranny, i would gladly go to my death, no matter whose freedom i was defending.
i love you. thorns and all.
for someone with a heart of stone, yours is certainly soft these days.
we need hope, or else we cannot endure.
i threw myself into that fire, threw myself into it, into him, and let myself burn.
you look... better than before.
it's a rare day indeed when someone thanks you for bringing them to their death.
if i offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss too?
you humans are truly grateful creatures, aren't you.
well... goodbye for now.
you didn't ask.
the answer to the riddle is love.
you don't look half as bad now.
everything i love has always had a tendency to be taken from me.
i wouldn't want to die alone.
you didn't need to bargain with me.
how am i to blame?
the tunic isn't as pretty as a dress.
what have you done to me?
do you ever stop being so serious and dull?
make it go away.
i'd prefer not to wear that dress.
do you ever stop being such a prick?
i would have taken a very, very long time.
i'd want someone to hold my hand until the end, and awhile after that.
you didn't tell me this would happen.
your human joy fascinates me - the way you experience things in your life span, so wildly and deeply and all at once is... entrancing.
i'm drawn to it, even though i shouldn't be, even when i try not to be.
there was nothing that could slow me down.
i don't know why i feel so tremendously ashamed of myself for leaving them.
all those years... what i did for them... and they didn't try to stop you from taking me.
you might have gotten away with it.
i came to claim the one i love.
i hadn't thought of it as a weakness until now.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 9 days
My mates are trying to get me into Rust and a Rust Adjacent game named Renown and I'm just not vibing with it.
I wanna make my base and enjoy the process of mining/gathering/collecting but those games just seem to me to encourage dickish behaviour.
Lemme build my base in peace and fuck off.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 9 days
To become a good ruler one must often become the monster their foes fear and despise.
The threats to the world of men makes monsters out of even the best.
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oldworldfantasyrp · 14 days
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