oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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“Really you’ve never had  coffee?” The women who were on her fifth cup of the product already. “You poor poor soul.” Clint and she drank it like fishes.
“yeah. it might be a thing where i come from. but i was raised in a household that really didn’t have anything that would make you happy. especially not when it was created by no majs.”
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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“Oh, you’re fine.” Nat hums as she looks to the younger girl, “Everything okay? You do seem a bit stressed.” Nat was trained to fine tune her emotions others didn’t have the training she did.
“i’m fine... i think.. do you know who is in charge here?” she asked her. wendy use to think a place without adults there to tell her what to do was great. but now she was so excited to see an adult.
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
the eldest darling walked around the town after waking up here. she was no longer held captive by pan. but she was still a little afraid that pan was hiding somewhere here and that she wouldn’t be completely safe. she was walking down the street when she accidentally bumped into someone. “i’m so sorry..” the girl said. “i’m just.. not in the right head space and not paying attention.”
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
isobel was so confused with where she was, last she remembered she was dying. but now she was in a place, that she didn’t think was the afterlife since she felt pretty alive. “excuse me, but is this heaven or something?” she asked the person.
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
isolt looked around the town, so happy to be far away from her aunt. but everything about this place looked so strange to the irish witch. it didn’t look like anything she had in her old world. “this drink is absolutely amazing, i can now understand why people say coffee can be addicting.” she chuckled.
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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{liza soberano; cisfemale; pansexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s isolt sayre. she is 17 years old and a canon character from harry potter. i heard that she can be loving, but she can also be untrusting. i hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town. 
isolt is the only child of william & rionach sayre (nee gaunt), she is a direct descendant of salazar slytherin. and related to voldemort, somehow.
her parents did not care about blood purity, and weren’t going to raise their daughter with that idea.
so her aunt killed her parents when she was five and took isolt away and raised her as her own. she taught isolt magic, but never let her go to hogwarts, a place isolt always wanted to go.
her aunt used dark magic on her to make sure that she wouldn’t run away and would listen to her. 
her aunt forced her to watch her torture muggles and animals, something isolt hated.
when isolt got older she realized her aunt was the one who killed her parents with the fire and kidnapped her. 
and when she was seventeen she worked up enough courage to steal her aunts wand (which was the wand of salazar slytherin), and run away from the cottage.
she got on the mayflower and sailed to the new world, hoping to be safe from her aunt there.
it wasn’t long after isolt arrived in america when she found herself in cedar grove.
she can speak parseltongue, something that only the descendants of salazar slytherin can do. 
due to her upbringing she is a very closed off and untrusting person. she grew up isolated with an aunt who was horrible. but she can be loving and caring since no matter what her aunt did or showed her, it didn’t change how kind she is. she doesn’t believe in blood purity at all.
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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{maggie lindermann; cisfemale; pansexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s isobel bloom. she is 16 years old and a canon character from izombie. i heard that she can be brave, but she can also be stubborn. i hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
isobel is originally from boise, idaho where she lived with her mom.
she makes the trip with a coyote to new seattle, so she could become a zombie and no longer be sick.
however, once she gets there everyone learns that for some reason she is immuned to the zombie virus since no one could infect her.
liv wants to send her back home, but isobel doesn’t want to go home since she wants to have a little adventure before she dies.
she learns that she might be the cure to zombism, so she lets ravi do test on her since she wants to do something good for the world.
her dying wish was for liv to eat her brain to become a human, and she died only a little while after arriving in new seattle.
before coming to cedar grove she remembered blacking out accepting death, but she woke up here. she doesn’t exactly know if this place is the afterlife or not.
while she no longer has her disease in cedar grove, she will still frequently be sick and get nose bleeds if she uses too much energy.
isobel is a very brave, adventurous, & free-spirited girl. she always does what she can to help others. but she can be very stubborn & careless.
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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{natalie alyn lind; cisfemale; pansexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s wendy darling. she is 17 years old and a canon character from once upon a time. i heard that she can be kindhearted, but she can also be easily manipulated. i hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
wendy is the eldest darling child, she has two younger brothers john and michael.
when she was a child baelfire broke into her home to get food. and wendy caught him, and instead of throwing him out. she hid him in their home for a few weeks giving him food and things he needed.
that was until her parents found out, and her mother offered bae to live in their home. something that made wendy very happy.
one night pan’s shadow came and took her to neverland. 
it returned her the next day, but it felt longer for wendy. she revealed to bae that neverland was a place people could never leave. she could only leave since they didn’t want girls but boys, one of her brothers.
so her and bae work together to protect her family. but the shadow comes back and bae gives himself up to protect her brothers. wendy tried to hold onto bae to keep him there. but she lost her grip, and that was the last she saw of her best friend.
wendy returned to neverland looking to rescue bae, but she was captured by pan and his lost boys and kept in a cage.
wendy has no clue how long she has been trapped there, but one day shows up in cedar grove.
wendy is a very kind and loving person. she cares for people even if she just meets them. and does whatever she can to help someone in need. but she can also be overly trusting and easily manipulative and very sensitive. 
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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{danielle campbell; cisfemale; pansexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s davina claire. she is 19/24 years old and a canon character from the originals. i heard that she can be powerful, but she can also be hot-headed. i hope she doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
davina is canon up to the end of season 4 of the originals.
davina claire grew up with just her mother since her father was never in her life.
her mother was killed during the harvest ritual by a vampire and davina was saved by marcel.
the harvest ritual was what led to davina later on being killed. 
she was suppose to be a part of the ritual that would give her coven more power. but the elders misformed the girls a part of it, and said they would be put to sleep and instead they were killed. so davina didn’t know if they were telling the truth about they being resurrected. 
and she was only 16 at the time and didn’t want to die.
because of that she helped marcel punish the witches of the french quarter, which angered the ancestors. 
davina did finish the rest of the ritual since she had the three other girls who were a part of it magic, and it was killing her inside.
when she was resurrected it was revealed she didn’t get the same teachings as the other harvest girls since the ancestors were very mad at davina for betraying the witches. 
she later on meets a man named caleb who she falls for. turns out caleb is kol mikaelson, something that causes davina to try to resist him. but it doesn’t work since she loves him too much.
he is later killed by his brother finn.
she becomes regient of the french quarter witches, but was exiled after it’s revealed she had hayley kill another witch. (even though she only did it since the witch was trying to kill her).
davina does all she can to try to bring him back. which causes her to break klaus’ sire link, so she could use the power from it to resurrect kol.
but bringing him back led to her death. the ancestors force him to kill davina.
davina decides to break the link between the witches and the ancestors, which was suppose to shred her soul into pieces, but it didn’t.
she was resurrected by the hollow so kol would do the hollows bidding to protect davina. and luckily hope could break the bond between her and the hollow before the hollow was “killed”. 
she ran off with kol and that was the last thing she remembers happening.
davina is a very powerful witch, who knows many spells and is able to do complicated ones. she really cares for the people she loves and will do anything to protect them. but she has a bit of a temper to her, and you don’t want to get on her bad side. 
she loves marcel like a father and josh is her best friend.
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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Harry Potter Aesthetics: Hogwarts Houses - Gryffindor
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
@soulcfthcstars (dash) & @sliverinnocence (violet)
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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{shawn mendes; cis male; heterosexual} look who arrive in cedar grove it’s john “jack jack” jackson parr. he is sixteen years old and a canon character from disney. i heard that he can be energetic, but he can also be impulsive. i hope he doesn’t cause too much trouble in this town.
john or as he goes by jack jack is the youngest child of bob and helen parr. 
his nickname has a meaning, he is a jack of all trades, it’s why he has so many possible powers. some he doesn’t have control over, they are more situational or emotional. 
his powers that he can do are polymorphism (turning himself into fire, can become metal, demon form (only when mad or upset), turns to rubber, meta morphism so he can turn himself into other people) teleportation (dimensional & appearing where he wants), levitation, phase through solid objects, laser vision (both purple and green), self-duplication, telekinesis, invulnerability, super-strength, & molecular vibration.
he is subjected to the personality traits of younger siblings like charming, affectionate, immature, rebellious, empathetic, creative, social, confident, manipulative, & impulsive. which is also contributes to all his powers. 
because jack-jack is rebellious he more uses his powers than he should. but jack-jack loves everything he does and really doesn’t care about getting in trouble for showing off his abilities to humans, 
back home he never really was able to go on missions with his family because of how young he is, something that jack-jack hates since he wanted to use his powers to save the world. 
when it comes to music he is very talented, loves to sing, write songs, play piano, & play guitar. 
coming to cedar grove he started school since he is only sixteen years old, while the last place he actually wants to be is school.
he does have his supersuit on him, which he is happy about. and he keeps it under his normal clothes almost at all time, just in case he can’t control his power; he knows that his suit combats it. 
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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— Danielle Rose Russell icons.
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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Natalie Alyn Lind for Justjared.
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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aurelia malfoy’s tag dump !!
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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hailey potter’s tag dump !!
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oldrcsplendere-blog · 6 years
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please comment with which character you want: (all characters are under the cut)
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aurelia malfoy, oc character from harry potter (0/4) [intro]
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hailey potter, oc character from harry potter (0/4) [intro]
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