oldmandroid · 4 months
*slips in here*
hey yall, Hank and Gavin are gonna move over to my newly formed multi-muse blog. if you wanna find them and other muses over there for writing in the future. im finally biting that bullet and trying out a multi-muse blog since my adhd meds are *starting* to help me really sit down and focus on things. but also, if youre interested in seeing ff15/16/7r content, Dragon Age, witcher, a sprinkle of marvel, Death Stranding, and a few others come along! and/or if you get a follow from @ashesbloodstardust , thats me. ;]
....the blog's so new i cant tag it, i guess. link here, then, spaghetti code shenanigans.
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oldmandroid · 9 months
*slams back in here* Yes hello, I disappeared because life things and Trigun obsession for 6+ months, and writer’s block slamming me pretty good, too.
But I feel the need to be an asshole so you’ll find me getting into trouble on Gavin @irasciblereed , and possibly being a grumpy Hank here.
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oldmandroid · 1 year
I'm gone for a few days while I recover from work fatigue to come back to so many bots following me wtfff
Of course they're all young women, and I'm just--I know my blog is for an(admittedly good looking) old man, but he'd not interested, ladies! Not in young things that might be young enough to be his children....
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oldmandroid · 1 year
Sorry for the silence, this week has been killing me at work. I’ve been falling into bed as soon as I get home and not doing anything at all *cries*
Tonight is my Friday though, so I’ll be on tomorrow hopefully….
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oldmandroid · 1 year
‘ do you have any tattoos? ’
Interview ?'s || Always Accepting
[ 🔷 ] Android Hank in his base verse does not have tattoos. (though there could be the possibility of tattoos depending on the verse and situation....)
[ 🥃 ] (I don't remember of Hank is revealed in canon to have any tattoos...)
"Yeah, I got one or two. Back in my younger days, before I got on the cases that got me to Lieutenant, anyway. Good luck figuring out what they are and where though." Hank knocks back the rest of his glass and snorts in amusement at himself.
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oldmandroid · 1 year
‘ any pet peeves? ’
Interview ?'s || Always accepting
[ 🔷 ] Being told to shut up, or things like "how do you know?" when more often than not, he does know or can find out easily enough.
Casual disregard for others' wellbeing. People that put others at risk absolutely make Hank's processes go a little haywire. He'd grind his teeth in irritation probably.
Talking around him like he's not there. He has come to understand that this is a common issue with people who do not acknowledge that androids are in fact paying attention at all time and can hear and comprehend almost anything said around them. But for him, who has a little more agency with his social protocols, its especially irritating to be part of a conversation and then seemingly pushed out by someone who doesn't want to actually let him input relevant information to the topic at hand.
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oldmandroid · 1 year
‘ describe the perfect weekend. ’
Interview ?'s || Always accepting
[ 🔷 ] These kinds of questions were ... uncomfortable for Hank to answer. Only because it was designed to make him 'think' and decide on a thing that wasn't inside his normal parameters of protocols, programming and processing.
"Maybe one in which I can shut down the programs that are only meant for the mission. Just a few days of not being tethered to this seemingly pointless round of hunting androids that have fallen outside the acceptable parameters of social norms."
S̸o̷f̶t̴w̶a̸r̵e̵ ̶I̸n̴s̴t̷a̸b̴i̸l̴i̸t̶y̸
"Take a walk somewhere I've never seen before, not be noticed by anyone except to be greeted as I pass by. Discover something I cannot calculate the magnitude up without seeing it with my own eyes first."
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oldmandroid · 1 year
‘ the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you today? ’ (either one or both)
Interview ?'s || Always accepting
[ 🔷 ] Hank was clearly processing what would constitute an android equivalent of human embarrassment, but he wasn't certain of anything of the sort had actually happened. Well, perhaps...
"I was kicked in the shin by a child. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed for myself or or the child, it seemed to have hurt their foot when they did it."
[ 🥃 ] "Stubbed my toe by tripping on a sock and running into the treadmill I haven't used in a couple years."
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oldmandroid · 1 year
so so so weak for muses who "let me go - let me go, they're still in there!" as they're held back from a burning building. so so weak, also, for muses who will stomp on a foot or bite a hand or elbow someone hard if they're holding them back, because They're Still In There, And I Already Said, Let Me Go
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oldmandroid · 1 year
reblog if it's okay for mutuals to just tag you in random meme replies. this means you might not have sent one in but your mutual could see a prompt from a meme, think of your muses together, and write a response to the meme for you as though you did you send it in. "@[user] did not send "[meme]" from [link to meme] but here is a reply anyway" style.
this does mean you need to be ok with a little bit of godmodding in this context as the other mun has to choose what your character says/does to be able to write the response!
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oldmandroid · 1 year
Sinday Sunday ask!!
NSFW Character Trait Meme
🍏 Preference for top or bottom/Submissive or dominant.
🍎 Favorite type, looks and personality wise? Please specify the trait.
🍐 Get up and shower after or bask in the afterglow all sticky and wet?
🍊 Monogamous? Open relationship? Polyamorous?
🍋 Deep and slow? Hard and fast? What’s your character’s preference?
🍌 Favorite sex position? Or name one and my muse will give their thoughts.
🍉 What’s your character’s favorite kink?
🍇 How active in bed is your character? Do they like to lie there and take it or do they like to get the most bang for their buck?
🍓 Kissing during sex, yes or no?
🫐 Clothes off or on during sex?
🍈 Lingerie? Yes or no? Or specify the lingerie piece.
🍒 Would your character join a threesome if given a chance?
🍑 Your character’s Penis size?
🥭 Preference for body part? Name the body part.
🍍 Does your character like to roleplay? If so, what? Or suggest a role play and my muse will weight in on if they would participate.
🥥 Does your character prefer condoms or bareback?
🥝 Your character’s most private sexual fantasy? Or describe yours and my muse will weight in on if they would participate.
🍭 How sexually active is your character?
🧁 When did your character lose their virginity?
🍦 Kinks your character would participate in? Name the kink.
🍬 Kinks your character would not participate in? Name the kink.
Source: arthurpenrose
Revamped by Cats_eye_galaxy
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oldmandroid · 1 year
Put "I mean..." in my inbox if your muse has masturbated thinking about my muse.
Put “I mean…KIND OF” if it was on more than one occasion.
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oldmandroid · 1 year
💦 (human!Hank with android Connor, cause I don't think android Hank can dream xD)
Wet Dreams || Accepting (posting on Sinday only)
@adventures-written : Connor
[ 🥃 ] Hank was just a tad drunk by by the time he was willing to admit the wet dream he had. Even thinking about it now, a sharp twinge of sexual desire tightened in his stomach. It's not that he'd ever consciously thought of Connor like that--but apparently the closeness they have been developing was producing some.... interesting subconscious thoughts in Hank's mind. He couldn't help it--Connor was stupidly handsome, cute even. Whoever designed him really was trying to break hearts, turn heads, and apparently, give people wet dreams.
"I dunno. I was just trying to get some relief, I guess? In the dream, I mean... Home alone, I thought--something random on the TV that I wasn't really paying attention to. Wasn't really thinking about nothing, either, but I was dreamin' this anyway, so who knows?"
The lieutenant took another drink from his glass of whiskey and set it down carefully, licking the sharp flavor from his lip before he continued. "Just doing my business, eyes closed and just relaxing... Then, I--He was there. I felt the cushion dip a little as his knee pressed down on the couch and his hand on was mine. It wasn't... cool or anything like I thought it would be. Nah, just.. like a regular hand, couldn't even tell the difference other than it wasn't mine."
"Dream logic or something, but he knew exactly how to do it, too. Just the right way to get me so far gone I remember I was squirming on the couch, clinging to it and him like I was drowning. He was so close to me, too, talking dream nonsense, probably, but I wasn't paying attention. I remember being so close I was about to lose my mind but-- He fucking stopped and at first I was pissed, what a fucking tease, Connor--! Then it just get better, I guess. He really likes sticking things in his mouth he probably shouldn't but... I was not about to say any damned thing. Dream-me just wanted to finish. I was so loud, Jesus Christ, but that mouth was so good I think I could barely breathe for how much noise I was making.. Don't remember much else but those damned eyes looking up at me after and hair messed up where I must have been holding on, expecting a response probably, for how good he did, but I wasn't about to be able to talk. But if it was as good as the dream made it seem like, that android's got a filthy mouth and knows how to use it."
Hank finished the glass and a rough sigh, and wished to hell he didn't have a boner forming from talking about the damned dream.
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oldmandroid · 1 year
Answered all my asks for Hank, a couple for Gavin. All in the queue.....
May work on the few replies when I wake up before work.
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oldmandroid · 1 year
* interview the muse
‘ do you miss anyone? ’
‘ how are you doing? ’
‘ do you believe in ghosts? ’
‘ what makes you laugh? ’ 
‘ list your top three bands or singers. ’ 
‘ how many blankets do you sleep with? ’
‘ does your name hold any special meaning to you? ’
‘ gum, cake, pie or ice cream? ’
‘ favorite book? ’
‘ are you a good person? ’
‘ describe love. ’
‘ have you ever taken part in an uprising? ‘
‘ favorite song? ’
‘ name a guilty pleasure. ’
‘ the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you today? ’
‘ tell me one truth and one lie. ’
‘ do you like people? ’
‘ what motivates you? ’
‘ describe the perfect weekend. ’
‘ any pet peeves? ’
‘ do you need a hug? ’
‘ would you like to have kids? ’
‘ do you have any tattoos? ’
‘ classical, oldies, punk, hip hop or country? ’
‘ when was the last time you cried? ’
‘ are you religious? ’
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oldmandroid · 1 year
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Character Solidifying || Always Accepting
[ 🔷 ] HK800 has a surprisingly vivid ability to extrapolate a series of images based on educated guesses that would probably be the equivalent of a clear imagination. It's possible this was written into his design, making it easier to attempt to predict the erratic behavior of deviants. But that also settles him too close to the line to cross of deviancy, itself. It may also lend to why he makes accurate guesses at the welfare of the humans around him, who make seemingly irrational or irresponsible choices with their health. It isn't so simple as JUST his programming; because, in fact, he has blocks written into his protocols to prioritize the mission on a case by case basis over potential dangers to the humans working with and around him. Something Hank regularly reorders, much to his Cyberlife programmers' dismay.
Part of what leads him to Connor's door even without an urgent case matter to pursue, is a series of thought lines in his ongoing processing code that provides him with vivid concerns for the human's welfare, given his pension for not looking after himself properly. (to those human!Connors that applies to, anyway)
The further into deviancy he goes, the more abstract the 'daydreaming' and imagination will go. Thinking of more domestic things, like dogs(or cats), possibly changing up his outfits to blend more seamlessly into his work, and caring about the humans around him that seem to accept him as part of their workforce. And music. He hasn't found a type of music he doesn't like, yet, when that becomes relevant to him in the future.
[ 🥃 ] Hank's imagination is an unfortunately powerful thing. Though it was part of what made him good at his job in his prime, it now plagues him with reminders of things he cannot change, and thing he wishes still were. He does find himself, often, stuck in memories, or the occasional daydream of having his son still with him, what he'd be like. And most recently, thinking of how Connor and Cole would have interacted. Something in him that hurts like an old, unhealed wound, thinks that Cole would have seen the good in Connor long before Hank did. Might even have, in his youthful innocence and eagerness, brought out the deviancy in Connor sooner. It's a wish Hank knows would never come to pass, but remember how Cole would have been with Connor helps him look past the pain of his past as Connor like a person with emotions, not a machine.
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oldmandroid · 1 year
Gavin's got a theme now! Dunno if I like the color scheme yet, but its okay...
I queued some meme responses for both Hank and Gavin, and after sleep I will probably do more.
Changed Hank's theme, I like the colors...
Will also do one for Gavin, but I need a nap for adulting later, so I'll do it after I'm finished with errands.
Aaaaannnnddd I'll get around to making a post to pin for both, for those mobile users <3
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