oktoair · 2 years
Air Pollution: The Silent Killer
Millions of people die every year from diseases caused by air pollution, the bottom line is that air pollution kills. This has become a global emergency that varies in different parts of the world. Air pollution: the silent killer is a major risk to our health. Reducing the high levels of air pollution around us will reduce strokes, heart disease, lung cancer and other respiratory diseases such as asthma. Research carried out by the World Health Organisation ( WHO) shows us that more than 9 out of 10 people live in areas where the levels of air pollution exceed the levels tracked in 2005. These levels are higher in areas that are populated by low-income and middle-income communities.
Air Pollution is all Around You
Air pollution isn’t only a risk to us outdoors. High levels of air pollution can also linger within our homes, office spaces and other indoor areas. Indoor air pollution has been a great cause for concern for a number of centuries. When we spend time indoors we are faced with a number of sources of air pollutants, including cleaning products, smoke, perfume, heating and furnishings. A simple act of moving around can spread these particles and when we breathe them in, it can lead to serious respiratory diseases.
Air pollution indoors can be reduced by using cleaner cooking equipment, sustainable fuels and investing in a HEPA air purifier to increase the circulation of clean air throughout your home, office space and other commercial spaces. Air purifiers can help to filter allergens, pollutants, and other airborne irritants out of the air and improve the quality of the air that we breathe. At OKTOair we have air purifiers that will help to keep your homes and office spaces free from these harmful particles. Whether you are searching for a commercial air purifier or the best air purifier for allergies in the UK, we have something to suit everyone’s needs.
Browse Our Range Of Air Purifiers
The Size of Particulates in the Air
Air purifiers can remove a high percentage of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns. These include dust mites, smoke, pet hair and odours. This can be extremely beneficial for those who suffer from asthma and allergies that can affect their breathing. Clean air can help us to lead a healthier lifestyle and it can have a positive effect on our mental and physical wellbeing.
Investing in a true HEPA air purifier for your indoor space is an investment that will help you and those around you to lead a healthier and safer lifestyle. It is so important to be aware that air pollution kills people every year in the UK. The air we breathe can be extremely harmful to all of us. For more information on the range of air purifiers we have available and how they can make a difference to your day to day life get in touch with one of our experts today. Alternatively you can visit our website to learn more about the range of air purifiers we have in stock.
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oktoair · 2 years
What Is In The Air We Breathe?
Without the air that we breathe, life would not be able to exist on earth. The average adult will breathe around 10,000 litres of air each day. It is a well known fact that the air we breathe is not clean and air pollution can pose a serious risk to our health. This can have devastating effects, with over 7 million people dying every year as a result of air pollution. We have created a list of the six things that everyone needs to know about the air we breathe and how investing in a HEPA air purifier can make a difference to our daily lives.
What Is In The Air We Breathe?
The majority of the air we breathe consists of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases, including carbon dioxide, argon and many more. Air also includes airborne particles such as dust, smoke, allergens and other toxins that can harm our lung health. If you suffer from severe allergies, asthma or COPD, your symptoms could worsen as a result of these particles. This polluted air isn’t only a risk to us when outdoors as it is also present inside of our homes, workplaces and other public buildings. A HEPA standard filter will work to filter these pollutants and harmful particles and circulate clean air back into the indoor space.
How Clean Is The Air We Breathe?
The list of health problems and deaths caused by air pollution rises every year. The WHO estimates that 90% of people throughout the world breathe in polluted air on a daily basis. Different countries around the world will experience different levels of air pollution, depending on the country’s population. For example, the people of Beijing have their own cough due to the air pollution they face every day.
The air we breathe is  not made up of one single substance, and is instead made up of harmful particles that create unclean air that can cause serious damage to our health. For hundreds of years, humans have lived with elements of air pollution as open fires were needed to cook food and to keep them warm. In recent years, new technologies have emerged that allow us to filter the air we breathe indoors. At OKTOair, we have a range of the best air purifier for allergies UK that will help to fill your indoor spaces with clean air.
Browse Our Air Purifiers
Air Pollution Kills More People Every Year Than War and Violence
Air pollution is killing more people every year compared to natural disasters, war and violence, hunger and smoking. One out of every six premature deaths throughout the world each year is caused by the effects of air pollution damaging our health. Countries such as China, India, North Korea, Pakistan and Bangladesh are reporting that around a fifth of their premature deaths have been caused by air pollution. Air pollution also has a devastating economic cost for these countries and there has been a rise in health care costs and the loss of productivity in factories.
Studies have shown that there is a clear link between air pollution and poverty. By controlling the levels of air pollution within these countries it could help to tackle other issues, including malnutrition, life threatening diseases and climate change.
Air Pollution Deaths Are The Highest in Asia and Are Continually Rising
The regions of Asia suffer the most deaths caused by air pollution compared to the rest of the world. In 2019, air pollution caused more than two million deaths in Asia, with a majority of these deaths taking place in China and India. 
A majority of air pollution caused in Asia is a result of factories, outdated vehicles and burning cheap fuel. However Thailand differs from other parts of Asia as their high levels of air pollution is caused by fires that have been created to light forests and agricultural by products.
As a result, health problems such as lung cancer, asthma and other respiratory diseases are rising dramatically. Governments in Asia are now coming together in an attempt to tackle their air pollution issue and the public have recognised the effects this problem is having on their daily lives.
Air Pollution Contributes To Climate Change
Earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, dust storms and other natural phenomenon’s can contribute to climate change. For hundreds of years, humans have also been contributing to air pollution due to our dependency on fossil fuels.
These factors have increased the production of greenhouse gases and are worsening the effects of global warming. Although they may seem like two separate issues, air pollution and climate change are linked together.
This means that by reducing the levels of air pollution we can also slow down the process of climate change and how it is changing our planet. It is good news that making immediate changes to air pollution in the areas we live in will have immediate effects. The quicker countries work together to slow down the rising levels of air pollution, it will also have a positive effect on climate change.
What Can We Do To Cut Down On Air Pollution?
Air pollution is damaging our planet and our health. There are a number of things that we can do to improve the air that we breathe. By cutting down on your car journeys you can cut down on your contribution to air pollution.
Instead you could car share with colleagues, walk to work or get your local bus. Inside of the home you can consider switching to renewable energy sources and avoid burning fossil fuels to heat your home.
Even when it comes to your diet, there are plenty we can do to reduce air pollution. Animal farming causes over 50% of air pollution from producing meat to dairy products. Changing to dairy and meat free alternatives can help to reduce air pollution and your carbon footprint.
If you would like to learn more about how you can reduce the levels of air pollution within your homes, office spaces and other commercial buildings, get in touch with a member of our team today. 
We have a range of some of the best HEPA air purifier in the UK that can make a difference to your lifestyle today and the future of your health.
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oktoair · 2 years
Babies Born Breathing In Polluted Air In The UK
Up to 250,000 babies are born breathing polluted air in the UK according to a 2019 study carried out by the Asthma and the British Lung Foundation. These high levels of pollution can put new born babies at risk of developing serious health conditions. Air pollution is extremely harmful to our lungs, leaving babies and young children more vulnerable as their lungs are still growing and developing.
Air pollution can affect the quality of air we breathe indoors, when spending time outside or when travelling in the car. Being exposed to air pollution during pregnancy can harm a baby’s lung development when in the womb. Every parent wants the best for their child, especially when it comes to their health. Investing in an air purifier will work to clean the air within your child’s nursery and the rest of your home by filtering out harmful air pollutants, distributing clean air into the room. When investing in an air purifier, we recommend choosing a HEPA air purifier as they can remove up to 99.5% of pollutants in the air.
Browse Our Air Purifiers  
Maintaining clean air within your home will help to ensure that your children’s lungs stay safe and healthy. Adding an air purifier to your home will allow your children to develop in healthy environments that will support them during growth. Air purifiers will eliminate harmful pollutants that are airborne within your home. These include odours, dust, pet hair, mould and other allergens. Circulating clean air around your home will help to improve other areas of your family life, including improving your quality of sleep, easing allergies, and much more.
Getting the correct amount of rest as a child is an essential part of your growth and development, right up until you are a teenager. The more rest your baby gets, the better parents will sleep as a result. Investing in an air purifier in your baby’s bedroom will help them to have a great night sleep by removing dust particles and other pollutants from the air they are breathing. As nurseries are smaller rooms compared to the living room and larger bedrooms, we recommend choosing an air purifier with a smaller room coverage. This will be kind towards your budget while still working effectively when cleaning the air within your home.
Investing in a HEPA filter air purifier is one of the best additions to have in your baby’s bedroom. Indoor air within our homes can be extremely harmful to young children. The exposure to these indoor air pollutants can lead to a higher risk of allergies, asthma, and other health conditions when they are older including lung cancer and other types of lung damage. At OKTOair we have a range of air purifiers that will help to create an environment where your child can develop, learn and play safely within their homes. For more information on the best air purifier for allergies in the UK, get in touch with one of our air purification experts today.
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oktoair · 2 years
Air Quality Grants And What The Aim Is
2021 saw announcements from the UK government surrounding their pact to improve air quality – with over £9 million in Air Quality Grants for authorities in certain areas to aid in their clean air plans.
The Air Quality Grants opened for applications beginning October 2021 and is there to aid measures that will benefit business, schools and communities as a whole.
The lack of awareness pre pandemic on the effects of air pollution on our bodies was shocking, with the pandemic forcing the nation to really look at the air quality as we all wore masks and began to realise and hone in on the fact that just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean it is safe.
More Information On Air Purification
There was a recommendation made in relation to preventing future deaths that there be more awareness campaigns and more general public knowledge surrounding the catastrophic potential that air pollution holds. The death of Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah has been described as a ‘landmark decision’ by Professor Gavin Shaddick – a government air pollution adviser.
With Ella’s tragic death at the forefront and the fact that this was the first time in history that a UK cause of death has stated air pollution – a recommendation was made in the Coroner’s Prevention of Future Deaths report that there be more public awareness campaigns surrounding the effects of air pollution. The government has pledged £1 million so far to awareness campaigns for local communities about the risks.
Criteria of the grant was for the following areas:
Steps to limit exposure
Improving air quality knowledge
Reducing air pollution
It is essential that the people of this nation are aware of the steps that they can take to limit their exposure, be that protocols in the home, best practices outdoors, the benefits of air purification as well as having the knowledge of air pollution hotspots, allowing them to avoid those areas.
Environment Minister Rebecca Pow said:
“Air quality has improved significantly since 2010 but still poses enormous health risks, which is why we are boosting our funding to local authorities to help them take action.
While we are moving in the right direction with air pollution issues, there needs to be more done and at OKTOair, we are pioneering the air purification sector, with our world leading technology, providing clean, safe air to all. This year is going to be a big one, with our Landmark Environment Bill holding us to the mission of setting two new air quality standards targets by October.
With local authorities receiving the much needed funding, increased public awareness on air pollution there is a greener future at the end of the tunnel and we are the world leading air purification solution with our DFS, HEPA filter air purifier exceeding technology.
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oktoair · 2 years
Air Purifier In Schools: The Best HEPA Air Purifier UK
Within a school environment, there are children who suffer from asthma and acute allergies and they deserve the best HEPA air purifier in the UK. This is why it is important that schools ensure they are providing their pupils with a safe learning environment. In 2020 the UK Government recommended that air purifiers should be introduced in schools and other indoor environments. However, they were hesitant about this as there are products on the market that are misleading and can make false claims about their performance.
At OKTOair we use HEPA Air Purifiers that are classified according to the EN1822 test. These are high performing air purifiers that can remove up to 99.5% of pollutants in the air. Using these air purifiers in schools could help with asthma and allergens, and make schools a better learning environment for everyone.
Learn More About HEPA Air Purifiers
How Do Air Purifiers Work?
Air purifiers are used to improve the quality of the air that we breathe indoors. They remove harmful particles from the air, including dust, pollen and other contaminants. The air that enters the HEPA filter air purifier separates these particles before pumping the clean air back into the room.
They Create A Better Learning Environment
As students and teachers spend most of their day in a classroom, it is important that they are safe and welcoming learning environments. Teachers are currently opening windows during the colder weather to circulate clean air into the classroom. This is leading pupils to feel cold and uncomfortable during their lessons, and in some circumstances, they are wearing their coats indoors. By adding an air purifier into your classroom you can create a safer learning environment that is comfortable for both pupils and their teachers.
Reduces Asthma and Allergy Attacks
Within schools children who suffer from asthma and allergies are at risk of feeling unwell and from suffering from asthma attacks as a result of breathing in air that is contaminated with pollen, dust and mites. This air can irritate their airways and will make it difficult for them to breathe. HEPA Air purifiers are designed to remove these harmful pollutants from the air and will circulate clean air back into the classroom.
At OKTOair we have the best air purifier for allergies UK. This can help to keep the air inside of your classroom clean and will reduce the triggers of asthma and other respiratory issues within school environments.
View Our Range Of Air Purifiers
Reduces Germs From The Air
Germs can spread quickly throughout schools, especially in younger children. These airborne germs spread through the particles in the air that we breathe. Air purifiers can catch these particles and can help to prevent the spread of illnesses amongst children in the classroom. This will lead to fewer missed days off school and will lead to a better learning environment for everyone.
There are a range of reasons that you should bear in mind when considering air purifiers in the classroom. At OKTOair we understand that parents worry about the well being of their children when they attend school. We have a range of air purifiers that will clean the air that we breathe when indoors and will help to create a safe environment for children to learn and develop. For more information on the range on the best HEPA air purifier UK and their features, get in touch with a member of our team today.
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oktoair · 2 years
Tackling Air Pollution: UK Opportunity To Lead The Way
The pandemic certainly brought a whole new focus to the air purification sector across the entire world, but air pollution has always been around. With particles of COVID-19 entering the air every second, the focus for people was on ensuring that they were not breathing them in and for OKTOair, although this was not our purpose when beginning, it quickly became it. Over a period of 10 years, we have been pioneering a new era for the air purification sector, believing that every person on this planet deserves clean, fresh air that does not affect their health.
It is a fact that the air we breathe is polluted. We breathe in particulates indoors and outdoors, there is no escaping it. It is recommended that you have an air purifier that is at least of HEPA filter standard, at OKTOair, we take no chances and we offer a world leading, medical grade HEPA exceeding solution that encompasses not only HEPA, but also DFS filtration.
Our air purification solution was developed by military chemical warfare experts to ensure that you breathe in the freshest air that is available on the market today.
Air pollution remains a huge global issue, with urbanisation and overpopulation issues, the time to act is now. While the UK is moving towards an electric future, which means that the greenhouse gases from the roads will reduce, there remain the other factors that contribute.
World’s Leading HEPA Filter Air Purifier
The Transport and Environmental statistics state that:
“Transport produced 27% of the UK’s total emissions in 2019. Of this, the majority (91%) came from road transport vehicles.”
Greenhouse gas emissions by sector, 2019, by proportion:
Source: Transport and Environment Statistics
Open waste burning, construction, agricultural burning, transportation, coal combustion are among the contributing factors that cause needless deaths in the UK every year. The European Environmental Agency (EEA) revealed in 2019 that the UK government could have avoided thousands of deaths had it adhered to the recommendations from the World Health Organisation.
There were 3.4 million premature deaths were reported in the UK in 2017 that were linked to outdoor pollution and then in 2019, there was 2.31 million deaths were linked to household/indoor pollution. The time to act is now according to Client Earth and OKTOair are on a mission to bring clean air to the masses.
With too many deaths attributed to air pollution, it is time to look at what you are breathing in unknowingly and look for a solution that will protect you in the years to come. The particulates in the figure below show you a size comparison of the particulates that you breath in on a daily basis, with the left particulate representing the size (0.007 microns) that our state of the art HEPA filter air purifier exceeding DFS technology captures and kills.
If you are looking for a solution to keep you and your family or colleagues/ employees safe from harmful pollutants which will in turn reduce tiredness, increase energy/productivity and eliminate allergens, then you are in the right place, call and speak to one of our air purification experts for the solution that is right for you. We have air solutions that suit small rooms that scale up to  million sq ft.
Get In Touch To Tackle Air Pollution
At OKTOair, fresh, clean air if for everyone.
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oktoair · 2 years
How To Improve Indoor Air Quality
How to improve indoor air quality, something that was not given much thought pre pandemic, basically something that was not considered or cared about by people, but the one good thing that has come from the pandemic is that people are now recognizing air pollution for than ever and at OKTOair, we are so glad as we have been pioneering solutions to better the nations health for years. We do what we do to provide the cleanest, freshest and ultimately the safest air possible.
The quality of the air that we breathe in has such a colossal impact on our health – more so than you may realise. According to figures released, people spend on average 90% of their time inside their homes. The air we breathe affects more than just our organs, but our mood, our function and our productivity to name just a few.
That headache that you get in work, the itch in your nose, that sneeze, your sore throat, even dizziness can all be attributed to poor indoor air quality, while these may seem non important, the more serious cases include cancer and respiratory issues.
Enter the air purifier – air purifiers, specifically HEPA air purifiers are great in ensuring that your home or office are safe breathing spaces, free of particulate matter in the air. Allergy sufferers particularly will notice a huge relief in their symptoms with the addition of an air purification system, especially our HEPA air purifier exceeding solutions with DFS technology.
Learn More About HEPA Air Purifiers
Ensure That You Are Breathing Clean, Safe Air
Below are some of the ways that you can improve your indoor air quality and start breathing easy and see the benefits that are associated with breathing in clean, fresh air.
Remove contaminants from the air
The first step that you can take to ensuring that the air in your home is as clean as it can possibly be is to remove anything that may be contributing to the issues, or at least ensure that they are clean, like the rug in the hallway, ensure that it is vacuumed two times per week, those paint tins sitting at the back door, anything that is unnecessary that could potentially harbour dust – relocate it out of the living space and into the garage or roof space, or declutter.
Invest In A HEPA Air Purifier
The greater the quality of the air purifier that you have in your living or working space, the finer the particulate matter that it will capture. At OKTOair, we have pioneered our air filtration solutions and are the market leaders for clean air. Our DFS filter solution is military grade and exceeds the HEPA air purifier standard that is recommended for air quality.  
Our air purification systems are perfect for your home, office and any size of space as we have scalable solutions up to 1 million sq ft, capturing and killing particulates in the air down to 0.007 microns – represented below, you can see how small this really is and why we are the market leader in clean air.
Learn More About HEPA Filter Air Purifiers
Air Scents And Scented Candles
Limit or eliminate air fresheners, candles and diffusers, these are all huge contributors to poor indoor air quality. They contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that can cause headaches and irritations, these compounds are also found in cleaning products.
You can read more on reasons to invest in a HEPA air purifier here.
Purchase Plants
Not only are plants great to look at, but they are also an air filtering air and enhance the levels of oxygen in the air. They assist in the filtering of pollutants that come from wood, chemicals, trash and carpets to name a few.
Check The Air Vents
The air ducts that are in your home or office space are something that you should keep an eye on. Dust builds up in these and can reduce the quality of the air in the space.
There are so many things that you can do to improve the quality of the air that you are breathing in, but the best possible way to ensure that you are breathing in clean air is to make an investment in your health and purchase a HEPA filter air purifier that removes 99.99% of pollutants from the air – our solutions are world leading and we are pioneering a society that all have access to the clean air that they deserve.
Call The Air Purification Experts Now
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oktoair · 2 years
The Law Surrounding Building Ventilation
The law surrounding building ventilation. Building Ventilation is the supply and the removal of air in an indoor environment to improve air quality by removing pollutants and particulate matter from the air to ensure that the air is suitable and healthy for humans to breathe in, also can be referred to in circumstances as mechanical ventilation in buildings.
With any building, there are requirements and specifications that must be met in order to comply with the law, unfortunately these requirements are not always met, both and thus the quality of the indoor air is polluted with the potential to cause adverse health effects on the occupants of said building.
Commercial Air Purifiers: How Buildings Contribute To Pollution
The operations of a building such as heating, cooling and lighting are contributors to pollution, with older buildings being huge contributors to this – with fine particles being emitted in the powering process.
The construction of buildings is a huge contributor to pollution as well. Water usage, toxic dusts (silica or hardwood – carcinogenic), greenhouse gases and waste generation all play their part in this pollution, but then there is the production of the building materials as well to consider into the mix.
There is a huge importance placed on sustainable development and urban planning processes.
View Our Range Of Commercial Air Purifiers
Indoor Air Quality: The Health Risks Associated
An occupant of any given building has the right to breathe in fresh, clean air that is free from pollutants. The air in a building should not have the occupant feeling irritated due to its stuffy nature. The adverse effects of air quality can range from mild symptoms to long term effects such as cancer.
Living in the time that we do with COVID-19, there has been more attention than ever on air filtration and the quality of the air in homes and pretty much all buildings across the entire world.
With the focus on air filtration and the quality of indoor air, a question that we get time and time again is how can I measure the quality of the air in a building? There are many ways minute by minute that you can measure the air quality, keeping track of the outdoor air, but that is inaccurate as it is not measured on a per person basis, which is a huge part of the regulations of buildings, or the indoor CO2 can be measured.
Or the easiest way is to not worry about tracking the air at all and letting our state of the art machines do the tracking and adjusting of the air for you.
The Best HEPA Air Purifier UK Wide
With solutions available that range from 500 Sq. ft right up to 1 million Sq. ft, we can adapt to any indoor space requirements. Our DFS technology captures and eliminates ultrafine particulates front he air down to 0.007 micron (smaller than covid-19 particles) including mould, bacteria's and fungi, leaving the indoor air clean and fresh.
These are not just claims that we make, rather claims that are backed up by the Environmental Protection Agency through extensive testing of a proxy virus that proved our DFS technologies capabilities to remove 99.99% of air pollutants in 10 minutes and an impressive 100% in 45 minutes.
Our solutions are currently in hospitals, government buildings, schools, offices and airports around the world – we bring to the table the freshest and cleanest air that is available in the market today.
If you are looking for a solution to solve your indoor air pollution issues and comply with the building air regulations in the UK, then OKTOair are on hand to help from homes to skyscrapers, you can breathe easy with us.
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oktoair · 2 years
The History of Air Filtration: The HEPA Filter Air Purifier Generation
Many people believe that air filtration is a new craze as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, however it dates back a lot farther that people realise, as does the HEPA filter air purifier UK wide, but not quite as far. For nearly 200 years, scientists have been working on ways to improve the air that we breathe indoors.
Do you have an air purifier within your home or workspace? Does it spark your curiosity on how they really work? Here is a brief on the history of air filtration and how this invention first came about.
Since the 1800s, scientists have been working on ways to improve our breathing. In 1823 at the beginning of the industrial revolution in America, John and Charles Dean invented a mask for firefighters to help filter toxic air. This allowed them to enter burning buildings without being poisoned by the fumes. Their invention was then advanced in 1871 by John Tyhndal who was responsible for inventing the world’s first respirator.
Throughout the 20th century, the HEPA air purifier came into existence with the intent of protecting soldiers and scientists from the aftermath of atomic explosions. In recent years HEPA devices are now being used to get rid of potentially harmful and minuscule particles that are present within the air. 
These include mold, pollen, dust and other airborne pollutants. The Department of Energy (DOE) states that HEPA filters can remove at least 99.97% of all harmful particles from the air at a rate of 85 litres per minute.
Learn More About HEPA Air Purifiers
So the main question is, how do air filters really work? Asthma and allergies are triggered by pollutants within the air. By using air filters within the home and the office, they will clear the air that you breathe by removing these harmful particles. They help us to stay healthy, to breathe better, and they can also prevent the spread of diseases and bad smelling odours.
Without an air purifier, you will inhale these harmful particles and they will enter your body. Long term exposure to these pollutants can lead to increased allergies, congestion, lack of sleep, shortness of breath and much more. Thankfully due to the development of air filters throughout the years, there is a range of air purifiers that you can choose from.
Now that you know more about the history of air filtration and what they are used for, it is time to decide which model best suits your home or workspace. At OKTOair we have a range medical grade, professional air cleaners that can effectively clean the different types of pollutants within the air. 
We are the only firm that can deliver innovative patented DFS technology that is completely unique to the island of Ireland. Whether you are looking for something small for your bedroom or something more powerful for hospitals, medical facilities or government buildings, we have something to suit everyone’s needs.
View Our Range Of HEPA Air Purifiers
Knowing what type of air filtration to choose from can be confusing, and it is essential that you choose the right system to suit your needs so it works effectively. At Oktoair we can help you to take the first step towards improving your air quality. For more information on the range of air purifiers we have in store, contact one of our experts today.
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oktoair · 2 years
The Health Benefits of Air Purification: HEPA Air Purifier UK
The HEPA Standard Air Purification
In recent years there has been an increase in concerns about air pollution levels bout outside and inside of the home. Adding a hepa air purifier to your home or office space can improve the quality of the air you breathe and can offer a range of health benefits. If you are curious about the health benefits of air purification, we will help you to decide if an air purifier is a right purchase for you.
What Is A Hepa Filter Air Purifier?
HEPA filters are a type of high quality air filter that meets the HEPA filter standard. They can move up to 99.7% of particles from the air as small as 0.3 microns, including smoke, dust, pet hair and strong odours. This is beneficial for anyone who suffers from asthma and allergies.
HEPA filter air purifiers are used to cleanse the air in your home and can be used as building ventilation within office spaces and schools. Air purifiers have become popular in recent years and they are successful in neutralising the threat of pollution when indoors.
What Are The Health Benefits of Air Purification
Relieves Symptoms Of Asthma
For those living with asthma pollutants in the air, including pollen, dust and mites, can irritate their airways and make it difficult for them to breathe. When pets shed and spread their hair into the air, this can also be triggering for pet owners who are living with asthma.
HEPA air purifiers are designed to catch these harmful pollutants in the air, meaning that you can breathe clean air. At Oktoair, our range of air purifiers will continue to keep the air inside of your home or workplace free are these harmful particles. This will reduce triggers for asthma and other breathing difficulties.
View Our Range Of Air Purifiers
Helps To Ease Allergies
Small particles of dust, pollen, mites, and many more cause allergies and will cause us to cough, sneeze and have runny noses. Air purifiers can catch these allergens moving through the air and will circulate cleaner air indoors.
Removes Odours From The Air
Similar to airborne diseases and other harmful pollutants, odours also move through the air in small particles We smell those odours daily when we breathe them in. Air purifiers work to remove these unpleasant odours in the air. They remove these particles before recirculating cleaner air for us to breathe.
Reduces The Presence of Germs From The Air
The germs that cause the fly, colds and even the covid-19 pandemic are airborne diseases that spread mostly as particles throughout the air. Air purifiers can be used to catch these harmful particles. It is beneficial to have these in your home and in your workspaces asn they can help to prevent the spread of illnesses when indoors.
Learn More About The HEPA Air Purifier
Improve Your Quality of Sleep
Did you know that odours, germs and other harmful pollutants within the air can affect your quality of sleep? Adding an air purifier to your bedroom will help to reduce the amount of these airborne particles that you breathe in while you are sleeping. If you are struggling with the quality of your sleep, an air purifier could be the perfect solution for you.
There are a number of reasons why you should consider air purifiers when it comes to your health. At Oktoair we understand the increasing worries about the air that we breathe. Our range of air purifiers will help to clean the air that you breathe, both at home and the workplace, helping you to lead and happier and healthier lifestyle. For more information on the range of air purifiers we have in store and their features, get in touch with one of our experts today.
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oktoair · 2 years
What is the Difference Between Air Conditioning and Mechanical Building Ventilation
Many believe that ‘air conditioning and ‘mechanical ventilation’ are terms that are interchangeable, if you believe this, you’d be greatly mistaken. Mechanical ventilation and air conditioning aren’t just a little different, in actual fact, they provide completely different functions. Just as it can be completely impractical to use mechanical ventilation in an environment where an air conditioner is needed, the same can be said for the reverse. In this article, we will be discussing the difference between the two and highlighting the benefits of mechanical building ventilation.
Read More On Building Ventilation
What is Building Ventilation?
Ventilation is a method that many think is the cooling of a room. Ventilation often has nothing to do with temperature and does not actually possess the ability to heat or cool a room. Mechanical ventilation is normally the intentional fan driven flow of outdoor fresh air into a building. Mechanical ventilation systems do not always include filtration for the purpose of treating and cleaning the air but are provided to protect the system itself. It is more effective for air treatment to be provided as part of a mechanical ventilation system, so whilst fresh air is being brought into the building it is being cleaned and purified, removing pollutants and toxins as part of a combined system.
By introducing OKTOair filtration to your mechanical ventilation system, you can be assured you have world leading technology in air treatment. Our Disinfecting Filtration Systems trap microorganisms for continuous germicidal exposure, resulting in the most powerful indoor air purification in the world. DFS technology is individually tested to guarantee better than HEPA efficiency, capturing 99.99% of particles at 0.007 microns; the particle removal performance is achieved with very little system resistance and low energy usage, making OKTOair’s air purification systems the most efficient available.
The aim here is not to change the temperature of the room but to remove pollutants, toxins and bad smells through the purification process that we are industry leaders in. A commercial air purifier solution for buildings of all sizes.
What is Air Conditioning?
Air conditioning has the sole purpose to alter the temperature of the room but it does not purify or filter the air at all. Air conditioners do not source any external air to be brought into the room; instead, they take existing air from the room, then cool or heat it depending on the setting and then recycle it back into the same room. The result is the air that has the same purity, but with a higher or lower temperature. The recycling of air can encourage the spread of airborne pollutants, toxins and pathogens creating a greater health risk.
Read More On Commercial Air Purifiers
What is the Benefit of Mechanical Building Ventilation and When Should I Use It?
Given the different functions that the two possess, it is important to understand what the systems do and why they are important for air filtration. You need to think about creating a safe indoor environment and have a clear objective of what you would like to achieve from your system. Mechanical ventilation with filtration will be key to providing fresh, clean, healthy air for your employees and customers. For good air quality, it would be highly recommended to prioritise mechanical ventilation.
What is the Benefit of Air Conditioning and When Should I Use It?
Air conditioning is more suited for making sure workers or customers are at a comfortable temperature. Since air conditioning recycles polluted air, it is more suitable for providing temperature control heating or cooling the area depending on the conditions.
The Ultimate
Air Filtration
The ultimate solution for any indoor environment is to combine both mechanical ventilation, filtration and air conditioning to effectively control conditions.
Whilst the ultimate solution is not always practicable, here at OKTOair we are able to provide bespoke engineered solutions to meet your needs for mechanical ventilation, air filtration, air conditioning and building controls.
If the existing system in place does not accommodate all functionalities, we can work with you and your existing systems and add any components required to achieve the ideal conditions.
Personally, we at OKTOair, have a mission to get clean, fresh and healthy air to as many people as we possibly can. We supply mechanical building ventilation solutions for commercial and domestic use. We have years of experience in the industry and can provide you with all the advice and recommendations you need. To learn more, give our friendly team a call today.
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oktoair · 2 years
Top Three Risks Of Poor Building Ventilation
No matter the type of building you are in, be it a high rise or small building, a factory or your home, good ventilation and clean air are critical for the comfort and safety of the building’s occupants – be that family, employees or customers.
Poor ventilation is not only a hazard to the occupants of the buildings, but can also have an adverse effect on equipment, goods, and products. Natural ventilation is great to have of course, but natural ventilation does not always guarantee the movement of the air that was stagnant in the building, or ensure that the entire indoor space receives fresh air. Additionally, introducing fresh air into the building by natural ventilation does not mean the new fresh air is clean. The introduction of outside air can also result in additional pollutants and toxins being brought into the building that was not present previously.
So purely relying on this method does not always fully ventilate the building or clean and improve the air quality.
Read More On Commercial Air Purifiers
Poor Air Quality Inside The Workplace Leads To Fatigue, Discomfort, Distraction And Poor Health.
Both indoor and outdoor pollution can make you feel lethargic, forgetful and can lower your productivity. Besides larger particulate matter irritating the airways, lungs and the ability to cause asthma attacks, smaller ultrafine particulate matter such as NO2 and PM2.5 can get into the bloodstream (British Lung Foundation) and cause diseases in the lungs and heart. PM10 (dust, soot) can lower your red blood cell count and therefore the body’s oxygen carrying capacity, starving the brain, muscles and organs.
Household chemicals are used every day, to clean and to decorate with little to no protection worn. VOCs – volatile organic compounds can be found in these everyday products that many would be unaware of, alongside this, some products contain bleach or ammonia.
Another unseen perpetrator into your household. When the products are used, the VOC’s evaporate into the air – sometimes this can happen even when they are just stored. Some are less harmful than others naturally, but those products with fragrances added for example pine or citrus can react when released into the air – forming a new chemical.
Your typical household VOC’s are the likes of acetone, formaldehyde and xylene – it is advised to avoid breathing in VOC’s and air purification is an excellent solution.
More rigorous research is needed before we can be certain about the effects of breathing in these chemicals in our homes. About half of studies suggest that being exposed to these chemicals increases your risk of developing an allergy or asthma.
One study recently found that women who were actively cleaning at home or work on a regular basis have been found to have an increase in the decline of their lung function.
Building ventilation has never been easier with our state of the art world-leading, Disinfecting Filtration System (DFS) patented technology that is in all of our machines, bringing clean, fresh, healthy air to your building and eradicating 99.99% particulates, pollutants and pathogens.
Besides The Impact On The Physical Health And Safety Of Employees, Psychological Effects In The Form Of Stress Could Arise In The Workplace.
A Chinese study, referred to by Cardio Smart, found that:
“Evidence suggests that fine particulate matter triggers stress hormones, which over time may increase the risk for high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.”
Even if the discomfort is not immediately recognisable, the fact that there are pollutants in the air without adequate building ventilation with filtration present is undeniable and the fact that they have health effects is based on hard medical evidence.
Our DFS patented technology in all of our machines at OKTOair are far more effective than HEPA technology, with each machine tested and certified to provide better efficiency than the HEPA filter air purifier and exceeding European HEPA Standard EN 1822, capturing ultrafine particles in the air that pose the greatest health risk as they are actually small enough to penetrate further than the lung.
Read More About The HEPA Air Purifier
Poor Ventilation Enhances The Spread Of Transmittable Diseases And Airborne Viruses.
With the wrath of COVID-19, the ongoing and lasting effects in its wake are the consciousness of the air that we are breathing in and the fact that it and all its variants are airborne is something that will be in the minds of all across the nation.
Never before has adequate building ventilation with good filtration been more required than this moment in time. The risk of catching COVID-19 indoors is a worrying amount higher than outdoors, so if the buildings that you spend 90% of your time in are not equipped with the adequate air filtration that eradicates pathogens and pollutants, you are not only at risk of the usual suspects such as pollen and dust but also the airborne virus that has claimed the lives of many worldwide, not to mention future viruses and influenza’s that arise.
Whose Responsibility Is Building Ventilation?
Every employer has a duty of care to provide a workplace that is safe for the employees. Every building service provider, be it managed buildings, building owners right down to the building construction and development has a responsibility to provide an environment that adheres to guidelines and is suitable for the intended operation and purpose of the building and the health, wellbeing and comfort of the occupants.
In broad terms, building ventilation with good filtration that cleans the air is a method of controlling not only the airflow but the cleanliness of the air that the occupants are breathing in. Inhaling fresh clean air not only freshens up the mind and body of employees, but it can increase their productivity and improve their health. If your home, office or business is not well ventilated, get in touch today and we will talk you through the process and find a building ventilation solution for you.
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oktoair · 2 years
Most of us believe that all we have to do to improve air quality in a building is open a window; however, natural ventilation alone rarely provides enough air movement, and when you think about it, this means you’re letting many pollutants and other harmful chemicals into the room, which may do more harm than good to the air quality, Enter the HEPA air purifier with DFS technology – the best air purifier in the world. These become stuck indoors, and the microscopic particles can be inhaled, causing a variety of health problems. Not only that, but natural ventilation will not provide the same level of protection and peace of mind in the fight against a virus as persistent as Covid-19 as mechanical ventilation and air cleaning will.
Because not all air purification systems are created equal, do your homework and choose one that can not only catch particles but also remove and destroy poisons and pollutants, preventing them from being discharged back into the environment. Consider the particle size that the air purifier/air cleaner can remove; the most harmful particles, poisons, and viruses are ultrafine particles, and most air purifiers can’t remove particles smaller than 0.3 microns. The air purifiers’ effectiveness is likewise not as high as advertised. Choose a system that is chemical and ozone free, and don’t add any extra chemicals to the air you breathe. Look for air purifiers with superior performance that can also remove ‘ultrafine’ particles from your home environment.
Read More About The HEPA Air Purifier
1. Building Ventilation Systems Aid In The Prevention Of Airborne Illnesses And Infections.
Viruses can persist in the air and spread through the air, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in addition to other means of transmission such as droplets. As a result, an air purifier/air cleaner that can filter particles as small as the coronavirus and much smaller could be one of our key weapons in the fight against future epidemics.
2. Air Purifying Methods To Reduce Asthma Symptoms With DFS & HEPA Air Cleaning Systems
According to studies, both children and adults can develop asthma as a result of air pollution. A study published in 2018 indicated that air purifiers/air cleaners are useful in reducing asthma symptoms and triggers, especially in youngsters. Air purifiers/air cleaners help to clean the air you breathe in by filtering out ultrafine particles.
3. Defend Against Allergies And Avoid Future Symptoms
Allergic reactions may be caused by allergens in the air, such as pet dander, pollen, and dust. Allergens impact one out of every three persons, whereas hay fever affects one out of every four. Allergies, asthma, and other respiratory illnesses are exacerbated by poor air quality in the house or interior environment, which includes particulate matter. If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from seasonal allergies, you need to clean the air in your home. Most allergy sufferers turn to controversial drugs to relieve symptoms and prevent asthmatic attacks; but, by addressing the source of the problem before it becomes a problem, you can fix it before it becomes an issue.
4. Productivity Improvements: Enter The HEPA Air Purifier x DFS
Employees who work in clean air environments perform 61 per cent better on cognitive tasks than those who work in conventional office conditions, according to Harvard University research. Surprisingly, increasing air purification can boost cognitive performance by more than 100 percent!
Read More About Building Ventilation
5. Harmful Chemicals Are Removed From Indoor Environments
Indoor air pollution levels are 3-5 times higher than those found outside. Whether you live in a big city or not, the air inside your house can still be polluted with toxins and ultrafine particles from a variety of sources, including VOCs from our products, cleaning chemicals, cooking, furniture and construction materials, and more. Many of them include hazardous chemicals and gases, and prolonged exposure can result in serious health problems. Cardiovascular illness, pulmonary disease, stroke, and cancer have all been related to ultrafine particles.
6. Unpleasant Odours Are Neutralised, Moisture Is Reduced, And Mould Is Prevented.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCSs) are dangerous chemicals that can be found in everyday goods including aerosol sprays, upholstered furniture, and air fresheners. These odours can produce nausea, shortness of breath, and even impair cognitive function. An effective air purifier/air cleaner can filter these dangerous chemicals out of the air, preventing hidden mould and mildew from forming and causing health problems.
7. Air Filtration System For Home: Enhance Your Sleep
You’ll notice a difference in your sleep quality as the air quality improves. Because there are fewer bacteria and allergens in the air, you are less likely to have a runny nose, sneeze, or cough. Allowing you to sleep through the night.
8. Increased Life Expectancy And Health Benefits From Air Filtration Methods
It should come as no surprise that the quality of the air you breathe has an impact on your health and longevity. This is due to the fact that dangerous chemicals in the air can build up in your lungs, affecting your brain and cognitive function.
So take a deep breath and use one of OKTOair’s world-leading military-grade air purifiers/air cleaners to remove and destroy ultrafine particles as small as 0.007 microns. The level of effectiveness is determined by the air purifier/air cleaner you purchase, so choose wisely.
OKTOair has teamed with HealthWay, a prominent and innovative company in the United States, to deliver these award-winning, world-leading, cutting-edge filters to Ireland. OKTOair is the only firm that can deliver our ground breaking patented DFS technology, which is absolutely unique to Ireland. In order to resist germ warfare, the Disinfecting Filtration System (DFS) technology was developed in partnership with the US military. All airborne pathogens and ultrafine particles as small as 0.007 microns are removed and killed by DFS technology. 
This virus is a fraction of the size of the Covid-19 virus. DFS technology revolutionises the air cleaning and filtration process and, through microbial inhibition, prevents microbial development inside the filter. Our air cleaning products are HEPA compliant, with all of them having been independently tested to ensure greater than HEPA efficiency, as well as being completely chemical and ozone free, considerably exceeding the EN 1822 European HEPA Standard.
Get in contact with OKTOair today, you can contact us by calling 020 3978 0288 or filling out our contact form.
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oktoair · 3 years
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A breath of fresh air, something that we are all entitled to, yet so few actually receive - but why? The question we must ask ourselves is that if the air we breathe is so toxic - why is it that so few people know about it? 
The air purification sector has been around for years and with health and wellbeing as the ‘prize’ awarded  to the public by air filtration companies, we must dig deep, engage our senses and bring the facts to the surface  - no matter how shocking they are - and give ourselves the best and the freshest are , the air that we deserve.
Homes, schools, offices, public buildings or privately owned buildings. The location, when it comes down the the bottom like, is somewhat immaterial. We have a silent killer on our hands. 
A shocking statistic, from the World Health Organisation (WHO), according to reports, 9 out of 10 people are victims of air pollution - the single biggest environmental health risk in the world - responsible for 7 million deaths in 2018.
A Breath Of Fresh Air Filtering The UK
HEPA, a filter that no doubt you have heard of, but there is a new kid on the block, taking the air purification industry by storm - OKTO,air. 
Certainly not the first to the market, but ever heard the saying first to market isn’t always best? Well, that is exactly the case here. I will not make claims that I have no backing for, rather, I will make claims, submit the evidence to you and let you decide for yourselves.
“Good indoor air quality may be defined as air that is free of pollutants that cause irritation, discomfort or ill health to occupants” (AIVC, 1996)
HEPA - A type of eated mechanical air filter technology. An acronym for "high efficiency particulate air [purifier]" 
DFS - Medical-grade air disinfection and purification. An acronym for “Disinfecting Filtration System” 
HEPA is a standard, set by the government, while this is generally seen as acceptable, for OKTOair, it's just the starting point, their technology was used by the U.S. military grant to fight germ warfare.
The HEPA air filters are typically efficient up to 0.3 micron, OKTO have sole rights to use the  DFS technology in the UK that captures 99.99% of all particles up to 0.007 micron,.
 OKTOair is 40 times more efficient than HEPA.
 Size Matters: The Particles You Don’t Even Know About
Dust, pollen, mould, bacteria, these are all particles that unfortunately we breathe in on a daily basis at a rate of 45-75,000 particles per breath, and to most people , worryingly -  completely unknowingly.
 There is a drastic variation in size of particles:
Despite the throats' defence efforts, smaller particles such as PM 10 particulates, a miniscule 10 microns in diameter, pass and enter our lungs.
Smaller again are the particulates such as pm 2.5, with a tiny diameter of 2.5 microns, they can beat all the body's’ defences and enter the alveoli in our lungs - with serious potential health risks.
 Particulates come from a wide array of natural and man-made sources, such as and, fire, dust, diesel smoke, sea salt. Ultrafine particles however, are only generated at extremely high temperatures, think combustion processes, engines, cooking, cigarette smoke, wood fires.
Ultrafine particles can penetrate deep in our lungs. Due to the concentration of these particles, the lungs struggle to deal with them, leading to inflammation. They are small enough to enter into not only our lungs, but our bloodstream with potential to cause: 
Fertility problems
Cardiovascular disease
People of all ages that have problems with their lungs, like asthma are especially vulnerable to these ultrafine air particles.
It is not just some people that are exposed to these particles though, it is worldwide. Have you ever looked up what your air quality rating is where you live? 
If not : https://www.iqair.com/world-air-quality-ranking - see for yourself, the numbers do not lie and the information here is up to date within hours.
 How DFS Technology Measures Up Against HEPA and COVID-19
DFS technology uses a grid, one of high energy, creating a microbiostatic condition, preventing anything from being able to live or grow inside the filter. 
HEPA filters trap air contaminants in a complex web of fibres. Depending on the size of the particle, this can happen in four different ways: Inertial Impaction, Diffusion, Interception, or Sieving.
DFS is laboratory proven to capture 99.99% of all particulates, as minute as .007 micron in size, OKTOair’s revolutionary air purification systems with DFS technology is the most advanced disinfection and purification systems and are the most effective air purifiers on the market. 
 With OKTOair’s systems, your indoor air will be up to 90% cleaner -- in just 30 minutes! 
Each OKTOair machine is independently tested, certified to be better than HEPA air purification and all of their machines exceed the  EN 1822 European Standard.
  So Whose Breath is Fresher?
HEPA has been the standard since 1940, when it was invented and used by The Manhattan Project to contain the spread of airborne radioactive contaminants. OKTOair’s machines have come at a time where we are fighting an airborne infection with ultrafine particles - Covid 19. 
People worldwide as a result of the virus, are becoming more aware of the pollutants and the harm they can cause them and there is currently the biggest shift in history for the demand for wellness technology. While HEPA is undeniably a great filter, OKTOair’s air purification systems and the quality of the air that you will be breathing is undeniably cleaner and becomes visual with Artificial Intelligence, allowing you to track what you are breathing in.
With its ability to capture, disinfect and remove 99.99% of ultra-fine airborne viruses, particles, and contaminants, and those that are much smaller than Covid19. It is easy to see why this technology solution is already booming in the U.S. It is scalable for buildings up to 1 million sq/ft, OKTOair air purification systems use less energy than a lightbulb, an investment of 17p per person in a typical school building and are completely chemical free.
This technology is a breath of fresh air, quite literally in the air filtration sector. And entering into this unavoidable new normal, highly filtered air has never been more desired in so many sectors. You can count on DFS technology to capture and remove harmful viruses, mould, fungi, bacteria, and ultrafine particles leaving nothing but fresh, pure, healthy air inside your business or residence. 
  Trusted By Industry Leaders
DFS technology is currently used in hospitals, medical clean rooms, dental operating rooms, schools, government buildings and military applications. With J.P Morgan, Bentley, Hilton Hotels and BMW as main users of the technology, it’s legacy has already begun.
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oktoair · 3 years
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Air purification, the promise that comes along with an air purification system really is an enticing one.
OKTOair’s commitment to health and wellness through the purification of air with the use of patented U.S military technology is refreshing.
An Artificial Intelligence powered system to clean the air you breathe in on a daily basis of all of the impurities.
Hepa filter air purifier
The Hepa filter air purifier has been around for years , developed in the 1940’s to be specific. Hepa filters are incredibly effective (99.97%) at capturing almost every size of particle that attempts to pass through.
Times are constantly changing and new technologies are taking over the market, and now is that time for OKTOair, with 99.99% of particulates in the air not standing a chance, OKTOair’s efficiency and effectiveness of capturing even the smallest of airborne particles is second to none.
The Hepa filter air purifier as previously stated, was developed in the 1940’s, and although not its debut on the market, it has in the past year become more and more relevant, with a surge worldwide in the demand for health and wellness solutions, there had to be a step forward taken in the air purification sector, and there was; OKTOair solutions with their securing of using the Disinfecting Filtration System (DFS) technology.
Steaming well and truly ahead in America, ready to make a name for itself in the UK and leaving the Hepa filter air purifier in its dust, is OKTOair’s wide range of Air filtration systems, equipped with the latest and best that technology has to offer.
OKTOair really has arrived at just the right time, with its new AI operated disinfecting filtration system, specifically designed to address indoor air conditions. Proving to remove a proxy virus for SARS-CoV-2 from the air at 99.98% elimination in 10 minutes and 100% in 45 minutes. Managing Director Philip Dowd said:
“Never before has the public need been more focused on feeling safe and protected in the home or work environment”  
With bars and restaurants opening back up as well as businesses beginning to bring back people in the masses, this technology advancement is an invaluable feature, minimising the risk of virus transmission on their premises.
OKTOair are the only business in the UK and Ireland that are certified to design and develop, and implement the DFS system, launching their OKTOair products after 18 months of extremely vigorous research by their in house team to ensure they were ready for the reopening of society and to be able to offer their services to ensure a high degree of public safety.
The system works by:
Analysing 11 key air quality metrics in real time.
Providing detailed breakdown of information of pollutants
Levels of carbon dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Volatile organic compounds
Ultrafine contaminants
The Air Quality Management System determines how to best manage air to achieve optimum living conditions.
Opening and closing of vents/windows or filtering and cleaning air through bespoke DFS System
The AI led system was specifically designed to combat and eradicate the problem of indoor air contamination with the DFS filter being so advanced that it can eradicate airborne particulates including harmful contagions and pathogens down to 0.007 microns, which is a staggering 40 times smaller than can be filtered by industry leading hepa filter air purification systems and exceeds the EN 1822 European Standard.
The particles in the air are technically an ‘invisible’ problem, but the problems they create are very apparent, with over 360,000 deaths associated with them in Europe alone, 2005. If the impressive function wasn’t already enough, the air we breathe will consistently be monitored right down to the temperature, and humidity as well as the system using electronic disinfection techniques, killing even the smallest bacteria or viruses.
OKTOair has come on leaps and bounds from the industry leading Hepa filter air purifier foundations that our entire air purification sector is built on and expect to see it excel and amaze in the coming years, as we breathe the freshest air we have in years.
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oktoair · 3 years
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Mechanical ventilation systems circulate fresh air using ducts and fans, rather than relying on airflow through small holes or cracks in a home’s walls, roof, or windows. Everyone can breathe easier knowing their home or building has good ventilation, but is good ventilation alone enough? Building regulations that are coming into force say that it is not good enough, that actual cleaning of the air also needs to take place.
Why Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings?
Mechanical ventilation in buildings reduces noise and air pollution. If a building is located in a busy and noisy area, then the air quality is likely to be poor. It is in these circumstances that natural ventilation is not a practical solution to the problem of low quality indoor air. The same can be said of homes, each of these spaces without ventilation to bring in fresh air, would have a build-up of moisture, odours and other pollutants.
Mechanical ventilation in buildings is thankfully a speciality of OKTOair. Being the only company with access to the DFS technology for use in the UK and Ireland, OKTOair’s partnership with leading American company HealthWay is bringing fresh air to all.
Regardless of if you have two employee’s or you have thousands of employees,  we have a clean air solution for you, we believe at OKTOair that everyone has the right to fresh, clean air. Managing Director of OKTOair Philip Dowd said:
“Never before has the public need been more focused on feeling safe and protected in the home or work environment”  
OKTOair monitors and maintains the air quality of the indoor environment of the building. Run by a revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Technology, the advanced system reads the room, quite literally, determines how best to manage the air to attain ideal conditions. Through automatic ventilation or cleaning of the air, the intuitive dashboard shows you an elaborate breakdown in real time of the quality of air inside and outside of the building that the system is installed.
OKTOair are partnered with an American company and are the only company the UK and Ireland wide that has access to this state of the art DFS cleaning technology which is completely chemical free and exceeds the EN 1822 European Standard. With their in house team spending all resources on the implementation of this technology it is ready for welcoming the public back into the crowded spaces, and OKTOair are there to ensure that resuming life can be done with ease of mind knowing that the air they are breathing in isn’t just free from Covid micro particles, but also free from so many other toxic micro particulates that pollute the air they breathe.
99.99% of micro particles are removed from the air that is being breathed in, with each breath taken generally drawing in 40-75,000 micro particles containing harmful contagions, allergens and pathogens, it really does put the mind at ease.
Work Productivity And Air Quality
Mechanical Ventilation In Buildings; The Benefits:
Filters and eradicates harmful pollutants for better indoor air quality
Less noise pollution as no noise enters the building via the windows
Highly populated areas, dense in buildings don’t have enough wind velocity to pump enough air flow into the building.
Improved security through secure buildings.
Improved health and productivity overall from high quality air
Mechanical ventilation systems allow a constant flow of outside air into the building or home and can also provide filtration, dehumidification, and conditioning of the incoming outside air. OKTOair’s Air Quality Management and air filtration system really is a step into the future for mechanical ventilation in buildings, bringing fresh air to a nation that deserves it, for a nation that has asked for clean air. Empower yourself, your staff and your clients with information on the quality of the air they are immersed in.
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oktoair · 3 years
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A commercial air purifier that has taken the US by storm, tested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this revolutionary technology is bringing fresh air to over 60,000 schools in New York and Chicago.
That means that there is safe indoor air quality provided to over 1.5 million pupils and over 100,000 teachers. The focus at the moment is on schools, but whether it be schools or office buildings, thinking into working life and life in general, the same principle applies. Those individuals and businesses that prioritise the health and wellness of their customers and want to go forth in this new normal covid environment, just address the issues that surround indoor air contamination.
Fully scalable for buildings up to 1 million sq/ft, OKTOair commercial air purifier systems use less energy than a lightbulb, and investment of 17p per person in a typical school building and are completely chemical free.
Originally developed by a U.S military grant for chemical and biological warfare, the OKTOair solution is made up of specialist disinfecting technologies and exceeds the EN 1822 European Standard..
OKTOair are experts in smart buildings and wellness technologies, recently acting upon a global demand for health and wellness solutions. Hand sanitisers and social distancing measures will be in place, but this alone is not enough and when we look into the future, breathing of clean air should be a human right and OKTOair is here to make sure that everyone has access to fresh air.
Capturing, disinfecting and removing 99.99% of ultra-fine airborne viruses, particles, and contaminants, and those that are much smaller than Covid19. It is easy to see why this technology solution is already booming in the U.S.
Unlike any system of its kind, OKTOair filtration systems captures, disinfects, and removes 99.99% of ultra-fine airborne viruses, particles, and contaminants – including those smaller than Covid-19 – guaranteeing the air breathed by pupils and staff is fresh and healthy.
Our commercial medical grade air purifier range can be integrated with your current system (with extras, client specific)
Our commercial air purifier range can be adapted to specific needs, with each system boasting different benefits, all powered by AI Intelligence, for an end to end fresh air solution that you can see with your own eyes, unlike those nasty particulates you usually breathe in.
Commercial air purifier is the name of the game and the one in the lead is OKTOair.
#air purification
#artificial intelligence
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