My favorite ultra-specific character type is "this fucked up little man clearly just needs a consensual BDSM relationship and some therapy and he'd be fine, but that is very much not what happens in this story."
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The eroticism of an older man calling a younger man Kid, even though he is most definitely an adult.
What, are you trying to convince yourself he’s too young for you? I don’t buy it and neither do you. Just fuck him over the nearest table and call him baby boy.
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I'd say yoshio is into older men, but he's like 50
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He’s a bit tied up
nsfw obvs
Yuuichi wasn’t a player, per say, he was more along the lines of someone who accidentally stumbled into having sex with many of his female coworkers. Often.
He’d never had sex with more than one at once, though. So when about four of his nurses propositioned him after work, he was a little confused. 
“You want to sleep with me? All of you?” They nodded, although that didn’t really answer his question. “Ah, alright, do you want to take turns then, or..?”
They giggled at that, seemingly finding it amusing. “Oh no sweetie,” one of them spoke, smiling, “at the same time, are you comfortable with that?”
He paused, not used to people making sure he was comfortable with things. It took him a moment to respond, but when he did, he smiled. “Of course I’m comfortable with that, would you like to come to mine or shall I come to one of yours?”
“You can come to ours, we’ve already got it ready.” 
The thought of them having planned this so much turned his stomach in loops, he didn’t think he’d felt so flustered in a very long time. He tried to sweet-talk them during the car journey but that had ended up with one of them just gently stroking his hair and shushing him. 
He’d learnt that they were a polycule on the way, and that they’d been eyeing him for a while. They wanted him to relax a bit and to let them take control, he hadn’t subbed in a while but figured he was up for it if they were willing to take the lead as much as they said they were. 
He was led into the bedroom as soon as they arrived, and one of them began gently walking him through what they had planned for him. It turned out they wanted to have him tied up, and once he’d given them the green light, she began to restrain him. She was very gentle when she did so, praising him the entire time. That was all the foreplay he needed to get hard, but he was a little too embarrassed to admit that. It was the first time he’d been tied up like this- one of his last girlfriends liked him in handcuffs but that was about it, and all his previous hookups had seen him be the dominant party, so he was very excited for this change of pace.
Once he was situated, she left him alone there. He hadn’t expected that and it did leave him a little needy. It only took a few minutes for them all to enter, but it felt like forever to Yuuichi. He whined a little at the sight of them, unable to speak through the gag. 
“Aw Yuri, you gagged him~” one of them whined, “how are we supposed to use his pretty little mouth if he’s gagged?” 
Yuuichi went bright red at that, and that made the girl giggle. She put a gentle hand on his cheek, “you want that, baby? You want me to use you?” He nodded vigorously at the idea, pulling against his restraints as if that would help. “Ah, ah, ah~” she chuckled, “you’ve gotta be good for me, ok? Can you do that?” He nodded again and she looked pleased. 
He was flipped onto his back and he lay there for a moment, trying to get a better view as they stripped. After another moment, the girl removed his gag and positioned herself above him, “are you ready honey? Sure you can manage it?” 
He nodded again, trying to lean up and read her already. One of the others giggled at that, “oh he’s very eager, Rin~”
“Good, because I’m not getting off until I’m satisfied.” With that said, she lowered herself onto his face and he began his work. He considered himself rather skilled at cunnilingus and if her moans were any indicator- he was correct. 
“Ohh~ I’m almost jealous~” one of the other’s giggled, “but I’ve got a better Idea.” 
Yuuichi was curious as to what she meant but found the answer when he felt the familiar sensation of a condom being slid over his dick. She meant to ride him, to fuck herself using him- that thought made him harder than he already was. Then it happened; she slid herself onto him, and he let out a whine into Rin’s pussy. He could feel her shudder above her, and felt pride at making her feel so good. 
He had wondered what they meant when he was told they wanted to fuck him at the same time, but he wasn’t confused anymore. Especially when he felt a finger enter his ass and begin to attempt to spread him open. He struggled to keep up the pace he was keeping with his tongue. This was more than he’d ever felt before, and he worried about how he’d feel afterwards. 
It felt so good, though, so he persevered. It did occur to him, though, that the fourth girl hadn’t even touched him yet. It seemed she sensed his curiosity, as she chuckled at his squirming self, “oh no sweetheart, I’m just planning on watching. Don’t you worry about me, just worry about being a good boy.” 
The surprising high he felt at being referred to as a good boy, was almost as good as when he felt something new entering his ass- a strap on, surely. The thought excited him, he hadn’t been pegged since his last girlfriend broke up with him so it had been a while.
Being ridden, being pegged and even performing cunnilingus, it was all quite a lot, so it was no wonder it took no time at all for him to climax. He shuddered and whined as he did so, but the girls weren’t finished with him yet. The one pegging him did pull out, though, praising him for being so good for her. The one on his face, Rin, finished only a minute or two after him, but was quickly replaced by one of the other girls. 
The girl riding him came next, so she and Rin winded down by making out- they made sure to tell him what they were doing as he definitely couldn’t see. He worked hard to make the third girl climax, although it took a while longer than it had with Rin. Long enough for him to be hard again by the time he finished. 
Rin was the one who pointed it it, “aw look at him~ He’s all excited again~”
One of the other girls decided to reward him for being so good by sucking him off as the other two stroked his hair and praised him verbally. Yuuichi didn’t think he’d ever felt such bliss before, and worried he never would again. He’d been so overstimulated but it had felt so good, and he wanted to feel it all again but knew he was far too tired for that. 
Once he came for the second time that night, he was untied and carried into the bath and washed by two sets of hands. He was dizzy, so very dizzy, and tired as well. So when they assured him he could sleep in their bed with them, he was very relieved to hear it. They carried him back to bed, and tucked him in between them- praising him the entire time. 
He only hoped he could wake up first so he could try to make them breakfast as thanks.
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Yoshio Ootori attends lemon parties
0 notes
Ok I totally get why they wouldn’t show us Yuuichi’s face in the anime bc I absolutely would have tuned Kyoya out immediately.
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thinking "haha what if i jokingly shipped them" is your last chance to get out btw
78K notes · View notes
Solidly of the belief that some dick would make Yoshio a better person.
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❗ dailyquests Follow
Be Normal about That Old Man.
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Yuzuru Souh's bedroom
Warnings for: obvious nsfw, discussions of dick shaming, slight pushing of boundaries, mentions of death.
Yuzuru Souh’s bedroom was designed for sex, so he didn’t have to prepare anything except his current lay. Usually said lays were prostitutes or women he’d picked up at a bar- though the odd man came home with him from time to time too.
Tonight, however, he had someone he was already familiar with. So he was more than surprised with how easy it was to push Yoshio down onto the bed, and borderline spooked by how much the man’s bedroom eyes looked so much like his glaring- or maybe Yuzuru had just misunderstood the glaring. Either way, Yuzuru didn’t waste time thinking, he had no clue how long Yoshio would let him do this for, so he got to work.
Pressing his lips to Yoshio’s jaw, he began placing kisses down the jawline and onto his neck so far Yoshio didn’t seem to be reacting to it, which worried Yuzuru slightly until he put a hand up to keep Yoshio’s head turned to the side, only to feel how hot his face was burning. That was encouraging.
Biting down, he earnt a soft but audible breath from the man. Even a noise like that from his usually stoic business partner created a tent in his pants. He tugged at Yoshio’s shirt, but had to stop biting to undo the man's tie and the first few buttons of his shirt. This helped expose more skin to bite and bruise, and Yuzuru had a field day trying to tease out more laboured breaths out of the man.
“Yuzuru…” Yoshio’s voice shook, but he still sounded as stern as ever, “are you going to actually do anything, or just waste my time?”
Yuzuru glanced up, slightly annoyed, “it’s foreplay, that's a very important part of it. You have to get in the mood.”
“If I wasn’t in the mood, we wouldn’t be here.”
“Fine,” Yuzuru sighed, taking off his shirt, “guessing you still want prep?”
“Of course I do, I’m impatient, not a madman.”
Yuzuru rolled his eyes, glancing to the lube sitting on the side table as he placed his tie next to it- oh, now there was an idea. He looked back at Yoshio, who looked bored but was clearly looking Yuzuru up and down. A smirk grew on his face as he noticed how relaxed the usually tense man looked, and tightened his grip on his tie.
Kissing him was an easy distraction, the taste of whiskey was enough entertainment, but Yoshio was clearly a lot better at kissing than conversation, and Yuzuru was definitely more entertained by that. It was a distraction, though, and soon enough, Yoshio’s wrists were tied to the headboard. The man blinked up at him and tugged at the tie, “Yuzuru…what are you-”
“Shhh,” Yuzuru put a finger to his lips, “I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do, I just need you to relax, and give me control. Can you do that?”
At the idea of surrendering control, a flicker of panic flashed in Yoshio’s eyes, and Yuzuru almost worried that he’d overstepped before Yoshio swallowed nervously and nodded. “Yes, I can manage that, what are you going to do?”
Having been given the go-ahead, Yuzuru grinned, admiring his old friend’s body and making a plan of attack. “Well you still need prep, but I’m going to take my sweet time with it~” He gently placed a hand on Yoshio’s cheek, tilting his own in thought. “Do you mind if I remove your glasses? I don’t want to break or smudge them.”
Yoshio, unable to nod, had to use his words. “Yes, I don’t care, just get on with it.”
Yuzuru chuckled as he removed the glasses, “ah ah ah, didn’t I tell you to relax?” He carefully removed Yoshio’s belt and trousers, taking a mental note of his underwear before they came off too. He then took a moment to just take in the view. “Is it rude of me to be surprised it isn’t smaller?”
A noise somewhere between a huff and a squeak of indignation came from the now bright red Ootori, “yes! It is rude! I’m perfectly average, thank you!”
Unable to hold back his chuckling, Yuzuru put a hand to his mouth to stifle the noise. “I know, I know. It’s normal, that's what's so funny.”
“Kokomi used to tell people it was tiny,” he chuckled, “but I supposed she’d only ever seen one dick, and must have had higher expectations of you. Poor thing.” He winks, revelling in Yoshio's abject horror. Yoshio clearly didn't know what to say, so Yuzuru just continued doing his job. He ran a finger along the length, watching how Yoshio shivered in response to it. "You've clearly been left wanting, hm? You should have come to see me sooner, Yoshio, I can take good care of you~" He purred, grabbing the lube from his side table.
Yoshio just stared up at him, his face a deep red. The sight of that wicked and heartless businessman, weak and vulnerable for him, was intoxicating for Yuzuru. He slipped the lube into his pocket and crawled on top of Yoshio, placing a hand firmly around his throat. "Fuck, Yoshio, do you have any idea how delicious you look like this?" He growled, tightening his grip on the man's throat as he placed hot kisses along Yoshio's jaw. He paused, keeping his hand where it was as he took a moment to just stare down at his face, "you're not saying anything, is there even a single thought in your brain?"
"I-..." Yoshio started, tugging against his restraints hesitantly. "Yuzuru… please remove your hand, I don't like that."
"Oh!" Yuzuru instantly backed up, removing his hand from Yoshio's throat. "I'm sorry, are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
Yoshio shook his head, "no, no, I'm fine. I just don't like being held like that. You can do as you please, just don't touch my throat with your hands."
Nodding, Yuzuru gently ran his hands along Yoshio's body, gently bringing them both back into the rhythm. He took the lube back out of his pocket and squeezed some out onto his fingers, rubbing them together to warm it up. "Are you ready, Yoshio? I'm not going to do anything until you say you're ready."
"Yes yes," Yoshio said dismissively, "just get on with it."
Yuzuru frowned, "you know, you really piss me off sometimes. If I didn't know you better I'd be even more annoyed, but this is your version of begging, isn't it? You can be really pathetic sometimes, Yoshio."
Yoshio's eyes widened at that, his face going a deep red. He definitely didn't say anything in objection to it, and that made Yuzuru grin. He leaned over, one hand to the side of Yoshio as he slowly slipped a finger inside of the man. He watched closely as Yoshio's eyes flickered and his breath hitched. It was a very subtle reaction, but it was like gold to Yuzuru.
"I like it when you're weak." Yuzuru confessed this new discovery of his, gently moving his finger around. "It makes me feel powerful, I don't think I've seen such satisfying weakness in anyone I've slept with before. Are you enjoying being at my mercy?"
"I think…" Yoshio started, his voice only waivering slightly, "I think that you talk too much."
And there it was. No one's as good at shooting someone down as Yoshio. Yuzuru just chuckled, "you think so? Maybe we should kiss again then, so you can shut me up."
"I'll take any opportunity to shut you up." Yoshio replied, but it was with the ghost of a smile that grew into a sly smirk. Yuzuru leaned over and touched his lips to Yoshio's just as he slid in a second finger. The result was the smallest of noises being stifled under his tongue as he took another taste of that whiskey.
Pulling back, Yuzuru had another idea to make his poor friend wait longer- but still give him a little satisfaction. "You know…" he began, dragging out a little just to piss Yoshio off, "since Kokomi always used to complain about your dick, I doubt she ever gave it much attention, did she?" He spoke with a wink, watching Yoshio's expression change as he quickly caught on. "How about I focus on the little guy for a bit?"
Yoshio just rolled his eyes at that, but didn't complain this time. So Yuzuru removed his fingers and lowered himself, gently kissing the tip of Yoshio's cock. He was a little out of practice when it came to blow jobs, but he still knew a bit- definitely more than Yoshio did if his behaviour tonight was anything to go off.
Taking the entire thing in his mouth may be a talent, but Yuzuru had definitely had bigger in the past. That didn't matter, this wasn't a competition. He'd been tasked with stress relief tonight, that was the only reason Yoshio would ever agree to something like this after all. So Yuzuru got to work.
He began to suck, gently at first, then harder as he began to bob up and down. Yoshio's breath was so patchy at that point you'd almost assume he'd been gagged. Yuzuru paused for a moment to wonder if the man even knew how to moan when he heard the tiniest whine from him. It took all Yuzuru had not to enter a primal state and ravage the man instantly, but he knew it would be all the more satisfying if he kept up this game. It would be a lesson in patience for Yoshio as well.
He removed his mouth from around the dick, and glanced up at Yoshio, grinning smugly at him. "Aw~ Was that a little whine~? Did you not want me to stop~?"
"Yuzuru…" that was his warning tone, he was warning Yuzuru; of what, Yuzuru wasn't sure- the man's hands were tied, he couldn't do anything if he wanted to.
Yuzuru just chuckled, "calm down, Yoshio, I've got you. I'm just making sure I do it right." With that said, he slowly licked a stripe up the length and took even more time to swirl his tongue around the tip. Yoshio's entire body shivered at that, and Yuzuru had never felt more rewarded for such a simple action.
He wasn't going to let it end so fast though, so he quickly stopped that game, and moved on to the main event. He opened the tube of lube again, applying it to his dick this time, he looked Yoshio in the eyes for this, "are you ready, Yoshio? You have to be sure."
God, his eyes. It was a rare treat, to be able to look into those steely grey eyes. They were so often hidden behind that ever so convenient lense flare that Yuzuru had almost forgotten how much they reminded him of the moon- was that too gay? To compare your business partners eyes to the moon? Probably, but they were already having sex so who was even keeping track at this point?
Even so, it was wonderful to be able to watch as they turned from arousal with a twinge of fear, to complete annoyance.
"Yes, I'm ready. Just get on with it already, will you?"
Yuzuru growled on instinct, oh this asshole never had any damn patience, did he? He barely even gave himself the time to line it up before slamming in there, which in hindsight was a bad idea, but earned him the most wonderful sound from his business partner. "Is this fast enough for you? Hm? Need me to go faster, Yoshio?"
A low hum came from Yoshio as Yuzuru began going at a pace they both knew he wouldn't be able to keep up, "I…ah… maybe not that fast..~"
He couldn't help but grin at that, slowing down to a more reasonable pace, "how's that then? Better?" When Yoshio nodded, Yuzuru couldn't help but feel pleased with himself. He felt like he was doing a good job helping his buddy out. It was the first time in forever that sex didn't feel like an inherently selfish act- even if he was taking out some frustrations on Yoshio. In his defence; Yoshio was mostly the cause of said frustrations, so it was fine.
It didn't take them long for both to reach their climax, and although Yuzuru had become accustomed to more or less crying out as he came, the annoyed glare followed by soft whimper from Yoshio that followed told him that maybe that wasn't as fun of a noise to hear as it was to make.
Both of them stayed like that for a few minutes, sweaty and panting. It was probably the most exercise either of them had done in a while- even though Yoshio had done all of fuck all.
That thought made Yuzuru chuckle, "bit of a pillow prince, aren't you?"
Yoshio glanced up at him, clearly a hell of a lot more relaxed than he had been before. In better humour too, as he responded with a lazy half-smile, "too old to be a prince now, don't you think?"
"A king then," Yuzuru corrected himself, pulling out with a bow, mocking Yoshio because this seemed like the only safe moment to do so.
Yoshio even chuckled, which, in Yuzuru's book, was a huge win. "Are you going to untie me at some point, Yuzuru?"
Chuckling for perhaps a moment more than he should, Yuzuru briefly considered saying no. But he smiled instead, "would you like me to untie you? I'm planning on taking a nap if you'd care to join me?"
Silent for a moment, Yoshio considered it, before nodding. "Alright, that sounds acceptable. I would still like to be untied, though. Unless you don't trust me enough?"
Yuzuru genuinely could not tell if that was a joke or not, but he chuckled anyway. "I don't trust you at all, but I do know what you're capable of. You, my friend, are far too tired to do anything at all. Let alone something I wouldn't enjoy."
"Good, I'd be offended if you said you trusted me." Yoshio responded as Yuzuru crawled over him to remove the tie. Yuzuru could feel the man's eyes still scouring him even after they were both worn out.
"Either you've got an impeccable cooldown, or you're more of a pervert than I thought." He joked, putting the tie back with the rest of Yoshio's clothes and making sure he had nothing on himself. "Eyeing me up like that, you dog."
"Says the man who tied me up." Yoshio was rolling his eyes, Yuzuru had his back turned and still knew that Yoshio was rolling his eyes.
"Tied you up?" Turning to face him, Yuzuru raised an eyebrow. He crawled into the bed, helping Yoshio under the blanket. "Yoshio that wasn't being tied up, that was being restrained. If you wanted to be tied up, I'd be happy to show you next time." He spoke with a wink, turning all the lights except the lamp by his bedside off.
"Look at you," Yoshio raised an eyebrow in turn, "assuming there will be a next time."
"Won't there?" Yuzuru smiled, gently pulling Yoshio closer to him.
He could feel the other man's body heat now, and there wasn't much of it. His skin was less like ice to the touch after all that, though, which was nice. Yoshio didn't make any complaint or objection to his last question, or to being pulled closer. He simply laid his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes.
Yuzuru watched him for a while, watching his breathing and the way one stray strand of hair that had escaped now fell over his face. He didn't look so scary like this, not at all.
"I'm still awake, Yuzuru."
Yuzuru almost shrieked. He was not expecting Yoshio to speak, let alone to realise he'd been staring at him. Yuzuru didn't say anything, though, just did the same as Yoshio; closed his eyes and tried to get some rest.
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horrible old men getting railed ‼️‼️ you agree.
12K notes · View notes
Fiyumi would make you suck her strap
0 notes
call him jesus the way i make him bred and whine
87K notes · View notes
❗ dailyquests Follow
Be Normal about That Old Man.
46K notes · View notes
yeah yeah fucking that old man, but what about cherishing that old man? tenderly holding that old man?
Shut up virgin, that old man's gonna need a hip replacement when I'm done with him
22K notes · View notes
one of my favorite story elements is "character way past their prime can still absolutely wreck you, leaving you to wonder just how powerful they used to be"
125K notes · View notes
Yuuichi ABSOLUTELY has the biggest dick out of all the ootoris.
Akito claims to have the biggest tho
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