ohgranger · 1 year
“Do you think you could? It would…It would have to be pretty fair. Possibly a place without a magical community.” -because it wasn’t just his name they would have to deal with. She was one half of the famed trio that saved the magical world. There were probably little witches right now wanting to grow up to like Hermione Granger who once rode a stolen dragon during a bank heist.
Hermione only nods at first. Maybe she should need to think about it more, but the truth is that the magical world has done very little good for her. It’s mocked her at every turn, wishes for her fail even now after she risked her life several times over to save it. Her parents are gone. Harry would understand if she left. Ron and her were unlikely to find their way back to a friendship. Even without Draco, Hermione would want a new start, away from all of this. She wants a chance to heal. “I could. Could you?”
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ohgranger · 1 year
“To burn the daily prophet to the ground. To be able to slap anyone who speaks badly about your with a lawsuit. To be able to live without the fucking whole world watching my step…I don’t know what I want can be something I get to keep, Hermione.”
“We could always leave,” She offers quietly, “Go somewhere new. Or just fully immerse into the muggle world. Leave it all behind and start where no one knows us. Might be the only way to really get what we want at this point.”
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ohgranger · 1 year
Draco has to nearly bite his own tongue to keep his voice in check as he finishes, there’s nothing to do but wrestle it down and hope to the fates that no one hears. There’s so much at stake and he’s pushed them to risk it…but he can’t find himself regretting it for a second. “Fuck, Hermione. I don’t think I…I don’t think I can keep going like this. Pretending I don’t want to stay like this.”
Hermione cups his cheek, her touch soft in comparison to just seconds ago. Instinct has her wanting to remind him of all of the risks. Except she can’t bring herself to do it. Not again. They both know it all already. And she’s tired of pretending too. “Then what to you want to do, Draco?”
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ohgranger · 1 year
Hermione grips him hard enough to know without a doubt he’ll not be the only one coming out of this encounter with proof; nail scratches, bruises and blood. He licks into her mouth, intent on stealing every moan she attempts to hide. Sneaking a sleek hand between their bodies to find her clit and rub, seeking to get her to that finish line before him. 
If not for where they were she would fight to hold on longer, to keep this going if only because she doesn’t know when they’ll be stupid enough to do it again. But she gives in. She has to. With a sharp cry of his name she tumbles over the edge, clutching at him as she goes, determined to drag him right along with her.
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ohgranger · 1 year
He gives into her command wordlessly, what would come out even if he could speak? All the reasons they should not do this? He didn’t want to say them as sure as much she wouldn’t want to hear them. Not when he could be doing this, pulling her knickers aside, taking his cock in hand and pushing into her. He curls himself around her, breathing hard as he moves. Every movement punishment and pleasure, they don’t have the time to take it soft, to ease into this finish line.
Her hand slips into his hair, gripping tightly and doing her very best to be as quiet as possible. They’re hidden enough hear but it would be hard for a curious passerby to find them. It’s been too long since they did this. She knows why. That they made a choice and by all accounts it’s the right choice to make. But feeling the press of him inside her again, the way he fits so perfectly, hitting parts of her she didn’t know existed before...it’s hard to believe they made the right choice at all.
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ohgranger · 1 year
“Fuck.” Draco hisses, hips grinding her in response to the feeling of pain and he can’t help but slide his hand up her thigh. To help it lock around his side so he can lift her higher against the wall, keeping her in place in the perfect place to grind against in urgency. 
Hermione moans softly against his skin, arms wrapping around his shoulders to keep herself steady against him. In this moment she’s thankful she let her friend talk her into a dress. “Fuck me, Draco.” Her command comes as a heavy whisper in his ear before her lips are back on his in a heated kiss.
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ohgranger · 1 year
The more his brain tries to shut this down, to remind him of all the very important reasons he should not being doing this, the more his body seems to refuse. He grips her tighter.
She needs more of him. Too much of him. It overwhelms her in a way she can’t translate into words. Every part of him burns so intensely, like a warning, but one she refuses to heed as she bites at his lower lip before moving her lips to his neck.
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ohgranger · 1 year
He doesn’t think about, can’t when she says his name like that. Like a vice, a spell is casted and he sinks into her. Kissing her hard enough to have them both stumble into the brick all behind her. He does his best to block the blow to her, wrapping himself around Hermione so it’s his arms that hit first. 
She knows they shouldn’t do this. The alley is dark and they’re relatively hidden but she can’t help feeling more exposed than in the club. It’s not enough to stop her from kissing him back just as hard though, gripping at his shirt to pull him in tighter.
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ohgranger · 1 year
“The best.” He replies carefully, daring to let his hand slide up her back and then down, where his hands spread out. Fuck he was losing himself already, and they had hardly left the company of their friends.
“Draco...” She means to tell him to stop, she means to agree again and pull away. None of that comes out though. Not in the wake of the shiver that runs up her spine at his touch.
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ohgranger · 1 year
Draco hums in response, but he’s far more focused on the way she feels under his touch and fails more than once to pull away. “Should probably…get you inside.” He says evenly, but still doesn’t move an inch. 
“Yeah, probably a good idea.” Hermione agrees though she doesn’t move except to press in closer to him. 
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ohgranger · 1 year
He reaches out to steady her, one hand on her lower back and the other for her hand. “You okay? You look pale.”
“I’m okay.” Despite her assurance she leans into his touch. “Vodka and apparating just don’t mix.”
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ohgranger · 1 year
Draco looks out into the crowd, feels the pulse of the music and…he doesn’t hate it, if it was just this and them in the dark and maybe he could…Draco stops himself from thinking further. “My place or yours?” Neither is exactly safe, but at least has the decency of being private. 
“Your place, that way you don’t have to brave Crookshanks tonight.” Hermione leads him further into the club until they’re mostly hidden from the crowd, hidden enough at least that no one will notice them apparate out. They land in the alley of their building and she has to take a moment to steady herself. It doesn’t matter how many times she’s done it, it’s always a dizzying experience.
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ohgranger · 1 year
“Maybe that’s why I don’t really see the appeal of these places. I’d rather…” He trails off, sure she knows without it being said. He’d rather be at home with her. He’s not into dark, sticky places where they are on display; Luna is wrong. They are going to attract attention even if they are in a crowd of strangers. He’s vain enough to know he’s attractive and without a doubt Hermione garners the same attention. Together? He has no urge to share her without a thousand nameless eyes with or without the drag of scandal. 
“Then maybe we should just...go. We could apparate out and be home in no time.” Hermione suggests with a shrug. “Unless you’d rather stay here and drink overpriced watered down drinks.”
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ohgranger · 1 year
“Is talking to me too much?” He wonders, before conceding, “I’m willing to sit if we clean it. You forget, I’m still friends with the likes of Pansy and other Slytherins, and they know every dark secret there is worth knowing. I have the unfortunate knowledge of what those booths have been subjected to.” 
“We’re at a club, they’re not exactly made for talking,” Hermione points out. With a quick bit of magic she cleans and sanitizes the nearest booth and slide in even though she finds it strange to stay somewhere with ridiculously loud music if they’re only going to talk. 
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ohgranger · 1 year
He takes a long sip from his drink -it’s not nearly as strong as he likes or needs. “I’m not getting on that so called dance floor for all the money in the world. And I’d need you to preform the deepest deep clean spell you know to sit in a booth here.”
Hermione finishes off her drink quickly and sets the empty glass down. “Then what are we doing, Draco? You don’t want to dance and sitting is too gross so...what’s left here?”
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ohgranger · 1 year
“I vote it be us.” He hands her the drink he ordered for her, “Fuck him regardless in all the ways but the fun ones.”
“Oh yeah, we’re great at having fun together,” she laughs, accepting the glass and taking a long drink. “So is this fun taking place in a booth or on the dance floor? Or were we just going to stand here and absorb the fun through osmosis?” Hermione teases.
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ohgranger · 1 year
Draco thinks about hexing the idiot from the bar -something that would involve broken bones and endless nose bleeds but if she’s not bothered then he isn’t either. “Well, he’s an idiot.”
“Probably, but you have to admit he made the smarter move. Even if you hadn’t come along tonight I wasn’t going home with him. Someone deserves to have some fun tonight.”
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