ofxenigmas · 24 hours
Where: Evelyn's place Who: Evelyn & Ira @oh-the-hcrrcrs Closed starter
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It had been a few days since the Tinder Man incident, and the weather was hotter than ever. She had invited Ira to enjoy the pool and a few drinks at her place of residence. Her last conversation with him got a little on the touch of emotion that she was not expecting. However, today would be filled with fun and drinks. One can never have enough alcohol present.
Smiling as she was resting on the flamingo pool float, she looked over at Ira "are we allergic to water?" she teased.
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ofxenigmas · 24 hours
The accident could have been interpreted in many ways, a curse on them, a tragedy that forever would chain them to the hell that it was. No one has yet to say anything positive about it. Here Ira was saying that it brought them all together. As if they weren't broken before the events that led up to that fateful night. There was a tether, a string of fate that bonded them all, and while some may want to cut off the thread, Evelyn found herself holding on. Because if by some unexplained turn of events, should that break, would be the day she completely loses herself. "I agree, tragedy and trauma bind others in a way that cannot be broken." she paused at the mention of her brother, she hadn't seen him in a long time. "no." she found herself exhaling a breath she didn't realize she held in. "no family." that was all thanks to her father.
Laughing again "I have that in my room." she stated with another smile "Who could forget the potato-shaped dog. Not I." She had lost several valued items in that accident and the memories she held on to, were all she had. "ah, yes, staring into the depths of emptiness, if I so choose to draw anything in black and label it my abyss." she mused but nodded her head. "that is a good start, I will keep that in mind." taking another sip of her drink. "thank you, for hearing me out."
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"Take that P.E. teacher," because while he had been enlisted into a judo class by his parents, Ira had always been terrible at anything involving a team and his sports grade was never the best for it.
"It's not bad," he had tried it before, and while he usually stuck to his short drinks, there was no better way to get tipsy than sipping on a lot of sugar and juice. He picked up his own glass and took a sip before he replied: "I do. Somehow I think the accident brought us together." Which didn't mean they forgot to find the other incredibly infuriating at times. "What about you? Still close to your family?" Either way, he would understand. When they got back home, he refused to leave the house for an entire month, and his family had been essential in getting him to accept going out.
Was it ridiculous that he had indeed kept her drawing. There wasn't much you could do while stuck in the middle of nowhere. He remembered that she tried teaching him a few things. He sucked. "I have it somewhere. I do hope you kept my potato shaped dog. It was art. Transcending art." Transcending the laws of nature, for sure. "You could begin with an art gallery. I think you have a lot to draw inspiration from, and the talent to pull it off." He paused. "You could paint about that too. People being obsessed with the worst moments of your life. People reminding you everyday of those moments." To come back from hell and to be constantly poked at for answers? The self control that they had...
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ofxenigmas · 24 hours
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Evelyn had wandered into the park, eventually finding a shady spot by a bench under a tree. She brought her pencils and notepad, ready to draw. On beautiful days like this, she sought inspiration in her surroundings. Today, it was a charming water fountain with birds bathing in it, a simple yet picturesque scene. As she began sketching the fountain's outline, her hand trembled. Blinking, she saw her pencil but was suddenly transported back to a winter day, leaning against a tree, sketching the wreckage of a plane in the snow with blood on the ground. The memory was a brief, unwelcome thought. Taking a deep breath, she heard someone approaching.
Glancing over her shoulder and up to face the person who had arrived, she noted the expression on his face. Glancing back down at the drawing, she didn't reveal what she drew until the end. He seemed to have gotten a sneak peek "Thank you." she then looked back up at him "What part of this caught your eye enough to glance over a stranger's shoulder hmm?" she chuckled.
who: @ofxenigmas (evelyn)
where: a public park
when: morning
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It's a nice day... too bad Luke feels like absolute shit.
While the rest of Antioch was peacefully sawing logs last night, there Luke sat, grappling with the thing that used his hands to write stories of blood and guts and terror when all he wanted to write about was some girl and her dog. He'd make great progress, recline in his chair to rest his back and then, boom. Without fail he'd sit back up, hours later, the document rewritten. Sometimes he tried to sleep after, but for some reason he just skipped that step this time, leaving his house at dawn's first break to go for a problem-avoiding walk.
Eventually he finds himself in a park and the sun has settled nicely, Antioch slowly coming-to all around him. Luke stifles a yawn and walks past where a woman sits on a bench, a drawing pad on her lap: he pauses, knows it's rude to look over her shoulder but the piece is so lovely he can't help it. "Wow," he says, exhaustion making his tone into something ragged. "That's really beautiful."
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ofxenigmas · 1 day
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There was a time to be on alert and a time to allow the walls that kept them guarded down. This was Ira's home, it wasn't like someone was going to jump them all. Raising a brow, or was it Annabelle the one that felt at any given point or time, she would actually fall into the temptation. That ever so gnawing feeling that came when they were all together--as if nothing could touch them. Rolling her eyes "Maybe I've missed you all." she stated rather truthful, it wasn't a lie, but Anna may take it as such. "the rest of the world doesn't understand, and there is some familiarity in those that do." she gave a light shrug. "Why do I get the feeling you think we're just going to go off the deep end? Have you come to keep a close watch?" like she did back then.
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"This doesn't feel like a social call." Something about the idea of too many of them getting together in one place made her itch, but Annabelle couldn't say if it was in worry or in anticipation, a predator reuniting with its pack. Annabelle didn't keep tabs on the others, didn't call them on Sundays or stop by their work or stalk them on social media, but it was a small town and she wasn't clueless. She had some idea of what they were up to and was under no illusion that the others couldn't track her down with ease, but there still had to be a point to it. "Does it have something to do with that little virus you mentioned?" If someone was thinking about talking, that would be a problem to Annabelle, and one that she would want to solve.
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ofxenigmas · 1 day
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"remind me next time to ask you out for drinks, I'm curious to see if you can handle your liquor." and Evelyn enjoyed to see what people's likes and dislikes were. She didn't get close enough to people to figure out how they thought, or motivation. She was a mystery herself, but that didn't mean she didn't like unlocking the mysteries in others. "Very true, areas with a little more shade, I'd hate to see most of those plants wither before coming to bloom." leaning back into her chair "When I'm not working at the flower shop, I'm working out, or going for walks at the park. maybe occasional clubs." nothing quite as interesting, "classic horror. how are they taking to that?"
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"it would be rude of me to make you drink alone, so mimosa it is." gen answered sweetly, even if she didn't particularly care for mimosas. could be worse, it could be a bloody mary. "you'd think they'd get that fixed, but what they really need is to move to a new location that can handle the strain in the summer." she missed that job, if she was honest. it was soothing and she hadn't quit because of an issue with the job, but because she hadn't be in the shape for it. "nothing eventful in my life. passing the time watching movies, reading - i have a friend that i'm trying to introduce to classic horror. and you?"
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ofxenigmas · 1 day
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She listened as he spoke, she grabbed a hair tie from her purse and pulled her hair up into a ponytail. "I have one, thank you." she then walked toward the tattoo table and laid down as instructed. Did she feel exposed in any way? no, it was after all a back piece. The choice to go with a tattoo gun was more for herself. It would provide the distraction from her own tangled web of thoughts.
there really was no second guessing or doubts about this piece, perhaps this was therapy of some sort, she knew it would take longer to complete. It didn't bother her, she waited patiently for him to gather his supplies to begin the process.
A lingering gaze was all she got in response from him when she asked - the reason was twofold, one for the vision of the professional, and the other for the vision of the animal. Both found the natural beauty of human skin and curvature, and there might've been something else he could've thought to tether the two concepts together but as it lingered in his head and he retreated to the back to size and print the stencil of the image, making it the size she wanted, that was where those two concepts ended.
He wanted to strip her back from her spine.
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But... no, he also didn't. During his brief moment in the back, separated by a thick two-toned curtain in the doorway, blue eyes glanced up and he turned on the spot for a moment, looking from pitch black paint to sparkling white lights. Feathers, leather, shine, shadow. He glanced down and checked what he was wearing. Never during the day.
Fine. But he didn't have to like that rule.
Cleric pulled the specialised paper from the machine and reappeared before her as she chose the side to sit on. "Gun, no problem," he mused, his gaze on her once more after glancing down at the piece. "Lay on your stomach, if you please - do you have a hair tie or shall I lend you one?" He asked as he strutted to and fro, swift, decisive and efficient as he gathered the rest of his materials.
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
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Since they both were heading to the same destination and a festival no less. "how about a festival snack? or actually--- you pick." if he wanted to be repaid in food or a festival activity, seo-jun would repay the kindness he was given. smiling as he gestured for the other to go ahead and he would follow along.
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"yeah, exactly. we always get a big load at work this time of year, so i haven't been able to make it." he jumps at the opportunity of a normal excuse, glad that he's found someone who's willing to take him at face value. it's all he's ever wanted. "well, when you put it like that... how can i refuse?" jen has been telling him to say no less, anyway. sometimes people find it rude instead of humble, who would have thought? he was always taught the opposite.
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
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"I highly doubt this is who you are," she stated as she looked at him. Her gaze remained, didn't look away or break eye contact. She was cutthroat and to the point, she rather not dance around words he'd use as a distraction to mislead her. "that all depends on your behavior Mr. Morrison, and I do hope you behave." she tilted her head, a warning even. She didn't need to focus on his shenanigans, especially when there were more pressing matters. Watched as he placed the money on the counter to pay for the drink he would have stolen. "it's satisfactory. You paid for it, shall I congratulate you? and say you did well?" she pauses. "that will be all Morrison."
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"my parents always encouraged me to be myself is all," he says, voice sharp at the edges. it's not true, but that's hardly ever important in an argument. he's just expressing disappointment that he hasn't managed to win her over. oh, well. one for two is still decent, all things considered. "on the sidelines? not in a cop car, i hope. should be some kind of human rights abuse in this heat," he snorts, but does wind up fishing his wallet from his pocket. a few loose bills later, he's reclaimed his drink. "well, you've rained all over my parade. happy?"
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
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Noting his body language, she wasn't sure if that was because she was a detective, or he didn't like running into anyone of the law. Time will tell. "Burned." she looked over at him and couldn't help releasing a chuckle. The space between them, as if she needed all this room. She noted it. "I hardly would say enjoying myself, one can't be too caught up in the festivities when there are cases to solve." only when it is solved will she allow herself rest. "how about yourself?"
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He looked around for a minute for the voice's origin before finding Cemre, giving her a meek smile as he approached in his unsure way: hands in his pockets, shoulders held almost defensively, as if her invitation to speak would be withdrawn with one wrong move. He was glad she caught him without a drink in-hand. "Yeah, figured I'm running outta time to check up Crowley before he's, uh..." Luke came to stand by the booth, giving her plenty of room. "y'know. You enjoying yourself, detective?"
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
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No one was that perfect, the crime scene may have been clean, but there was always an error. or at least this vampire was bound to make one eventually. Since the killer seemed to like picking up random people and dumping them in a certain area. Cemre figured to camp out or at least venture out into that area. "I can't help but wonder if this is ritualistic behavior. If they are going from one place to another. the crime itself may not be their reason but it tells us they are fulfilling psychological or emotional needs. First, it's the repetition, and then the scene setting and for emotional it's their need for control." she pauses before continuing. "Symbolic acts, in this case leaving the victims drained of blood."
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"if we weren't, this wouldn't be an open case." personally, he had to hand it to the vampire. they did a very good job of cleaning up after themselves without any meddling done to obscure the case and ari wasn't convinced the killer wasn't such a showboat that they'd have to make a statement about if they were accused of anything they weren't responsible for.
at the comment that they didn't like the body being posed, ari gave her a look because he didn't think she was supposed to like any of it. that one detail didn't seem anymore ominous or threatening than anything else. "the fact the hitchhikers likely weren't picked up in the same area doesn't help. they weren't hunting in a specific spot, but they aren't sloppy about it and going after any opening, either."
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
"A mascot, hardly, you were doing survival of the fittest just as much as the rest of us." She didn't judge---much back then. At the time students were just that, students. It wasn't until they ran out of supplies and ---food, the weak were separated from the strong. Even if Ira was a nerd, or didn't stand out from the rest, he played the game like the rest of them.
"It has done you well, this drink is delicious." she smiles again, it had been a long time since she allowed herself to smile. A genuine one at that. "You keep in touch with your siblings." as for her brother, she hadn't seen him in a long time.
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Drawing was her safe haven, it was where she could focus, and take her mind off of reality. "are you telling me you didn't keep the one I gave of you?" she pouted, though if he did not have it anymore she wouldn't be upset. "I'm considering having a museum take in and display my drawings. but that is wishful thinking." she hummed to herself "you ever think that we can finally be over something that happened years ago? that people don't plague us wanting to know what we did to survive?"
"You say that, but we all know that you gals picked me as your own little mascot," hardly : both because he had been too much of a wallflower to be granted that title, and because he didn't think he was nearly endearing enough to be appreciated. Frankly, he had given up on both those traits of character now. Confidence and a certain degree of ferocity had replaced them and he felt, most days, better for it.
Now he didn't consider the plane crash to have been a blessing, but maybe it had done him more good than harm in the end.
"I'm glad." He paused. "Though to be fair I took a class of mixology a couple months ago. My sister's idea of a birthday present, I suppose." Fine by him. He didn't like it when people bought him things. He was peculiar about the sorts of fabrics and cuts he liked, and he preferred not having too much on his shelves.
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"You're still drawing?" The realization made him somewhat nostalgic for a moment. Memories of the woman, still a teenager, sketching portraits and landscapes onto paper as if it were effortless. He had envied her for it, but it would have been difficult to pretend he had any talent himself. "Yeah ? What kind of career are you aiming for ? Something in art?"
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
"Free dollar bills and all." she chuckles as she observes the other blonde. Thai food was good, and she enjoyed the cuisine. "ah, well, we will just have to see what this Thai stall offers." she walked over to the other while introducing herself "I'm Evelyn"
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"Hey, someone might even give you money next time." She was always the one to offer pizza and beer to those who helped her move. Becca believed food to be a perfectly good form of monetary compensation. "There's a Thai stall nearby and I smelled something amazing coming from there."
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
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Raising a brow, she looks over at him, before she glances at the contents in the bag. "are you an anthropologist? I highly doubt it, what do you have to do with bones?" she asks curiously with a sly smile. She did not peg him the type, but now, it raises a few questions.
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"if you're really curious about it, just open it. you don't need my permission to look, you know." adjusting his shades, he squares his shoulders to look more self-important, intentional or otherwise. "it's not a bomb, i'll tell you that. just some things i need."
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
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It would never cease to amaze him how his friend could look so ---handsome. (a true beauty). and then drive a bike. Seeing Jae approach with the bike in view, caused seo-jun to let out a light laugh. He had always tried to convince his friend to be a model, it was like Jae was walking out of an ad to sell the attire. "annyeong." he bowed politely meeting his friend's eyes. "not long at all." when his friend was closer into his view, he couldn't help but wonder what Jae was up to these days. was he tired? did he feel alone? these thoughts crossed his mind. "We can watch a movie on the big screen outdoors."
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periods of repose were as scarce as they were longed for. from frenetic schedules, to setbacks with his health, and now, the production of his family's story that was to be plastered on the big screen ... how many times could someone tie a knot at the end of their rope before running out of thread entirely ? overwrought wasn't a strong enough word. yet, in the midst of all of the chaos that defined him, there was seo-jun. a silver lining, the burdens on his shoulders feeling slightly less blistering in the other's presence. quite some time had passed since they'd last properly spent time together ( jae and his tendency to sink into oblivion was mostly to blame ), so when his bike rolled into the lot towards their significantly overdue reunion, a ripple of excitement was felt. it wasn't a difficult task to identify his friend's car among the cluster, having spent more time in it than his own. his dismount was swift, keys pocketed and helmet suspended on the handlebar, a smile that didn’t require any force graced tired features when jun called out. “ annyeong, ” the greeting was quiet as he approached, “ hopefully you haven’t been waiting long. ”
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
That would make sense, for him to be a groundskeeper, though she did not ask for further details. If he was one to guard or keep people from trespassing; that would explain his demeanor and familiarity with the paths and area here. "alright."
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Chuckling, "I suppose you could call it eidetic memory—the ability to see something once and then recall it perfectly by memory." not that she would think he would find that interesting. However, that is something she didn't reveal to most people. It was how she was able to navigate herself during the crash. The woods was a difficult place and easy to get lost in, and she did her best to survive. Her journal and drawings was enough to keep her sane.
"that would rely on whether or not you enjoy the nature of the activity." she continued to walk with him "Both you would pursue it involuntarily, and it provides pleasure and satisfaction. The contrast suggests that hobbies are more of a commitment. Hobbies tend to have goal-oriented projects, meanwhile what you like may be more spontaneous." she smiled as she turned to him "I would say it's a hobby for you, rather than something you like."
"Correct." He affirmed as they walked. "I'm a groundskeeper." A groundskeeper for where or what, he failed to specify - he was already not in an entirely generous mood that night, and he would've rather avoided the line of questioning if she had any knowledge on the Roseland Estate.
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His brow furrowed ever-so-slightly as she mentioned a 'photogenic memory and all'. "I don't know what a "photogenic memory" is." He stated plainly, no embarrassment in his dull tone; there were a lot of terms that Parker didn't know, and from his experience, overreacting to his lack of knowledge was for other people, not him. Whether or not he was taught what these terms were was debatable depending on the person but Parker had already gathered enough about this woman to assume that it was either something to subtly brag about or mention in passing as a burden. He wasn't sure which it was, but regardless, she was apparently an artist.
"..." The man held his tongue for a short amount of time in a nonverbal response to her disbelief. He'd had this discussion many times, and it was one of the subtler ways that Parker's underlying tenacity reared its head. His father attributed it to his inability to learn things, or possibly retain interest in abstract concepts that didn't originate in his brain. "What is the overlap between what counts as a 'hobby' and 'something you like to do'?" He found himself asking after the brief pause, as he tended to do when there was something he didn't understand, sometimes even after it'd been explained to him several times over.
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ofxenigmas · 2 days
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ofxenigmas · 7 days
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BLADE RUNNER 2049 (2017) dir. Denis Villeneuve
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