ofsunandgraves · 3 years
The moment I'm okay sending my parents and sisters videos about non-binary individuals that can answer their questions better than I can. The moment I can feel semi-comfortable sorta kinda maybe talking about body dysphoria with people in my life. The moment I'm okay talking to my family about my new preferered name even if it's anxiety wracking. The moment I'm finally okay being non-binary again after this website's harassment literally made me stop accepting myself: someone calls me a fucking TERF. Because a TERF I don't know @ed me:
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I can't even see the @ because when I click on it the post is completely gone so I don't even know what she said. Anyways here you go, block her:
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It just had to be less than a week before I was finally okay with opening up as non-binary again didn't it? They couldn't wait just a fucking week before attacking my transness could they. I didn't need this. I'm nauseous.
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ofsunandgraves · 3 years
Hey just a heads up to my followers so you can give that block button a good smack, @/spirited-polytheist is a TERF (among other things) and seems to not care that she is reblogging from people who she is actively targeting (yeah hi i’m trans why are you reblogging my shit?) 
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ofsunandgraves · 3 years
tips to get your life back on track after a breakdown™
sleep. your body needs to rest. the average panic attack takes as much energy as running a half-marathon. let yourself rest. take a 20 minute nap. any longer and you’ll hit your REM cycle, and you’ll wake up worse off. after, you’ll feel so much better.
clean something. literally anything. a plate, a drawer, the whole mf bathroom. it doesn’t matter how much or how little. it’ll make you feel more in control, and it’ll make your surroundings more appropriate for recovery.
get some fresh air. even just opening your window for a few hours will help. if you feel up to it, take a walk. take your dog. pick some flowers. cloudgaze. even just sit in your garden for a bit. your body will thrive off of non-stale air. 
eat and drink. I know for some people, myself included, this is Hard. it’s alright if all you can manage is a granola bar, or some cereal. anything is progress and will fuel your body. drink water if you can, but anything apart from alcohol will hydrate you.
take a shower. I have clinical depression. have done since I was 12. I know how hard it is to take a shower. but it fucking helps. if you don’t do anything else off this list, do this. it’ll help more than you know.
talk to someone. I can’t stress this enough. humans are social creatures! we crave interaction. even the most introverted introvert needs to talk to someone. call your mom. text a buddy. skype your brother. chat to your local cashier. anything !! you’ll feel less alone, and hopefully get some good serotontitty flowing.
do something fun! same as above, it’ll make u feel so much bette, and provide a distraction. some good options are writing, drawing, watching a movie, dancing - anything you enjoy!
be kind to yourself. it’s okay if you relapsed, or if you had a bad day, or anything else. treat yourself gently. you wouldn’t so harsh to a friend in your situation. it’s gonna be okay.
if you can’t do all of these, it’s okay. there are better days ahead. this, too, will pass.
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ofsunandgraves · 3 years
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The Hesperides were nymph-goddesses of the evening and the golden light of sunsets, heralds of the bridal night, and cupbearers to the gods in bridal feasts. Poets also describe them as excellent singers, possessed of the power of sweet song, and they are sometimes referred to as the evening choir. As the guardians of the golden apples, they are attendants of Hera.
Aigle • Sunlight, radiance
Erytheia/Erytheis • Red
Arethousa • War-swift
Hesperethousa • Evening-swift
Asterope • Starry-faced
Khrysothemis • Golden custom
Lipara • Perseverance
Numbering between 3 and 7, there are various sources for their names:
Hesiod: Aigle, Erytheia, Hesperethousa
Apollodoros: Aigle, Erytheis, Arethousa, Hesperie
Apollonius Rhodius: Aigle, Erytheis, Hespere
Vase painting: Asterope, Khrysothemis, Lipara
Parentage: Daughters of Atlas and Hesperis (Evening), and so called Atlantides for their father or Hesperides for their mother. Or Nyx. Or Zeus and Themis
The nymph-goddesses reside in the garden of the Hesperides, Hera’s orchard in which the golden apples were planted, located in the far west (today, estimated to be southern Spain or north-west Africa, maybe Libya). They were entrusted with the care of the tree of golden apples, gifted to Hera by Gaia at her wedding to Zeus, and were assisted by Lagon, the hundred headed drakon (dragon).
The Hesperides are attributed with a two-horse drawn chariot to ride the evening sky, and as cupbearers for the gods they would therefore also have amphora with which to pour ambrosia.
The golden apples the Hesperides guarded feature often in myth; the apple of discord from which the battle of Troy started, the distraction of golden apples in Atalanta’s foot race to avoid marriage, and Herakles fetched golden apples for one of his twelve labours.
The Hesperides were also guardians of other treasures of the gods, namely the armour and artefacts given to Perseus to defeat Medusa.
They assisted the sailors of the Argo after the men prayed and promised them offerings and worship, creating an oasis around the spring of water Herakles struck from a rock so that the men could slake their thirst and rest.
Sources and Links:
Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodes
Theogony by Hesiod
Description of Greece by Pausanias
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ofsunandgraves · 3 years
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ofsunandgraves · 3 years
Would you guys be interested in any of the poetry ive written? Its not great but some of it is devotional, and I figured maybe we need more of that around (i cant ever seem go find pretty prayers 😓)
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ofsunandgraves · 3 years
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US Helplines:
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
UK Helplines:
Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail [email protected]
Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: [email protected]
Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 [email protected]
b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: [email protected]
b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: [email protected]
Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
Drinkline: 0800 9178282
Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail [email protected]
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868
FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:
Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
Australia: 13-11-14
Austria: 01-713-3374
Barbados: 429-9999
Belgium: 106
Botswana: 391-1270
Brazil: 21-233-9191
China: 852-2382-0000
(Hong Kong: 2389-2222)
Costa Rica: 606-253-5439
Croatia: 01-4833-888
Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67
Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908
Denmark: 70-201-201
Egypt: 762-1602
Estonia: 6-558-088
Finland: 040-5032199
France: 01-45-39-4000
Germany: 0800-181-0721
Greece: 1018
Guatemala: 502-234-1239
Holland: 0900-0767
Honduras: 504-237-3623
Hungary: 06-80-820-111
Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
Israel: 09-8892333
Italy: 06-705-4444
Japan: 3-5286-9090
Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292
Malaysia: 03-756-8144
(Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
Mexico: 525-510-2550
Netherlands: 0900-0767
New Zealand: 4-473-9739
New Guinea: 675-326-0011
Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
Norway: 47-815-33-300
Philippines: 02-896-9191
Poland: 52-70-000
Portugal: 239-72-10-10
Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
Spain: 91-459-00-50
South Africa: 0861-322-322
South Korea: 2-715-8600
Sweden: 031-711-2400
Switzerland: 143
Taiwan: 0800-788-995
Thailand: 02-249-9977
Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800
Ukraine: 0487-327715
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
Hellenic Society🏺
Hey guys! I wanted to share a discord server I mod in—Its been around for quite awhile but its getting a bit slow and we’d love to see some new faces!!
The server is for those who worship/work with Hellenic/Greek deities, Hellenic Polytheists, etc.
Hope to see you soon!! (If theres trouble with the link just dm me and ill give you a new one ❤️)
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
Hellenic Society🏺
Hey guys! I wanted to share a discord server I mod in—Its been around for quite awhile but its getting a bit slow and we’d love to see some new faces!!
The server is for those who worship/work with Hellenic/Greek deities, Hellenic Polytheists, etc.
Hope to see you soon!! (If theres trouble with the link just dm me and ill give you a new one ❤️)
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
Congratulations to the new VP and president elect.
However the full brunt of my emotion goes out to the homeless, the people who have no power or water, for the people who won't finish college after the 2 year period, to those putting off doctors appointments, to those still broken by the system, to the burdened kids, and to the young adults/older adults still having deliberate thoughts no one should have to.
If you slip through the cracks, sorry can only do so much but, I am sorry.
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
If you’re celebrating Biden’s win, consider celebrating by donating to a bail fund, planned parenthood, or the Navajo Water project.
Your action to help the marginalized shouldnt end at presidential candidates and voting.
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
to my friends in red states, please stay safe and watch out for each other. stay inside and avoid going out if you don’t need to. not to stir up fear in the wake of victory, but there are numerous watchdog organizations warning people — especially black and trans folks — to expect a sharp uptick in violence and tension. the naacp has issued a warning to black people in missouri to STAY INSIDE, STAY TOGETHER, STAY SAFE. check on your friends. stay informed. if you aren’t following them already, check out the naacp website and watchdog organizations to keep an eye on things in your area.
to white folks, this is a time for you to celebrate as well, but things are far from over. reach out to your poc and trans friends, particularly your black and trans friends, and check on them and make sure they feel safe. DO NOT STOP DONATING TO PAYPALS AND GOFUNDMES. CONTINUE SHARING RESOURCES AND INFORMATION. CONTINUE PARTICIPATING IN COMMUNITY AID. electing biden did not simultaneously wipe out the issues many marginalized communities are facing. YOUR PART IN THIS IS NOT OVER BECAUSE THIS FIGHT IS NOT OVER. continue spreading
to succinctly sum up the energy we need to cultivate going forward:
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you can reblog this. white people can and should reblog this. likes do nothing for us.
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
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Apollo, great Healer, God of the Sun,
shine thy light on me.
Aim thine arrow into the darkness and pierce it with golden glory.
Warm my body, mind, and spirit,
allow me to heal.
Careen thy chariot through the sky,
trailing health, vitality, and joyfulness in thy wake.
Grant me thy strength, O Golden God,
to overcome and persist through the darkest of hours.
When the sun does rise, i give thanks for thine grace,
and know that a warm and watchful eye
will wink from the heavens,
strumming a joyous song
to celebrate.
(Tip Jar)
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
You said “Black Lives Matter”.
Well mine is on the line.
If everyone who sees this donates $1, I can meet my goal in no time:
Please do not pass this without at least reblogging. Please do not hinder me from recieving all possible help I can get. Thank you.
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
Ive read about this before in researching khernips a long while back, but I think the general consensus is that youre right. As long as you wash your hands, face, etc with the intent of cleaning yourself to go infront of the Theoi, youre fine. (And when talking about lyma, lyma was not a term Hellenic people necessarily gave to the idea or concept, its something we use now to describe the concept, but since it translates to “dirt”, washing with khernips also refers to literally being hygienic and being clean and presentable infront of the Theoi. In that way it ties in spiritually not always from the ceremony of making khernips by extinguishing herbs or matches (and in some texts entire torches) but through washing yourself and actively being presentable infront of them. Think (althought this is a bad example) of how modern day Christians dress up nice to go to church, or how many other religious practices involve being clean and well dressed. The Greeks were less about dress and more about hygiene)). Its a way to show that you are focused on them and their presence.
hihi! i saw the ask about storing khernips and have been wondering for a while whether there are any alternatives to them because i'm not allowed to burn things in the building i live in (i still live with my parents)?? have a lovely day/night!! 💖
Actually, yes! And thank you, you too!
From what I remember from the Iliad, they simply pour water over their hands before ritual. And sea water, if I remember correctly, was called the more purifying substance - so I say you can simply cleanse yourself of Lyma by washing your hands. 
I think there’s more cases of washing your hands and such, but I currently can’t remember where I put them. If anyone else got some examples and quotes, then please do add on!
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
On bees and honey: Bees and their direct associations with some of the theoi. (2/3)
The initial struggle with getting this post out was exactly this section. I kept putting in too much information, and not summarising at all. This section is about the direct associations to the theoi, and there’s likely more I haven’t found. I’d definitely recommend looking more into it for your exact god.
Zeus has strong connections to the bee within his myths; as a baby he is fed honey by his surrogate mother, and he never stops loving his bees. The insect was called “the nurses of Zeus.” And, he also protects the bees. When someone comes to the bees in the Cretan caves, he nearly kills the man - only stopping due to Themis and the Moirai. In myth, he also the patron of the bee - for he gives the bee the bronze colour and hardness of honey, and gifts the bee their string.
His sons were often fed honey in myth too, and such examples are Meliteus and Dionysus.
It was said by the Neoplatonist philosopher Porphyrius before the vine was every cultivated, Honey was the wine before wine - a sacred and old substance. Zeus, to overthrow Kronos, got him drunk on honey. 
Lastly, he even bares the cult title of Melissaios. (Heschy. μ 718 Schmidt)
Demeter and Kore/Persephone 
In her mysteries, the initiates were addressed as bees. Her connections to bees are also linked by the bee’s role in fertility and the bee’s chthonic aspects, both of which Demeter has. And by extension, this applies to Kore too especially within the Eleusinan mysteries. Lastly, bees are always seen near plant life and flowers.
Their connection becomes even more interesting, as the bee formulates life and is tied to the cycles of death and rebirth, much like the seasons. For as we all know by now, Persephone goes into the underworld for the winter and comes back for the spring. She is described as honeyed, and honey itself was offered to Demeter. 
While not exactly Demeter, I decided to add this one in anyways. There’s a rather interesting myth about Ceres and her priestess Melissa: Melissa gives away the secrets she swore to keep secret. As a result, Melissa is transformed into a swarm of bees. 
As the mistress and goddess of animals, it makes sense that bees are tied to her. Ephesian Artemis, in her cult, was closely tied to bees. In statues, she was depicted with bees around her, and her sacred city’s earliest coins had the bee. Her priestesses were called Melissai, and the officials connected to her cult were called King Bees. Along with that, in a fragment of a lost play, Aeschylus, mentions bees as being associated with the worship of Artemis, calling her Head priestesses “Bee-Keepers”.
With the bee relating to the death and rebirth of the soul, it’s not surprising they’re tied to him too. In myth, while he was an infant - Dionysus was given honey. It wasn’t as much as Zeus, but alas. 
Apollon and the Muses
As covered by the previous post in the series, Apollon’s ties to bees are rather evident. The bee’s ties to project, and the Pythia being called the “Delphic bee”, and their connections to poetry, etc. His tie to honey goes even deeper with the three bee-like nymphs, which end up connection both Hermes and Apollon to bees. 
In the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Hermes is given three nymphs, with features of bees, that are skilled in the art of prophecy. Theoi.com identifies them as the thriai, but the study disagrees. Anyways, bees are tied to Hermes via these bee-like nymphs.
Aristaios - “most useful” or “most excellent”, a son of Apollon who is heavily tied to bees. He’s the god of beekeeping, honey, and other such useful things. Within myth, he brings his bees back to life via a bull after they’re killed. 
As stated in the last post, bees act as a messenger between a nymph and her potential lover in myth, and parallel’s Eros’s sweetness and anger. 
Nymphs in general are associated with bees, and are even said to take the form of bees. Honey in general is an excellent offering to them.
Carlson, R. D. (2015). The honey bee and apian imagery. Seattle, WA: University of Washington.
Cook, A. (1895). The Bee in Greek Mythology. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 15, 1-24. doi:10.2307/624058
ARISTAIOS. (n.d.). Retrieved August 07, 2020, from https://www.theoi.com/Georgikos/Aristaios.html
Rienties, M. (1970, January 01). PBP: Nymphs, Naiads and other nature spirits. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from http://baringtheaegis.blogspot.com/2012/07/n-is-for-nymphs-naiads-and-other-nature.html
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ofsunandgraves · 4 years
The cringe I know Apollo makes when I clumsily bump my guitar into a chair, a table leg, a doorway, myself, my-
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