I'm sorry if this seems intrusive but do you have any other blogs? I'm just curious. You don't have to answer this if you're not comfortable sharing that information.
My apologies for not getting to this sooner! I have several other blogs and have dabbled in several popular fandoms ( from Final Fantasy and Pokemon, to Sailor Moon, to Buffy/Angel, and Supernatural ) so it's possible you may know me from somewhere else!
That said, Roy is the only one that isn't inactive right now, my other main blog is on hiatus. If you'd like links, I'd be more than happy to give them to you, but I'd prefer being messaged off anon for them. It's not intrusive at all! I'm just a slowpoke with answering things.
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Hey guys! So I wanna make the announcement that both me and this blog are still alive, I'm just gonna be lurking more than anything for a little while, as I'm going through medication adjustments and haven't really been in a writing mood. I'm still gonna be here for chatting and stuff if you wanna hit me up and message me, and we can plot or something! Just don't expect much threads for a little while. Thanks!
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hc + flirting & hc + pink
Roy can be a HUGE flirt, however, he has very high standards. It's not often he's attracted to someone. To begin with, he views almost everyone who isn't of royal standing beneath him and as simple underlings. He also doesn't really get humans (or Wendy's strange attraction to Luigi). When it comes to gender, he actually leans more towards males, because most of his familiarity with females come from his sister. While they can get along, I also believe they drive each other up the wall. He thinks Peach is alright, but he's not really attracted to different species. I personally ship him with BoomBoom thanks to @asktehkoopz
But to summarize, Roy can be a huge flirt, but it’s very rare he’s actually attracted to anyone because of how picky he is
Roy has always liked pink and purple to some degree. Minions and such teased him for it when he was small, which resulted in him beating them up. This is one of the contributing factors as to why he pushes almost around now. To get back to the original point, this made Roy like pink even more. He was rebelling from the norm of pink being feminine. He didn't care what other people thought of him. Whoever did mock him? He had the muscle to pummel them and put them in their place. That eventually made the pink a symbol of pride. He was above everyone else's judgment and thoughts.
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Send me HC + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
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I log on to Wendy and Luigi flirting what is this
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“Uh...what BFF would dat be?” 
Had that rumor really gotten around that much already? It wasn't a big deal, though he didn't want everyone thinking he was blind or anything like that. It wasn't like he could threaten Wendy to get her to bug off like he could his brothers. 
“Real bright places give me headaches. Skyland made it a bit worse. S'not like I'm helpless in light or anythin', I jus can't see as well. The glasses help..”
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“ ROY, is it true that you have to wear   your glasses ‘cuz your eyes are super   SENSITIVE? I’m… uh, asking for a BFF! “
She was obviously lying, but at least Wendy was brave enough to disclose that little ‘rumor’ to her big bro! 
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Go follow the future koopa king~
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Roy didn't waste time in pulling his wand back, sparks of light flying into the wand as it charged, another growl coming from the now very livid reptile.
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“Just you wait, I'm gonna teach you a lesson, nobody stomps on my brothers or sister except me, you green twirp!” With that, he thrust his arm forward, a magical blast flying at the little brother.
   Luigi flinched in the face of the weapon brandished at him. Honestly, he did want to go and fetch Mario to back him up. The last thing the gentle hero wanted was a fight, but Roy already looked riled up.
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     “Yo-you won’t capture me, you meanie. Imma strong, too.”
   Hesitant fists were raised readily. He wouldn’t let them get to Peach, he had to protect her this time, and while Luigi might not have his sibling’s bravery, he was just as skilled.
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“Where are da chocolates?”
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please note I'm a mess when it comes to organization and if I haven't gotten a starter or a reply out and I'm doing another thread, it's just because I'm scatterbrained, not that I intend on dropping/not doing said thing
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“I bet it’s the first time that one’s rocking shades as well as me.”
@ofskiesandmountaintops appears!
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“Well this isn’t the first that I’ve seen a walking, talking multicolored turtle with spikes on it’s shells…”
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“Maybe I should enchant them to stick on your face for a while so they don’t fall off?”
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“Yup, right outta nowhere! You better be more careful with ‘em!”
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So this guy wasn't familiar with the koopas, yup, he was definitely from the neighboring kingdom and not here. “Yeah, I'm one of da royal family. I'm guessing you'se from Beanbean Kingdom?” The boy looked young to be travelling on his own, and it was somewhat suspicious he was able to make it here by himself.
At the Wrong Place
“I’m fine, thanks.” he replied as he was helped up, feeling mentally annoyed that the Koopa would help him because of the other influence, however he kept that on low to get to know the other better. “..hey, you’re a Koopa right?”
{ He was curious. }
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Roy cocked a brow at the young boy, tilting his head. It wasn't often that he saw beanish in these parts. While relations between the Mushroom and Beanbean Kingdom had improved over the past few years, most still made it a point to steer clear of Koopa territory.
He didn't move to help the guy up, but he didn't taunt him either, which was a lot, considering this was Roy. “You lost or somethin'? You look confused, and most people familiar with the kingdom don’t come around here.”
At the Wrong Place
The young Beanish seemed to be lost and for some reason, it looks like he’s lost direction of where he was at. After all, he was heading home but something seems to be driving him off, as if there’s something that could be calling him.
After all, those voices in his head don’t speak on their own..or do they?
Before long, he came along a small passage only to bump into a Koopa while he wasn’t looking and ended up falling back on the ground. It was like he had hit a wall, but the thing was, he didn’t.
“Oh, um, excuse me there.” he said. “I didn’t see you.”
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Dark Star, that sounded familiar. So did Fawful. Wait, that was the beanish loon that worked under that witch, then later locked him and his siblings up in the castle during that takeover. To this day, Roy shudders at the thought of those spiral glasses. The mention of the hurricane made him grin. “Dat was you? Dat was totally badass! I only caught a glimpse of it, but it was awesome. 'm not a fan of da' Fawful guy though.” He wasn't sure what to say about the remark to Bowser, but when the guy mentioned the plumbers, his grin grew even more. “I'd love nothing more than to just pummel those pesky plumbers. Everyone here hates them too. They're always stomping on everyone and ruining our plans.”
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“Who am I? I am the Dark Star, but after that whole event with that Fawful character, I am simply known as Dark Bowser now. I am sure you remember that whole escapade with that massive hurricane of darkness that nearly engulfed the Mushroom Kingdom, for that was my doing.” There was a chuckle from the dark koopa king as he picked up a Goomba that wandered close to his feet and flung it at the wall. “I have two things I dislike: one being a minor dislike for Bowser for destroying me, two being a deep hatred for those annoying plumbers. I was hoping that I could fight the first in a battle, but it looks like that is not going to happen.”
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Roy was left to watch over the castle in everyone's absence. He was leaning against one of the statues in the entryway, watching over the Goombas and Koopas. It was a boring job, really, keeping watch over all of the troops and making sure none of them were screwing up anything. As he heard the doors swing open, he immediately stood up straight. Just who was this guy, and why does he look like Bowser? He wouldn't ready his wand just yet, he didn't really want to pick a fight with anyone that resembled his father.
“I'm da leader of the Koopalings, Master Bowser's elite soldiers. He's not present right now. Who're you?” It's not coming off as hostile, as much as the words could be misportrayed as much, but more of just curious about the resemblance to the King of the Koopas.
Ludwig couldn't fight him on the leadership title since he wasn't here.
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The Koopa King’s Castle… how much it resembled the tyrannical turtle showed now obsessed with himself Bowser was with himself. At least Dark Bowser didn’t get his personality when he copied his DNA. A sigh came from the dark doppelganger as he entered the building, knocking the little guards that got in his way aside. “Is anyone here or is it just full of idiotic troops?”
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“Oh course, little brother. What kind of guy would I be if I didn't check on you now and then?” Roy looked around the fortress, giving a contemplative hum. True, he did mess with his siblings a lot, but he was the only one allowed to (with the exception of Ludwig and sometimes Morton), and hated it when Mario and his dumb brother gave them a beating. ”I gotta admit, you did a good job with the place. Those plumbers will be toast if they make it here.”
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Oh no, it’s Roy. Iggy knew that the day that when Roy comes around, he gets picked on. The brute of the group has had a history of going after not just him, but Lemmy, Larry, Bowser Jr. and others.
“ Ah hey there Roy. Nice of you to drop by the Castle on a nice day like this. ” he replied nervously as he grasped his claws together, anticipating on what’s going to happen to him, for better or worse.
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