ofmutants · 3 years
M: When’s the last time they talked to their mom?
Their relationship has been more than a little strained since he moved away for university and he rarely calls except for a brief conversation on ‘special’ occasions. When he does call he always makes sure he has an out at least half an hour later, so the conversation doesn’t drag on long enough to get into anything past surface level. A part of him is saddened by the distance between them but he finds it hard not to resent her for the way that she took their father’s side of the divide that grew each year of his childhood. She should have been someone who understood what it was like to be a mutant and he still feels as though there was a solution to the tensions in their household than to simply side with his father and neglect himself and Joalin. It feels like there’s too much bitterness there for him to ever move past - not that he particularly wants to when he feels as though she’s already missed so much of his life and he’s done just fine without her. Now it feels as though he’s had his last phonecall with her, their relationship not worth risking the safety of the group for just to make strained contact.
A: Who are their exes? Do they still keep in touch?
He has more than a handful of casual exes - people that were more than just a hook up but never quite official enough to be his significant other - back home. Avi is his only official relationship to date but he’s a sociable person and all the relationships ended amicably on his end so if he wasn’t in hiding he’d still be in touch with all of them. Matty values human connection no matter the form so for him he’d keep as many people in his life as possible, whatever form that dynamic might take. 
T: How quick are they to cry?
Pretty quick. He’s an emotional person and has always worn his heart on his sleeve, finding no reason to not be honest about his feelings. Tears of joy are just as likely to happen as tears of sorrow and even if he is feeling sad, it’s never something that lasts a long time when he’s so easily pulled back towards lightness.
T: How quick are they to cry?
Answered above
E: Are they the happiest they’ve ever been?  
In some ways yes. He’s happy to be reunited with Joalin again and to be able to spend more time with her and in some ways he doesn’t miss the mundane stresses of university and the life he used to live. There’s also Avi that is making the whole situation far more bearable than he ever thought that it could be. He’s enjoyed getting to know the rest of the group too and loves hearing about all their lives and the things they’ve seen and done. So with regards to his personal life he’d be inclined to say that he’s never had it so good. But he misses part of his life from Paris and above all the freedom of being out in the world. So generally he’s very content but there’ll always be a part of him that longs for those times back.
U: Would they rather be single or in a relationship?
Definitely in a relationship. He’s always been an affection person with endless love to give and now that he’s met Avi he wouldn’t want to be without him. He knows that he’s whole all by himself but that he feels even more complete with Avi - as though he finally has everything he’s ever needed. There’s nothing lacking in his life now and he knows that he’d feel Avi’s absence for the rest of his life if they were ever to part ways. 
S: How do they tell someone they’re sorry?
Profusely and usually spends the rest of the day trying to make it up to them. The thought of upsetting someone, however unintentional, upsets him and with them all living in such close proximity he’s always quick to try to make amends. There have been occasions where his gestures have been a little grander than the slight he made, in his keenness to smooth things over. 
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ofmutants · 3 years
He’d always been an early riser, someone determined to make the most of his day before the majority of the rest of the world had even opened their eyes. Maybe it was the competitiveness in him - that part of him that relished in being able to point out how much he’d accomplished before they’d even had their breakfast. But he knew that there was another side to it too. That he had always worked far better on his own than with a team. Struggling to be anything other than self sufficient despite having a vague amount of trust in the people he’d fallen in with. But he was solitary by nature and it seemed to fight against the tenuous dynamic that they’d all created so the quiet of the mornings let him have that isolation without leaving behind any traces of guilt.
Hearing footsteps he didn’t look up, figuring it’d be one of their two fearless leaders, both of whom knew to just speak up if they wanted something. But instead there was just silence and so he pulled his eyes away from the screen with an impatient sigh. “Joalin.” It was late by his own standards but he’d learnt that the blonde was hardly an early riser and so he couldn’t help but jibe a little at her. The curious raise of his brow the only thing that suggested that there might be a trace of humour in his question. “Bit early for you, isn’t it?” Tone was neutral until his next words, the slightest hints of sarcastic dryness adding a tinge to his near flawless English. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
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ofmutants · 3 years
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Zeeko Zaki as Omar Adom “OA” Zidan
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ofmutants · 3 years
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KiKi Layne and the Native Son cast at Sundance
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ofmutants · 3 years
A small sense of satisfaction came over him as he took in the lone orchid tucked away among all the other plants he’d collected that had just begun to flower. He was rarely one for bragging, instead endlessly modest despite what his gift could accomplish but this he was proud of. Maybe just because the German had told him flatly that there was no way that he’d be able get it to flower in these conditions. Or maybe it was just because he was pleased to be reminded that his gift could still be used for something beautiful instead of just destruction. He’d taken to spending most of hours encouraging various plants to grow in the little corner he’d commandeered but most of them were for practical purposes. He felt most at home there.
It wasn’t because he had any dislike for any of his newfound housemates, in fact for the most part he had settled in to his new life with a new group of people reasonably well. Even if they hadn’t all been welcoming they were still a vast improvement from where he had spent the last few years of his life and it was hard not be be grateful for that in spite of the odd frosty welcome that they’d received. Although in truth as nice as it was to generally be included and partake in the discussions that happened over dinner, he knew that he’d have been more than happy to just have Zsofia with him. With her by his side he’d be able to feel at ease anywhere. They were rarely apart except for the times he lost himself among his plants but even then it wasn’t usually long before he shared it with her. 
This time was no exception either and as soon as he’d spotted the blooms he’d set out darting around the lodge in search of Zsofia, eventually finding her in their room. “Родная” Hand was held out for her to take, switching back into English when he figured that they could both use the practise when it seemed to be the most common tongue between them all. ( and there was a smaller part of him that realised that always speaking Russian left others in the dark about their conversations and he wanted to foster a sense of trust between them and the group) Excitement was clear on his features as he spoke, almost childlike with his keenness to show her his achievement. “Come, I want you to see this.”  
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ofmutants · 3 years
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ofmutants · 3 years
WIFE for selin
W: Would they be starstruck if they met a celebrity?
Not hugely. She’s rubbed shoulders with enough of the rich and famous that she knows how to handle herself. Even if it was someone she admired or was a fan of ( not that there’s all that many when she’s too jaded from seeing what it’s like behind the curtain to idolise anyone ) she’d be able to keep herself composed. Even if it was someone she admired, it’s second nature to her now to have up a façade and with her gift it’s relatively easy for her to get through any exchange with them having a favourable opinion of her. 
I: In general, are they organized or messy?
answered here
F: Have they ever had a one night stand?
Before she was married she wasn’t shy about sex, just a little discrete with it. Mostly she tended to sleep with people she knew weren’t going to broadcast it to her social circles - her mother had drilled it into her that no man wanted a wife who’d been around. She has a couple of one night stands under her belt from her early twenties but other than that it tended to be her regular hook ups or friends with benefits.
E: Are they the happiest they’ve ever been?  
answered here
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ofmutants · 3 years
Huff of frustration slipped from her lips into the quiet hush that had fallen over their most recent hiding place. It was enough to break her focus and force herself to take a moment to stretch out muscles that had been kept tense and still for what was likely hours. She’d lost track of time and idyll wonders what time it is. Late, she supposed, if the way that the noise from the kitchen had slowly faded away into silence. She’d slipped away soon after dinner, only allowing herself half a hour or so of time to socialise with the group that she had grown to care for so much. Initially it had been nothing but a misguided sense of responsibility. Just her training kicking in and allowing her to take charge with a cool effectiveness. 
But now she knew them all better ( maybe a little too intimately at times ) her devotion to them all had only grown and with it her desire to protect them. They weren’t just her fellow mutants who needed a defender, they were now her friends. If she was being honest with herself, and she generally tried to be, they were maybe the closest thing to a functioning family, even if they could be more than a little dysfunctional. 
It was her need to keep them all safe that had her pouring over the information that Seth had gathered earlier, trying to figure out the various codes and ciphers so they could stay one step ahead of the organisations that would hunt them. But she’d only managed to crack half of the codes, the rest eluding her and so she scowled at the jumble of letters and numbers, glare remaining on her features as she glanced up at the sound of footsteps. Part of it was purely coincidental but another part of her hoped to ward anyone off who might want a midnight heart to heart. She never had liked her work being interrupted.
As soon as her gaze landed on the figure in the doorway though her whole expression softened. “Sorry.” The flicker of an almost sheepish smile ghosts over her lips. “I should have known it would be you.” There’s a soft fondness to her tone, all that she allowed herself before she sighs and tilts her head from side to side to get the twinge out of it. “Just trying to figure out where we should go to next.” There’s a vague gesture made to the pile of maps she has spread over the table in front of her. She doesn’t ask for his opinion but only because she knows that she doesn’t have to, the pair of them had long since fallen into an easy tandem with both seemingly able to wordlessly sense what the other one needed.
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ofmutants · 3 years
@ofmutants​ for: avi + matteus
Avi, had somehow, miraculously, been able to keep his mouth closed.  He was not a man who could keep secrets, and whenever he was tasked with planning a surprise or hell, even getting a gift for someone, he almost always got too excited about it and spilled the theoretical beans beforehand.  But not this year, this year he resisted.  Matty had gone out of his way to make Avi’s Chanukah as normal as it could be, despite their current living situation.  With the need to be able to leave on the drop of a hat, they didn’t really keep anything around that was non-essential to day to day living.  But somehow, without Avi knowing, Matty had made sure all Chanukah were present and accounted for.  Menorah, candles, oil, and somehow had even managed to get his hands on some ingredients for classic dishes that Avi barely remembered telling him he enjoyed.  It was a celebration of minimality, especially with Avi and Uri being the only ones who celebrated, but Matty had still taken the time to make sure Avi got to celebrate it right, which may or may not have made him tear up a bit.
So Avi was determined to return the favor.  He knew of Matty and his sister’s complicated feelings around the holiday, and knew his boyfriend leaned away from the religious part of it, so he figured they could lean in to the other side of it: the celebrations, the decorations, the idea of being together with those that you love.  It took some hush-hush planning, a little research, and a whole lot of convincing Xio and Naz that it’d be perfectly safe, but finally the night was upon them.  
“Babe, can you come here a second?” Avi called to his partner from a room away, a grin lit up his face as he stood next to Kateri, and waited for him to arrive.
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Adjusting to his new way of life hadn’t been as difficult as he might have first imagined but he knew that a large part of that came down to having Avi right there with him to help level out all the ups and downs. It was impossible for him to feel unhappy or uneasy with his boyfriend around and as guilty as he still felt sometimes for dragging him into this life on the run, he was honest enough with himself to know that he couldn’t have done it without him. Matty had always considered himself a selfless person - always putting others above himself in a way that came so naturally to him that he barely noticed - but he couldn’t help but think that even if he was given a chance to do it over again he wouldn’t change all that much. If anything it’d be the one time he’d be selfish, unable to give up having Avi by his side despite knowing the danger it placed him in. 
He’d always been one to go the extra mile for both those he loved and any form of holidays or celebrations but this year he had tried even harder than usual to bring some normality to their lives. Perhaps because of all that guilt he felt, a way to silently make it up to the man he loved for dragging him into a mess that wasn’t his to attempt to clean up. Or perhaps he just wanted to show his love in the best way he knew how, through as many gestures as possible. He’d been contemplating organising something for the two of them for Christmas or perhaps even New Year, given how well his Chanukah plans had been pulled off. But before he can make any decisions Avi’s voice meets his years and he’s wasting no time in making his way into the other room.
One glimpse at Kateri and he knew that something was going on, grin spreading even wider across his features. His smile was bright as his head shook fondly. Even though he knew that Avi was capable of pulling off the amazing, he never ceased to surprise him. “What have you been up to, Aarre?” The words are tinged with fond amusement before he pressed a kiss against his boyfriend’s lips, a brief gesture of gratitude and love. “Do I get to know where we’re going or do I have to wait an extra few moments?”
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ofmutants · 3 years
S: How do they tell someone they’re sorry?
With her power it’s relatively easy for her to know whether or not her initial apology has been well received or if she needs to try a bit harder. She’s usually pretty sincere in her apologies, if only because she hates the feeling that comes with knowing someone’s bond with her is damaged and so she’s generally thorough in her apologies.
E: Are they the happiest they’ve ever been?  
Definitely not. She can’t help but feel as though she’s lost everything that she’s spent her whole life making sacrifices for. All those times that she didn’t say what she wanted or act on what she felt now seem to have meant nothing and she’s just left with a mess of regret and bitterness about the life that she used to lead. 
L: How often do they post on their social media accounts?
Before it all she had a pretty active instagram profile and a small twitter presence. Nothing too flashy but just enough that she played the part of the perfect doting wife and that her life with her husband seemed idyllic. Most of the time it was used for publicising appearances from him or highlighting issues that he was backing, rather than anything too personal or even what reflected her own beliefs.
I: In general, are they organized or messy?
Organised but more through forced habit that a natural ability. More creatively minded than logically minded she’s had to chose pragmatism time and time again and her mother drilled into her the importance of keeping things pristine. When it came to her marriage again she knew that being organised was the only way to keep up with her husband’s hectic schedule so for her own sanity she made sure that everything was in order so she could be one step ahead of the game.
N: Are they clumsy and/or prone to accidents?
As a child she was always chasing after her elder brother, leading to various scrapes and tumbles along the way. She still has an odd assortment of numerous little scars over her arms and legs to prove it. But growing up in the family that she did there was no way that her mother would allow such things to continue. She was thrown into dance classes where gracefulness was forced upon her and it’s something that’s stuck with her even now. When she’s tired or her guard is down she can be a little bit more clumsy but generally she’s far too polished for little slips or trips or bangs.
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ofmutants · 3 years
Adria Arjona in Monsterland
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ofmutants · 3 years
lyn hernandez vida starz
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ofmutants · 4 years
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Aldis Hodge in The Invisible Man (2020)
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ofmutants · 4 years
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ofmutants · 4 years
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I am sorry. For a long time, I was trying to save you. I thought if I did, somehow, that would make up for the things I’ve done. You never asked to be saved. You cannot absolve my sins. No one can. I know this now.
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