ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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“please tell me you know a good bar, or club, or whatever around these parts. i’ve been dying for a good drink.”
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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“i suppose there shouldn’t be too much left in the nine realms to surprise me these days. so, are you going to let me in on how all of this happened?? i’m sure it’s quite the lovely little story.”
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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   “do i think you’re pretty??”” they echoed, expression shifting to one of curiosity as a hand raised to tap a black tipped finger against their chin. “a rather random question to ask. if you want my honest response, i do. you’re absolutely gorgeous, my sweet. but i’m sure you’re already fully aware.” // @lttlepeanut
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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   finger presses down onto a piece of paper, sliding it her way with an amused glint gleaming in emerald hues. “you see, i have a bit of a need for your special set of skills, shall we say.” the paper in question is an invitation to a higher end function that was happening soon -- a party loki had quickly discovered rich people in this realm enjoyed to throw in order to show off their wealth and play at charity. always amusing, really. “there’s this priceless asgardian heirloom i’ve been meaning to get my hands on, which means i need to steal it before anyone manages to get their grubby mortal paws on it in this auction they’re hosting. while i can shift my form into someone who won’t be recognized for the event, i need someone to help with the image. that’s where you come in, my dear. i need a bodyguard for the night.” 
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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         they  knew  her  too  damn  well  ,   which  could  be  a  con  to  some  people  ,   but  cassie  considers  it  a  pro !  hello !  people  knowing  her  taco  orders  was  a  perk  ,   and  cassie  had  a  feeling  that  loki  definitely  knew  her  taco  order  .   and  starbucks  order  .   and  sushi  order  .   and  korean  food  order  when  they  order  from  that  mom  and  pop  shop  on  5th  avenue  that  didn't  have  an  actual  name  .    “  ego  shmeego  - ”   mostly  says  that  just  to  annoy  them  ,   and  gets  up  when  he  does  ,  they  making  their  way  over  to  where  she  and  gwen  stashed  the  weed  .   she'll  begin  working  on  rolling  a  blunt  ,  grins  when  she  sees  them  with  the  cups  .    “  pour  me  the  biggest  cup  you  can  manage  .  ”   what  absolute  menaces !
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    expression twists up at that, good naturedly, of course given loki knows full well whenever cassie is messing with him. they’d spent enough time around one another at this point to know when the other was joking, teasing, or being serious. which was, honestly, nice to have in a group of friends loki actually really did care for. even if quite a few mistakes had been made in the past. mistakes he really was trying to fix these days. shaking the cups before setting them down on a more solid surface, he shoots her a wink, popping open the bottle. “my darling, you have been warned my pours are dangerous.” and if he pours her cup up nearly to the very tippy top, well, cassie had asked for it. he was just obliging her wishes. even as he did the same with his own cup. 
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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The nice thing about a city as large as New York is that people rarely pay attention to others around them. Meaning he can take the time like this, to sit amongst the hustle and bustle, and just… watch.
They’re so resilient, these Midgardians. Time, and time again, have their lives been thrown to chaos… and they survive regardless. They thrive. He is proud to have favored them from the start.
And of course, there are those he called friends… ones he hesitates to see, even now. Grip tight on the ‘umbrella’ in his hand, more than anything, he misses them.
…What would he even say? If he were faced with them? Thor doesn’t know. So much has happened… and yet he feels both changed and exactly the same.
Too caught in his own thoughts, he is unaware, when someone takes the time to look, and recognize him through his simple disguise.
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“you know, the whole disguise thing would work a whole lot better if it weren’t so.. simple.” hand gestures to the entirety of his brother, distaste clear on the god’s features. no, not everyone could simply shapeshift to go covertly undercover when necessary, but really was it so difficult to at least make some sort of half-assed attempt here?? 
loki does, however, somber up after the initial statement, head tilting to the side just so, soft smile directed towards thor. given that they hadn’t seen each other since, well, his death, he hardly wanted to destroy the mood completely. “miss me, brother??” though, holding up a hand before anything else can be said, the god continues on. “before you say something about grieving me again when i didn’t really die, i did die. or, rather, the me that you knew did die.” which was mildly complicated. “i’m not exactly the loki you knew, but i am still loki. a loki. after my death, i was reborn as... this new version. it’s complicated for your mind, i’m sure. all you need to know is it is me. just different.” 
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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         eyes  will  narrow  only  slightly  ,    because  wasn't  this  person  in  the  avengers ?  or  at  least  related  to  one  somehow ?  she  was  curious  .    “  either  way  ,   the  avengers  hold  a  powerful  mantle  .   people  are  inclined  to  trust  them  ;   now  if  only  they  would  trust  them  about  me  .  ”   it's  weird  ,   being  one  of  the  most  powerful  people  in  the  world  and  yet ?  all  she  wanted  was  two  very  normal  things  .    “  …  what  do  you  mean  ,   alter  the  fabric  of  reality ?  and  who  are  you  ,   again ?  ”
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“eh, people will trust anything that saves their lives even if property damage and anything else of that sort comes with it. rather boring if you were to ask me. waving a hand, loki was all too quick to brush off that first question, expression coming across between a mixture of hurt and offense as a black painted finger pointed to the horns. shorter than they’d been, yes, but come on. “i’d think these gave me away every single time. loki laufeyson, if you really must know. goddess of stories, mistress of strategies -- the list goes on.” 
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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#my last two brain cells 
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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Loki 'what is gender' Laufeyson
The genderfluid icon we deserve
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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“Sif. Please, please. No more. Please, I beg you. I’m a horrible person. I get it. I really am.”
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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          IF  SOMEONE  WERE  TO  tell  kate  that  they  would  end  up  befriending  a  different  version  loki  than  the  one  who  attacked  new  york  in  2012  ,  they  wouldn’t  believe  it  .  but  here  she  is  .  she’s  seen  crazier  and  done  crazier  .  “  yeah  well  ,  new  yorkers  LOVE  this  city  so  anything  that  threatens  it  can  and  will  result  in  a  very  long-standing  grudge  ,  ”  she  laughs  along  with  them  .  they  let  out  a  light  sigh  ,  fondly  shaking  her  head  at  loki  .  “  just  because  you’re  the  god  of  mischief  doesn’t  exactly  equate  to  lies  and  evil  but  people  also  suck  so  here  we  are  ,  y’know  ?  but  yeah  it  could  be  the  horns  .  it’s  probably  the  horns  .  a  little  too  ‘  i  wanna  be  king  ’  vibes  .  ”
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that just earned a long, drawn out groan from the god, dramatics at an all time high as he laid his head down onto the table. anything to get away from that woman’s glare for just a few seconds at this point lest he end up cursing her out of spite. “and i thought that i held grudges,” he grumbled out. “people tend to think what they will, craft stories and beliefs into whatever will work for them. even now as the god of stories people still assume i’m... something else. someone else. i’ve gotten over it.” mostly. glancing up, loki situated his horns once more. “hey now -- they’re very well regarded with the people of asgard. someone needed to have a better statement to make. besides, your thing is purple !! was that a choice or is your favorite color just purple??”
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
Tinya was a little exasperated, but not distracted enough to let the stranger’s use of magic slip past their eye. It was a bit exciting actually-  this was a new power they hadn’t seen before! And clearly very helpful, “Well, aren’t you just what I needed?” They joked, taking the glue gun from his hand, “I’ve been trying to dress a little bit more aligned with the human population,” Tinya figured it wasn’t that weird to talk about, assuming he was also a part of some superhero guild that could be trusted. After the big blip and all this portal business, very little could be surprising, “But their textiles and construction are rather primitive. I just have to get used to it for a little bit, then I’ll be fine!”
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“i do tend to be what everyone needs,” he teased right back, glad to have been of some sort of help. magic always did come in handy even with the tiniest of things. their words did capture loki’s attention, however, more than a little curious as to what they may be. not that it was remotely unusual, he was jotunn and hailed from asgard. these sorts of things weren’t remotely surprising. “no, no i absolutely agree with that one. midgardians do tend to have some of the most tragic taste around, and never really seem to appreciate true fashion or craftsmanship. one of the many things i’ve never gotten used to. where are you from??”
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
/ @ofmischiefhearted​ .
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     half  a  pitcher  of  water  is  gulped  down  almost  as  quickly  as  teddy  had  received  it  .  he  had  just  come  from  a  run  ,  hair  and  forehead  dripping  with  sweat  .  he  turns  around  to  finally  take  the  pitcher  back  to  his  table  although  he’s  met  face  to  face  with  a  familiar  face  .  “  loki  ?!  “  teddy  questions  ,  brows  furrowed  before  blush  creeps  onto  features  .  “  you  totally  saw  me  down  that  water  ,  didn’t  you  ??  “
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“what, you mean the half pitcher you just downed in one gulp there?? no, i didn’t see a single thing. and i’m certainly not looking on in judgement whatsoever.” there’s a teasing wink as loki gives teddy a slow, teasing grin, taking a step back to give them a bit of space. “i was just about to get my food, but clearly you could use the company if your table manners are already so poor. i’m joining you. no ifs, ands, or buts. you can tell me all about why you’re so sweaty and thirsty.” 
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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he laughs at that, shaking his head. over the past couple of weeks he had seen some shit he’d never thought he’d see, thinking that maybe he was the only real weirdo here. but he supposes he shouldn’t be so surprised. he did, in fact, like most people, watch the world fall apart and then come back in a span of five years. now there were other people joining the game which was something he still couldn’t wrap his mind around. it was too much for him but he knew that eventually he’d have to investigate it. “no, i wasn’t.” we weren’t, venom adds and he plays it off. creature? is she talking about you? eddie rolls his eyes at venom, shaking his head. “technically venom is a symbiote. i just tend to call him an alien.”
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“oh, i see. one of those. i’ve heard a few stories over the years, though i’ve never personally been able to see one up close and personal.” which, frankly, had always been a bit of a disappointment. loki tended to be a rather curious individual, which often tended to amount into some sort of trouble every so often. not that she would ever admit to such a thing. that curiosity was piqued at this point in time, footsteps carrying her closer towards the two. "clearly you two are bonded for obvious reasons if you’ve managed to survive it. i’ve heard the stories enough to know not everyone can. do you two tend to bicker frequently like this?? i can’t be the first one to stumble into it. not that i’m complaining, you two are fun.”
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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“loki,” he says, looking at the other with a raised eyebrow. “it’s been a while since i’ve seen you last. what kind of mischief have you been getting yourself into lately?”
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“me??  getting into mischief?? my, barton, i think you may have the wrong person. i’m as innocent as a debutante lady.” hand comes up under his chin, eyes batting for good measure to really sell it. “see, picture of innocence right here. aren’t i darling??”
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
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          𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑   𝐅𝐎𝐑   .   .   .    @ofmischiefhearted​     /      ❛❛    hey   !   how   about   we   switch   headbands   ?   i’m   diggin’   the   horns.   ❜❜   
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   “oh?? i do have to say, your taste in tiaras is rather lovely.” delicate fingers reach up to pull of the horns that typically adjourned their head, offering them up with a grin. “fit for a god.” 
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ofmischiefhearted · 2 years
@ofmischiefhearted​     +     closed starter  !
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“  yeah  ,  okay  —  i threw you out of the bifrost  ,  but you threw a knife at me first  ,  ”  hela says  ,  “  so you can’t really blame that one on me  .  ”  after a moment of consideration  ,  she adds  :  “  actually  ,  really it was all odin’s fault as usual  —  if he hadn’t tried to replace me  ,  none of that would have even happened  .  ”
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“right, right easy to blame the old man when he’s off dead and having a grand old time in valhalla.” though -- it was odin’s fault. much as most things were that went wrong whenever it came to this family. “listen, i think we both get the whole being replaced thing by a dad that never really cared about us. daddy issues, am i right??”
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