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if you keep taking out of your kid's time with 9999 activities and drag him with you to cafes and restaurants... idk how to tell you, but that child is definitely tired and in no mood for school! i can't focus after 6h of lessons + 3-6 of other activities either! why so many expectations from a kid?
go for less activities! he won't be a professional football player! no need to take him to football 6 days/week! he can play with friends!
does alessia REALLY have to learn how to play the piano, guitar, violin, harp and the flute? isn't one or maybe two instruments just fine?
do these kids have to go to school, go to an extra lesson (usually 2h long), go play football/volleyball, then go play an instrument, then go out with their parents and their parents' friends for a 5 hour drink?
people really blame teachers for the existence of the demonic meditatii, buuuut does your 3 year old REALLY need meditatii la engleza, oana? does your third grader REALLY need meditatii la romana, alina?
my family literally forces down my throat all sort of meditatii with their kids, but let's be honest! your child doesn't really need to know how to use past simple vs present perfect when he's just 7 and barely speaks his mother tongue! just take a bit of time to explain to your kid why "a fi" is different than other verbs! don't just throw yourself at holy demonic meditatii only to complain later online
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people really blame teachers for the existence of the demonic meditatii, buuuut does your 3 year old REALLY need meditatii la engleza, oana? does your third grader REALLY need meditatii la romana, alina?
my family literally forces down my throat all sort of meditatii with their kids, but let's be honest! your child doesn't really need to know how to use past simple vs present perfect when he's just 7 and barely speaks his mother tongue! just take a bit of time to explain to your kid why "a fi" is different than other verbs! don't just throw yourself at holy demonic meditatii only to complain later online
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I have a new pupil and she was enrolled while I was on a short medical leave, so I haven't had the chance to pay attention to her file and stuff. But this week she told me stuff about her mom and when her dad came to pick her up, I wished him and his wife a lovely holiday. The man stared at me and then told me that he is a single dad... his wife died 5 years ago and the kid didn't want me to know that she is an orphan. I felt like biggest idiot and I just wanted to disappear 😭
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Who wants some bleach?
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am I the only one who doesn't find the simplicity of country life something shameful?
there are sad and frustrating aspects, but being a "peasant" and living in the country side is not something shameful for this nation
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happened to stumble upon a sociopath who thinks she invented ecology and neo-feminism and i need to vent a bit
coming from someone (yeah same old story) who had struggled with infertility for years and who is very set on adopting and has been since I was a teenager: someone being a horrible parent and birthing an army of children just to use them for financial benefits (children for whom others fought to keep them afloat and to be taken away by the system) doesn't have to automatically deny someone else's reproductive rights
"why pay money and struggle so much to have a biological baby when there are so many children in the system?"
"it's selfish to go through 4 years (or more) of treatments with 0 painful results when you could have used that money to adopt a child"
that's not your fking problem!
marilu started this journey when she was 21-22 and the process of adopting a child is a nightmare here (tho I've heard that it got a bit better I the past years? Not 100% sure) and maybe her financial status would have helped, but the work/travelling thing and marital status... not much (again maybe things have changed but I do know someone who died of breast cancer before the adoption was finalised and her husband was no longer allowed to get the child)
an example: 2 girls (the eldest between 9-12 and the youngest 7-8) from my school were finally taken by a foster family from their mom because they were forced to beg and steal, they were malnourished, abused and the eldest had just been sold to a 28 year old man as a "wife" and all the efforts from the school regarding their protection and well-being were in vain (the clothes were destroyed by their mom because she needed them to look raggedy for begging, the house gifted by the mayor with furniture from the parents of classmates and everything else paid by the townhall was destroyed and turned into a brothel, etc)
anyway long story short - the woman had over 10 kids in total and she did this to ALL of them until they were old enough to say that they want to be taken away (only one baby was taken with the other siblings and I've met her before meeting the youngest siblings and mother and she's doing amazing - now she's about 16)
not once did anyone dare to disrespect or deny her reproductive rights and TRUST ME she is a vile woman and this goes far behind any trauma or upbringing
she was suggested means to stop making babies she despises and uses anyway but she denied and no one dared to force her to have her tubes tied or anything else
ALSO she has close family who are middle class and had kids in the same class as her kids (some even keep in contact with the 16 year old girl) and they didn't do anything for her or her children (technically, they have the money and everything to take in the girls but they refused because they were not their concern)
this fine apparently
but a 21 year old girl struggling with fertility issues for 4 years and deciding at 25 to give up for her own physical and mental wellbeing is a monstrosity
middle aged sabrina (the embodiment of uwu feminist uwu on threads who hates kids and doesn't want to adopt anyway) can judge and laugh at a young woman and call her one of the reasons why orphans become "delinquents" (thanks for assuming that orphans become delinquents by default)
fk this shit
you can judge marilu for being out of touch with reality or selfish or bratty or whatever
but her body and women's bodies in general are none of your business even if you are a woman yourself
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Tinerii, tot mai puțin interesați de alcool
tbh de cand nu am mai pus alcool in gura, nu pot sa zic ca ii duc lipsa
am ajuns la varsta la care chiar as prefera un suculet sau un milkshake cute
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Unpopular opinion but videos of people eating are disgusting. I want to see the recipe and the steps, not you slurping and getting sauce all over your face.
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Remember my cousin with the invented English numbers? Here he is again.
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profa de engleza: 😒😒😒😒 am facut animalele de companie, de ferma si salbatice ca asa figureaza in planificarea anuala si mama lui m-a innebunit cu mesaje ca de ce nu fac cu ei propozitii
eu, fosta invatatoare a surorii mai mari: ma-sa e nebuna
fosta invatatoare a fratelui mai mare: tot neamul e nebun
cealalta profa de engleza: pe mine m-a reclamat tocmai fiindca i-am dat surorii sa scrie "my name is..." in clasa 1
directoarea: cred ca ma reclama familia aia si cand respir... de aia a si plecat vechiul director
directoare adjuncta: fac atatea plangeri la inspectorat incat nu mai le raspunde nimeni si au incercat sa ajunga la minister
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I am on the bus, because no parking spots and also not paying 50 lei for 3 km sorry, and I don't think people realise how creepy they are when filming random people they don't know just to post stupid shit online. The stalking level promoted by social media is insane.
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In the year of our lord 2024
that the only reason i was maaadly in love with bill kaulitz it was because i was a tiny queer girl in the closet
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SOMEHOW tumblr had a huge downfall when it started a ridiculous witch-hunt (censorship based) and many artists lost their platforms and refused to come back
but it's full of male genitalia trending
and the usual prn bots
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