Part 2 of the Mancer Fanfic
Just then, Jonah heard the doors to the church kick open. 6 trained snipers walked in and took aim at everyone in the church. Jonah dove down under the bench just as they started firing tranquilizing darts at people. The woman that was *doing stuff* to Jonah fell into the isle and had her wand taken from her and smashed onto the ground, shattering into shards before disappearing with a poof of green smoke. Jonah crawled his way under the benches to a door on the side of the church. Jonah began to run down a flight of stairs. The stairs seemed to go down and down forever, until he tripped and slammed his head into a wall.
Jonah awoke with a jolt to find himself still in bed at home, and not at the church. Curiously, he found no evidence of any harm on his body, not even a scratch. Jonah decided to go on a walk to try to clear his mind from that bizarre and puzzling dream.  After walking a bit, Jonah looked up to see St. Donald’s church, still there. However this time, Jonah could clearly hear shots being fired, and screams coming from inside. Jonah decided to walk across the street. When he was halfway across, he spotted a soaked poster on the ground for an “annual cheer and paintball activity” going on inside the church. Aha! that was all it had been. A coincidence that his dream had been so similar! “Cheer and paintball sounds fun!”, exclaimed Jonah. Jonah turned around to go back to the church for some paintball fun, when suddenly, out of the blue, a city bus came barreling down the street towards Jonah, slamming into him head on, and instantly shattering every last bone in his body.
Jonah saw nothing but pure pitch black, but heard voices around him. This time, the screams were real, and blood-curdling. 
He wasn’t sure long it had been, but after a long, long time, Jonah was able to see dim light around him somewhere, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Come to think of it, Jonah couldn’t really feel his finger at all. If fact, Jonah couldn’t feel anything other than his head! Jonah’s eyes shot open to reveal that his entire body past his neck was completely gone! Jonah started to panic, and began to hyperventilate. Or at least tried to. He remembered that he had no lungs anymore, and started to calm down. Jonah looked around to see that he was in the trunk of a car. He was then distracted with a thought: if he was still alive after having his body taken away, then he was basically immortal! He could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He wouldn’t have to feel hungry or thirsty! Just as he was having this thought, the trunk popped open to reveal the woman from his dream. This time though, her top hat was 3 times as tall as in the dream, and she was wearing a full purple suit with stars on it. She picked up Jonah and spoke. “Do you know how many tricks I had to do to keep you alive? They were gonna cremate you!” “But it was worth it, you’re going to be my new rabbit. My actual rabbit got stuck in the hat so I had to put it down.”, she said. “ Aww, I’m sorry to hear tha-”, Jonah was cut off by her when she threw down her hat and rolled him in like a bowling ball. “Hey!”, shouted Jonah. She snickered shyly. “This should be fun!”, she whispered into the hat, before winking at Jonah and making him disappear.
To be continued???????????
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If you support mancerphilia/ mancerphiliacs!!!
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Stop hating, you are not very nice. You jesus loving hick. (i don’t have anything against country folk)
My first mancerpliia fanfic hope y’all like it uwi
Jonah was waling down the oad and he saw the saint donalds church. so he went inside and sat down to pray to his idol harry houdini. “DeaR great lord I worship you uwu. Please send me an angel down from heaven.” As soon as he finished his prayer, a busty woman in a black cardigan and a tight skirt and top hat sat down next to him. “Who you praying to, Big Boy?” She asked. “OwO whats this??” She asked as she noticed Jonahs bulge. *Jonah Blushes so hees beet red* “Wa-what n-n-nothing!!” He practicaly shouts. *Woman proceeds to take off her top hat and puul out a wand from her hat and begins running it down Jonah’s abs.* “Hehe you like this, Big Boy??” “W-w-we-weh-wehh-Well…” To be continued
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My first mancerpliia fanfic hope y’all like it uwi
Jonah was waling down the oad and he saw the saint donalds church. so he went inside and sat down to pray to his idol harry houdini. "DeaR great lord I worship you uwu. Please send me an angel down from heaven." As soon as he finished his prayer, a busty woman in a black cardigan and a tight skirt and top hat sat down next to him. "Who you praying to, Big Boy?" She asked. "OwO whats this??" She asked as she noticed Jonahs bulge. *Jonah Blushes so hees beet red* "Wa-what n-n-nothing!!" He practicaly shouts. *Woman proceeds to take off her top hat and puul out a wand from her hat and begins running it down Jonah's abs.* "Hehe you like this, Big Boy??" "W-w-we-weh-wehh-Well..." To be continued
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omg Yeeeeees
If you support mancerphilia/ mancerphiliacs!!!
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This is the official Mancerphilia flag in case anyone was wondering…
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I’m a mancerphiliac! Follow me for more magician loving content.
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