"I will," Akechi assures.
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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"I love you too," Akechi says, kissing him softly.
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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"Ill be fine," Akechi nods, "And... thank you. "
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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"Both..." Akechi nods, "Atleast I think. I guess its more the past bullshit is what caused Loki to form in the first place."
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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"You know why Akira," Akechi frowns.
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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"Its not you," Akechi shakes his head, "Its been... ever since Maruki got his change of heart- I... just," He frowns, folding his arms, "I've been so frustrated and angry and I used to have Shido, or his supporters, or Maruki to take it out on. Now..." He mutters, "Without anything to channel it towards Im hurting people, people I care about. Like you."
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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"I promise," Akechi nods, "Look... I just... you were hurting yourself, I was angry and I took it out on you." He frowns, "Honestly I've been... just-" he sighs, "I've been so fucking angry lately and I-" He blinks before looking to Akira, "I want you to steal my heart."
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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"Maybe I wouldn't have resorted to if you had actually listened. He came talking about how fucking worried he was, I just-" Akechi rubs the bridge of his nose, "Im sorry. Okay, I can't take it back."
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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"He seemed worried about you Akira, and I made sure he really was from that universe," Akechi sighs, "I figured at the very least he'd look out for you while you were there."
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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Akechi opens the door, "Look I... said I'm sorry. I... can't really do much else than avoid you if you're still mad so- why are you here?" He closes his eyes with a frown.
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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'Fine. I'll be there tonight.'
Akira stared at the text for a moment, hesitating before he sent it to Akechi.
'Are you at the apartment?'
Afterwards he texted Keith.
'Can you meet me with Goro later?'
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Akechi is left in stunned silence, "Akira-!" He says before running out after him but it's too late.
Akechi frowns. The masked man had been... strange, and definitely put him off... but at the same time he'd been voicing the same concerns Akechi had had about about Akira. Besides what could someone from another universe even do with the information he'd said...? He waited, reading a book before the door opened. "You were in the other universe again weren't you?"
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"Akira- I-" Akechi's eyes widened before he pauses, taking a breath, "Im... sorry. But I'm being serious here."
Akechi frowns. The masked man had been... strange, and definitely put him off... but at the same time he'd been voicing the same concerns Akechi had had about about Akira. Besides what could someone from another universe even do with the information he'd said...? He waited, reading a book before the door opened. "You were in the other universe again weren't you?"
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Akechi slaps him with a glare, "listen to me for godsake! Don't go there again or I will stop you!"
Akechi frowns. The masked man had been... strange, and definitely put him off... but at the same time he'd been voicing the same concerns Akechi had had about about Akira. Besides what could someone from another universe even do with the information he'd said...? He waited, reading a book before the door opened. "You were in the other universe again weren't you?"
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"Kokichi is capable." He shakes his head, "He'll be fine and he'll have people who can help him. Akira you have people who love you and who want you to take care of yourself." Akechi frowns, "I am trying so hard to help you- but you just..."
Akechi frowns. The masked man had been... strange, and definitely put him off... but at the same time he'd been voicing the same concerns Akechi had had about about Akira. Besides what could someone from another universe even do with the information he'd said...? He waited, reading a book before the door opened. "You were in the other universe again weren't you?"
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"Akira what you need is a rest from this stress!" Akechi folds his arms, sighing as he rubs the bridge of his nose, "Im... I won't have a choice if you won't just- listen to me."
Akechi frowns. The masked man had been... strange, and definitely put him off... but at the same time he'd been voicing the same concerns Akechi had had about about Akira. Besides what could someone from another universe even do with the information he'd said...? He waited, reading a book before the door opened. "You were in the other universe again weren't you?"
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"Akira I'm worried about you, " Akechi stands up, his brow furrowing, "You're not fine. You keep having these nightmares and I- I don't want you to go through that shit. I'll get rid of that portal if I have to, you can't..." Akechi shakes his head, "We've both gone through enough shit for a life time, and you need to admit this is an issue. " Akechi glares.
Akechi frowns. The masked man had been... strange, and definitely put him off... but at the same time he'd been voicing the same concerns Akechi had had about about Akira. Besides what could someone from another universe even do with the information he'd said...? He waited, reading a book before the door opened. "You were in the other universe again weren't you?"
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