ocs-by-kingspade · 5 days
Random MHA Headcanons!
Cause I am having A DAY. So let’s do something to get that dopamine hit!
Satou, while a fabulous baker, is (at best) a mediocre cook. He has a few dished that he can make consistently, but is otherwise a disaster. It’s only after he moves into the 1-A dorms that he begins improving. (Apparently he and Bakugou are trading lessons in cooking and baking, but shhhhh! We don’t mention that Bakugou might need LESSONS!)
Jirou has recordings of her parents heartbeats to listen too, when she feels stressed or has trouble sleeping. She is extremely embarrassed about this.
Hagakure enjoys photography. She’s quite good at it, especially given she’s never had any kind of training or professional equipment. If the hero thing hadn’t worked out, she could have had quite the career as a freelance photographer.
Kouda’s Quirk reacts oddly to people with animal-based Quirks. He cannot control them, like he can regular animals, but he CAN use his Quirk to translate for them if they have non-human vocal chords.
If Sero overuses his Quirk, the skin on his elbows becomes dry, cracked, and peeling. Part of his daily routine is moisturizing his arms.
If Kaminari had better control of his Quirk, he could probably utilize electro-magnetism (please look up hero series Static Shock, I just want my boy to be able to air surf, is that wrong?).
The kids, at first, would often go to Momo for things they needed replaced. Momo had no issues with this, seeing it mostly as practice. However, after she nearly fainted at one point, the class has instituted a payment system. If you want Momo to make you something over a certain size or weight, you need to give payment in food, to help her replenish her fat stores.
Bakugou has a wide range of random skills, that seem very incongruous. Most stem from Bakugou seeing someone do something, deciding “I can do that”, and then throwing himself in whole hog. Some of these random skills include knitting, surfing, lockpicking, candle-making, knife-throwing, and embroidery.
CC!Specific-Himiko enjoys doll customization. She finds it a very soothing process. At home, she didn’t really get the chance to do much with it, but at school, she’s really stretching her creative muscles. She has a few smaller things she’s working on, but her current big project is making a doll for each of her classmates in their hero costumes.
1-A sometimes has trivia nights. After the first night, they banned Midoriya from playing when the subject is Heroes, instead making him the moderator who asked the questions. After the second night, they had to institute a partner who will go through all of Midoriya’s questions, and make sure they can actually be answered.
Aoyama’s family seems to work in food imports, specifically dairy products, like cheese.
There is a cat café near the U.A. campus. Aizawa is largely responsible for why it’s still open.
Mina’s whole family works in chemicals. She has a cousin that does cosmetics, which are some of the only kind Mina can actually use.
Iida used to have braces.
Tsuyu briefly had a tadpole tail as a baby. It vanished by the time she was two.
Uraraka’s Quirk is actually misdiagnosed. It isn’t canceling gravity, it’s gravity manipulation.
Quirk Counselling can be a very lucrative job, but it isn’t particularly well regulated, so just about anyone can do the job. This is particularly problematic, because every child is required by law to see a Quirk Counsellor for a minimum of six months after their Quirk manifests. Several Heroes - including Present Mic, Eraserhead, Ryuku, Nighteye, and The Wild, Wild Pussycats - have been pushing for better laws and policy around Quirk Counselling, but are being hampered by the HPSC.
Both of Ojiro’s father and sister have more pronounced physical mutations, while Ojiro takes more after his mother in looks.
Oh i love all of these and I have som occasional notes(not for each so I’ll just hit them off hand)
Someone find Denki a copy of Static Shock right the hell now so he can try something absolutely stupid(affectionate)!
Momo honey PLEASE learn to say no sometimes!!
Yeah no Katsuki 100% sees something and goes ‘I might one day have to utilize this’ and learns it. But you can tell which ones she actually enjoys and was using ‘I can probably figure out a way to use this for my Hero Career’ as an exxcuse to enjoy things without guilt of not being training 24/7
Himiko absolutely would love doll customization. She used to just watch videos in secret because god forbid her parents got a glimpse of it and saw how horrifically violent it looked out of context.
Izuku honey please not everyone can do your trivia levels. The class thinks that Katsuki will be able to rein Izuku in on Hero Triva but they forget that she’s also a fucking nerd so she barely pulls punches either. Someone else is chosen. 
Ahahaha yeah that Quirk Counselling can certainly be an OOF. I think the Heroes might get some leverage in that department here soon upon finding out that the lack of regulation was just helping AfO find plenty of allies and Nomu fodder.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 5 days
i want more plural/system headcanons that arent just 'this character has did'!! i want fully established systems, i want to hear about their alters, i want ones where one isnt the body n the rest are headmates, i want ones where none of them are the body, i want ones with high amnesia ones with low ones with practically none, i want to see established systems in headcanons n media!!!
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ocs-by-kingspade · 6 days
me explaining that Zenitsu from Demon Slayer isn't just sleeping and that's actually an alter fronting and he has DID:
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(I just can't let go of this headcanon skfdhfhjf)
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ocs-by-kingspade · 6 days
Wright System headcanons
humongous crush on Edgeworth
extremely motivated by romantic thoughts and desires
cries easily
art student
loves modern art
the one who swallowed the glass
quick thinker but not good with consequences
is the one who gelled their hair back so bad the first time
easily distracted-- is the one who switched from art to law to chase Miles
drinking problem
wants to be a musician
poker player
mean internal monologue
the bluffer
thinks Edgeworth's suits are lame
is the one who decided hanging out with Kristoph was a good idea.
is more of a big brother to Trucy than a dad
thinks its funny to bully apollo
originator of the stepladder debate
Mr. Wright
the best actual lawyer
big crush on Mia but never intended to pursue it
clever problem solver
diplomatic, handles most of their interpersonal interactions
handles most of the actual 'dadding' of Trucy
tired all the time, tries to take care of everybody
likes looking good and is the one who added a pocketwatch to their outfit post-reinstatement
wants to be a good mentor for apollo
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ocs-by-kingspade · 6 days
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ocs-by-kingspade · 8 days
if you've never engaged with a creative art on a regular basis you need to understand that it requires concerted effort to get into "the groove" to make something and every second that it takes to get into that groove causes physical pain, but the only thing worse than doing it is not doing it.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
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Dragon species concept art, the ShatterJaw!
A Boulder class dragon with one of if not the strongest set of jaws in dragonkind. Their wingarms have become ground locomotion and their smaller arms are used to manipulate objects. They fly slow but steady.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
No, because imagine waiting years to get the answer to the one, most burning question you have about a franchise.
Your curiosity, growing more and more potent with every new installment, every new development.
So many possibilities, so much potential, the sheer capacity for interesting twists and intricate plot points.
All to be crushed, wasted, with the lamest, truly most moronic answer.
Night Furies were one of the most mysterious parts of HTTYD.
Personally, I was brimming with excitement just thinking of all the endless ways the directors could expand upon this species, its history and its culture.
Naturally, we got nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Like, really? You expect me to believe that Grimmel (actually now? bffr, get this discount-Viggo outta here) cleared the entirety of, arguably, the most elusive, most careful, most intelligent, most powerful species of dragon.
(Which, even if rare, we're looking at at least several hundred dragons.)
Because they can't travel long distances (Who are you talking to right now? 🤨) and because they can't bear the cold (Girl, be so serious 😮‍💨).
Ladies, gents, my non-binary friends; I've heard it all. This is it. It was so ridiculous, so disappointing, so ridiculously disappointing I started laughing.
And maybe fans who've only watched the movies don't get the hysteria, but if I'm anything, it's a RoB, DoB, RTTE truther. And damn, those series are laying it on thick, especially RTTE.
You have the Dragon Eye. Places like Vanaheim. New and fascinating discoveries about dragons left and right.
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I was kicking my feet up and down when I saw this.
We could've done so much more with this, but nope. Of course not.
Fuck, I will die mad at this movie.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
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Concept art of the day! Meet the Grave Singer. They live in the rocky shores that cause a lot of ships to wreck and beach. They tend to nest in the hull of ghost ships and their songs are known across the Archipelago. Legend has it, their cries are those of people lost to sea.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
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Slithering Death; an open HTTYD species on HTTYD Amino that is based on snakes and skinks | Character belongs to noxs-daydream (yours truly) You may not use or repost this artwork; however you may reblog! Reblogs > Likes Cross posted onto Twitter and Toyhouse
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
Twirler Fury
I decided to take the Nico Marlet concept art of the Light Fury and expand it into its own species. This is an open idea so feel free to use it in your own AU.
Physical Appearance
Twirler Furies are smaller and stockier than NFs, with a longer tail. They are mottled grey on top and pale cream underneath. They have lobes like a Scuttleclaw or Zippleback running down the length of their bodies. Their tails have three extra, semicircular fins arranged in a spiral pattern. Their eye colours can be dark green, grey-green, various shades of teal, and grey-blue.
Habitat and Social Behaviour
They live on the coast in temperate to sub-polar regions. Twirlers live in packs consisting of two or three mated pairs and their offspring. To avoid inbreeding, females leave their packs when they reach maturity to find a mate elsewhere.
Diet and Hunting Behaviour
Whilst they do eat fish, Twirler Furies mainly hunt seals and will team up to take down walruses, narwhals and belugas. They are semi-aquatic and prefer to ambush their prey. The name ‘Twirler Fury’ comes from their favourite hunting strategy. Much like a crocodile they can perform a death roll, grabbing their prey and using their extra, spiralling tail-fins to help them spin around.
They also twirl in midair to evade/confuse threats or impress potential mates.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
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oh wow so not Madcom content but httyd content im proud of-
Plus i do want to introduce the species that Phobos is in the HTTYD crossover AU- Yeah homebrew species, they are basecly komodo dragons, rattlesnakes and woodpeckers combined when it comes to their traits and abilities Pure stoker class dragons, one of the slower kinds of dragons and they cant really glide due to the obsidian like covering on their backs, but they do have saliva which has a similar property to radioactive rays and poisoning- they are very distant cousins of the Woolly Howl but dont share the same class or enviroment.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
Color variants of one of my fan species - the Terroxplode!!!
Tbh I know that posting colors instead of an actual introduction to the species isn't the best choice but I couldn't get them out of my mind lately :p
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So a short introduction - Terroxplodes are stoker class dragons that are a little bit bigger than Terrible Terrors. Species of the same color usually live in packs, although there are exeptions where multicolored groups are formed. Why that info you ask? Well they live on dried out trees so when they're sitting on the tree in a group they look like leaves. This is the story behind their colors so next time you adventure, make sure to look out for any peculiar trees!
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
"The Vampiric Bloodletter"
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"Out of all the dragons I've seen and studied, along with the one's I've only heard of in passing conversation, the Bloodletter wasn't one I thought truly existed. Tales of a bright red dragon with ten eyes that drank blood...? Seemed too much like an old story to scare children but it seems this nesting year at the colony has proven me wrong.
I noticed the new egg amongst a clutch of Monstrous Nightmare eggs, an odd oblong shape with a dark red shell amongst the pale orange-pink eggs certainly stood out. Moving the egg wasn't an option so I left it. Come hatching day I kept a close eye on the nest, only to find an entirely unique dragon to hatch with the Monstrous' brood. At first I figured it was a case of hybridism but that theory was dropped quickly, after all just one hybrid offspring in a nest of six didn't make sense. Not to mention the tiny-tooth's features, ten eyes that all were a dark black, unique extra digits that I assume are opposable to a degree and a notable blade on the end of it's tail.
So I can conclude that the Bloodletter is in fact a living and breathing dragon species, a colony or nest parasite from what I can tell but also it's behavior is still unique. From what I have observed the nestling has been acting like a Monstrous Nightmare, mimicking their vocal calls and behaviors which is fascinating. For now I see no need to try and relocate the dragon, nor do I think it's surrogate mother would allow me and I personally would like to keep my good record with her.
This will at least give me time to study it and hopefully pull together some proper information, since I fear the number of these dragons may only be in single digits... I've also noted while looking through some other old local legends that the Bloodletter shares some shocking resemblance to the few descriptions of the Lycanwing... I can't help but wonder if they're connected somehow, but that's research for another time." - Excerpt from "The Nature of Dragons", an extensive series of books and journals by a man named Salamander.
Class: Mystery
Size: 6 to 7 feet tall, with a wingspan of 10-11 feet at Broadwing stage - Titanwings are roughly 12 to 14 feet tall with a 20-22 foot wingspan.
Preferred Food: Dragon blood or incredibly fresh meat along with specifically certain organs of most creatures.
Status: Critical - Maybe only a handful of individuals exist on the surface world, that or they are just really good at staying away from people.
The Vampiric Bloodletter is noted for it's vibrant colors and unique features that assist with defending itself and securing it's specialized diet, due to the low amount of sightings and encounters little is truly known about them by humans. They are parasites in truth, spending a lot of time in flocks or colonies with other species so they can feed easily and also mimicking the dragons around them in terms of mannerisms for survival.
Their numerous eyes negates any blindspot they would normally have, along with this a forked tongue and heat sensing pits along their upper lips makes for the perfect tracking equipment. They have opposable digits on all their limbs that are topped with claws that are much like switchblades, used for further opening the bites they leave on other dragons or for defense - same to be said about the blade on their tail.
It's vibrant coloration is a classic animal warning system of "I'm toxic, stay away!". Seeing as they possess a highly potent venom which actually changes throughout their lives.
Tiny-Tooth to Shortwing: They can use this venom as a projectile to blind much like spitting cobras and generally deter threats to them. It's noted that it also stings if it makes contact with human skin. It has mild anticoagulant properties when administered via a bite along with slight numbing, think vampire bats.
Broadwing: The venom glands develop fully, producing a highly anticoagulant hemotoxin that causes numbing and disorientation even causing dragons to become incredibly drowsy. In humans it causes severe hallucinations, supposedly making one think that they're turning into a dragon.
Titanwing: Not much changes aside from more potency and the ability to even render some dragons unconscious for a certain amount of time after being bitten. Though at this stage they can afflict humans with something much worse, it's unknown how exactly it works but if a human is bitten by a Titanwing Bloodletter there is a chance they will be afflicted with the curse that is becoming a Lycanwing - if they survive the initial bite and the first shift that is...
WOO! Done at last!!
The Vampiric Bloodletter is one of my very few fanmade httyd species and I love how they came out!! Also if you couldn't tell these guys are my explanation for the Lycanwing legend, basically these guys are the ones that turn people to Lycanwings and somewhat go off of the description of the one in the story told by Gobber in RTTE. I have some more notes on them so uh if anyone has questions I will gladly elaborate on my fellas!
Also I will say: Anyone is free to make one of these fellas just please credit me! The lineart of the image is under the cut and can be used as a base.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
I'm constantly trying to make new dragon species but the Night Fury has such an absolutely SHAPES design that all my ideas have the exact same body type
What kind of COCAINE did they put into that dragon's shape language??? It is unnaturally appealing
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
HTTYD: Viking Values
If the Vikings in HTTYD had been depicted as having their own unique, Nordic inspired culture, instead of merely having a pop-culture Viking aesthetic, this is what I imagine they would value, and also how these values/virtues could be twisted into darker vices.
As Hiccup says, these Vikings have stubbornness issues. From this we can infer that they’d value determination, resolve, fortitude etc. They might say “we take what we want”, which could mean anything from fighting for what is theirs (their home, family, honour etc) to being competitive and stubborn, to aggressive raiding and pillaging.
They are obviously a warrior culture, with a strong emphasis on valuing physical strength and prowess. For example, in ‘Thawfest’ the Games can be seen as a way to test and show off strength, endurance, balance, co-ordination and so on. To them, war and fighting is the best way; the only way; to protect what is theirs. The focus on physical strength can be corrupted into toxic masculinity.
Then there’s the values embodied by their gods. Judging by the sculptures and statues on Berk, the Hooligans mainly worship Thor and Tyr. Thor is the Ideal Warrior, embodying the values of loyalty, honour, courage and duty. These are clearly the values that Stoick and Astrid try to live up to. On the other hand, loyalty and duty can become blind obedience, whilst honour and courage can become recklessness and a toxic ‘death before dishonour’ attitude.
Tyr is a god of law and justice. If the Hooligans worship Tyr as one of their patron gods, as it were, this suggests they hold justice in high regard. This could be a reason they accept dragons once the war is over. For centuries they assumed that ‘justice’ would only come after killing as many dragons as possible, only to realise that the Red Death was the true enemy, and justice was served with her death.
As for the other tribes, I think the Outcasts patron god would be Odin, who actually is the patron god of outlaws. He would also be worshipped by the Berserkers, along with Thor. “Those favoured by Odin are distinguished by their intelligence, creativity, and competence in the proverbial ‘war of all against all’. ” (Norse Mythology for Smart People). On the other hand, Odin is also a cunning schemer with little respect for rules, laws or fairness.
Overall I think a HTTYD Viking who lived up to these values would strive to be some combination of determined, strong, loyal, just, honourable, courageous, dutiful, intelligent, creative and competent.
However, they might also stray too close to the vices and be stubborn, competitive, toxic, reckless and/or a schemer.
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ocs-by-kingspade · 12 days
I desperately want to see Hiccup and Astrids relationship portrayed like a real relationship.
These two people have intense personalities and are both leaders by nature, they're going to have moments where they're abrasive to each other- and thats okay!
Give me a story about Astrid defying Hiccups orders (like she's done canonically) and it turning out bad (like it did canonically), but give Hiccup a realistic reaction beyond "Oh yes Im whipped aw shucks"
Make him pull her aside and reprimand her, not like her boyfriend, because boyfriends dont reprimand, but as her Leader (which he IS). She's his soldier and she defied him and things went wrong, thats a huge problem and worth more then an "aw shucks".
Give me a story where Hiccup hasn't been home, let alone been with Astrid, in days. Let Astrid be mad at him for it, let her be hurt by him taking adventuring more seriously then their relationship.
Let them have problems, but most importantly; Let them have it out and TALK it through. Like a real relationship.
It'd make Hiccstrid so much more 3-dimensional.
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