ocreana · 2 years
I've been stalking The Shadow Prophet on Webtoon since the season 1 finale came out. The release of the second season was said to be around January of this year. I was wondering if it's still being worked on or abandoned/put on the back burner for any particular reason. Thanks!
We're still working on it, though a lot more slowly than I had initially projected. We've had a lot of set backs in terms of health and other things going on. We now expect to be back late Q1, but most likely Q2 in 2023 at the latest. Thank you for reaching out and for inbetween updates and art previews you can check out my instagram or creator profile on Webtoons.com. <3
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ocreana · 4 years
Thank you for the review! We really appreciate it! Also, the link in question is posted in the regular comments on the video and here as well: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Q3ALrLdIMz34FdWUIOS3y?si=qeb3Be4PR1aKpqtKURxGwQ 
The Shadow Prophet: A Nice Change Of Pace
Official Synopsis: 
“The Great Prophet Godo has a place for everyone in his perfect society… so long as you aren’t a failure. Itshou is living a diligent and sheltered life when she suddenly finds herself denounced and marked for exile. While her beliefs are shaken to their very core, a chance encounter with a childhood sweetheart derails Itshou’s banishment and puts her on the path to political uprising. Now facing down the same forces she once trusted to protect her, Itshou must untangle the web of lies at the heart of her city and unmask the Shadow Prophet.”
[Before I go further with this review, “The Shadow Prophet” at this point in time is not completed yet, so these points could be subject to change.]
As of now, The Shadow Prophet has 19 Episodes, but Episode 1 was a very strong pilot that demanded my attention. The art and writing both did their parts perfectly, but to understand why I think this way, I will dissect the first few panels of [Episode 1 Godo Says: “A Clean Room Mirrors A Clean Mind”].
The beginning of Episode 1 shows starts with a broadcast of “Godo TV”, and it immediately pulls the reader in everyone’s, but more importantly Itshou’s, day-to-day. 
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The next panel shows our main character Itshou searching through her cluttered room filled with paper cranes trying to search for something important. The messy room likely refers back to the Episode’s Title: “Godo Says: A Clean Room Mirrors A Clean Mind”. 
This is clearly not Itshou’s day: She lost her (whatever it is), she has to get a ride quickly so she won’t be late to her exams and being reminded of her late mother’s death because of rebels on the news.
Surrounded by all this confusion and negativity, she coils lies down in her bed with the many cranes she had made up until that point. It should also be said that on “The Shadow Prophets’ Marissa Delbressine and Anne Delseit LIVE Q&A (Toon Ladies Episode 06)”, Marissa confirms that the cranes Itshou made are used to focus on whatever she has to do, as well as carrying already present symbolism such as Luck, getting a wish granted, and/or even being used for meditative purposes.
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At this point, I have only talked about half of the chapter, and I already cheering for Itshou’s success, and even started to unconsciously project some of her anxieties onto myself.
From Itshou’s dorm, the city, and even the school: Marissa’s ability to draw settings that give off their respective vibes. For instance:
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The Rush Hour of the city looks very cloudy, hidden, and pretty suffocating. Everyone doing their part as to not disappoint their peers nor The Great (yet mysterious) Godo, which you will quickly learn more about as you read. Because as the synopsis states, “The Great Prophet Godo has a place for everyone in his perfect society… so long as you aren’t a failure”. The city’s suffocating environment matches the toxic relationship between the structure of this society and those that have to conform to it.
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These scenes are from Episode 4: “Godo Says: When out of Ground. Learn To Fly.”
And as this scene suggests, The world is moving way too fast for Itshou to mentally comprehend at this moment in time. She can’t move at such a pace as calmly as everyone else around here seems to be. Although Godo Says: “A Productive Day Is A Healthy Day”, as prior events proved, Godo doesn’t acknowledge the imperfections of man in while only appreciating perfection.
This may sound like a digression, but it’s these experiences that will ultimately move the story forward.
Because I want to keep the bare minimum of info so you, a possible reader, can enjoy the story more, I’ll only talk about two characters: Itshou and Ryuichi.
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Itshou’s role as the protagonist is to learn more about the truths of this world and determining the path she wants to go down. As soft-spoken as she appears to be in the initial chapters of the story, it doesn’t mean she isn’t determined or even afraid to go after an answer if need be, which caught me off-guard. She is definitely a character worth following should you consider reading The Shadow Prophet.
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Ryuichi, whether you love or hate him, is a compelling character. Everything he does makes you immediately curious to figure him out because ever since his introduction, we the reader could tell that he isn’t your average joe or even just any government worker. The more I learn about his relationship between him and Itshou, the more confusing his motives seem to be. Moreover, the way he gaslights Itshou makes me see him as the main antagonist (not even regarding what he did on Exam Day, which basically starts the story).
The Shadow Prophet is one of the more unique Webcomics on Webtoons featured collection in terms of art. The only other Featured Webtoon that has put me in awe in terms of art is Space Boy, a webtoon I definitely want to get to Reviewing. I could share more examples of the art, but if what I have shared doesn’t convince you, I don’t think another example could.
The Execution so far has been par for the course, and it helps that Marissa’s personal life had influenced the stories world, and some of its characters, but not in a way that messes with the integrity of the whole plot in a negative way.
Final Thoughts:
I ended up finding this out through the Toon Ladies Interview I referred to earlier when I was talking about Immersion, but apparently, there is a playlist you can listen to when reading The Shadow Prophet which I thought was pretty neat, but the playlist someone was meant to post was not posted, which sucks.
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Follow My Instagram and Twitter to know a bit more about me.
Arrivederci Brothers
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ocreana · 4 years
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Itshou has officially launched on Webtoon as the Shadow Prophet! The ongoing webcomic can be read here. Thanks for all your support through the years!
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ocreana · 5 years
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Making progress on my manga meets graphic novel project ‘Itshou’. For more information and artwork, please check the Itshou facebook page.
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ocreana · 8 years
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Artwork from my new manga-esque graphic novel ‘ITSHOU’. For more information please check the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/225378097618691/
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ocreana · 9 years
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Streets of Europe is a fast paced action series drawn by me and written by Anne Delseit. Several chapters have been published in Dutch and German comic magazines and currently we're on the look out for a publisher for the combined volume.
At the backdrop of a crumbling post-crisis Europe a network of secret EU agents tries to impede the influences of foreign land owners and corporations. Contact between agents is strictly forbidden but an accidental encounter in the ladies toilet rapidly changes the lives of two secret EU agents. Claire's tear filled eyes, pregnancy and death threats quickly make gruff veteran assassin Chris decide for an early retirement by joining her in deserting. Before long the now ex-agents are on the run from their former colleagues across the vastly changing streets of Europe with more than just their own lives at stake, as new life and the future stability of Europe lies in the balance.
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ocreana · 9 years
WARD is a classic franco-belgian styled adventure comic series that centers around the mysterious hero Ward in his efforts to help a family find their way back home after stranding on a strange island during their sailing trip around the world. In the second part they encounter new hostilities and mysteries in an underground city... 
WARD is written by Willem Ritstier and drawn by Marissa Delbressine. Colors are by Shanna Paulissen and as of part 3 by Marvin van der Zwart. This story has previously been published in the Dutch comic magazine Eppo and has been published in album form by Don Lawrence Collection. 
Part 1 and 2 are available through Dutch and Belgian (comic) book stores and webshops. Part 3 is currently being published in Eppo magazine from no 3/2015 to 19/2015.
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ocreana · 11 years
WARD is a classic franco-belgian styled adventure comic series that follows the Kessel family on their sailing trip around the world. After being stranded and separated on a mysterious and hostile island they receive help from a stranger called Ward, who quickly steps forward to take up the role of hero. Will he be in time to change the family's fate on this grim island of shipwrecks? The first part of WARD is out now!
WARD is written by Willem Ritstier and drawn by Marissa Delbressine. Colors are by Shanna Paulissen. This story has previously been pre-published in Dutch comic magazine Eppo and has now been published in album form by Don Lawrence Collection. It's available through Dutch and Belgian (comic) book stores and webshops.
Visit the site of comic magazine Eppo!
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ocreana · 11 years
A short animated trailer I did for the Dutch television show DWDD (De Wereld Draait Door) about the book of the month March: 'Zoon' by Karl Ove Knausgård.
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ocreana · 11 years
Work in progress animation showreel for 2013.
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ocreana · 11 years
‘Spiegelmeisje’ a book by Tanneke Wigersma, one in a series of short animated trailers I made for NTR’s schoolTV newest program JeugdliteratuurNU (youth literature today) to interest kids in reading more books during their first year of high school.
A short synopsis in Dutch:
"Keet ziet spoken, letterlijk. Nu heeft ze al niet zo'n saai bestaan, met haar losbandige vader en haar moeder die altijd in een ver land zit. Maar op de eerste bladzijde van dit boek weet je dat het nu wel heel bizar gaat worden. Met haar vader komt Keet terecht in een oud weeshuis, antikraak. Dan blijkt er in dat weeshuis 'nog' iemand te wonen. Keet gaat op zoek..."
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ocreana · 11 years
‘Kulanjango, mijn vogelvriend’ a book by Gill Lewis, one in a series of short animated trailers I made for NTR’s schoolTV newest program JeugdliteratuurNU (youth literature today) to interest kids in reading more books during their first year of high school.
A short synopsis in Dutch:
"Callum woont in Schotland. Op het bergachtige land van zijn vader raakt een zeldzame visarend verstrikt in een kluwen visdraad. Nadat Callum samen met Iona heeft geholpen de vogel te redden, volgt hij per gps haar tocht naar Afrika. Maar dan blijft het signaal dagenlang van dezelfde plek komen. Is de visarend nog in leven?"
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ocreana · 11 years
'Wie niet weg is wordt gezien’ a book by Ida Vos, one in a series of short animated trailers I made for NTR’s schoolTV newest program JeugdliteratuurNU (youth literature today) to interest kids in reading more books during their first year of high school.
A short synopsis in Dutch:
“Beleef de Tweede Wereldoorlog door de ogen van het joodse meisje Rachel. Ze mag niet meer fietsen, geen verstoppertje meer spelen in het park, boodschappen doen op speciale tijden, en tenslotte moet ze zich echt gaan verstoppen, samen met haar zus Esther. Waar zijn papa en mama?”
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ocreana · 11 years
'Hij of ik', one in a series of short animated trailers I made for NTR’s schoolTV newest program JeugdliteratuurNU (youth literature today) to interest kids in reading more books during their first year of high school.
A short synopsis in Dutch:
"Moeilijk hoor, als je geen vrienden kunt maken op school. Maar als je dan ook nog iemand ontmoet die sprekend op jou lijkt en die alles doet wat jij nooit zou durven, dan wordt je leven pas echt verwarrend. Zijn jullie misschien een tweeling? En zo ja, is dat wel zo’n prettig idee? In dit boek gaat het om keuzes, en keuzes hebben consequenties. Soms zou je alles willen geven om die consequenties te vermijden..."
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ocreana · 12 years
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Eppo cover, marking the start for my new Franco-Belgian-styled comic series: ‘WARD’, a classic adventure themed story revolving around maincharacter 'Ward' and the Kessel family who become stranded in a ship graveyard around a mysterious island. As you can understand, I'm incredibly excited to be introduced to a new and big audience!
WARD, part 1, 'Stranded' will run in the bi-weekly Dutch comic magazine EPPO for 21 installments starting from no. 24-2012. 
Script by Willem Ritstier, colors by Shanna Paulissen.
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ocreana · 12 years
The first in a series of short animated trailers I made for NTR's schoolTV newest program JeugdliteratuurNU (youth literature today) to interest kids in reading more books during their first year of high school.
The first book I did is De Noordenwindheks (the Witch of the North wind) by Daan Remmerts de Vries. It's a uniquely paced and touching book in which two children with a serious illness share a hospital room, but are separated by a curtain so they can only hear each other's voice. They start telling each other stories and exchange their hopes and dreams for the future, while fighting to get well again. The book is split up into two parts, which each follows the perspective of one of the children. A wonderful book.
The captions in the animated short are in Dutch, I will add an english translation here lateron.
Direction & animation by me // backgrounds & effects by Andrea Almering.
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ocreana · 12 years
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A page from my publication: 'Streets of Europe', a new manga series of which the prologue has appeared in the June and July issues of the German comic magazine 'Comix'. Script by Anne Delseit. The reading direction is from right to left.
This is a page from the second chapter in which Chris makes an important discovery.
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