ochazukeland · 3 years
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Slowest subs ever but I deliver what I promise, you will see this episode done someday (hopefully in 2021) <3
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ochazukeland · 4 years
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I have something wonderful to indulge myself in the upcoming typhoon days, yay \o/ Ehehehe, I wasn't expecting it to arrive so fast, I'm so lucky xD
Good job everyone involved with the project! It's such a cozy feeling seeing the art of familiar faces and getting to know the work of so many artists I didn't know before. This is so lovely, I've just went quickly through the book (I'm saving it for the weekend, I want to fully enjoy it with proper time!!) and gosh, it's amazing how you can feel all the love and the dedication through these pages. 
I really recommend it if you have the chance to get the doujinshi (not only its contents but the material itself is also so good, such a great printing work) and/or the cute goodies. Oh, and if you are ordering it in Japan from BOOTH things arrive pretty safe and fast (Yeah, it works perfectly @commanderpigg​ xDDD)~
(Gosh, makes me so happy that even I feel more motivated to draw. Let's see what I can come up with next time I grab a pencil...)
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The first English Language ShinSato/Comashipping/Staticshipping Fanzine is now on sale! Please reblog to help support us!
🛒 Big Cartel (International): https://shinsatozine.bigcartel.com/
🅿️ Booth (Japan): https://commanderpigg.booth.pm/
This post includes direct links to all social media for participants (because tumblr disallows external links in the tags)! @fandomzines​ @fanzinewatch​ @zine-scene​ @atozines​
Keep reading
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ochazukeland · 4 years
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(ochazukeland has only a few posts compared to main blog because I often self-doubt and end up deleting everything... but thanks tumblr for reminding me of old uploaded trash like this one above, I'd say I still like the contents that survived the purge lol)
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ochazukeland · 4 years
Pocket Monsters EP 52: Fierce Fight! Pokemon Hinamatsuri
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Now I know why nobody wanted to sub this particular episode... I imagine it was very hard to localize this one to other languages hahaha. Took me a loooong time to prepare this because real life is kicking my butt lol sorry about that, I hope you enjoy this anyway!
This episode needs tons of translation notes due to the dozen of Japanese culture references. Long long post below the cut, together with the download link, translation notes and comments about this particular episode:
So… I’m not really allowed to tell you where to get that specific Japanese video without having access to Amazon Japan, but if you google… idk, something like [RAW] Pokemon 7 TV series, on a website that sounds like a cat meowing… who knows what you might find there?
DOWNLOAD LINK (ENG subs in .ass format): https://www.dropbox.com/s/jtrdu8vr7roglxt/%5BRAW%5D%20Pokemon%20-%2052%20%5B480p%5D.ass?dl=0
How to watch this: save both the video and the .ass subtitle file in the same folder, keeping the same name in both files (for instance, ep2015.mkv and ep2015.ass), open VLC and have fun.
Translation notes:
- Satoshi/Ash, Kasumi/Misty, Takeshi/Brock, Musashi/Jessie, Kojirō/James, Nyarth/Meowth, Takuya/Fiorello Cappuccino.
- Beroringa/Licktung, Fushigidane/Bulbasaur, Rokon/Vulpix, Hitodeman/Staryu, Okorizaru/Primeape (their trainer calls it "Oko-chan"), Weezing/Matadogas. Pikachu is Pikachu, Kingler is also Kingler and Arbok is also Arbok. 
- About location names... Hanada Gym = Cerulean Gym. This episode's city is called "Ohina-Town", I don't think there was a name for it in the English version, though.
- Move game-wise, I tried to keep their respective ENG names.
- In order to understand better this episode, you should be familiar with Hinamatsuri, a special festive day in Japan on March 3rd - if not, the Wikipedia article should help you a lot to get the context and some of the jokes included in this episode. 
- Sorry, I had to omit one detail in the subs: the shop announcer specifically says "優勝商品は、キュウクツの豪華三段飾り特製ポケモンひな人形です。" about the challenge prize - "The winner's prize is Kyūkutsu's gorgeous three-tiered display with specially made Hina-Pokemon dolls"... Kyūkutsu it is supposed to be the doll maker's company name and a reference to the irl Kyūgetsu - a very famous hina doll maker. I included it briefly in a later scene but without the details to avoid cluttering the screen.
- About Meowth's "salaryman sadness" comment ("サラリーマンの哀愁だニャ"), it's supposed to be a jab at how Jessie's super "consideration" for her boss is... a souvenir given out of duty/obligation that she got for a very cheap price, some random fancy-looking goods from a department store that was obviosuly just an excuse to her personal massive shopping spree. It's a quite... 'Japanese society joke' that I'm not sure if has the same effect when translated? 
- The competition announcer is parodying a kotowaza (a kind of Japanese proverb) when he morphs into different types of pokemon. "(...)Tateba Rūjura | Suwareba Purin | Aruku sugata wa Nazonokusa" (立てばルージュラ座ればプリン歩く姿はナゾノクサ) sounds like "Tateba Shakuyaku | Suwareba Botan | Aruku sugata wa Yuri no hana" (立てば芍薬座れば牡丹歩く姿は百合の花) - aka "the ideal behavior of a beautiful lady".
- It's not really explicitly explained, but you get Hina dolls and display them on Hinamatsuri to wish your daughters happiness and growth/health. It's not bad to inherit them from your family, but it's easy to understand Misty's frustration when all of her older sisters got luxurious sets of their own and only later on she was gifted... those exact same Ohina-sama sets.
- Misty's violent outburst around the 10min mark is an answer to Ash's comment when he muttered "ハナダ美人3姉妹とその出がらしだったっけー". In this sentence, he was recalling how Misty sisters were the three beautiful sisters of Cerulean, while Misty herself.... the 'dagarashi' - aka used tea leaves. That's so mean after that dramatic flashback, he just called her insipid/second-handed/leftovers lol!
- Had to include Japanese honorifics again this time because it's one of this episode's gags: the announcer calls the contestants "-chan", except one participant, Musashi"-san"... where the first is an endearing/cute diminutive honorific, the latter is the general most commonplace polite honorific, of course that blatant differentiation makes her furious lol.
- About Psyduck... "Yes, his head seems to hurt" - Fiorello said はい、彼は頭が痛そうです。, so instead of "their head seems to hurt" I kept the pronoun the character used.
- Talking about Fiorello, you don't necessarily translate "yes" when someone says "hai" but I kind of wanted to highlight how weird he sounds just answering it to pretty much everything the announcer says lol. 
Other random notes:
- Characters in OS used to be so intense sometimes, Misty was on fire this episode, hahaha! If Ash was a turbo brat in the previous episode I subbed, she's the one unstoppable this time lol. James and Meowth are also not very subtle offering help to Jessie by erasing Misty off the world hahaha
- Jessie and Misty were fighting for a size number 9 blue dress, in Japan that should be for 163cm~170cm people and usually tagged as M size for female-style clothing (around B83-85W63-64H89-91cm) as far as I know. 
- Fiorello/Takuya is surprisingly... weird. Considering the context and the decade when the episode aired in Japan, his name is probably a reference to ex-SMAP Kimura Takuya.
- Ugh, Satoshi's DO WANT when he see the Hina set with the Pikachu Odairi-sama, sooo cute ><. Kojiro and Nyarth are so, ah the feels, that episode conclusion is so precious, I love it so much.
- The ED song, Pocket ni Fantasy, always slays my feelings. It only gets worse as I get older. 
- Ugh, I know, it's inconsistent, I have just noticed I am translating "ゲット" (getto) as both 'catch' and 'get' @_@; Please let me know if there's any huge errors that I need to fix (typos, not synched dialogue and so on), I'll see what I can do, hehe.
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ochazukeland · 4 years
is it ok with you if I use your translations for AMVs and other fan vids?
sure, have fun!
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ochazukeland · 4 years
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I'm so stupidly tired and busy lately but I'll definitely finish this one as soon as I can, I promise. I'm halfway done plus done with most of the translation notes orz
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ochazukeland · 4 years
i just wanted to say thank you so much for your recent OS subs! i'm constantly hurting for early pokeani subbed, i have all the raws but i am just soooo thirsty to actually see the lines themselves and the nuance to them, it's always such a treat when someone goes back and subs an old episode. i know subbing/translating is a lot of work and subbers don't get enough love for it, so i just wanted to drop some in here. i'm so glad we have one more episode to enjoy! ;v;
Thank you, I really appreciate your message, this is so sweet! I feel so warm after hearing that. ;-;I had fun working on these so I'll probably do more of them in the future! Hope a lot of people can enjoy the old episodes like I do, hehehe.
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ochazukeland · 4 years
Pocket Monsters EP 105: Yuzu Gym! Type Battle - 3 vs 3!
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First of all, pardon for the wonky subs, this is the first time I am trying to do this.  Merry Christmas, everyone!
I have the Amazon Prime JP account so I made my translation of Trovita Gym challenge’s episode based on that content. It includes the episode with both OP and EP, as well the “Who’s that pokemon?” segment and the next episode preview.
Download link, translation notes and comments about this particular episode below the cut:
So... I'm not really allowed to tell you where to get that specific Japanese video without having access to Amazon Japan, but if you google… idk, something like [RAW] Pokemon 7 TV series, on a website that sounds like a cat meowing… who knows what you might find there?
DOWNLOAD LINK (.ass format): https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0tsc7k504c1hol/%5BRAW%5D%20Pokemon%20-%20105%20%5B480p%5D.ass?dl=0
How to watch this: download the zip, save both the video and the .ass subtitle file in the same folder, keeping the same name in both files (for instance, ep2015.mkv and ep2015.ass), open VLC and have fun.
Translation Notes:
Kept the original names in this sub - Satoshi/Ash, Kasumi/Misty, Kenji/Tracey, Ookido/Oak, Musashi/Jessie, Kojirō/James, Nyarth/Meowth.
Rudy is named Ziggy - his sister Mahri is called Marie in the Japanese version. His home island Trovita is called Yuzu and his Shell Spike Badge is known as Triumphant Star Turban (Rinbō) Badge in Japanese.
Pikachu is Pikachu, Togepi is Togepi… Starmie is also Starmie in Japanese.
Meowth is Nyarth, Bulbasaur/Fushigidane, Squirtle/Zenigame, Charizard/Lizardon, Seel/Pawou, Staryu/Hitodeman, Electabuzz/Eleboo, Exeggcutor/Nassy. I kept the official romanization when possible.
Move game-wise, I tried to keep the ENG names, except for dengeki which can be translated as “electric shock” and apparently adapted in English as “Thunder Jolt” (it’s different from “Thunder shock”, denki shock, Pikachu’s signature move).
I don’t like translating oniichan/oneechan to “big bro/sis” but it’s kinda important aspect of Marie’s part in the episode (how much she wanted a sister, what a nice family the three of them could be together, Marie, Kasumi-oneechan and oniichan), so… yeah, I know many of you are not familiar with common Japanese/anime terms so I kept as that. At least these sound better than “older brother”/“older sister”…
Oh, Rudy’s famous lines to Ash at the end of the episode: サトシ、カスミさんを大事にしろよ。Please don’t complain about shipping goggles because “Satoshi, take good care of Kasumi-san” is the most neutral route - daiji ni suru could go either for “take care” to “treasure/cherish/regard Kasumi as someone very important”, alright.
Other random notes:
Ash is such a mega brat in this episode, I love the current merry nice kid from SM/PM seasons but I miss this damn loud-mouthed version lol.
Rudy is overall much nicer than the dub version. Okay, besides the fact he pretty much called Ash an “uncultured swine” lol, he was quite polite. Compared to my impression of years ago, rewatching this episode made me feel quite bad for him and his sister? (I like the conclusion from Dengeki Pikachu manga, Rudy literally becomes an older sister for Mahri…)
Random trivia, Rudy calls himself “The South Star of Southern Cross (constellation)”. It’s only mentioned once by the end of the episode, but lol oh well.
You may say that Ash was completely oblivious to the whole proposal dilemma during the episode (he was lol) but this is one of the episodes that makes Pokeshipping canon at least by Misty’s side. 
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ochazukeland · 4 years
Lyrics and translation for Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series Vol.10: Jeffry McWild
Aka the song that Haruo was listening to while studying to get his driver's license.
I've been asked to help with the romaji lyrics and translations... someone was apparently trying to do this but then HSG threads keep being deleted,  I can't find the right timing to post this where this was requested lol. 
Well, at least that means I'll have some extra time for proofreading before trying to post it in the new thread. 
(I'm assuming this is sung in first person -  but yeah it could be "if you open your eyelids(...)" and so on too)
あの波を越えて (Ano nami wo koete)
Passing through that wave
海鳥たちの声 まぶたをあけたなら 涙に溶けるよに 夕陽が沈んでく umidori-tachi no koe  mabuta wo aketa nara namida ni tokeru you ni yūhi ga shizundeku
[The voice of the seabirds - if I open my eyelids, the setting sun sinks as dissolved in tears.]
心に刻まれた 深いため息を越えた場所 信じている明日がある  kokoro ni kizamareta fukai tame iki wo koeta basho shinjiteiru asu ga aru 
[Engraved in the heart - a place that exceeds a profound sigh, believing that tomorrow will come.]
たとえどんな波が 待ち伏せていたとしても きっと泳ぎつける サファイアの海 tatoe don'na nami ga machi busete ita to shite mo kitto oyogi tsukeru safaiya no umi
[No matter what, even if the waves were waiting to ambush - I'll certainly get to swim in the Sapphire Sea.]
本当の強さは 逃げない勇気だと 傷負う横顔に 囁く熱い風  hontō no tsuyosa wa nigenai yūki da to kizu ou yokogao ni sasayaku atsui kaze
[The real strength is the courage to not run away - a hot wind whispers in my wounded profile]
果てなく どこまでも 続く地平線 越えた時 求めている夢がある hatenaku doko made mo tsuzuku chiheisen koeta toki motomete iru yume ga aru
[There's dream I'm wishing for when I pass through the forever and endless horizon]
海を渡る鳥よ その翼傷ついても 高く飛んでゆけよ 描いた空へ  umi wo wataru tori yo sono tsubasa kizutsuitemo takaku tonde yuke yo egaita sora e
[A bird that crosses the sea | Even if those wings are wounded, fly high up to the painted sky]
海を渡る鳥よ その翼傷ついても 高く飛んでゆけよ 描いた空へ umi wo wataru tori yo sono tsubasa kizutsuitemo takaku tonde yuke yo egaita sora e
[A bird that crosses the sea | Even if those wings are wounded, fly high up to the painted sky]
たとえどんな波が 待ち伏せていたとしても きっと泳ぎつける サファイアの海 tatoe don'na nami ga machi busete ita to shite mo kitto oyogi tsukeru safaiya no umi
[No matter what, even if the waves were waiting to ambush - I'll certainly get to swim in the Sapphire Sea.]
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ochazukeland · 4 years
Perhaps 543?
“KA” in a super stretch could be 5 | the explanation I found suggested the “箇” kanji as an alternative for KA, its onyomi reading is both KA and KO→ KO is usually converted as 5.
“SU” is usually converted as 4 | this is how the pronunciation of number 4 四 in Chinese is transcribed in katakana, スー.
“MI” is certainly 3 | a kunyōni reading for 三, the number 3.
(Btw 543 works for “kasumi” but still, most people will probably read 543 as “koyomi” - calendar...)
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  “i’m reading up on goroawase…. why the fuck did we make kojiro 546…”
What’s goroawase?? = o
it’s like a form of japanese wordplay where each number corresponds to a certain syllable in the japanese alphabet, and thus certain number combinations can be different creative ways of writing out words/names/phrases!
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so for instance my url could be written out as 634 for mu-sa-shi !!! thats also my jersey number in pokemon, heh
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ochazukeland · 5 years
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When I go to Takanobaba I always think of @daintydeerling when I walk near the train station.
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ochazukeland · 5 years
watch me failing the challenge for 30 days! i'm late but it's never too late to fail.
i'm excited just because day 13 is the most obvious prompt
pokemon or not, ink or not, anyone else doing this? wish you guys good luck and lots of inspiration woot woot yay
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[Inktober 2019 - Day 1: Ring] 
(Z-ring counts?)
I’ve been struggling with drawing and writing for over a whole year ahem, lately, and I’m trying to fix that problem now… so watch me cheese Inktober this year with a “quick ~digital ink~ pokemon sketches challenge”. 
(Sorry, I’m already late with day one lol.)
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ochazukeland · 5 years
My ideal Pokemon Sword and Shield traveling gang lineup? It's definitely not going to happen but I'd love to have Ash to travel with Hop... and Sonia? 
I mean, both have some ties with Leon (yay for plot material), solves the "who explains Galar stuff and is the responsible member of the team" (would be actually fun if Sonia fell into the category "I fail being an adult, what should I do with these kids halp???"), a friendly rival for Ash and a girl companion with different age (Character dynamics! Would love not only see the trio getting along but her interactions with TRio could have so much potential).
Not going to happen but anway /shrugs
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ochazukeland · 5 years
just came back home from Uji (right by Fushimi) and gosh 
no words. condolences to all victims and families.
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ochazukeland · 5 years
“Satoshi (Ash)! You still show me the way towards the future! [Our] hearts will always go together!”
It’s a cute reference to the poster tag line (どこまでもゆこ, "let's go further/anywhere")!
Mayumi Iizuka tweeted about the movie and this adorable exchange followed.
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ochazukeland · 5 years
Oh, it's midnight here so it means #7月10日はシュウ初登場記念日  day and Contestshipping Day have just begun... Thank you everyone for the miracle healing potions, those make the day so much brighter life is beautiful aaaaaaa sry im being loud ;_;
(I should contribute but I don't think I'll finish these almost-finished doodle/chapter drafts?? orz I'll do my best, even if I'm too late anyway aaaaaa)
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ochazukeland · 5 years
Every time that draft looks at me it asks "are you going to finish this Pokemon-Sarazanmai crossover parody doodle when" but I can't decide if I want to make it DPPt-themed or just anipoke-themed?
I mean, if I go for route one, it will be Barry-Lucas-Paul trio, Flint and Volkner cops (Ignition!!) with cute Platinum (or Dawn) daughter princess ;_; But meanwhile, Satoshi/Ash - Citron/Clemont - Shinji is just a very hgggggn stupidly cute trio too (Rocket cops would sound kickass too)... I just know Paul and Reggie will be Kuji siblings in either versions and nothing is going to change my mind for now lol.
inb4 this idea dies like the Penguimdrum Ash-Paul-Dawn (PIPLUP HAT) one... at least the anime made that ~so pretty~ Mao/Lillie Utena crossover eternal  and compensated the Appealshipping one that I never finished
(I don't know why Ikuhara series makes me think of unfinished Pokemon crossovers...)
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