obsidianmirrored · 4 years
Hey, who says what’s good, anyway? So long as you’re happy, while you’re doing it. And yeah, yeah, anything that hits right, totally. Can’t get stuck in all those boxes, man. Always meant to learn some more guitar, honestly. Kept pretty busy singing, though. And on the piano. Or, you know, the keyboard, whatever. 
Fuckin’ freaky, yeah! Used to see them around this place we stayed, when I was a kid. They just don’t give a shit, huh? Smarter than people give them credit for. Where in Texas? If that’s cool to ask, obviously. 
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You’ve got a point. I guess I can be a little hard on myself. I learned guitar in high school. Bass was from an old family friend but they’ve since passed so I don’t really play it all that much but occasionally it calls to me. You sing? That’s a musical instrument all on it’s own, right?
They are incredibly smart. Always managed to figure out a way to get out of their enclosure. Always knew when they’d catch us off guard and we’d have to end up chasing them. None of the big cities but it was in southwest Texas, in Val Verde County? You ever been to that area?
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
Paying in cash? Doubtful, but I’ll make a note of their staffing issue in-case my situation changes.
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Right, I forgot about that. I’d offer you some work but it’d be manual labor.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
What in Damnation | Teresa & Darwin
There was still just enough light left in the day that Teresa had time to go into the woods with her horse Frida and just sit back against a tree, with a drink and a guitar and unwind after a day. Just the other night she had a match at the ring. She ended up losing, which only made it even worse after all those times she got back up when she really shouldn’t have only to have them end the match and call it a loss on her end. You win some and you lose some. Tez only wished this particular loss didn’t hurt so much. 
So, her reasoning for staying out of the house was twofold. She didn’t want her mothers to see her and see the split lip, the winces she’d make when she turned or moved wrong. They knew the reason she was fighting but she worried that they would make any inclination for her to stop fighting and that was something she wouldn’t do. Couldn’t. Shouldn’t. She’d be fighting until her last breath and not a moment before.
Teresa was halfway through her song and a quarter almost finished with her drink when she heard something nearby. It was faint and could have been brushed off as an animal but her balam ears told her it was something heavier than a rabbit. Potentially a deer but the sounds of it’s feet on the grass was unlike a deer. She stopped playing, knowing it was better to not call attention to herself (if she hadn’t already been heard). Adjusting the strap of her guitar, she placed it so it rested behind her instead of in front. She finished her drink, putting the flask in the sack at her horse’s side.
The footsteps were growing nearer and she grabbed her horses reins to start leading her away from the forest. Frida didn’t seem too agitated so that was a good sign. However, Teresa didn’t want to stick around and see. She knew well enough how this town was and knew that most people here didn’t have good intentions, much less people roaming in the woods. As the sound neared, she looked and saw a man walking. She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to see if she knew him but was at a loss. Tez was set on just leaving but she met his eyes. Immediately she walked over to put herself between him and her horse. 
“Can I help you?” What could someone want in the woods? What help could they need? He wasn’t running but maybe he was before he came to her. There was a lot in the woods someone would need to run from but as long as there was still light out, Teresa felt safe enough. Not that she wasn’t known to go into the forest at night, but it was hardly ever to unwind. Seems like her session had to be cut short today. She sized the man up, believing him to be a threat so she did what she could to make it known she wasn’t to be messed with. She adjusted the brim of her stetson, took a wider stance and rested her thumbs in the loops of her belt.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
“It looks good,” Nell offered politely, never really sure how to hold conversation with Teresa. The girl always seemed to be fairly quiet, or at least appeared to keep to her self for the most part. Lifting a finger, she thumbed absently at the corner of the container, not sure what else to do at the moment. At least they seemed to find something common in the horse. Nell hoped that would be something easier to talk about, at least. “What’s his name?” Nell asked before realizing she’d assumed. “Or- uh- their name?” What was the etiquette when talking about the sex of a horse? “Have you had them for a while?” Was it actually all that effective to get around on a horse? Certainly it took ages to get anywhere, right?
“Thanks, again. That was sweet of her. Uh- I think we have some fresh banana bread if you want some?” If Teresa wanted to go, though— Nell certainly wouldn’t stop her. This was awkward enough without trying to find some reason for Teresa to stay. At the family house it had been different, with Nisa always ushering Teresa to stay for snacks or something like that, or to cut open whatever the girl had brought so they could enjoy it together. But that wasn’t the roof Nell lived under anymore. “Yeah! We’re good! Luce is living with us now so- that’s…something. My mom’s doing well.” Or she was as far as Nell knew. She tended to avoid Nisa whenever she could. “And as long as my mom’s doing well, my dad’s doing well.” It was the closest she’d managed to get to a joke. “How’s….your’s?” It was nice to ask in return, right?
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Teresa only nodded at Nell’s compliment with a pursed smile. It was nice they appreciated it, Tez only wished she wasn’t so... painfully awkward with the whole family. Her mothers could make friends with anyone. Her brothers were like that too. Teresa on the other hand... connections were always something that just didn’t happen. “Um, her name is Frida.” She looked over at her horse, finding comfort in her close proximity. She smiled at her before turning to look back to Nell. “I’ve had her for a couple of years now. Got two others back home.” Did Nell know that already? Teresa didn’t think so. They rarely had visitors to the farm. “D’ya wanna pet her? She’s friendly - I, uh, wouldn’t offer if she wasn’t.” Maybe she didn’t like horses, though.
“Oh, thank you but I wouldn’t wanna trouble you.” Teresa shook her head and took a step back, not wanting Nell to go out of her way for some banana bread. “I understand you must be pretty busy.” Teresa wasn’t raised to take offerings of any kind and it was still hard to shake that off even now that she wasn’t a child anymore. “I ran into Luce the other day, actually. She was by the university, runnin’.” She nodded, not sure why she had to say that but there was no way to take it back. She hadn’t seen Luce in so long it was hard to place her for a moment. She smiled at Nell’s joke. “I’m glad your parents are doin' good.” When the question was turned to her, she took a moment to respond. “Aside from spendin’ a good part of her day makin’ some cheese, my mom is doin' just fine. Helpin’ me around the farm and takin’ care of my other mom. Today’s a good day for her, so, everything is good right now. Thanks for askin’.”
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Cutting the Cheese | Nell & Teresa
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
Maybe the idea of being mime capital of the world was taken a bit too far this time?
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I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. You leave town for a month and bloody mimes take over. I couldn’t call this a circus when it looks more like a sanatorium, you know what I mean. Would anyone explain the hype about those stronzi and why would someone have that brilliant idea of a “French” restaurant with stupid mimes and the same song on a loop?!
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
Can’t say I have. I tend to stay out of town unless necessary anyway.
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If anyone has any information on the gang of mimes that seem to be harassing our town, please give our tip line a call. Your call could help save lives. 
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
Admin stuff, receptionist. Elementary teacher is my longest standing position but I doubt I’ll find anything like that.
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From what I remember, one too many teachers would go missing. I rarely had a teacher last the whole school year. So elementary teacher might be your best shot.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
For the love of god this town is even weirder than I thought.
Anything really- admin, bartender, shop assistant. I just need a job as soon as possible.
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What kind of work have you done before?
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
Mimes are a common interest around town. You get used to it. What kind of work are you looking for?
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So… Hello White Crest. I’ve got questions and I’d really appreciate it if a few things could be cleared up for me. First of all- what on earth is going on with the mimes? I keep hearing people talk about them and they sound scared. Really not sure what to make of that. Secondly, any place around here hiring that pays in cash? I’d prefer somewhere not sketchy, but I know that’s probably not realistic. 
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
What if I’ll let you be right, then? So you’d finally get to know how it feels.
Well, thank you kindly, but it’s really not an issue. What about you? Being a guy and all, it must not be great to be wrong all the time.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
I’ll pass on that, thanks for the offer, though. Does that mean you don’t get to be right all that often?
Considering I’m their child, no, I don’t often get to be in the right haha.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
I mean, as far as I could tell, the cat did. It’s sorta hard to tell when most cats looked bothered. They just got that kinda face that could really go either way on things, you know?
[user tries really hard not to go on a rant about the body language of cats]
That can be said with most animals, if you think about it. Including people! It’s kind of cute, the way some animals have evolved to learn how to communicate with us, specifically.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
Hey, I mean, if you want to get into it, the painting - it’s never too late, right? What kinda music? You more of a listener, or do you play, too?
As for the farm, I mean, guess the craziness level depends on how many goats you’ve got. They’re fuckin’ nuts, man. 
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You have a point. I doubt I’d be any good at painting, though. Some classic rock, country, a bit of indie folk. Honestly, whatever just hits right. I do both. I know how to play guitar and I learned a bit a bass too. I sing
Not in this one. I grew up on a farm in Texas and we had goats. They really are one of a kind. I remember when I first heard them burp, I wasn’t expecting that out of one.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
Well- I shouldn’t argue with a lady. They’re almost always right. But dogs are the worst.
Try living with two mothers and you’ll see how much they argue over which one is truly the right one.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
FAvorite snack?
Healthy snack? I really love to just eat whole radishes. Something about that satisfying crunch and that mystery heat, it’s the best. Only whole though. I won’t eat them by themselves if they’re chopped up.
Not so healthy? Gummy bears, gummy worms, gummy sharks, whatever as long as they’re just plain gummy - with some chamoy and tajin I can’t get enough of that.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
I paint, sort of. Do music, sometimes. Used to do it more. How about you, huh? People keep busy in some crazy ways, around here. 
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Painting and music? Very artistic of you. I don’t do much painting but I I’m familiar with music.
I just work on my family’s farm. Not exactly crazy.
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obsidianmirrored · 4 years
aren't you that girl that got expelled?
Yeah. We all do stupid things when we’re kids. I grew up okay. I fight for an actual reason now
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