(askgalacticpals) Saturn@Nyx: The mewzelf was a bit amazed by the mewtwo's appearance. "Say, you live in space? That is pretty, AMAZING!!! Okay, i lied, it was really amazing! The name's Saturn, one of the commanders of team galactic chosen by sir Cyrus himself!" He shakes the mewtwo's hand excitingly. "I love space! Space is like 90% of my life. I wonder... Do you have any favorite constellations?"
@askgalacticpals Nyx perks up, then nods and says: "Yeah… Orion - in part because it was a namesake of Pokemon Nation's project to catch up with Sorisian nuclear pulse-propelled spaceships, which had far less fortunate names, such as Project Tin Can or Project Parachute." She sighs, looking nostalgic. "You don't know the power of a nuclear pulse ship, until you've seen a vessel the size of a decent town change its velocity by several kilometers per second in a short amount of time, with thermonuclear devices going off like stars being born… sorry, just remembered first expedition to the outer planets." Catching herself going off the rails again, she stops for a bit, then returns to the conversation: “Outside of Orion, I also really like Leo, Lynx, Draco and, while it’s not really a constellation, Great Rift. What are the favorite constellations of yours, by the way? And do you have any other favorite celestial objects, like planets, stars, black holes, dust clouds or something else? Also, forgot to mention at first, but you have a rather cool name too!”
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Memories of the Earth - Fortress-Point Palo Verde, again
"Radiation flux is at optimal value, target confirmed. Laser emission parameters have been calculated. Firing..."
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(@nyxthecolonialmewtwo) Nyx -> Hannah: "Sorry for disturbance, but… how are you living here? Maybe it's just me, but… I still sometimes struggle to imagine living planetside, without all the life support equipment I, as well as other colonials, grew up surrounded with."
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"I pretty much grew up always in the wild....well kind of...so yeah! I'm used to living in a forest, since the forest is forbidden for untrustworthy pokemon and especially human, I don't really have to fight for food or worry I might get eaten while sleeping....so that's pretty neat!!"
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(Nyx’s note: landing site of the first expedition to Mars. Pictured are, from left to right: 1) Manned Mars Excursion Module, parked at some distance. Being derived from Bill Phono's ROMBUS rocket, this SSTO can easily deliver large amounts of resources to and from planetary surface. 2) Temporary Inflatable Habitat. 3) Mars Probe Unit - an unmanned probe, dropped here beforehand to ensure everything is good enough for the Manned Mars Excursion Module to land.)
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Memories of the Earth - Fortress-Point Palo Verde 3
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(Nyx’s notes: The Fortress-Points are a network of Unovan outposts in the Independent State of Orre, designed as both oversight outposts and gigawatt-grade NPPs for local cities in the region. After the first Cipher Crisis, the original outposts were converted from simple military bases, built around NPPs, into a full-fledged fortresses. The Fortress-Point Palo Verde 3 was equipped with an experimental “Aegislash of Orre” gigawatt-grade reactor-pumped UV laser, which was powered by the secondary reactor of the complex, installed under the protective ultracrete dome. The Fortress-Point Palo Verde 3 is one of the more wide-known ones, as it was used to drive off the XD001 during its attack of N.S. Libra, allowing the military to quickly rescue the passengers and ensure safety of the nuclear power module. On this illustration, you can see the station running (primary cooling towers are online), while the laser is preparing to fire (two jets of steam venting from the cooling system in the laser tower, with the laser turret on the top is activating)
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What is your favorite food?
“Mostly gene-forged Berries from Agriculture, which have no real equivalent on Earth,” says Nyx. “I also like synth-meat from labs. When it comes to complex dishes... I have no real preference, to be honest - cooks on the colony make everything tasty.” She chuckles. “Amber loves some traditional Kantonian and Unovan foods, as her original parents were from Earth - dad was Kantonian, mom was Unovan, - and had appropriate food preferences. Archibald, along with mom and dad, is from the Moon and has a sweet spot for fungal cakes, which were developed as an easy way to recycle biomass there, but ended up far tastier, than expected.”
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I’m looking for active Poke ask blogs to follow!
Please reblog this post if you’re an active ask blog I can follow to fill up my dashboard with people to send asks to or interact with!
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Memories of the Earth - Strategic Orbital Electromagnetic Cannon
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(Nyx’s note: originally designed as a weapon in case of aggression from the Soris Empire, this Alliance of Regions (though mostly Unova)-built space-based weapon was also nearly put to use during the Cipher Crisis. With multi-gigawatt nuclear fission reactor (on the very top, glowing red), separated from the rest of the platform with a thick shadow shield (right after it, dark-grey), and 1.5 km-long barrel, this monstrous space station/weapon platform was capable of performing successful orbital strikes against even the deepest bunkers using nothing more than kinetic projectiles, although it could’ve also been loaded with nuclear weapons. To counter the immense recoil and be able to adjust aim to the targets, the platform was equipped with a massive fuel tank and attitude jet assembly (white-grey torus). During the Second Cipher Crisis, the Unova programmed the platform to automatically commence bombardment of the Orre region with spreadshot kinetic impactors, should Michael fail in his attempt to stop Team Cipher from deploying XD001 at full power. While, ultimately, Michael succeeded, during his final battle against Team Cipher, the platform was actually activated, had the kinetic impactors loaded and was waiting for the proper position to be reached. When Michael has managed to snag XD001 away, the platform’s sensor arrays (yellow, with hexagonal pattern) detected massive decrease in Shadow energy readings, automatically putting the countdown on hold and, after receiving the stand-down order from Unova High Command, automatically returned the projectile into magazine and began power-bleeding sequence on capacitor array (yellow, grid pattern). On this drawing, you can see my interpretation of how the firing sequence would’ve looked like from up-close.)
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Memories of the Moon - Installation 04
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(Nyx’s note: Installation 04 is a dome-shaped Moon city - fourth one built there, hence the name, - owned and inhabited exclusively by the Cult of Cybernetics, a semi-religious organization, originating, presumably, from the Soris Empire after the Great Rulership Transfer. This city has close ties to the Lunar Autofactory 01 and is suspected to have Mirage Pokemon as a part of its population. However, so far, inspections found nothing out of ordinary here)
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Please reblog this if your an Pokemon ask/daily/weekly/ect blog! I need my dash to be filled again with good stuff so I gotta find people to follow vuv
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Is there an observatory on the colony? Stars are more visible from orbit, usually.
Nyx nods eagerly: “Of course there is! Even several, in fact! They are all located in the zero-g sectors of the colony and can double as traffic control stations for the docks. Also…” She giggles. “They were used to record the International Fourth Planet Expedition departing and returning in great detail and from a safe distance, which was kinda required due to the most of the ships using open-cycle gas-core nuclear thermal rockets and, in case of the Observation Ship Agamemnon, a nuclear salt-water rocket - all with exhaust radioactive as heck. Thankfully, with proper maneuvering and usage of tugs, they were safely docked to the Core-Hub station.” Nyx pauses for a second, then resumes: “Interestingly enough, apparently, this mission had something to do with how the prophecy of Draconids about the Grand Meteor Delta never came to be. I wonder, if the Object Delta, the anomalous and previously-unseen third moon of Mars, was really the GMD and they’ve just intercepted it before it’d started going to Earth or something.” She looks to the side: “I still wonder, what those psychoreactive crystals they’ve excavated from the Object Delta are…”
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Memories of the Moon - Mass Driver 1
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(Nyx’s note: Zeta Logistics is a Unova-originated, Moon-based private company, whose Earthen branch is currently registered in the Independent State of Orre - supposedly for taxation evasion reasons, that has built the first electromagnetic mass driver on the Moon and is operating it nowadays. As this mass driver is still crucial to supplying Core-Dock orbital shipyard and Core-Middleway space colony, the governments on Earth avoid putting too much pressure on Zeta Logistics, especially with how it’s been recently rejuvenating the Orre, which still bears scars of the Interregional War and Operation Redstone.)
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Memories of the Moon - Entrance 3 and Drapion
In the meantime, Nyx opens a few more sketches, looking at them with a great deal of nostalgia:
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[Hannah@Nyx] The tiny mewtwo approaches, being honestly really curious. "Hey! Uhm- s-sorry to interrupt...watcha doing over there? It looks interesting!"
Nyx looks up. “Drawing from my memories of one particularily disastrous vacation on the Moon. Dad needed to uncover, where did the shipments of technical gold go, Ash the Earthsider was searching for a missing Diancie and got sponsored to go to the Moon and I was just with the family. Our routes got kinda intertwined on the later stages and, well… let me just say, that it was for a multitude of reasons - one of them being that gold is a great gain material for the explosion-pumped X-ray laser and one of the others being that diamonds make great reflectors for the X-ray lasers.” She chuckles sadly. “Even though I am a pretty powerful Psychic, I still have a big weakness - none of my normal defense moves cover certain parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, which are where combat lasers usually work. I have to bypass this with solid-matter barriers I form with telekinesis.” Nyx looks back at the PDA. “So, what’s happened is that in our investigation we’ve found where did both Diancie and gold go. We’ve barely survived the meeting with it. On my previous drawing is what we’ve met in our searches -  a laser mech with diamond optics and explosion-pumped laser. Let me just quote one of the technical notes we’ve found back then.” She opens a text file on the PDA, which reads: “Wow. Holy smokes, peeps. I've got a thought about a mech. Gigantic mech With a laser. Humongous laser.Step-by-step: Take inertial-contained fusion drive, or mini-mag pulser, pulsed fission-fusion etc. Throw away the magnetic nozzle and most of the radiators. Ignition system (laser, particle accelerators, plasma, antimatter - whatever) is put together like a ring. For example, for the fuel pellet with 10t TNT equivalent, we're going to have ring roughly 100m in diameter (or maybe much smaller, nozzle of the mini-mag pulser’s 20m in diameter with energy yield three times greater, but we don't have to intercept energy - quite the opposite, in fact). Fuel pellet's loaded with a golden rod. Do you feel it? Right, it's a gain material for the X-ray laser, which emits the beam along the axis of the ignition ring. Without bomb-jiggle and all those misguiding factors, just like in the drugstore.Then, we place multi-layered diamond X-ray reflectors a few hundred meters apart. Now we have an X-ray laser with an actually good aperture, which's not limited by the gain material proportions. With 10m reflectors and a ton of TNT on the nanometer beam, this thing’s going to keep the power at lethal levels (around 10 kJ/cm2) on the distance up to 200 light seconds, more than a third of an AU. Holy Arceus. And the funniest thing is that mass of this thing’s going to easily fit in a few dozens of tons. Don't wanna calculate RN, but looking at the engine designs we, approximately, have: required systems of the mini-mag pulser are less than 30 tons, and we're having even smaller of a "caliber". Of course, this thing’s wonderful by itself. Or on the spaceship. Especially since it can easily be a part of an engine, it just needs a nozzle. But it's not stylish enough for us, so we're going to place it on a small celestial body without atmosphere (Moon, where we already have some assets). And put it on the legs. Since the machine's low on mass, the gravity is weak and the size is enormous, we're going to get a gigantic Surskit-alike on long, thin legs. It can easily crawl around, not being limited in remass (it always has an unlimited supply of it right beneath its legs). Considering range of those lasers, ability to constantly and chaotically move around, even in standby mode is a gigantic advantage. And just to hammer things in, we can install MHD recuperation system on the either side of ignition ring, using the energy from otherwise-wasted plasma to recharge capacitors of the ignition system. With that thing in place, our only firing rate limitation would be how how fast we can chug the pellets in place and how fast can we dissipate the heat." She selects the second note, which is much shorter and reads: “Approval for your project is given. Resources will be transferred to the Moon shortly. Begin the R&D ASAP.” Nyx closes the app, switching back to drawing, and resumes: “With that in mind, when we first met the laser mech, we, to say frankly, were at a gigantic disadvantage. Even if we ignore the mobile nuclear powerplants, converted into escort laser tanks and Psy-jammers, this thing could still depress enough to take aim at the things at the ground level. Thanks to the Psy-jammers, I couldn’t attack it directly via normal means and looking down the optics of a gigantic laser with enough power and range to be able to damage the colony without even leaving the Moon was… disturbing, to say the least. Thanks Victini dad managed to ‘procure’ an old, but still working portable tactical subkiloton nuclear launcher from the times Soris Empire was sorta-expected to attack the Von Braun city and vice versa and use it to cripple the leg of a laser mech, forcing it to fire beam to the side…” She sighs, remembering this hectic day further. “The problem was, we were still at disadvantage and the mech was still working. We’ve had to run towards the ‘Drapion’ and take off from the Moon ASAP... but, unfortunately, they’ve managed to swap out the leg and bring the mech into action again. I’ve had to lift around 20,000 tons of regolith and form it into a chaotically-swirling cloud in order to cover us against laser fire, while also helping to lift the ship faster. Here’s the still from one of the ship’s rear view cameras.” She opens a picture and shows it to Hannah:
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“The cloud-like things at the sides are exhaust cones of the nuclear thermal-arcjet engines. The grey cloud in the middle is the regolith shield I’ve formed. It was taken when I was almost entirely spent, hence mech managing to nearly-penetrate the shield by firing at one point and forming a Matryoshka cavity. Thankfully, it got overheated soon and, as soon as it stopped firing, I’ve fired most of the cloud at it as a dispersed attack. It didn’t destroy it completely, but it did destroy the optics, which were the most expensive parts of the mech, and force it back into repair cave. Even so, from having to keep the cloud formed and swirling chaotically enough non-stop, then launching it… long story short, I’ve fallen into a hypoglycemic coma from using Psychic so much without taking care to keep the blood sugar at an optimal level. It wasn’t a problem, but it did bring me out of action for a shortwhile.”
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As things calm down a bit, Nyx takes a seat and starts sketching something on her PDA, which, so far, looks like this:
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<Ask for clarification?>
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“Unfortunately, my biology relies on continuous oxidation of carbon compounds for energy,” says Nyx. “Of course, it’s massively simplified, but the point is, I need to be constantly surrounded with an oxygen-based atmosphere, which I have to breathe in and out, to survive. This suit of mine, in addition to everything else, helps me retain the atmosphere and constantly filters out oxidation products, renewing the atmosphere inside non-stop. It also holds some carbohydrate-water solution reserves to fuel my metabolism, as using my Psychic power consumes a lot of energy and I use it often. For example…” Nyx lifts a bit of lunar regolith and, using only telekinesis, compresses it until it becomes a cold pressure-welded cube. “Like this. That reminds me of a time I’ve had to defend my family against the Object LM...”
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Aue closely examined the other’s tail. Stretching it to its full extent, comparing it to their own, and wiggling it about. They then turn to Nyx’s helmet, poking at it curiously.
“Mmm…Yes…I have been here many rotations of the Earth. Do you not breath here?”, they question in return. Seems Aue does not understand what personal space is…
[ @nyxthecolonialmewtwo ]
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@nyxthecolonialmewtwo: "Name's Nyx. So... how are you doing in there now?"
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“You are so tall….just like my dad!”
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