nyraxodeyer · 20 hours
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Deepika Padukone for Umang 2023
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nyraxodeyer · 20 hours
She had enough at that point. "Since you asked, could you find out if the construction crew need anything?" She pointed off in the distance, "I was just talking to the girls on plans, it'd be nice to gather their thoughts on the matter too." Her intention was to busy them with something else and away from the potential fountain, despite Mason mentioning it as a joke, she had baulked at the thought. "Well, that was…" She honestly had no words. Blinking as they ran off again, it took her a few seconds to regain composure, "Shall we head inside? I have refreshments and we can talk more…hopefully without more interruptions."
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"Did some say fix it? Yes we can!" Mason popped up from the spot they had been crouching at. The intention had always been to head to the hotel, but a cool rock on the side was a bigger distraction than he intended. He wanted to see Nyra, not just because their mum told them to do so, but to offer their services sincerely even if he hadn't been part of the outside crew, he had Earth magic and for a hole made of the Earth - he connected the dots. "Oh my god! y'all here too?" He ran towards Rae and Amrita, getting in the middle and putting their own arms around each of the others shoulders, "Earth benders unite! Am I right!" He faced Nyra with a wide grin, "Hey, can we get like matching jackets or something? Or like a cool hard hat! We so got this guys. You want a fountain as a replacement, right?" he directed it at Nyra and began to laugh as she turned pale, "Kidding! I'll be good! Whatcha want me to do?"
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nyraxodeyer · 21 hours
Many people passed by as Nyra quietly fretted about the state of the hotel, some stopped to observe, some took that to the next step by adding in comments and offers, and some only gave solemn nods, all were fine, all were taken in with a polite smile, words exchanged where needed and necessary because what else could she do but that. It was only when she saw Rae Elle and Amrita walk up, the her shoulders fell in quiet relief. They had blipped on her radar in the unlikeliest of ways, the situation did not make it for a good impression, but Nyra found a different way to look at it. Yes, they were, among others, responsible for property damages, to her home and headquarters no less, but they were also the one that could potentially fix the issue too.
She greeted them much the same as everyone, but it was a more relaxed one, a feeling that she did not think could be possible in such a time. "I'm...well, rather glad for it actually," she said, "Your apologies, though appreciated, are not necessary. In fact, if you would accept it, I want to thank you both. The night was stressful and riddled with things that I do not wish to ever repeat again, but it was quick thinking on your part, and your friends..." she trailed off to gaze at the very bulldozer sized hole off in the wing of the Casino, "...that got us out from any further danger. How could I not be thankful for that?" She smiled at the both of them, "Maybe take some of that burden off your shoulders too, what you have achieved is a powerful display of magic."
At the offer, her smile remained as a soft sigh escaped from her, "Thank you kindly for that, I was trying to find a way to broach that without being too demanding. I don't want you to strain yourselves more than you've already done, so we can take this a little at a time." Magic was a mighty thing, be it witch or fae, she had her fair share that night too, keeping the illusions up for everyone, the bounce back was meet with more than regular lethargy and she couldn't in good conscience ask of them to expend more than required. "How would you like to go about fixing this? I can draw up some plans with the repair crew as well..."
But no sooner had she said that, a figure bounded out and caused her to groan and cover her face with her palm, "hai bhagwan...dear god, not them..."
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Despite the fact that some time had passed since the event, Rae Elle still felt that tenseness in her muscles from overusing her magic. It hadn't helped that she'd drained herself that day, not just through sheer force of will to try and get inside the hotel but by expending even more magic to track the Catalyst before giving what was left over for some vampire to use. The act of being siphoned was familiar. That didn't make it any easier. And it wasn't as if she allowed herself much of a breather, pushing herself again as soon as she was able, honing her magics, attempting to strengthen them like muscles. The more powerful she became, the harder it would be to overwhelm her again.
But, certain things needed to be dealt with, certain ramification needed to be felt, and Rae was hardly going to let Amrita face the consequences of destroying public property alone. So she'd agreed to go with the other witch back to the hotel. How lucky they were to run into the owner. "It's a large hole," she agreed, torn between feeling guilt at causing it and being impressed with how quickly they'd created it in their frantic attempt to get in. "Ain't much of a point in saying it was for a good cause, huh?" she mused. "I am sorry. And I take responsibility for it. We were just trying to get inside to get y'all out. This was, unfortunately, the only thing I could think of. But I'd be more than happy to help put things back together in anyway that I can."
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nyraxodeyer · 2 days
"Don't tell me you could smell it from the harbour," Nyra pouted playfully, but she was not upset one bit about Meena guessing before she had the chance to say it, not just because the aromas wafted in the air around them, but as a friend for so long, her coping mechanics were long discovered and even even confessed to her at some stage or another. "Thank you! I tried to not go overboard this time round but..." she held up the bags, "I did not succeed in the slightest at achieving that goal." She was not sorry for it either, not when it actually helped and she could share it with a friend. Smiling at the invite in, Nyra only lost about three inches in height as she stepped into the manor, not missing it one bit as the cool floors were a much nicer feel beneath her feet.
"Will not say no to a drink." In truth, she was not much of a drinker, sticking to wine and the occasional cocktail if the situation required, in all her years of survival, home meals were enjoyed on their own, drinks to be had afterwards, but Meena's question had her pondering something new. "Your choice on that," she said, "We have a variety, so you tell me the drink that goes best with biryani, korma, mutter paneer dishes... sadly, I do not own a tandoor so we have to make do with parathas instead of naan. I simply refuse to pan fry. You have to know that's only a small selection of what I made otherwise you'd have a buffet on your hands."
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"Well, this is an unsuspected view," Meena quipped as she opened the door to find Nyra currently bent over to undo one of the straps of her heels. Her breathless smile only growing as she open both doors fully, cocking her hip casually against the frame as she took in the sight of her dear friend. "And here I was about to ask you such. I see you've been stress cooking, have you?" She teased, not needing to see the food that Nyra had brought with her to be able to pick the distinct notes of home in the air. Another courtesy of being a vampire she supposed. "It smells good," She admitted. The melding of spices and fragrances intertwining into the perfect blend of sweet serenity. "Come on in," She offered up, not that Nyra needed an invitation. She was already undoing her heels to do just such. But, while Meena wasn't typically a fan of unexpected guests, Nyra was one of the few exceptions and a welcome presence in her home. Especially, given the fact that she was already taking off her shoes before entering.
Meena wasn't actually opposed to shoes in the house as long as they were only worn on the first floor that is. Theo, when he had been alive, always did as he pleased regardless of she wanted and, with the amount of constant soirees they used to throw, it would have been a ridiculous request to ask everyone to remove their shoes. But, while the first floor acted primarily for entertaining, it was still nice to be greeted with someone who was not only raised similarly, but seemed to reminder of her family in more ways than one.
"So, what are we having and what shall we drink to go along with it?" She asked as she shut the doors behind them, motioning with a tilt of her head in the direction of the kitchens.
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nyraxodeyer · 2 days
Looking up to face Eren and the rather abrupt confession, Nyra's features morphed to confusion and stayed as such as he continued to explain. She knew a smile was not the correct response to such a thing, not when he seemed so weighed down by a guilty conscience of his own creation and apologetic to degrees that were not needed, Nyra did her utmost to school her expression to not show the slight uptick of lips till he finished. Arms crossed across chest were not in a show of taking a stern stance, but instead a soft wrap of comfort as she listened, and eventually spoke on her true feelings of the matter at hand, because what could be if not honest? "This is not your fault Ere, not one bit." The soft smile spread now, politely dismissing and denying his apology, "And since you say you had a hand in this, then, I have you offer you my gratitude and thank you for this." Her hand shifted over her heart to reinforce that sincerity, "I mean it, you got us out, and that means more than this damage. This, --" she pointed to the ground, "-- it can be fixed. If we were all stuck in the hotel, that's a fate far worse than I'd like to imagine." She glad again for Aiyla keeping him up to date on things, it was not a thought she had, too occupied with trying to figure a way out, she hadn't the forethought to mention them to try and find a way in. "You did more good than bad, so please, no apology needed. I hate more that she was a step ahead of us and escaped."
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Eren Öztürk was rarely in the wrong, or on the bad side of destruction or the law. Being a Private Investigator didn’t make him some tool of the law, but he needed to abide by things to keep his license active and working, and in some times during his decades career he even worked beside law enforcement in other towns on important cases. Of course that didn’t extend much to Lunar Cove’s own Sheriff’s Department, and now he understood why. Regardless, he kept on the better side of most incidents. That was until that night, when he sprung into action and maybe told a few people that some of their more destructive tactics were going to be okay. Standing beside Nyra and looking at the hole, he felt a deep sense of guilt over it. He did suggest Efe call someone for machinery, which also caused property damage to the Casino, but he also told Rae they would forgive them when they tore up the ground and created the hole. Scratching the back of his head, he let out a sigh and turned to the Fae Advisor with a bow of his head. His eyes did not meet hers. “It’s my fault,” he said rather bluntly, “I told them it would be okay, in the name of trying to find a way to get everyone out. Aiyla was telling me what was going on the entire time within, the horrifying things she put you all through… I thought we could find a way around the barrier, evidently I was wrong. I underestimated the magic she had at play.” He paused on a perhaps unnecessary explanation, and bowed his head even further in a sign of humility. “I am very sorry for allowing them to disturb your home.” He usually spoke in a rather monotonous, almost robotic, tone but for once Eren’s voice was soft and deeply remorseful.
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nyraxodeyer · 2 days
"It definitely is for everyone's benefit if a Siren laughs rather than cries, I can tell you that much," Nyra stated as she turned to face the voice, "Best medicine aside, not sure laughter is appropriate for this situation?" Thought she posed it as a question, it was not such. It was a phrase she had heard often, perhaps even used it at some point, and she really did not want to cry over this, not here at least, but also could not bring herself to laugh either. A sigh fell instead, deep and heavy as the events continued to loop in her mind, of chaos and threats, forcing her shoulders to slump. "You're right though, could definitely be worse. I don't think I want to imagine anything worse though." She didn't want to think about that longer than she needed to. Nyra focused back on the other, "Are you okay? Did you run here? I heard you out of breath when you approached."
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So, apparently even super fast healing had it's limits. Granted, Kitty was healing a lot faster from a gunshot wound than any human, but it still hurt like a bitch, and she was still forced to hobble around on crutches. She wasn't letting that stop her from getting around, though, limping through town. She'd even opted to stay at her own apartment rather than her parents' house, not wanting to be babied, even though she kind of needed it, even if the stairs were kind of a bitch. She was practicing getting around, panting a little as she made it back to the scene of that shitty masquerade. Some fucking party. She looked at the hole, the destruction, the woman who just spoke. "It's a big hole," Kitty agreed. "It could totally be worse, though. And, like, laughter. I hear it's the best medicine or something.
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nyraxodeyer · 2 days
She did not need to turn to know who that voice belonged to, but turn she did since Royce paying a visit warranted it, surprising thing in itself but his words, the offer, only increased such a feeling and she made no effort to hide it from her features. "No, I didn't want to fool myself into thinking this could be a 'out of sight, out of mind' type of an issue." Nor would she ever, even if so much as the paint chipped off the hotel, Nyra would be finding a way to patch it up, it was for no one's sake but her own satisfaction. A home, afterall, needed taking care of. "Ah, here I was thinking you were here out of the goodness of your heart," she teased lightly, but soon too to shaking her head at the mention of witches, "Even if they did, Royce, I would not fault them in the slightest, not after they got us out of the mess. I'm rather grateful to them." And she meant it, Nrya by default could not lie nor would she in this case. "This is not yours to be responsible for," she continued, "Sits squarely on my shoulders. I still need to draft plans and organise matters, this very much is a work in progress. But saying that, your offer could be welcomed, perhaps we can put a pin on that should I change my mind? Though, I hope you're not expecting a wing to be named in your honour?" This came as a joke, but the sentiment fell with genuine intent, "Thank you, I do appreciate it."
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Perhaps the most insane thing to come of the night was not anything to do with the Catalyst, at least not by Royce’s book. Having swooped by the hotel out of morbid curiosity like most since that night to see what would become of it, that glaring hole had not looked much better in the light of day or in the days since as his mind was able to wrap itself more and more around all that happened. Pulling out a soft cloth from his suit pocket and wiping a smudge from his lens, he replaced the glasses onto the bridge of his nose and observed the hole from over Nyra’s shoulder. “I don’t think anyone would blame you either reaction, it’s certainly… jarring, and not exactly easily ignored.” He shoved his hands into his pockets as his gaze darted between the hole and the woman standing before it. “It came to my attention that witches are responsible,” he sniffed, “I don’t believe they rank among our coven members.. Maybe one does.” Royce really ought to pay more attention to the faces and names at meetings. “Regardless, I feel a sense of nagging responsibility. Should it prove useful, or welcome in any way, I’d like to make a sizable donation towards the remodeling efforts. Again, only if you’d accept an offer like that. I understand if it feels like a poor excuse of a bandaid for a big problem.”
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nyraxodeyer · 2 days
"With you being the leader, that's an understandable feeling," she said with a nod, "But you could not have stopped that choice from being made. The only way it would have been avoided is if we didn't fall into that trap." And it was a trap, they had placed the bait yet failed to be that one step ahead, and Nyra too took blame onto herself, caught up in the frivolous details of flower arrangements, outfits and illusions, she had not thought properly ahead. As much as she wanted to not think on what lay ahead, to simply focus on the matters at hand, she knew to not be so foolish again. "Because I know who you were and what you can become, my faith is not misplaced, Aiyla, I have lived far too long to not see the potential in people. Besides, I would be a terrible advisor if I didn't believe in you." To steer her onto a path was her job afterall, and she had done that since she met the young girl, now no longer that young, but still as youthfully spirited as Nyra remember and that was not a bad thing at all. As talks moved to Billie, thoughts did too, the lives that she had led would not leave Nyra nor did she want them too, "No, I don't suspect it could've been, a favour to spare a life would have to be something significant. I agree, that you talking to her is a good idea, she might not say much, but it's a start." When things shifted onto her, a light shrug bounced across her shoulders, it was hard to put such a thing to words, "All things considered, I'm still here."
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Aiyla's eyes opened wide a moment, half the casino. Half- she huffed and closed her eyes once more rolling onto her side to face, Nyra on the couch. "Things can be recovered and replaced. Billie can not." She agreed, the fear apparent in her voice. "I feel responsible for them all. I wish could protect her and the rest of them from whatever horrors we know will come again." She rubbed her eyes as she spoke, trying to ground herself as she let Nyra speak of reassurance. "You have so much faith in me." She stated, it felt undeserved at times, and Aiyla bit her tongue keeping that thought locked away. She did not have time for a full blown pity party- it would bleed into weeks and months if she did and she feared they'd all grow weary with her if that had been the case. So just for now, just for today and maybe even only a few hours she would rest and complain and try to figure out what they would do, "I'll speak with Billie. See how much she is willing to share with me. Maybe we can help her some how. I just know whatever they would want from her is not a good thing."Propping her head in her hand she pointed her chin towards Nyra, "Things and the Court aside- how are you faring?"
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nyraxodeyer · 2 days
"Without sentiment, I would be numb and that's not something I wish to feel." The truth feel and she did not attempt to stop it, felt no need, she did not wish to feel such a thing any more. Though at his statement, a chuckle fell despite her intent, "Creature of the abyss? I don't think I've heard that one from you yet. Are we from this same abyss then? Or neighbouring ones?" It may be just a hotel to him, and he was fit to view it as such, seeing that it was just a hotel, but it came to mean something bigger to her, greater than a structure. She no longer had a home but this came so damn close it that some days it did feel like it.
"What would you like to show for it?" she questioned, "Divulging truths about ourself, no matter how petty doesn't seem like your thing, or have I gotten it wrong? You do love to talk about yourself." She added a light shake of her head to brush away the seriousness of the night, "It came with your residence here actually, though you have yet to burden yourself and lift a finger. I cannot even expect to keep your room clean." All in all though, no matter how much he tried to ruffle her feathers, sometimes even succeeding, he was, in all sense of the word, a relief - not that she would ever admit that though. This was too much fun. "No," she said now, the humour falling, "Aiyla doesn't need to bother herself with this. This was my doing. I opened our hotel, our home to all thinking maybe we'd be advantageous, one step ahead... you don't need to say it, I admit that was a foolish move. So this-" her gaze swept about the place, the destruction and whatever was left intact, "I bear the responsibility. You don't have to be on the repair crew, you deserve a break." Though at his words, a laugh fell through, genuine and light, "Primal? Oh, darling, sure of course. That's it." She shrugged before continuing, "If you're willing to be so generous and give them longer breaks, who am I to stop you? As long as it's fun for you, I stand by what I said, you deserve that break."
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"Without sentiment, you'd be feeling decidedly less abysmal right now, love. Creature of the abyss I am and all. I sense these things," Suresh cooed, rolling his eyes. He sniffed defiantly. "Yes, I suppose I do live here." But he would not admit affection for the building or for the Fae Court; even if such a thing existed, he knew better than to try to talk around it and give up his advantage. Bringing up his hands in mock arrest, the siren raised an eyebrow. He shrugged. "There are phone apps for that now. Besides, I did not lose all my money. Only an irritating chunk. And what do I have to show for it? No more than anyone else, and they didn't even learn a petty truth about me." He laughed. "You're concerned about my being your friend, but I'm concerned about you being my employer. When did that happen again? If the Fae Queen wants me on the clean up and repair crew, she should declare it properly." Suresh shook his head, features knotting into irritation. "Pretty's not quite the right word. My lure is perhaps more primal and forbidden, thank you," he scoffed. "You do know if you post me down here, their union-mandated breaks will just get longer, right? More enjoyable for them, of course, but it's your funeral, pet."
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nyraxodeyer · 2 days
There was something about the girl that Nyra was determined to place, the smile was not familiar, nor was the blonde hair, styled in the latest way befitting the decade, no it wasn't that, perhaps something behind the eyes? A twinkle of youthfulness and carefree joy, Nyra couldn't even place the light notes of her laughter in the club's lively music, but nonetheless a smile formed, sweet and soft, she could figure this out later -- if there needed to be something figured out. She was striking in all regards, maybe it was just that, just a catch of her eye. "About yay high," she replied, holding up her hand to an estimate a height, "Maybe taller, blue dress... oh forget it..." The thought, effort and hand dropped with laughter of her own, "Trying to find someone here is a mission. She'll find her way. Possibly. To the bar if I know her." It wasn't a problem, her friends knew to take care, they were all the same after all, knew how to take care, when to fight or fly. Nyra breathed an easy smile, "Care for a drink? Or were you heading back onto the floor? I'd hate to stop you with my dilemmas."
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Billie Fitz didn't exist in the 60s. At this point in time, she wasn't even a glimmer in someone's eyes. But Eudora Cromwell was alive and well, a siren on her first life, happy and healthy and bursting with potential. And why wouldn't she be? The world was a grand place when you knew how to live in it, and she knew how to live in it. Caution wasn't a word she knew, despite her parents warnings. There were hunters. She could be hurt or worse, so much worse. That was just fear talking, though. She was young. There was time, later, to be wary, to be cautious, to be afraid. What use did Dory have of fear when her voice could make someone putty in her hands?
SoHo was an easy place to find somewhere to get lost. Dory thought that getting lost was the best way to start the night. She could find her way home from there. Or, perhaps, find her way somewhere even better. Like this club, for example. The music was marvelous, the crowd lively, and it was a good enough place as any to dance the night away. A few more strong drinks in her and she might even feel compelled to sing. It couldn't do any harm, after all; if anything, the club would probably be happy to draw in a larger crowd. She had half a mind to go to get another drink when she heard a voice, perking up as she turned to face the stranger. "A redhead?" she asked, giggling softly. "I've seen lots of redheads tonight, I'm afraid. I don't suppose you could be a tad more specific?"
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nyraxodeyer · 9 days
"Now there's an idea!" Nyra gave a light chuckle, "It mostly exists as decoration, I can't lie, but I do check it often and some do use it liberally," she said, eyes glancing downwards at the papers about her desk, "Guests and staff, if you'd believe it. Casino complaints are far too common, and this shouldn't be a surprise but Suresh's name does crop up often too." But those were more entertaining than anything. Smiling up at Aiyla, she thanked her for the compliment, "That's very sweet of you, I try to give this my all, it's home in a way, for me and others, so I will forever meticulously tend to its every need." It had been one of the best decisions she had made since her arrival to town, while the first few odd years were spent bobbing her head in a out, she had stayed at this very hotel, a thread tied her here and pulled each time she drifted too far, it made all the sense in the world to root herself after a certain time. "I can provide both those in abundance, did you have anything particular in mind or shall we see where the wind takes us?"
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nyraxodeyer · 9 days
At the sound beating of wings, and a quitely spoken words Nyra looked over her shoulder to catch sight of the pixie, eyes crinkling to a softer look as Kui approached. "Godzilla would've been appreciated much more I feel." To have them back in town after everything was a relief that she was sure was visible on her own features. Worry eased to see them in one piece, but the smile that graced her lips when questioned about what had transpired, about members of the court fell slowly to a solemn expression. She couldn't lie and say everything was okay no matter how much she wanted to reassure the other, but the truth weighed heavy on her heart, "One of our own was unjustly injured," she confessed, "But we're all alive, if that's any consolation, and she's being well looked after." A small shrugh danced her shoulders, "It's likely in everyone's best interest if I keep tears from spilling, that's a sight no one should behold. It'll be okay, this," she pointed to the ground, "Is a small thing to ensure safety. We've already paid the price in many other ways."
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At first, it seemed like a relief to return home. A few weeks in NYC on business, reconnecting with the world on their own terms, albeit with careful concealment when they felt it was required, Kui could safely say the trip had done their frayed nerves some good. However, the hole outside the Emerald Hotel shattered the illusion. The weight of it, the fact that the very same place that they'd sought and found shelter so many times, brought reality back to their mind with a sickening lurch. They materialized a few feet away from Nyra, wings out and fluttering nervously as they approached her, so as not to startle the siren. "It... is quite big. Like, Godzilla was here big," they said quietly, before a hand reached out not to hold, but just hover near Nyra's elbow. "Are you—um... what did I miss? It wasn't actually Godzilla, right? Is everyone, the court are they..." They trailed off, uncertain if they even wanted to hear the answer. "You can laugh or cry, I think. Or both. I don't think there's any rules about it either way. This certainly looks like it warrants, um. Warrants exception, even if there was."
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nyraxodeyer · 9 days
She shook her head, "No, not rude, more adamant and stubborn than anything." But given the state of things, the way the spell took hold of the minds of everyone that fell victim to an innocent enough call for vigilance – something that she was sure would make all err on the side of caution, Nyra did not hold it against anyway. With a smile she brushed off the apology, "That's quite alright, no need to be sorry. I'm glad you have Meena's guidance on things. Unfortunately, more so lately, such things have been frequent, one can only hope that this unrest eases but I suppose only time will tell."
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"Oh, shit," Remmy sucked in a breath, "sorry. Yeah, I, uh-- wasn't really in my head that night. I hope I wasn't rude or nothin' to you?" They couldn't remember much of what happened, only that they woke up in a place they didn't recognize, Moose nowhere in sight. They'd felt dirty and tired, not really an unfamiliar feeling, but one they'd hadn't felt in a long time. "I'm, um-- kinda back with faces, too. Sorry. Promise it's nothin' about you." They shrugged, giving a half-hearted smile. "I'm workin' on things, you know? The, uh-- the clan leader, Meena? She's been real helpful to me. So, that's nice. And, uh, it's nice to meet you, too, Nyra. Is this a thing that, like, happens often here?"
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nyraxodeyer · 17 days
for: meena @cantfightmoonlight location: meena's manor
Time slipped her by but at some point in time cooking had become a distraction of sorts, an outlet to de-stress from the world and its ever-changing ways. Methodical and structured activity she realised had been an excellent way to apply her mind into a different channel. And it was to the kitchen she turned to under current circumstances, stuck between action and inaction, the urge for distraction had never been greater.
Aromatics filled her suite from the first sizzle of spices, fragrances that invoked a feeling of home, a place that she longed for yet could never visit, yet that did not bring a forth a heaviness that would normally arise from such memories, a smile danced on her lips instead as she hummed along to old melodies that played, lighter feelings drifted up as she stirred, stewed and steamed. Not happy, nor forlorn, not safe but there was a sense of calm in her. Or, as calm as the situation allowed her to get. Hopefully no matter how foolish that things would be alright. A plethora of dishes resulted on this path to feeling okay. An excessive amount of food for a single person, her freezer already stuffed couldn't hold more things but at least she had that endorphins release.
Lifting up the delicate pleats of her saree, Nyra balanced a carry bag filled with containers of food as she walked up the stairs to Meena's front door. Knowing well that the other hardly ate human food didn't deter her from the act of taking it to her anyway, perhaps selfishly she craved company, a need to converse over food with someone she considered a friend. Knocking and singing out her name to announce herself, she bent slightly to undo the strap of her heels as she waited. Greeting Meena with a smile when the door finally opened, "Hello, sorry for the unexpected drop by. I just wanted to see how you were getting along."
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nyraxodeyer · 17 days
"Now there's an idea!" Nyra gave a light chuckle, "It mostly exists as decoration, I can't lie, but I do check it often and some do use it liberally," she said, eyes glancing downwards at the papers about her desk, "Guests and staff, if you'd believe it. Casino complaints are far too common, and this shouldn't be a surprise but Suresh's name does crop up often too." But those were more entertaining than anything. Smiling up at Aiyla, she thanked her for the compliment, "That's very sweet of you, I try to give this my all, it's home in a way, for me and others, so I will forever meticulously tend to its every need." It had been one of the best decisions she had made since her arrival to town, while the first few odd years were spent bobbing her head in a out, she had stayed at this very hotel, a thread tied her here and pulled each time she drifted too far, it made all the sense in the world to root herself after a certain time. "I can provide both those in abundance, did you have anything particular in mind or shall we see where the wind takes us?"
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She was happy that she'd not interrupted, elated that she was happy to blow it off for Aiyla's attempt at distraction. There would be plenty of time for them to become the responsible leaders they were meant to be, to concot a plan of what would come next with the rest of the leaders and advisors. But, for now a brief and rare occurrence they had a window of opportunity to exist outside of the weight burden that came with knowing they had to organize to get a head of the Catalyst. Aiyla's nose wrinkled, "The complaint suggestion box should truly be a shredder." She smiled, "You are perfect and the Emerald could not have a better manager." She shifted into her office, "What are the complaints anyway? The food is too good. The pool too refreshing." She blew a raspberry turning one over in her hand, "I lost too much money in the Casino." She feined a pout, "It's like they don't know how a Casino works." She set it down with a sigh, "Anyway. I could use some fresh air. A distraction and company."
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nyraxodeyer · 17 days
"You are forever in need of chastising," she replied without hesitation, "A routine that you make necessary. If you stayed away from the staff, believe me, this," she pointed to the interaction between them, "Would not be required." Annoyance did not reach levels that would cause a problem, his antics were a speck in the things that bothered her, but such things would never keep her up in worry.
"Nothing you say?" she raised a brow, eyes slightly narrowing trying to discern how he had uttered such a blatantly lie. "Disrupting workflow is more than nothing." She shot a look over to the concierge to get back to it. "Guests do have to abide by guidelines too, you're not above that if you're classifying yourself as just a guest." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes, a slow decent from the ceiling as he continued to talk, "I don't need to be your employer or oversee your a place at the court to boss you around, that comes naturally." She gestured about him as she spoke, "You have this air about that says, 'please tell me what to do' and I just oblige to that energy. In a way, it works in my favour. Worry not, this likely won't affect your chase of the week all too much, but you have become, by your own doing, the epicentre for many complains."
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Rolling his eyes and letting out a groan, Suresh made no attempt to hide the way his entire body bristled when his name echoed across the room. Turning away from the concierge with whom he had been chatting, he leaned backward on the front desk and raised an eyebrow. "How many times must you shout my name down the corridor like I'm in need of chastising? The tut-tutting Supernanny routine really is so 2006." The siren sighed, clicking his tongue, stiffening up to stand at his full height.
He raised an eyebrow. "What? I didn't do anything. And besides, I don't work here, love. I'm a guest. So you're not actually allowed to order me about. I report only to the Fae Queen." He leaned to the concierge and whispered conspiratorially. "And even that's up for debate, mate."
Suresh crossed his arms. "Whatever it is, we can do it here. I don't care enough about Chad to have secrets from him. Sorry, Chad. I can't tell lies. You're handsome enough, sure, but...well, we both know this is just for giggles. Don't take it too hard."
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nyraxodeyer · 17 days
In a way she should be relived that they had not recognised her like she had the other, perhaps even chalk it up to a misunderstanding and move one, but Nyra was not that type to do such a thing nor did she feel this encounter to be awkward for a such a thing to be faked anyway. Instead she smiled, brushing off the comments without dragging it along, "That's quite alright. We met -or well, I should say, ran into each other of New Years eve, the night when the spell took over our town," she explained, "It's one of those unforgettable moments to me." Words or action could sway the other from whatever they had their mind set to, Nyra could not count it as a failure to make things on her part since she never stood a chance to begin with. "Nice to meet you properly though, Remmy. I'm Nyra. How have you been? A lot happened that night."
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You. The word made Remmy pause more so than having bumped into someone. Typically, Moose always stayed on their left side, since they couldn't see or hear out of that side, but he had slipped around in front of them for just a moment, to push the walk button, and Remmy had accidentally backed into the woman. Still, it wasn't even that that gave them pause. They recognized her, but couldn't remember where from. While Remmy's ability to memorize and remember patterns or numbers was probably above average, their ability to recognize and remember people had always been subpar. "I, uh-- sorry. No, it's okay! I don't, um-- it's Remmy. I'm Remmy. You'll have to, um, remind me where I know you from? O-or saw you? I'm not the best at, like, remembering that stuff. No offense to you!"
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