nxndot-blog · 5 years
“Better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings to counting your troubles.”
— Maltbie D. Babcock
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
Counting your blessings is like counting the stars. The ones you count are just the few that you see.
— Mobeen Hakeem
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
For a better breather
“Every story needs an end, even ours dear. Sleep tight.”
— 10 for the breathless
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
“The “present” is a leaf floating on top of the river. It moves along with the flow from past to future.”
— ​Okabe Rintarou
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
Brittle and Ardent
They stumbled in each other’s path, Neither knew why or how they were there. He loved numbers, was always good with math, She loved letters, words, she would always hold them dear. // Both thought they were better off by themselves, In their own company they felt they thrived. Yet sometimes some books do not belong where they are kept on the shelves, Both were broken, in their own worlds, they lived. // She was quite frail, her heart so weakened, He was cold, his heart probably a fortress. In his eyes, she found a reason to be beguiled, In her, he saw someone who could help his mess. // He didn’t realize she was a piece of glass, She didn’t know he had walls she’ll have to surpass. // He broke her, not meaning to but in his carelessness, She took him as her own when he could not be anyone else’s. // She was brittle, she broke like glass, shards scattered, His ardent feelings for her, held no meaning, nothing mattered. //
- DG
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
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Okuaizu, Fukushima
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
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Maybe just a little
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
What doesn’t kill you
makes you cry torrents of tears.
What doesn’t kill you
makes you stop knowing hunger.
What doesn’t kill you
robs your every smile away.
What doesn’t kill you
makes you sigh so deeply.
What doesn’t kill you
makes always feel lonely
even when you’re not alone.
What doesn’t kill you
makes your knees feel weak.
What doesn’t kill you
makes you bleed profusely
without having any wound.
What doesn’t kill you
scars you permanently for life.
What doesn’t kill you
never lets you fall asleep.
What doesn’t kill you
turns into deadly monsters
in your worst nightmares.
What doesn’t kill you
breaks your heart so badly
till you can’t pick up the pieces.
What doesn’t kill you
gnaws at your aching soul.
What doesn’t kill you
will make you wish so hard
it killed you in the first place.
What didn’t kill you
was a really big mistake
coz you’re slowly dying painfully anyway.
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.
Ozzy Osbourne
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nxndot-blog · 5 years
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nxndot-blog · 6 years
“The only dream worth having is to dream that you will live while you are alive, and die only when you are dead. To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.”
— Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living
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nxndot-blog · 6 years
RAIN. When you are in the midst of a strong emotion, take a few moments to try this approach: Recognize what you are feeling and name it. Anger, fear, sadness, confusion? Allow the feelings to be present, without pushing them away and without getting lost in them. Investigate the feelings in your body and mind. Explore the landscape of the emotion with curiosity and interest. Where in your body do you feel it? How does it feel in your mind—heavy, tight, open, agitated? Non-identification is the key to freeing yourself from the emotion’s grip. Don’t take it personally. What you are feeling is a human emotion that arises and passes away. It does not define who you are.
—James Baraz
Awakening Joy: 10 Steps That Will Put You on the Road to Real Happiness
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nxndot-blog · 6 years
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Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
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nxndot-blog · 7 years
Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed
Albert Einstein
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nxndot-blog · 7 years
Bali: What do you need?
I have been to Bali twice and I traveled and explored Bali in two different way. The first time to Bali we hired a driver who drive us around and the 2nd time I ride a bike with my (new wed) husband. So here’s the list I think quite essential to those who plan to visit Bali soon:
1) Sunblock
Bali is small island which I think can be pretty hot during the day and sunblock is a must or else you’ll end up being baked over there. 
2) You can just wear slippers.
Most of the places are sandy, wearing shoes can be troublesome sometimes. You can save your luggage space by just leave your shoes at home unless if you’re planning to hike.
3) If you’re planning to travel on your own, buy their data
It is pretty handy to be able to use the Google Maps or Waze when you wanna travel on your own.
4) International adapter
Well, this one is a must if you wanna go anywhere, right?
5) Pack some light and thin clothes
Because it can be pretty hot over there. Wearing a suitable cloth could save you a lot
6) Bring along small bag to put your stuff
Monkeys over there are very extreme. They can just grab your stuff away whenever they can. They even likes to take sunnies even though they don’t even know how to wear it. If things they grab is not a food, they will directly just break it.
7) Surfboard
Bali is famous with plenty of a nice surfing spot. From the beautiful view, soft and delicate breeze to their amazing wave which can give a full satisfaction to a surfer.
8) Sunnies and leave you work(and stress) at home
Don’t forget to bring along your excitements and adventurous side of you!
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