nvelaryon · 2 years
greyjoy, maron
Maron did not wish to bother her or upset her over his family’s business. He knew she cared, about him mostly and even though she was the only person he would open up to about his emotions on that level, Maron wished to enjoy the little time they had together with more important business and subjects. He wanted to ask about her, know how she has been, what she has been doing. Maron wants to know what other interests she might have gotten during the time they were away. He knew he was setting himself for an heartbreak, when he had to see her betrothed and eventually married to another man, but he would have the memories of their shared moments to remember. 
The Ironborn listened carefully to her as she spoke about her brother and the issues that have been happening between them. At the end of the day, as much as he hated Deimos for wanting to set his sister for a marriage she did not want, Maron knew he was only doing his duty, as the head of the house. And it was Nesaerys duty to marry someone that would benefit her house and her region. “You know that is not true, your brother cares about you and your sister. If he didn’t, he would’ve married you both already without even asking for your input.” He paused. “It is understandable that he wants to create a bond with his sister but that doesn’t mean he’s going to ignore you or that you’ll be pushed to a second plan, your brother wouldn’t do that.” Maron tried to assure her, giving her hand another squeeze. “I do not think we will ever feel for others what we felt for one another, you will always have a special place in my heart. But you will be happy, you will find a good match, a good man who will give you a good life and a happy one. You deserve that.” 
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It was mere fantasy, dreams of two people who are in love and share the same hope that one day, a future would be possible. Deep down, Maron knew it was close to himself, but he didn’t want to bring the mood down. “Maybe one day, there will be peace in all the territory and tensions won’t play a part of arranged marriages.” He told her, offering her a small smile. “We all have reputations, something better than others. I just don’t believe the Ironborn are the Lords’ first options when they think of suitable matches for their daughters or sister.” He paused. “I would treat you right though, you know that right? I would only want you, no salt wives, just you.” Maron spoke from the heart, nothing but honesty in his voice. “Are you certain? Wouldn’t you get tired of my stubborn and annoying self?” A chuckle escaped his lips. “I wish we could be together, one last time.” He titled his head to the side, admiring her for a moment. 
         OF COURSE HER BROTHER CARED,  he always had. but a woman such as her, that valued her pride and the pride of house velaryon... it was difficult to even acknowledge the fact that her father had betrayed her mother’s honor by wrapping himself in the entertainment of another woman. in turn, she hated that a woman could ever lay a hand on a married man, even give him a child. a bastard. one her brother insisted on acknowledging. it was beyond her. perhaps her physical features were not the only targaryen dominant part of her. ❝ and is he not attempting to marry us off now ?? her and i ? ❞ it sure seemed that way. ❝ you are not meant to take his side, maron. ❞ furrowed brows indicate just how displeased she truly was with his words. 
         a flash of irritation mirrors in lilac orbs, one that is gone as quickly as it came. not because she was no longer irritated but because she knows he is not aware of the entirety of the situation. ❝ she is the product of our father’s infidelity, a bastard that chose to earn a living the least respectful way possible - she is a whore. you can not tell me he has any care for the reputation of this family. ❞ it was harsh, maybe, especially given the fact neither her nor her sister were saints. perhaps her own anger was misplaced, not entirely on selene and her mother but also on her father. ❝ he should never have turned his back on a child. perhaps if he had not, things would be different but... he did. i wish i could be kinder, i wish i could care enough to try but everything feels wrong. as if i am condoning his betrayal to my mother. ❞ it was more than who she was and what she did, it was deeper than all of that. given, nesaerys had always been a proud woman. more than that, she had always seen life in an honorable way. there was nothing honorable about adultery nor was there honor in being a bastard.
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       a sigh escapes her, defeated, head shaking slowly at his words. ❝ no i won’t. ❞ she knows it, deep down, that no one will ever live up to him. did she deserve to be happy ?? yes. but he had captured her heart long before their familial tensions had caught up to them and unfortunately for nesaerys velaryon, that kind of love only came around once. ❝ should my brother get his way... i will marry a high standing lord, it will be a political match and i will eventually give him an heir, should the gods see fit. he will likely want an affectionate and loving wife, unfortunately, he will not find her in me and while i will play my part, he will grow bored of my cold nature, perhaps seek love in another. i know it will be a decent life, certainly a comfortable life but not a happy one. ❞ how could she when every last piece of her heart belonged to him ? nesaerys velaryon belonged to maron greyjoy, she had been his in every sense of the word and she would remain so until her very last breath.
         a smile once again finds its way to the features of the lady, wishing to believe his words. ❝ how lucky would we be. ❞ maybe one day, indeed. ❝ no better are the kin of dragons. ❞ she assures him, an ill reputation surrounding every last descendent of valyrian blood. her smile grows tender, suddenly softer in features though silence lingers between the pair. the lithe lady shifts, small frame moving to just barely leave distance between them. she leans closer, glancing up at him through lashes. ❝ i know. ❞ nesaerys echoes, the purple tint within her gaze suddenly darker in shade. ❝ i could never grow tired of you, maron, not now and not ever. i crave every part of you, especially your stubborn and annoying nature. ❞ her own personal addiction was him. ❝ we can, though, i fear one last time will know no ends. ❞
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nvelaryon · 2 years
greyjoy, maron
Maron knew better than most what it felt like to look at people and see the pity in his eyes. When he was a young boy, everyone felt sorry for him, no one believed he would be able to achieve what he has and thought he would be nothing more than a crippled man. Although, the prince proved everyone wrong, he showed them just how strong and resilient he was and from then on, no one dared to feel pity or sorry for him again. “They have. And as much as I want to take Black Wind and sail up there to kill them all, I know we have to be smart about this. Or our family members will be killed.” He knew his sister, he knew she was going to do everything in her power to make sure they got their home back with as little colateral damage as possible. But if it was up to him, all Blacktydes were to be killed.
“I’ve learned a lot from you … patience just wasn’t one of them.” And it was true. Nesaerys had taught him how to love and how to be loved by someone, something Maron never thought he would get to experience. In his head, he wasn’t someone people were supposed to love, they were suppose to fear him. But Nesaerys loved him for who he was and that’s one of the reasons why she will always have a special place in his heart. A chuckle escaped her lips. “I don’t think your brother would be pleased to know that we were intimate in the past, not with how tense relations between our houses are now.” He paused, letting out a sigh. “I wish we could go back to those times. I miss you, I miss being in your company. No one has ever made me feel the way that you had.” 
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Maron nodded his head. “It was, I truly enjoyed my time in Essos, it’s so different from Westeros. I wish I could take you there someday, just like I promised when we were young.” Although, circumstances changed and now, there was no way Maron would be able to take her to Essos without starting a civil war. “Do you know if he has any matches in mind?” If she was to be married to another man, Maron wanted to at least make sure it was a good fit, someone who would treat her well and make her happy. Because she deserved to be happy, even if it wasn’t with him. A chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head. “We both know it’s not as simple as that. We have strong relations with Dorne now, a marriage between us would not be possible, not while tensions are so high.” He paused. “And I have a feeling your brother doesn’t think an Ironborn would be a good fit for his sister, we do have sort of a reputation.” A sigh escaped his lips. Gathering some courage, Maron reached his hand forward to hold her’s, giving it a small squeeze. “You know I would marry you though, if we could. My feelings for you have not changed throughout the years, I don’t think they ever will.” 
        SHE UNDERSTOOD HIS ANGER  but knew, more than that, it was entirely misplaced. there was more to this than the blacktyde’s betrayal. there was a personal level, something had cut too deeply. all in due time, nesaerys knew him better than to push at things he did not wish to share. ❝ it will all work out, maron. ❞ all mocking formalities dropped and a delicate hand moves to return previous squeeze he had offered her many times before. it remains, hovering in his grasp, selfishly wishing to revel the warmth of his calloused hands once again. in the most innocent of ways.
          his words further coax another laugh from her lips, lilac orbs a shade too bright - something she now felt foreign. her family had been through so much, it often made her forget how young she truly was, how full of life. ❝ some things one can never grasp despite how badly one tries. ❞ she wished she was as brave as he was. there was courage within her, she knew it, though something had simmered it somewhere along the way. perhaps wildfyre had taken her courage with him when he left her side that wretched night. it was for the best. bravery such as the one she had once possessed would only further complicate her brother’s life. ❝ deimos seeks to build a bond with his bastard sister, why should i burden myself with what would please him or not ?? he cares very little for what would please vhae and myself. ❞ surely her words held little truth, the sane her knew deimos cared. and that he would continue to care despite how close he got to corlys’ bastard. it was only natural for a little sister to be jealous. ❝ trust that i miss you, as well. i fear that i do not believe any other capable of making me feel half of the things you do, maron. ❞ 
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         ❝ perhaps one day. ❞ was that optimism or fairytales ?? she wished not find the difference between the two, not now. ❝ i would think not otherwise he would have surely told me by now. ❞ at least, she hoped her brother would have brought it to her attention. at the very most, she would know when called for an audience with said noble. ❝ i wish something could be simple. ❞ her gaze shifts, finding the wooden flooring of the docks before finally meeting his hues again. ❝ reputations... as if the sea snake held any kindness in his. ❞ her father knew a couple of things about reputations, having done too much and nothing at all. she nods, slowly, returning the firm squeeze of his hand before a sigh slips from the lips of nesaerys. ❝ if things were simple... as one often wished, i would have liked to marry you. ❞
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nvelaryon · 2 years
closed starter for @vhaenessavelaryon​ 
        THE SLAMMING OF HER APPOINTED   dornish chambers’ door seems to thunder in the silence of the room. a hand lifting to her head, shoes falling against the ground upon being kicked off before the stomping of bare feet makes itself known, a deep breath forced between gritted teeth. her temper was flaring, as it typically did when she was left to truly register certain occurrences. in this case, the fact her brother now intended to find her a match. there should have been solace in the fact he intends to include her in the choice but gods know that was doing nothing to help her now. 
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          her frame stills suddenly, head turning slowly towards her bathtub the flicker of a candle in her peripheral view having caught her attention. a frown finds the features of the lady of driftmark, glare finding the relaxed frame of her little sister - ever as carefree. ❝ what in the seven hells are you doing in my quarters, vhaenessa ?? ❞ her words are harsher than her tone especially as she moves over to the foot of the bathtub where she sinks to the ground and extends a hand to her sister, nodding in the direction of the spare goblet. ❝ your attempts of sabotaging every and all potential matches have shifted to being a nuisance to me. ❞ the silver haired sister huffs, lilac orbs bright with irritation.
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nvelaryon · 2 years
Maron didn’t want to see pity in her features when he looked at her. He didn’t need anyone to feel sorry for them, they would get back what was rightfully their’s, it was only a matter of time. He was thankful that she did not feel sorry for him, instead she showed him support and belief. There weren’t a lot of people in the world who Maron would open up about his emotions and his thoughts. Outside of his family, Nesaerys was the only one who had seen his vulnerability, the only one he trusted enough to show weakness. And even though they hadn’t seen each other for many years and their families weren’t exactly in the best of terms, with tensions increasing more and more, Maron felt like not much changed between them. He would still do anything for her. “We will. And we will kill every single one of the Blacktydes, make an example out of them. I just don’t know what is taking my sister so long.” He frowned, knowing that it was a very delicate subject. They couldn’t risk an attack when their family members were being held hostage and could get executed at any moment. “He will. He will give us the strength to sail home and take it back.” 
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Maron smiled at the sound of her laugh, one he had missed more than he would ever care to admit. They had both always been so stubborn, it didn’t matter that they knew the other was right, they would fight for their arguments. “You should know, I was never a patient man. Even now.” He titled his head to the side as he studied her for a moment. She hadn’t changed much, from what he remembered, still as beautiful as ever. And how hard was Maron fighting to not fall back into that hole of emotions once again. It was different times now, both of them had responsibilities to their houses. “I much prefer the term, yes, it’s closer to reality, don’t you think?” He paused, offering her a smile. “Although, maybe not anymore. I wouldn’t want people getting the wrong idea.” Oh how dramatic it would be if their families found out about their former fling. Although Maron couldn’t help but find it exciting. 
“I’m thankful my King gives me as much freedom as she does. I’ve explored many parts of Westeros and Essos, beautiful places.” And how he wished he could take her there someday. Those were the sort of experiences he always dreamed about having with her when they were younger. “You think so?” He looked down at the ground, it was a thought he didn’t want to have. He didn’t want to think about the possibility of Nasaerys marrying another man. It was coming though, he knew that and it was naive to think otherwise. “Maybe I’ll take Black Wind to Driftmark and kidnap you. Save you from an unhappy and miserable marriage to a boring and self-entitled Lord of Westeros.” His words were followed by his signature smirk, a joke that was meant to light up the mood. 
         NONE KNEW WHAT EXACTLY THE  ironborn prince was capable of better than nesaerys velaryon. there had never been a thought of pity when he crossed her mind, as often as he did, he never quite did bring pity with him for he was more than capable of defeating all odds and every obstacle that he could possibly be faced with. she believed in him and his strength like no other. ❝ they surely have slowed her with the hostages. the less collateral losses, the better - something the crownlands know well. ❞ her family had done plenty of damage during their feud and with them, they had taken too many innocent lives. made them casualties of a war they had not asked for. pyke would be theirs soon, she knew it.
          ❝ silly me for thinking you had learned a thing or two from myself. ❞ her patience was both a blessing and a curse, mainly because the minute it wore off her temper was unusually cruel. not that he had ever been on the receiving end, though, with the many years they had known one another - he had surely talked her down from her irritation. he had been there through a lot. and then... he wasn’t. neither by her choice or his. ❝ it certainly is. ❞ they had been exactly that. when life was simpler and the greyjoys were on good standings with the targaryen rulers. in other words... when daemon still held air in his lungs. ❝ there are worse things in life than them learning of our intimate affairs, i would dare say. ❞ though, perhaps that was the selfish part of her speaking again.
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          her smile does not falter, lilac gaze attentively locked on the familiar features of maron greyjoy. he, too, looked the same. with the exception of the sharper boyish features that came with maturity. ❝ the change must be refreshing. ❞ she’s happy he has experienced the world past the tiring nature of westeros. she was glad he was making good use of the freedom his king granted him. ❝ i know so. he will certainly take this opportunity to seek a good fit, someone who will benefit not only house velaryon but also the crownlands. ❞ his next words stir a brighter grin out of her, head shaking slowly before she moves to tuck some stray strands of silver locks behind her ear. ❝ you would also ease the tensions between our kingdoms, i suppose they should thank us, truly. besides... a prince is still a prince, ironborn or not. ❞ there’s a smirk of her own that claims her lips upon her last phrase. she, unlike the others, saw no crime in his lifestyle. they were strong people, firm in their beliefs and loyal in their own right.
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nvelaryon · 2 years
greyjoy, maron
Maron titled his head to the side as he looked up to her. The smirk never leaving his features as he watched her. It had been far too long since the last time they had seen each other and Maron would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to see her. Of course, that’s something he would never admit out loud, his stubbornness always getting the upper hand. “Well, the feeling is mutual, I did not expect to see you here either.” He told her, letting out a sigh. “We have ties with the Martells, they were kind enough to let us stay. Pyke has been taken by traitors, the Blacktydes. They’ve taken some hostages too.” He paused. “So we’re here, while planning out attack on those bastards.” The grip on his sword got tighter at the thought, he wanted nothing more than kill them all. 
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“I cannot argue against that. But it’s too much work when you’re in the North, too many layers. Here, it’s a lot more simple and you can get down to the fun part faster.” He looked at her before winking. Maron liked to mess with her, he found that whenever he was around her, he was a better version of himself, less grumpy and more light-hearted. “Friend? And here I thought we were more intimate than that.” It was meant as a joke but it had a hint of truth in it. “I’ve been well, sailing most of the time. You know that I’m truly home when I’m out in my ship. What about you?” 
       AND WHY WOULD HE EXPECT   to see her on foreign lands with so much uncertainty where her familial name was involved ?? he was right to be surprised. still, a selfish part of her is glad she continues to succeed in surprising him after all the years they have known each other. her features soften at his words, an odd sense of empathy flooding the lady of driftmark. few people had ever gotten such emotions out of her and he was absolutely one of them. of course, she had heard of the greyjoys slip in power - the boldness of the blacktydes. but she was not at all up to date how she should be. ❝ i am certain you will regain the power that is so rightfully yours and your family’s. pyke is the seat of house greyjoy, it always has been and it will remain so. ❞ 
       she knew his sister to be a brave king, courageous and smart. a physical reminder of what a woman in power could truly do. ❝ your drowned god will do right by you. ❞ she states it as a fact, though, in truth she knows not much of his religion or his god. only what he had shared during their times spent together. 
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       a gentle laugh spews from the heart shaped lips of the silver haired lady, soft and melodic. he was right, they both knew it. but the stubborn part of her could never help and disagree with him, put up a fight for the sake of their chemistry. ❝ you lack patience even after all these years. ❞ humor lines the silky tone of nesaerys velaryon, mirrored in purple irises. his next words do well to silence her, a nod following before any hint of speech comes from her. but it does, after a moment. ❝ shall i call you lover, then ?? is that to his grace’s liking ??? ❞ there is comfort in the light-hearted nature he coaxes out of her, a sudden weight off the slim shoulders of the velaryon. she realizes then that she had missed the young greyjoy, a part of her had undoubtedly longed for his company more than anything else. 
        ❝ i can understand the need to be at one with the sea. there is freedom in her uncertainty. ❞ the sea’s, she means. always so unpredictable and still... nesaerys preferred the adventure. ❝ vhaenessa is adamant on resolving every and each match our brother sets for her... so, i suppose he will come along one for myself eventually. i have been well, all things considered and especially despite that. ❞ 
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nvelaryon · 2 years
velaryon, deimos
There was a somewhat tired disposition to the ruling Lord of Driftmark, a goblet in hand still nearly filled with Dornish red that he had barely tasted. The prospect of peace negotiations was a good enough excuse to gather all the realms of Westeros here. But that was all Deimos believed it was. An excuse. His years on this world had taught him that this continent would always find ways to break itself apart, that the scale would shift and power would never rest easy upon the same rulers for too long. He wanted to trust something positive might come out of this journey, but perhaps he was much too jaded to believe in peace so easily.
“We have enough people to keep close, I suppose,” he stated as Nesaerys took a seat before him. Without words, just their silent way of communicating, the lord offered a drink to his sister. Commenting on his rest was mere pleasantry and Deimos only smirked, shaking his head softly. There were enough things on his mind to allow him only a couple of hours of sleep, so often reaching midnight without any inclination to go to bed just yet.
“I wanted to speak to you about starting to look for possible betrothal for you,” he said plainly, respecting his sister too much to beat around the bush when it concerned important matters. “Gods know Vhae is intent on driving me mad by breaking every single union that is arranged for her,” he said, pinching his nose for a second before meeting Nesaerys’ eyes again. “I am playing my part in marrying Lady Swann. It’s time you play yours, Nessie. And before you ask, I don’t have prospects yet”. Deimos set his untouched wine aside and laced his fingers on top of his desk. “As ruling lord the decision is ultimately mine, but you’re my sister… I wish for you to have a good marriage. A happy one, if possible. Now that all the realms have gathered here, keep your eyes open, listen, and we can evaluate together any candidates that you bring to me”.
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          HE LOOKED DIFFERENT, MAYBE  because of the added responsibilities of his new role within the crownlands. perhaps because their little sister finally broke him or even because of his engagement. though, she knew it was because they were in dorne. nesaerys knew, all too well, that he had been mending a relationship with their father’s bastard daughter and while she had zero intentions of working to build one with her herself, she failed to understand why he did. deimos had always cared too much. something they shared despite her ability to admit it. 
         a nod acknowledges his words before a hand extends towards a goblet of her own, lilac hues locked on his as she waits for the pour. the silver haire woman settles back into her chair afterwards, lifting the goblet to her lips before pausing at his words. ❝ of course you are. ❞ her tone does nothing to give away her emotions, steady and blunt. there is a hint of irritation in light hues, one that is drowned out the moment she takes a sip of her drink. it was entirely like their sister to dodge any and all sense of responsibility but she was always that way and they knew it. nesaerys expected nothing less from her.
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         ❝ you need not remind me of your discipline, brother, i am not vhae. ❞ she means it in the best possible way. knowing very well that their younger sister would require much convincing and still, she would end up doing what she pleased. it was only natural for the velaryon siblings to be so different. ❝ if you wish to marry me off for the benefit of house velaryon, i trust you will grant me the kindness of having some say. ❞ a kindness, indeed, she knew. others were not even informed, only told that they were meant to marry someone and expected to go through with it.
         ❝ i will not fight you nor will i deceive you but if you have any prospects for my hand, big brother, i would like to hear them. ❞ 
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nvelaryon · 2 years
greyjoy, maron
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Maron turned his head to look at the person who had joined him. Sure enough, it was someone he knew far too well, someone who he hadn’t seen in a few years. They had been close once, while growing up, friends since childhood. But they both grew from those years, became a young man and woman who had many responsibilities due to their status. And with the increasing of tension between their families, it was only normal that they would eventually drift apart. Raising an eyebrow, a smirk spread across his lips as he shrugged his shoulders. “Well, we are in Dorne, what were you expecting? It’s known for its long deserts, hot sun and lack of water, unless you’re near the place where land ends and the ocean starts.” The prince shook his head at her words. “You have not, do not worry. I do understand that this part of Westeros is not for everyone, not everyone can adjust to it. I mean, I could never adjust to living in the North, too cold and too many clothes.” Maron chuckled.
        LILAC ORBS SQUINT NOTICEABLY   upon the sight of the smirk that graced his lips. eyebrows furrow playfully before features ease and an eyebrow raises challengingly. ❝ certainly not this and certainly not you. ❞ she was joking, at least about the part where she did not expect dorne to be so sandy. that was a humor filled lie at best. in truth, she had always envied the sun kissed complexion of the dornish. one everyone knew to be rooted at the heat from their homelands. it was a significant change from the north and she knew not which she prefered. 
        perhaps the north given the lack of tension between the starks and the targaryens. at least... once. now, it seemed, everyone held a tense relation to her familial group. not that nesaerys could blame them and not that she would ever admit it either.
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        she smiles, slowly, but surely. ❝ that only makes removing them more exciting. ❞ another joke on her end - a rare sight even to herself but familiar when it came to maron greyjoy. he always seemed to bring out the light-heartedness of the velaryon lady. ❝ how have you been... old friend ?? ❞ the word is uttered loosely, subtly emphasized. 
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nvelaryon · 2 years
closed starter for ; @deimos-velaryon​  
          ❝ i must admit, the voyage here was most extraordinary but the arrival... lacking amusement in every possible way. perhaps that was to be expected given our - tensions with the dornish. ❞ lilac orbs find the similar hues or her older brother, the ruling lord deimos velaryon. she knows there’s much more to him having called for an audience than to discuss the political standings of the crownlands and dorne. truthfully, she held little regard for the situation as was. entirely uninterested in any sort of relation that these... strange people had with her homeland. 
          ❝ keep your enemies close, i suppose. ❞ the targaryen way of seeing things, maybe she shared more than her appearance with her late mother. the possibility of the dornish ruler having any knowledge for war tactics was most uncertain given what she had heard of him but perhaps what he lacked in war skills he held in knowledge. he must have something to keep a kingdom on its feet. ill tongues gave their credit to the wife of the prince, the legitimate wife - the allyrion. she had not truly met myriam allyrion but from what she had observed, the woman was most cunning.
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         a smile is offered, innocent in appearance when settling into a seat in front of her brother. ❝ i trust you have slept well ?? ❞ a very little sister tactic, avoidance until it was no longer a possibility.
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nvelaryon · 2 years
greyjoy, maron
Maron found that Dorne wasn’t the worst place to be. It was a bit too warm for his liking but the view was quite nice. And he enjoyed the fact that he was given a home close to the ocean, where Maron could see Black Wind in the distance, anchored in all its glory in the port of Sunspear. Although, as much as he was enjoying his current living situation, there was the coup situation, eating him up inside. Maron was angry, very angry at what happened in Pyke, how the Blacktydes stabbed them in the back and took their family members hostage. He wanted nothing more than to sail up there and kill those traitorous bastards. But Morra had put some sense into him and managed to calm his nerves down, which wasn’t something easy to do. 
Maron sat near the docks, watching the works that were being done to extend the new port of Sunspear. He had jug filled with wine next to him, along with an empty cup. There were many people walking back and forth, some were doing their trades others were workers coming to help with the building. There seemed to be new ships arriving every day, some carrying nobles others most likely people looking for work, to start a new life in Dorne. Maron heard the footsteps approaching and still looking down at the sword resting on his lap, that he had been sharpening and cleaning, he spoke up. “Dorne can be quite the beautiful place, am I right? Not the worst place in the world to be, I have to admit, I’ve been to worse.” He paused. “How are you enjoying your stay?”
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         BARELY A MOMENT TO ADJUST   had been granted to the lady of driftmark before bustling frames were weaving past her, some too close for her liking. then again, anyone within six feet of her was much too close for her liking. lilac orbs squint at the bright glare of the shining sun of dorne, what was it with these people ??? did they not share the same sun or did the sun favor these... strange folk ?? platinum locks are gathered into a delicate grasp, braids keeping hair from getting in her face as the wind picks up. nesaerys velaryon is utterly... unsure. torn between enjoying the beauty in adventure, in having spent some time within the sea and the newfound chaos within strange lands. albeit, this was controlled chaos, not the one she had suddenly grown used to. 
         she hears him before she sees him but gods know she is entirely aware of who’s voice is ringing through her ears. a voice she was much too familiar with. ❝ far too much... sand and not enough water. ❞ nesaerys calls back before finally meeting the glacier hues of the greyjoy prince. ❝ though, i mean not offend your familial ties. ❞ 
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nvelaryon · 2 years
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wildfyre is a young wild dragon that bonded with a young nesaerys velaryon. he was known to be circling driftmark and the occassional wendwater, both of which he made a hunting ground for livestock. a dragon black in color with the exception of his bright green eyes and flame. said to be passive with humans unless provoked. still, ill tongues would share that the young dragon was ill-tempered and vicious. nesaerys was about eight years old when she first came across wildfyre, resting besides the beaches of the dark castle she called her home. he did not stir, eyeing the platinum haired girl curiously as she took innocent steps in his direction. it had come as a shock to most considering he had grown unaccustomed to the proximity of humans. that day, after nesaerys pressed a palm to his scaley forehead, he continued to return. until they were fully bonded. nesaerys, however, did not ride him until her tenth name day in which rhaenys and meleys remained besides her vigilantly. 
during the dance, the young dragon and young nesaerys shared a gloomy goodbye. you must go before they realize they’ve missed one. she had cried, small arms wrapped tightly around the leg of her beloved dragon. but she had remained by his side until the sun had set, the safest time for him to flea considering the color he had been both blessed and cursed with. 
it is said, now a days, that a dark shadow has been seen flying in the darkness of the night over essosi islands.
canonly known as sheepstealer, edited to fit my girl nessie <33
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nvelaryon · 2 years
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MY FAVOURITE ASOIAF HOUSES → [9/10] » House Velaryon of Driftmark
↳ House Velaryon of Driftmark rules the island of Driftmark, the largest island of Blackwater Bay in the Crownlands. High Tide is one of their castles. The head of House Velaryon is titled Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark. The Velaryons are sworn to Dragonstone. A traditional name of the Velaryons is Jacaerys. Their arms depict a silver seahorse on sea green. Their words do not appear in the books, but according to semi-canon sources they are “The Old, the True, the Brave”.
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nvelaryon · 3 years
targaryen, nelaena
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“I’m sorry if you were hoping for it to be my brother greeting you upon arrival, but alas you get me.” Nelaena spoke, watching as the woman walked off of the vessel. “Cousin.” She gave a small nod in acknowledgement. It had been some time since she had seen her older cousin. “I’m sure he will make time to meet with you though, he’s just busy with other matters at the moment.” She turned and walked along the dock, away from the ship with her. “I trust your trip treated you well.” 
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          NELAENA AND CAERELLA WERE CLOSER  in age to her beloved sister, daenaera, that much was a fact. perhaps... they were even closer to her sister than to her in general. daemon, jacaerys and her... well, they were absolutely closer than she may have ever been with her cousins and maybe even her sister. ❝ i was not hoping for your brother, nelaena, i was expecting him. ❞ ever as blunt. ❝ that does not mean i am not pleased to see you. ❞ violet like hues watch her, nodding slowly as she moved to walk besides the princess of the crownlands. ❝ i gather that your own trip was not nearly as delightful as mine. ❞ if the frown on her features were any indication at all. 
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nvelaryon · 3 years
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          NESAERYS HAD ALREADY SEEN HER  cousins, at least... one of them. while she enjoyed their company, the valyrian blooded woman found herself searching for her sister. daenaera was closest in age to their cousins, nelaena especially, seeing as caerella was the youngest of their dragon kin clan. but the four years she and daeny had between them felt as though it was nonexistent in times like these. she had wished for a sister when her mother announced her pregnancy and she had stuck her tongue out mockingly and victoriously at jacaerys the moment her sister had entered the world. they were one, through and through. 
           ❝ there you are !! ❞ nessie calls the moment the silver haired woman comes into view. lilac hues flickering from the snow to her sister’s hair. the targaryen genes were strong and while they swore to be of fire and blood... snow seemed to hold its own comparison to the few remaining descendants.
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nvelaryon · 3 years
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asoiaf meme: (6/6) houses ➝ HOUSE VELARYON A family of old and storied Valyrian heritage who had come to Westeros before the Targaryens, as the histories agree, and who often provided the bulk of the royal fleet. So many Velaryons served as lord admirals and master of ships that it was, at times, almost considered a hereditary office.
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nvelaryon · 3 years
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nvelaryon · 3 years
the old, the brave, the true
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