nsforsnz · 5 days
From H/onkai Sta/r R/ail
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nsforsnz · 7 days
Trying to go upstairs with a fever.
They're so weak and wobbly, leaning heavily on the handrail. Everything is spinning, and the effort leaves them out of breath, so halfway up they just... plop down, sitting on a step for a moment and trying not to pass out.
They try to motivate themselves, knowing that a cozy bed is waiting for them just a few steps away, but they just can't bring themselves to stand.
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nsforsnz · 10 days
can't stop thinking about a doctor leaning in closer to shine a light in the patient's eyes, and an ominously twitchy nose
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nsforsnz · 19 days
finally thought I'd get around to making a dedicated sneeze fetish sideblog!
my main blog is macktrack, and that's where I'm going to follow you from, but– onto introductions, I go by Mack, Nes or whatever you want to call me, really, I'm 24, non-binary, neurodivergent and an Aries.
I like writing, gaming, pirates (any pirate show), anime that were popular back in 2014 to 2017 and very forceful sneezes.
it's nice to meet you!
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