npmjs · 3 years
Release v7.3.0
🎉 Happy Release/Recap Friday! We've shipped three releases this week, addressing more feedback/bugs & improvements.
Notable changes include:
npm config now supports getting & setting multiple values at once (ex. npm config get foo bar baz & npm config set [email protected] _auth=xxxx)
npm rebuild now accepts paths as an argument (ex. npm rebuild ./node_modules/foo/)
Note: Our team will be taking a break over the holidays these next few weeks but will be back in action the week of January 4th 2021.
As usual, you can get the newest npm v7 by running:
npm install -g npm@7
& you can get the latest npm v6 by running:
npm install -g npm@latest
You can read more about the changes in these releases below:
7.3.0 (2020-12-18)
a9b8bf263 #2362 Support multiple set/get/deletes in npm config (@isaacs)
9eef63849 Pass full set of options to login helper functions. This fixes npm login --no-strict-ssl, as well as a host of other options that one might want to set while logging in. Reported by: @toddself (@isaacs)
628a554bc #2358 fix doctor test to work correctly for node pre-release versions (@nlf)
be4a0900b #2360 raise an error early if publishing without login, registry (@isaacs)
44d433105 #2366 Include prerelease versions when deprecating (@tiegz)
cba3341da #2373 npm profile refactor (@ruyadorno)
7539504e3 #2382 remove the metrics sender (@nlf)
b98569a8c add note about INIT_CWD to run-script doc
292929279 #2368 Revert bug-reporting links to GH. Re: (@tiegz)
f4560626f update ISSUE_TEMPLATE with modern links (@isaacs)
bc1c567ed update npm command doc feature request links (@isaacs)
0ad958fe1 #2381 (docs,test): assorted typo fixes (@XhmikosR)
a92d310b7 #2361 Add max-len to lint rules (@Edu93Jer)
4fc2f3e05 #2300 @npmcli/[email protected]:
Support setting email without username/password
7.2.0 (2020-12-15)
a9c4b158c #2342 allow npm rebuild to accept a path to a module (@nlf)
beb371800 #2334 remove unused top level dep tough-cookie (@darcyclarke)
d45e181d1 #2335 [email protected], @npmcli/[email protected] (@isaacs)
ef4b18b5a #2309 @npmcli/[email protected]
properly remove deps when no lockfile and package.json is present
a1a2134aa remove unused sorted-object dep (@nlf)
85c2a2d31 #2344 remove editor dependency (@nlf)
3a6dd511c npm edit (@nlf)
3ba5de4e7 #2347 npm help-search (@nlf)
6caf19f49 #2348 npm help (@nlf)
cb5847e32 #2349 npm hook (@nlf)
996a2f6b1 #2353 npm org (@nlf)
8c67c38a4 #2354 npm set (@nlf)
6.14.10 (2020-12-18)
fixes: #36445 addressing GHSL-2020-145
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npmjs · 3 years
Release v7.2.0
Hi friends!
We just shipped a brand new release of the npm CLI! This time around, we've given npm rebuild the ability to accept a path to a module, fixed a few bugs, and added a whole mess of tests.
You can get the latest release in the usual way:
npm install -g npm@7
The full list of changes is below:
7.2.0 (2020-12-15)
a9c4b158c #2342 allow npm rebuild to accept a path to a module (@nlf)
beb371800 #2334 remove unused top level dep tough-cookie (@darcyclarke)
d45e181d1 #2335 [email protected], @npmcli/[email protected] (@isaacs)
ef4b18b5a #2309 @npmcli/[email protected]
properly remove deps when no lockfile and package.json is present
a1a2134aa remove unused sorted-object dep (@nlf)
85c2a2d31 #2344 remove editor dependency (@nlf)
3a6dd511c npm edit (@nlf)
3ba5de4e7 #2347 npm help-search (@nlf)
6caf19f49 #2348 npm help (@nlf)
cb5847e32 #2349 npm hook (@nlf)
996a2f6b1 #2353 npm org (@nlf)
8c67c38a4 #2354 npm set (@nlf)
130 notes · View notes
npmjs · 3 years
Release v7.1.2
Happy Friday! 🎉
We've shipped another two releases this past week of the npm CLI; Featuring docs updates, bug fixes & improvements to npm search.
You can get the latest version of npm in the usual way:
npm install -g npm@7
You can read the full list of changes below:
7.1.2 (2020-12-11)
c3ba1daf7 #2033 @npmcli/[email protected]:
Set INIT_CWD to initial current working directory
Set NODE to initial process.execPath
0233818e6 #2332 [email protected]
011bb1220 #2320 @npmcli/[email protected]:
Do not save with ^ and no version
244c2069f #2325 npm search include/exclude (@ruyadorno)
d825e901e #1905 #2316 run install scripts for root project
315449142 #2331 #2021 Set NODE_ENV=production if 'dev' is on the omit list (@isaacs)
c243e3b9d #2313 tests: completion (@nlf)
7ff6efbb8 #2314 npm team (@ruyadorno)
7a4f0c96c #2323 npm doctor (@nlf)
e340cf64b #2330 explain through run-script (@isaacs)
7.1.1 (2020-12-08)
bf09e719c @npmcli/[email protected]
Much stricter tree integrity guarantees
Fix issues where the root project is a symlink, or linked as a workspace
Avoid caching headers that are hazardous or unnecessary to leave lying around (authorization, npm-session, etc.)
#38 Include query string in cache key (@jpb)
0ef25b6cd [email protected]:
Update to accept query params as options, so we can paginate. (@nlf)
518a66450 @npmcli/[email protected]:
Do not allow path options to be set to a boolean false value
3d7aff9d8 update all dependencies using latest npm to install them
2848f5940 npm/statusboard#173 #2293 npm shrinkwrap (@ruyadorno)
f6824459a #2302 npm deprecate (@nlf)
b7d74b627 npm/statusboard#180 #2304 npm unpublish (@ruyadorno)
3db90d944 #2303 allow for passing object keys to searchopts to allow pagination (@nlf)
1 note · View note
npmjs · 3 years
Release v7.1.0
Happy Friday! 🎉
This week's release brings two new features, starting with a brand new command: npm set-script that helps you manage your package.json scripts - thanks to the community contribution from @Yash-Singh1 🏆
Also npm exec (no args) now triggers an interactive subshell that enables you to run installed binaries (similar to how scripts from your package.json can access binaries when running npm run).
Update now and give them a try:
npm install -g npm@7
You can see the full changelog for more details:
7.1.0 (2020-12-04)
6b1575110 #2237 add npm set-script command (@Yash-Singh1)
15d7333f8 add interactive npm exec (@isaacs)
2a1192e4b #2202 Do not run interactive npm exec in CI when a TTY (@isaacs)
0599cc37d #2271 don't wrap code block (@ethomson)
def85c726 @npmcli/[email protected]
fixes running npm exec from file system root folder
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npmjs · 3 years
Release v7.0.15
🎉 Happy Release/Recap Friday! We shipped two releases 🚀 this past week addressing even more user feedback & improving our test coverage.
You can get the latest npm in the usual way:
npm install -g npm@7
7.0.15 (2020-11-27)
00e6028ef @npmcli/[email protected]
do not override user-defined shorthand values when saving package.json
9c3413fbc #2034 #2245 npm link <pkg> should not save package.json (@ruyadorno)
1875347f9 #2196 remove doc on obsolete unsafe-perm flag (@kaizhu256)
f51e50603 #2200 config.md cleanup (@alexwoollam)
997cbdb40 #2238 Fix broken link to package.json documentation (@d-fischer)
9da972dc4 #2241 npm star docs cleanup (@ruyadorno)
7.0.14 (2020-11-23)
09d21ab90 @npmcli/[email protected]
fix a regression in how scripts are escaped
0 notes
npmjs · 3 years
Release v7.0.13
Hooray, it's Friday! We made it through Friday the 13th last week, so this week we went ahead and cut two shiny new releases.
Included are several bug fixes that our wonderful users reported to us, as well as some improvements to our Windows compatibility.
You can install the usual way:
npm install -g npm@7
7.0.13 (2020-11-20)
5fc56b6db npm/statusboard#174 #2204 fix npm unstar command (@ruyadorno)
7842b4d4d npm/statusboard#182 #2205 fix npm version usage output (@ruyadorno)
a0adbf9f8 #2206 #2213 fix: fix flatOptions usage in npm init (@ruyadorno)
3daaf000a @npmcli/[email protected]
fixes some windows specific bugs in how paths are handled and compared
084a7b6ad #2210 docs: Fix typo (@HollowMan6)
7.0.12 (2020-11-17)
7b89576bd #2174 fix running empty scripts with npm run-script (@nlf)
bc9afb195 #2002 #2184 Preserve builtin conf when installing npm globally (@isaacs)
b74c05d88 @npmcli/[email protected]
fix windows command-line argument escaping
4e522fdc9 #2179 remove mention to --parseable option from npm audit docs (@Primajin)
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npmjs · 3 years
Release v7.0.11
Happy Friday the 13th! What better way to tempt the fates on this auspicious day than with an npm CLI release?
This addresses more bugs reported by the wonderful members of our community, including some ERESOLVE errors and missing bin files when upgrading from lockfiles created by npm v6.
Install it in the usual way:
npm install -g npm@7
7.0.11 (2020-11-13)
c3e7aa31c #2123 #1957 @npmcli/[email protected]
a8aa38513 #2134 #2156 Fix cannot read property length of undefined in ERESOLVE explanation code (@isaacs)
1dbf0f9bb #2150 #2155 send json errors to stderr, not stdout (@isaacs)
fd1d7a21b #1927 #2154 Set process.title a bit more usefully (@isaacs)
2a80c67ef #2008 #2153 Support legacy auth tokens for registries that use them (@ruyadorno)
786e36404 #2017 #2159 pass all options to Arborist for npm ci (@darcyclarke)
b47ada7d1 #2161 fixed typo (@scarabedore)
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npmjs · 3 years
Release v7.0.9
Happy Friday 🎉 It's been a long week but we hope we can brighten your day a bit with another round of releases to npm v7.
You can get the latest release in the usual ways
npm install -g npm@7
7.0.9 (2020-11-06)
96a0d2802 default the 'start' script when server.js present (@isaacs)
7716e423e #2075 #2071 print the registry when using 'npm login' (@Wicked7000)
7046fe10c #2122 tests for npm cache command (@nlf)
74325f53b #2124 @npmcli/[email protected]:
Export the isServerPackage method
Proxy signals to and from foreground child processes
0e58e6f6b #1984 #2079 #1923 #606 #2031 @npmcli/[email protected]:
Process deps for all link nodes
Use junctions instead of symlinks
Use @npmcli/move-file instead of fs.rename
1dad328a1 #1865 #2106 #2084 [email protected]:
Properly set the installation command for prepare scripts when installing git/dir deps
e090d706c #2097 [email protected]:
Do not crash when the package.json file lacks a 'version' field
7.0.8 (2020-11-03)
052e977b9 #1822 #1247 add section on peerDependenciesMeta field in package.json (@foxxyz)
52d32d175 #1970 match npm-exec.md -p usage with lib/exec.js (@dr-js)
48ee8d01e #2096 Fix RFC links in changelog (@jtojnar)
6cd3cd08a Support all conf keys in publishConfig
a1f9be8a7 #2074 Support publishing any kind of spec, not just directories
545382df6 [email protected]:
Support publishing things other than folders
fc76f3d9f @npmcli/[email protected]
Fix cannot read property 'description' of undefined in npm ls when package-lock.json is corrupted
Do not allow peerDependencies to be nested under dependents in any circumstances
Always resolve peerDependencies in --prefer-dedupe mode
7.0.7 (2020-10-30)
3990b422d #2067 use sh as default unix shell, not bash (@isaacs)
81d6ceef6 #1975 fix npm exec on folders missing package.json (@ruyadorno)
2a680e91a #2083 delete the contents of node_modules only in npm ci (@nlf)
2636fe1f4 #2086 disable banner output if loglevel is silent in npm run-script (@macno)
4156f053e @npmcli/[email protected]
restore the default npm start script
1900ae9ad @npmcli/[email protected]
fix errors when processing scripts as root
8cb0c166c @npmcli/[email protected]
make sure missing bin links get set on reify
0 notes
npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.6
Another Tuesday, another release (or three)!
This week we released some bug fixes, a few documentation updates, and some dependency updates while we continue improving the npm 7 experience for everyone.
You can get the latest release in the usual ways
npm install -g npm@7
7.0.6 (2020-10-27)
46c7f792a #2047 #1935 skip the prompt when in a known ci environment (@nlf)
f8f6e1fad #2049 properly remove pycache in release script (@MylesBorins)
5db95b393 #2050 pack: do not show individual files of bundled deps (@isaacs)
3ee8f3b34 #2051 view: Better errors when package.json is not JSON (@isaacs)
respect gitTagVersion = false
d4173f58d @npmcli/[email protected]
do not return empty buffer when stdio is inherited
attach child process to returned promise
c09380fa5 @npmcli/[email protected]
forward SIGINT and SIGTERM to children that inherit stdio
b154861ad @npmcli/[email protected]
support http proxy for https registries
7.0.5 (2020-10-23)
77ad86b5e Merge docs deps with main project
7.0.4 (2020-10-23)
cc026daf8 docs: npm-dedupe through npm-install
aec77acf8 #1915 use "dockhand" for faster static documentation generation (@ethomson)
aeb10d210 #2024 Fix post-install script name (@irajtaghlidi)
59e8dd6c6 #2015 #2016 Properly set npm_command environment variable.
39ad1ad9e #2001 npm config tests (@ruyadorno)
b9c1caa8e #2026 npm owner test and refactor (@ruyadorno)
b737ee999 #2009 #2007 [email protected]:
Maintain order in package.json files array globs
Strip slashes from package files list results
783965508 #1997 #2000 #2005 @npmcli/[email protected]
Ensure that root is added when root.meta is set
Include all edges in explain() output when a root edge exists
Do not conflict on meta-peers that will not be replaced
Install peerOptionals if explicitly requested, or dev
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npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.3
Hello everyone 😄 happy npm7 patch-release day! In the last week we had a bunch of fixes that you can now get with: npm install -g npm@7.
It includes some fixes for installing peer dependencies, add/update documentation and a number of bug fixes, including some community contributions that you can check over here in the changelogs:
7.0.3 (2020-10-20)
ce4724a38 #1986 check result when determining exit code of ls <filter> (@G-Rath)
00d926f8d #1987 don't suppress run output when --silent is passed (@G-Rath)
043da2347 improve cache clear error message (@isaacs)
a57f5c466 update docs for: access, adduser, audit, bin, bugs, build, cache, ci, completion, config and dedupe (@isaacs)
5b88b72b9 remove the long-gone bundle command (@isaacs)
ae09aa5c1 #1993 document --save-peer as a common option to npm install (@JakeChampion)
c9993e6b1 #1982 fix url links for init-package-json/node-semver (@takenspc)
7.0.2 (2020-10-16)
9476734b7 #1967 add mention to workspaces prepare lifecycle (@ruyadorno)
5cf71c689 #1971 owner rm at local pkg not work (@ShangguanQuail)
722b7ae63 #1974 patch node-gyp (@targos)
4ae825c01 #1976 patch node-gyp (@MylesBorins)
181eabf13 @npmcli/[email protected]
fix workspaces prepare lifecycle scripts
fix peer deps overchecks resulting in ERESOLVE
7.0.1 (2020-10-15)
03fca6a3b Adds docs on workspaces, explaining its basic concept and how to use it. (@ruyadorno)
2ccb63659 #1951 #1956 Handle errors from audit endpoint appropriately (@isaacs)
6560b8d95 @npmcli/[email protected]
do not drop scope information when fetching scoped package tarballs
fix cycles/ordering resolution when peer deps require nesting
0 notes
npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.0
🎉 Happy release Tuesday! Today marks a major milestone for the npm CLI team - we've officially cut [email protected]. If you've been following along this past year, or more, you'll now that we've been working hard to bring you this release. Our focus & determination excelerated these past 3 months as we picked up a weekly+ release cadence & began addressing bugs/feedback during our beta/rc windows.
As I've mentioned before, we've still got a lot of room for improvement but we think that the cli is in a very stable place today & ready for you to use. npm v7 will be shipping with Node.js v15 (a PR to land this work will be opened shortly) & we hope to continue the pace of change/improvement as we head in to this last quarter of the year.
You can start using this update today by running:
npm install -g npm@7
Here's some notable changes for v7.0.0 & v7.0.0-rc.4 (which landed 2020-10-09 last week):
v7.0.0 (2020-10-12)
7bcdb3636 #1949 fix: ensure publishConfig is passed through (@nlf)
97978462e fix: patch config.js to remove duplicate vals (@darcyclarke)
60769d757 #1911 docs: v7 npm-install refresh (@ruyadorno)
08de49042 #1938 docs: v7 using npm config updates (@ruyadorno)
1de21dce0 fix: support dot-separated aliases defined in a .npmrc ini files for init-* configs (@ruyadorno)
28a2d2ba4 @npmcli/[email protected]
npm/rfcs#239 Improve handling of conflicting peerDependencies in transitive dependencies, so that --force will always accept a best effort override, and --strict-peer-deps will fail faster on conflicts.
v7.0.0-rc.4 (2020-10-09)
09b456f2d @npmcli/[email protected]
#1919 exposes npm_config_user_agent env variable (@nlf)
e859fba9e #1936 fix npx for non-interactive shells (@nlf)
9320b8e4f #1906 restore old npx behavior of running existing bins first (@nlf)
7bd47ca2c @npmcli/[email protected]
fixed handling of invalid package.json file
do not calculate integrity values of http errors
To read the full list of changes in v7, check out our CHANGELOG.md
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npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.0-rc.3
Sometimes, "releasing at least weekly" means 3 releases in one week. This was one such week :)
The release candidates are getting more stable as we fix more of the bugs that our brave testers are putting them through their paces and giving us feedback.
You can get this update in the standard way, by running this command in your terminal:
npm install -g npm@next-7
Full changelogs below.
v7.0.0-rc.3 (2020-10-06)
d816c2efa c8f0d5457 d48086d0d f34595f2e #1902 tests for several commands (@nlf)
6d49207db #1903 Revert "Remove unused npx binary" (@MylesBorins)
138dfc202 set executable permissions on bins that node installer uses
b06d68078 @npmcli/[email protected]
Do not remove node_modules folders from Workspaces when loadActual races with buildIdealTree (@ruyadorno)
v7.0.0-rc.2 (2020-10-02)
6de81a013 @npmcli/[email protected]
Fix regression running 'install' scripts when package.json does not contain a scripts object
v7.0.0-rc.1 (2020-10-02)
281a7f39a @npmcli/[email protected]
Allow npm update to update bundled root dependencies
Only do implicit node-gyp build for gyp files named binding.gyp
384f5ec47 update minipass-fetch to fix many 'cb() never called' errors
7b1e75906 @npmcli/[email protected]
Only do implicit node-gyp build for gyp files named binding.gyp
c20e2f0c7 #1892 Support --omit options in npm outdated
0 notes
npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.0-rc.0
🎉 Happy Thursday! Over the past few months the cli team has been working hard to ship a release each week to clean up & stabilize the npm v7 beta; We're excited about where we are today & have cut our first release candidate this morning.
Our intent is to continue to ship weekly improvements as more & more of the community adopts npm@7 & hope you'll continue to give us feedback.
You can get today's release as you usually do:
npm i -g npm@next-7
v7.0.0-rc.0 (2020-10-01)
3b417055c #1859 fix proxy and https-proxy config support (@badeggg)
dd7d7a284 @npmcli/[email protected]
#1849 Do not drop peer/dev dep while saving if both set
Do not install or build if there is a global top bin conflict
Default to building node-gyp dependencies
c394937ec @npmcli/[email protected]
Default to building node-gyp dependencies and projects
remove many unused dependencies (@ruyadorno)
558e9781a deep-equal
2aa9a1f8a request
d77594e52 npm-registry-couchapp
8ec84d9f6 tacks
a07b421f7 lincesee
41126e165 npm-cache-filename
130da51b5 npm-registry-mock
b355af486 sprintf-js
721c0a873 uid-number
9c920e5f5 umask
aae1c38bb config-chain
450845eac find-npm-prefix
963d542d3 has-unicode
cad9cbc70 infer-owner
3ae02914d lockfile
7bc474d7c once
5c5e0099a retry
cfaddd334 sha
3a978ffc7 slide
0 notes
npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.0-beta.13
Happy npm7-beta-pre-release-Tuesday everyone!
Tumblr media
This release includes several bug fixes, as well as some enhanced engine and platform checking at install time. We've also added support for the --fetch-timeout config.
As usual you can get it with:
npm i -g npm@next-7
Notable updates include:
e4d911d21 @npmcli/[email protected]
fix: workspaces install entering an infinite loop
feat: check engine and platform when building ideal tree
2469ae515 #1870 #1780 feat: add --fetch-timeout config (@isaacs)
405e051f7 fix: EBADPLATFORM error message (@#1876)
2715220c9 #1858 #1813 fix: do not include omitted optional dependencies in install output (@ruyadorno)
e225ddcf8 #1862 #1861 fix: respect depth when running npm ls (@ruyadorno)
52114b75e #1871 fix: npm ls for linked dependencies (@ruyadorno)
9981211c0 #1857 #1703 fix: npm outdated parsing invalid specs (@ruyadorno)
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npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.0-beta.12
Happy npm7-beta-pre-release-Tuesday everyone! 😄
This version brings some exciting updates such as better resolution of conflicting peer dependencies and an update to the latest and greatest version of node-gyp.
As usual you can get it with:
npm i -g npm@next-7
v7.0.0-beta.12 (2020-09-22)
24f3a5448 #1811 npm ci should never save package.json or lockfile (@isaacs)
5e780a5f0 remove unused spec parameter, assign error code (@nlf)
f019a248a Remove unused npx binary (@isaacs)
db157b3ce @npmcli/[email protected]
Resolve race condition with conflicting bin links in local installs
#1812 Log engine mismatches more usefully
#1814 Do not loop trying to resolve dependencies that fail to load
npm/rfcs#224 Do not automatically install optional peer dependencies
Add the strictPeerDeps option, defaulting to false
fix forwarding configs to resolve pkg spec when adding new deps
b3a50d275 #1846 @npmcli/[email protected]
This updates node-gyp to v7, allowing us to deduplicate a lot of significant dependencies.
a1d375f6b #1819 Add --strict-peer-deps option (@isaacs)
5837a4843 #1699 Use allow/deny list in docs (@luciomartinez)
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npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.0-beta.11
Last time I predicted that beta.10 would be our last beta, but a few other things came up that we want to do before locking down any more feature changes. But we're getting very close!
Thanks again to all of our beta testers who've been providing us with fantastic and helpful feedback. You can pick up this version by running:
npm install --global npm@next-7
v7.0.0-beta.11 (2020-09-16)
63005f4a9 #1639 npm view should not output extra newline (@MylesBorins)
3743a42c8 #1750 add outdated tests (@claudiahdz)
2019abdf1 #1786 add lib/link.js tests (@ruyadorno)
2f8d11968 @npmcli/[email protected]
add meta vulnerability calculator for faster audits
changed parsing specs to be relative to cwd
fix logging script execution
fix properly following resolved symlinks
fix package.json dependencies order
49b2bf5a7 @npmcli/[email protected]
fix unkown envs to be passed through
fix setting correct globalPrefix on load
fix git ignored lockfiles
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npmjs · 4 years
Release v7.0.0-beta.10
This will probably be the last v7 release with the "beta" tag. Starting a week from now, we'll be moving into release candidates, using the "rc" prerelease tag.
This release refactors some of the dependency-explaning code used to give helpful errors in ERESOLVE conflicts, and turns it into a new top-level command npm explain. We hope you find it useful!
npm i -g npm@next-7
v7.0.0-beta.10 (2020-09-08)
7418970f0 Improve output of dependency node explanations
5e49bdaa3 #1776 Add 'npm explain' command
0 notes