npclibrarydump · 13 hours
love is "its so annoying when youre pessimistic" and being motivated to do something purely because they bemoaned they couldnt do it themselves
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npclibrarydump · 13 days
good ship dynamic: quietly insane + loudly insane
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npclibrarydump · 15 days
ofc im only doing college part time, the rest of my very valuable time is taken up by making spreadsheets organizing and comparing all my ships from the past five years so i can "hmm" at the correlations
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npclibrarydump · 16 days
reading wind breaker and. there is a genius level of impact with having everyone beat tf up, bloody faces, hair all messed up. and then suo, silent and as pristine as ever.
good stuff
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npclibrarydump · 16 days
im agnostic but mostly because my hands move and do the sign of the cross unconciously whenever i see hot anime men
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npclibrarydump · 17 days
the terrifying part of being alone is that you get used to it. it becomes normal to talk to yourself as if other people were there, not just because its fun or whatever but thats all you have. you dont feel weird about your parents being your closest people, or that you see cartoons and anime characters more than actual faces. its not just being chronically online, its being completely unable to imagine going out and meeting people. i used to daydream the college experience or meet-cutes but now, i handle cashiers and receptionists like theyre robots. i dont even feel lonely anymore because this is the normal. thats the scary bit.
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npclibrarydump · 17 days
people make friends online by... commenting on their fave artists and actually replying to people and joining fanfic discords a--- what?? in my head im still a cringey 13 yo going "aww 18+" and then "wait... .im 18+ ?" and seeing everyone as completely different. god its like, when do we remove our graduating class from instagram bios? or start using text messages rather than group chats on social media. when do i fully move over to my 'adult' email with my actual name on it. what the hell
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npclibrarydump · 18 days
slowly cultivating my social media feeds to look exactly like they did in 6th grade- homestuck memes and.... oh its just homestuck. okay, return to form...
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npclibrarydump · 18 days
writing fanfiction is surprisingly way easier for obscure fandoms especially when the source material is kinda mediocre. because if the characters are ooc or i forget some big plot thing- the source doesnt handle em much better. if my writing is full of mistakes and formatted all weird, it doesnt matter because only a handful of people are reading for that fandom anyway, right? and even when it does get read, ive gotten more comments from objectively less popular fandoms, because any fanfic is good fanfic.
in a similar vein, i have never even had the urge to write fanfic for some of my absolute favorite fandoms (homestuck, sk8) because i know i wouldnt be able to do it justice. dave elizabeth strider lives so close to my heart that trying to write dialogue for him would be doing him a disservice
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npclibrarydump · 18 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media
this is the only true glow up (apr 2018 -> last week)
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npclibrarydump · 18 days
oh shit my grammarly actually restored my streak. nice
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npclibrarydump · 19 days
how does one get a job yapping? or one of those weird things where u sit arnd to make places look busy. i just wanna be a bg character in a film moving my mouth and not saying much anything. id be an excellent npc because i will start ranting about whatever the hell i want without putting any voice into it and itll look super genuine. let me be meaningless please
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npclibrarydump · 25 days
thinking about the scene in my head where the crew finally gets their shit together and meets up to plan for the session, like who still needs their planet quests done and who knows where their quest bed is. and discussing how exactly the battlefield is going to be restored, and how the genesis breeding is going. and then theyre wondering how exactly the "win" thing works. if their new universe is at the end...
alexi's pretty blunt "can we take finn with us?" because its not wrong to assume game 'constructs' wont be able to leave the medium.
everyone goes silent while finn sorta deflects and haws his way around a no. he didnt even see the ultimate reward in his own game, and he probably wouldnt have remembered anyway. "but please, dont worry about it. the most important thing is getting everyone to the end in one piece :)" and because hes sweet and atp more attatched to this group than his own co-players
"i really want you guys to win, more than anything" very sentimental and smiley. but piers isnt having any of that. "we. you are a part of this team now finn, if we win youre winning with us."
and more silence bc its awkward and tbh piers and kastri are the ones who know finn the best atp. finn is surprised and has to hide that... he doesnt really feel that way. but he thanks piers and asks frixaa to move on discussing the plans.
piers is more blunt and well, not grumpy but yk. for the rest of that meeting. and afterwards. everyone splits up to go questing and piers goes back home for more tedious insect science. and after floating around checking on the others for a bit, finn ends up on piers' planet like he usually does.
its hard to tell, but piers is upset with him. or something related to finn? he's a grumpy cynical person anyway, but piers when he's really upset is distant and cold, using work as a barrier to the world while he seethes quietly. finn tries to talk to him, just how they normally would, but piers is uhh. yea
neither of them are super 'beat around the bush' people, so finn just asks. "is it about the meeting?" and piers has to put his tools down. "i'm flattered you think of me as one of you all, really. but the reality is that,.. im not even supposed to be here. i'm only... not alive but resurrected, because of a whole lot of glitches that lined up to revive me."
"im not a player here. my planet isnt here, i dont have a spot on either of the moons, there sure isnt a quest bed out there for me. ive no reason to assume ill be able to enter the new universe with you, and i dont want to... pretend that its true."
piers: "you dont know! im not going to delude myself into thinking that either, but you just... dismiss that it could happen... and i dont care whatever the game thinks, youre- ugh" he doesnt usually get this emotional with arguments..
finn is still... listen. its a self worth thing, the only vital thing he did for his session was die. and so far, he hasnt done anything other than provide the information sprites are supposed to anyway. hes a useful messenger, and he's good at talking to people, but hes not a combatant or magic wielder or planner. he knows hes a coward.
"i just... dont want to get anyones hopes up. yours or mine." he says. "and if i cant leave with you, or something else happens- i dont want you all to hesitate in getting the reward you really deserve..."
piers stands up from his desk, "you deserve it too! and theres a difference between... between hoping itll turn out fine and being just... defeatist and cynical!"
finn half laughs. "hm, i thought you were supposed to be the cynical one." piers deflates, that feeling where you know you arent persuasive enough to convince someone to change their mind, especially about themselves.
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npclibrarydump · 26 days
i have a draft ranting about classpects + character development (from the writing perspective) +++ mcyt. and ill refine that sometime, but for now heres a spitball of more classpects. bc im insane.
grian- (active, non-destructive class) of time
scott- (understanding class) of void or mind
pearl- (tbh i dont think i know enough about c!pearl lmao)
martyn- (creative or stealing class) of breath
scar- (passive, natural or manipulative class) of life
jimmy- (passive, understanding or application class) of doom
tango- rage... obviously (creative or understanding)
cleo- mind, light
bdubs- heart,
impulse- life
skizz- blood
etho- (passive) mind, void
joel- (creative or stealing class) of breath
ren- (active manipulation, app, stealing) of blood, maybe space
bigb- rage (SL) tbh could be inverted hope
gem- time,
lizzie- space, hope
mumbo- (page or bard?) of life, maybe heart
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npclibrarydump · 26 days
(more classpecting the life series)
3L grian alone would be a breath player, probably inverted or kept from really fulfilling his role, though thats not immediately a bad thing. I think overall though, he could be a time player? time and space are the aspects i have the hardest time relating in simple terms... but for grian its destination > journey, focused on the goal, tackling problems head on, never okay to sit and let things happen. he's stuck with scar yeah, but hes still gonna plan and work super hard to get them to the end (and he does) he makes death bunkers because it's not a 'maybe' to him, its inevitable. he doesnt spend much time just... idling, it always feels like he's got a next step, even when being dragged around by his team. time players are also described as impulsive, which i dont have to explain, and miracle workers,,, 3rd life tnt kill? spawned two withers? kept red scar alive to the end of 3L? the stalactite kill in DL definitely took some precise timing... eh?
class wise i think... uhhh. well if we were talking actualy sburb id put him as a knight (explots aspect) but looking at maid (creates aspect) it fits too.. basically starting out in 3L relying on what scar wants, his goals. scar wants to kill people, grian makes tnt trap. scar wants to survive, grian gets them armor and netherite swords. and then quickly in LL and on, taking control and making his own goals. in DL he feels burdened by scar, but part of it is just the soulmate thing. hes forced to accomadate someone elses whims and wants, and with scar... the pandas arent going to help them to the end goal (tbh i should go classpect scar now because hes def a 'in the moment' life player huh)
anyway yea. and if you wanna get time powers freaky with it, combine his watcher thing for visions of the future, premonitions, etc. even of events he shouldnt be aware of, information he takes into account for his next step
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npclibrarydump · 27 days
i like thinking about classpecting the life series members so uh
skizz has to be a blood player. his whole thing literally every season is bringing a team together. BEST, TIES, the heart foundation, even in 3rd life hes said on the podcast he saw himself as the in between guy keeping everyone together. hes about community and connections between people, even when its to his own detriment, or isnt as helpful as he thinks it is (defending bdubs in LL to keep the team together) idk class but he's one of the "natural w their aspect" ones, and probably not a destructive nor passive class.
martyn i think is actually a breath player? it could be mind if youre looking at him being kinda smart and sneaking around and trying to have the upper hand. but most of the time i think hes making contingency plans. making sure no matter what he always has other options, the freedom to leave or betray someone without losing absolutely everything. in fact in DL i think he even gives freedom to cleo, to make that choice to be with scott and still know marytn is there and is an option for her. in 3L and LL he offers jimmy some kind of out, giving him an extra choice in whatever situation. in SL (and all seasons tbh) he makes promises left and right not to hurt teams, to be their sword, etc but is ultimately still alone after jimmy's death. he's never fickle or unsure where his alliances lie, they lie with him and thats all that matters. im not sure what class would match up with like... giving options, opportunities, choices, to himself as well as others, but its him
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npclibrarydump · 27 days
thinking abt my scene where rorola dies and everyone is just like.... okay. we literally cannot do anything about this. and frixaa has a lil premonition so they just sit and wait.
euris jokingly pulls out a deck of cards and they awkwardly agree to just like... pull cards and see who gets the high number. simple game so you dont have to think too hard while staring at your friends dead body.
and then frixaa pulls hers and just laughs a little. turns it to show them and its the ace of hearts. because. because she and rorola were dating this past year and broke up literally yesterday.
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