novacreatesthings · 8 days
Here's a website where Palestine GoFundMes are vetted and shared that you can send out to people. The url is gazafunds.com
Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
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novacreatesthings · 23 days
VOL. 1 - Chapter VI
Back at the lobby, Helga and her friends were sitting with two guards, hoping that their friend is alright. Reggie was looking around while the guards were waiting for their leaders. Then, a door opened and a different tall figure walked into the lobby. The guards would bow as she walked in the room, so did Helga and the others.
“Lady Regina, we discovered that the Azulverse had been invaded by the shadow monsters.” a different guard spoke out as two commanders started typing on their holographic keyboard. “Xero must've escaped from his prison, he needs to be stopped.” another guard said as she pointed at the screen, showing the goddess.
Regina would turn to the teenagers and young adults, then turn to the guard. “Who are these people?” she questioned the guard. “These are the friends of an injured patient, but their friend needs to be recovered.” he informed her as Helga cleared her throat. “I’m Helga, this is my beloved partner Mo. These are my friends Serenity, Reggie, Ezekiel, and Jason. Our friend Rory has been bitten by a monster.”
“Wait, what would happen if he got bitten? I mean it looked kind of deep.” Jason said as the tall lady looked at the team, but the doctor spoke out. “That shadow monster only bit his right arm, but we need to make sure that he doesn’t get fully corrupted.” he said as he showed Regina his device. “I know some weakness for the shadow monsters. It’s salt, electricity, water, and fire, but not light. They can consume any light source and it’ll make them more powerful.” she spoke out.
While Rory was looking for the lobby, his arm started to ache a bit and he winced. He stood near the wall as he heard everybody else talking, but he walked out to the lobby. As he got to the area, he saw his friends with everybody else. “There’s a dark crystal that gets bigger whenever a light source is absorbed inside. All we need to do is destroy the crystal and stop Xero.” the commander spoke out and turned to the others. When Rory got close, they suddenly tripped and fell, making everybody notice them.
Ezekiel would help them up and look at their arm, then they both walked to the others. “I heard something about shadow monsters, what’s happening?” The goddess looked at the elf who was confused about everything. “You must be Rory, one of your friends told me what happened.” Regina said and looked at the rest of the ship. “Well, why did Xero and the shadow monsters come?” Mo asked as the goddess and they looked at the screen.
Regina snapped her fingers and an orb appeared, showing the galaxy. “Xero, the ruler of darkness… he wanted revenge because of me from 500 years ago.” she said as the orb showed what happened. “When I was creating the Azulverse, I met Xero and we both worked on my creation and universes. I also created two places such as the Void and the Unknown Worlds. The Void was created just to keep evildoers out of trouble. The Unknown Worlds was made for godly beings and mortals, it is a place where you’ll see many things you have never seen before.” she spoke as Rory looked at the orb. “How did Xero become like this?” Reggie asked her and his left ear twitched.
“It was because I found out he was using his powers to change some things. I noticed that he created a dark orb by himself and tried to corrupt half of the world, claiming it as his land. That’s when I had no choice but to banish him to the Void, keeping him out of the Unknown Worlds and the Azulverse. As years go by, other gods and immortal beings have come to the Unknown Worlds and join an alliance in order to protect both worlds and the galaxy.”
Rory continued listening to the goddess and he looked at her, slowly feeling worried. “While Xero was stuck in his prison, he decided to gain strength from the dark powers of the Void. He created his own armies and started making his plan, waiting for the right time to strike. A few days ago, he changed the Void to his personal domain after getting stronger. And now, he’s planning on corrupting the whole planet.” she explained.
Everyone was silent as Regina looked down at the orb. She slowly shed a tear and looked at everyone around her. “It’s all my fault for letting it happen… I’m the one who is responsible for this…” she said as she turned to the giant window, looking at the stars in space. The elf with dreadlocks looked at the goddess. “We need to get the young ones ready. Take them to the armory.” the guard spoke out to the first commander.
When Rory and his team were taken to the armory, he noticed Regina was standing by the window. As he walked into the armory, he saw different kinds of weapons and items. Ezekiel and Helga looked at the sword section on the wall while the others were looking around. But the elf was feeling a little concerned about the goddess.
The first commander would be showing them their weapons and abilities. Rory would be looking at the paper of his symbols he kept in his pocket. “This is where we keep weapons and special items that are used for battles.��� the commander spoke out as she showed the rest. “Damn, they must be fighting for a long time.” Jason said as Ezekiel nodded and looked at the displays. But the elf decided to try to talk with Regina, so he walked out of the armory and saw her walking to a different room.
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novacreatesthings · 1 month
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novacreatesthings · 2 months
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novacreatesthings · 2 months
VOL. 1 - Chapter V
CW: Mild violence and a little bit of blood
Local park
February 28, 2022
4:16 PM
Rory was reading on their phone while everyone else was minding their own business. They hear some people talking about the weather. But the elf was lost in their own thoughts and was remembering their magic. He draws a circle with his fingers and waits for something to happen. Rory would continue drawing symbols and practicing his magic.
“I also remember having strange dreams whenever I'm asleep.” he spoke in his own thoughts and started to zone out. But suddenly, dark oozes were appearing and the ground was shaking. Rory suddenly snapped out of their thoughts and heard noises. Once it stopped, a dark crystal appeared from the ground and the figure fell out.
The figure slowly got up and shifted into a humanoid being, then summoned a dark staff. “Greetings Nethiloc… It is I, Xero… your god of this world! Everyone on this planet will be under my control!” he spoke as everyone stared in silence, including Rory and his friends. The elf was confused about the tall figure and he looked at the sky, noticing it getting dark. The sky was changing from turquoise to gray and the wind was getting strong.
Suddenly, a shadow monster came out of a puddle of dark goo and jumped on Rory. As they were fighting it, Reggie grabbed it and threw it aside. Once Helga and the others got to the elf, they all noticed that Rory was bitten on their right arm. Then, more shadow monsters appear from the substances, attacking the citizens and wrapping them up in cocoons. While Xero was watching the chaos, the elf got up, but was shaking and started to shout out loud.
“Hey edgelord, I'm going to kick your ass!”
The god looked at the group and pointed his dark staff at them, charging up his magic. Before he could blast them, a barrier appeared at the group, making them float. They were all taken to a space pod and it flew off. Xero looked away and glanced at the city, watching his minions roam around and attack anything they see.
“My fellow minions, destroy any light sources and let darkness consume! I'll make sure that the whole universe will be under my control!” he exclaimed and raised his staff in the air. The dark crystal started to grow more as the light sources were being absorbed. Xero would create a temple nearby the city and levitate towards it, walking inside. Once he got in and walked to the stairs, he went to the throne room and sat down.
He summoned a crystal ball and watched the city being surrounded by darkness. He started to remember that the spaceship was being controlled by another person he used to know. Xero would get up and walk up to the window, staring at the sky with a smirk. “We'll see each other again, challenger…”
The city was no longer filled with light.
It was dark and cloudy.
Nethiloc was now dead.
Meanwhile in space, Rory and his friends were still in the pod and it connected itself to the entrance to a spaceship. As the doors opened, a guard and a doctor would be standing. “Uhh, are we in a spaceship?” Mo asked as xe got up with the others. “Yes, now come with me and let the doctor help your friend.” the guard spoke and Rory walked with the doctor. He looked at his friends walking away as he was led to a medical room.
When he sat down on the chair, the doctor took out a first aid kit and looked at him. “Can you remove your jacket please?” he asked as Rory took it off and looked at the mark. The doctor held their right arm and saw the bite mark. The doctor sprayed some peroxide and carefully wiped the wound. “I got bitten by some shadow-like creature… is it bad?” they asked the doctor as they were wincing. “As long as it doesn't get to your veins, you're alright.”
Rory watched as the doctor wrapped up some bandages on the right arm. After he did that, he placed the supplies back in the cabinet and grabbed his device. “Who is this god named Xero? Did he do something…?” the elf asked as the doctor put his stylus pen down. “He was an ally of Regina who created the Azulverse… the planet that you live on. But now, he is an enemy to her.” he informed the teenage elf.
As the doctor walked to the door, he turned to Rory and spoke again. “You need to rest for now, I’ll inform your friends and the others. Then, we’ll get you prepared afterwards.” The elf looked at his right arm and watched the doctor dim the lights, then closed the door. Rory began to lie down and stare at the ceiling, letting his mind wander off.
When he was about to close his eyes, he kept reminding himself about his past and his careers. How he wants to achieve his goals and learn about himself. Their mind was now filled with his own future predictions, but some may not be happening. Rory took a moment to think about their life and who will be there for them.
But something was starting to bother them. The elf started to open their eyes and looked at their right arm. He started to rub the bandage carefully due to the wound stinging. “Did that shadow monster bite me that deep?” Rory questioned himself and he got up. He was thinking about taking the bandages off, but he decided not to. He opened the door and left the medical room, hoping that he’ll find out what is actually happening. “Maybe I’ll go find the person who is running the ship.” he spoke in his thoughts while walking.
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novacreatesthings · 2 months
How to steal a land: From 1937 to 2000.
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novacreatesthings · 2 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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novacreatesthings · 3 months
VOL. 1 - Chapter IV
Helga's house
February 22, 2022
6:44 AM
Rory was asleep in his bedroom and he was holding his phone nearby. Then suddenly, his alarm went off and he got up, then rushed to the bathroom. As he was getting ready, he looked around and noticed that he was considered to be the only one who was up. 
Once Rory got finished changing and getting prepared, he stepped into the kitchen, only to see Mo packing some lunches. “Oh hey, it seems like you're early. I'm just putting some food in here for later after school.” it said to the elf and placed them next to each other. 
He shrugged and decided to sit down in the living room, turning on the TV as he waited for his friends to wake up. While Rory was watching TV, he started to think of the academy. But then, they heard some noises from the ceiling, realizing that Helga and Reggie are coming downstairs. When the two got downstairs, Rory saw them with bookbags. 
“I see that you were up early.” the entity spoke to the elf and looked at her phone. “Balore Academy isn't that far from here, we can just take the bus to get there.” Mo was getting their bookbag and they went out of the door with the others. While the four were walking, Rory began to look around the city. The elf was looking at the buildings and landscape while walking to the bus station with the others.
But something caught Rory’s attention, they noticed a substance of black goo on the wall. They shook their head and got inside the bus that will take them and their friends to the academy. As the four friends got to Balore Academy, they went to the gates and walked inside. Rory inhaled as he went to the office. He remembered that he needs to get his class schedule so he can remember his classes. 
A few moments later, Reggie was sitting in his classroom and looked at the clock. Then, Rory walked in, realizing that he was in the same class with Reggie. “Are you Rory Maxwell?” the teacher asked the elf. “Yes ma'am, I'm new here.” He would stand silently until she breaks the silence. “Okay, you'll be sitting right near the left side.” she spoke and saw Rory walking to his seat. 
Once he sat down, the teacher would grab her marker. “So class, we have a new student here. So please welcome him around.” The others would greet Rory and Reggie would give out a small wave. As he sat down, he noticed that the sun was covered by the clouds. He looked at his schedule as the teacher began to start the lesson on magic. 
The teacher took out her book and gave out instructions to the students. Rory would be taking some notes and doing what the teacher said. But he was also a little worried about messing up on his skills. He looked at the symbol on the board and drew it on his paper, seeing what it would do. Then, they saw an orb being summoned and they were feeling a little relieved after doing that.
As a few days went by, everything started to feel different. The sky was getting darker and there were black substances on the ground outside. Rory and his friends were wondering what was going on around Nethiloc City. “Is it me or does it just feel like something isn't right? Even the people of the city know that something is wrong.” they spoke in their thoughts.
The next morning, a trio of students walked and looked around. One was a wolf, another one was a humanoid clown, and the last one was a demon. They were heading to their next class when they noticed the lights flickering. “Hey Serenity, is it just me or the lights flickering?” the wolf named Jason asked. “It's not just here, it's also in the other hallway.” she said as they all continued walking.
As the first class was over, Rory and Reggie would be seeing their friends in the hallway. But the elf noticed that the lights were flickering at the other side of the hallway, including a few students. “Is something wrong with the power?” they asked as Serenity broke the silence. “Hey guys, who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Rory. He just transferred here a couple days ago.” the cat introduced him to the three students. “Name's Serenity. This is Jason and Ezekiel. Ezekiel doesn't speak, but he uses sign language.” the clown informed the elf. “Have you guys noticed something about the lights?” Helga asked. “I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm pretty sure that it'll stop flickering soon.” she said.
Rory would be remembering about the substance from earlier, but he started to think about himself. He would be remembering about his first class and how he rediscovered his own magic that his own parents didn’t want to know. Rory took out his book and read silently and listened to the other students.
“Wasn't there supposed to be a meteor shower Mo?” Helga asked them as she took out her phone and searched up the weather. “I looked it up and it's supposed to start at night.” Mo responded back as Rory sat down next to the window and looked at the sky. “I suppose we'll see what happens later on.” he spoke to himself and looked at the others.
Reggie would be noticing the news was discussing about the black substances and how the lights were flickering. “I feel like there's going to be something instead of the meteor shower.” The others weren't sure if it was just the power, but they might know that something was happening and it was not going to be pretty.
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novacreatesthings · 3 months
If any of you ever feel like what you're doing for Palestine isn't helping anything, I'll tell you right now it's helping me. I know it is fortifying all of us who have been in this fight for years to see so many people willing to speak up. It has never been like this before.
The tide has already turned. The fact that #free palestine will have new posts everyday, that helps me. It helps my mental health knowing that Palestinians are less alone now than ever.
Yesterday I read some verses from the Quran talking about how "the blame" is not with those who wish to help but cannot, but with those who CAN help and do not.
Truly I do not care if all you do for Palestine is post in that #free palestine everyday, that is still more than many people with the means to do even more would do.
We see you. We see you standing in solidarity with us and with Palestinians. We love you. Thank you.
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novacreatesthings · 3 months
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Why are titles so hard 😭
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novacreatesthings · 3 months
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novacreatesthings · 3 months
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The ink bottle lying on your desk... begins to crawl away..???
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novacreatesthings · 3 months
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The Palestinian sunbird, symbol of freedom and resilience.
We must keep fighting for a FREE PALESTINE. We won't stop fighting until PALESTINE IS FREE.
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novacreatesthings · 3 months
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twitter/ insta/ store
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novacreatesthings · 4 months
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novacreatesthings · 4 months
Yesterday, Palestinian and solidarity organizers disrupted a Biden campaign event 14 times during his speech on the protection of women's rights. These activists called out hypocrisy because Biden and his administration are actively causing a reproductive care catastrophe in Gaza.
50,000 pregnant women do not have access to healthcare in Gaza, and C-sections are being performed without anesthesia. Women and children in Gaza are being killed by U.S.-made and supplied bombs.
described by @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts
[ID: Transcription of what the protesters are saying, while security personnel try to get them out:
Israel kills two mothers every hour in Gaza. Ceasefire now! End the genocide! Ceasefire!
Women in Gaza are being murdered. Killing people in Gaza is a war crime. You are a war criminal.
Stop funding genocide! Ceasefire now!
50,000 pregnant women don't have healthcare. Their blood is on your hands. Ceasefire!
Ceasefire now! Stop funding genocide! Gaza is a reproductive issue.
Free, free Palestine!
The end of the video shows article headlines with photos of the protesters or of Joe Biden, from various news organizations:
POLITICO: Biden's abortion rights rally repeatedly interrupted by protesters
ALJAZEERA: Biden speech interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters
CNN politics: Biden's abortion rights rally in Virginia beset by repeated protests over his handling of Gaza
abcNEWS: Biden campaign speech on abortion rights disrupted 14 times by protesters
yahoo!news: Biden abortion rally in Virginia interrupted by multiple protesters: 'Genocide Joe'
NEW YORK POST: Biden claims Gaza heckler is 'MAGA Republican' as he's interrupted at least 10 times at rally
Forbes: Protesters Interrupt Biden's Abortion Rights Speech More Than A Dozen Times
NBC NEWS: Biden interrupted by protesters more than a dozen times at campaign rally
USA TODAY: President Biden's abortion rally disrupted by repeated protests over Gaza
Reuters: Biden's abortion rights rally in Virginia interrupted by Gaza protests
/End ID]
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novacreatesthings · 4 months
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