notyourgbf · 1 year
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Derrick + text posts !
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notyourgbf · 5 years
I’ve been considering this for awhile, and I think it’s time to make an official announcement. I’m stepping away from Tumblr rp for the time being. It’s been a wild and fun ride, but it’s not been without its downsides as well. My blogs aren’t going anywhere since I might one day decide to return, and there are many good memories and threads here. But for now, I think this is the best choice for me.
I do want to say thank you to all my partners who have written with me and taken interest in my characters and to all the kindness anyone has shown to me. I’ve definitely grown as a writer and as a person, and part of that is because of my experiences here. I hope you all continue to write and craft wonderful threads. There is a magic in what you do, and in this world, we need all the magic we can get. With much love, Roo. xoxo.
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notyourgbf · 5 years
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    His comment puts a huge smile on the android’s face. “You really think so? I mean, I try to be a good friend but…” Eve shrugs in response as she looks down at her lap. “I dunno. I don’t have that many friends so I’m not sure if I’m good at it.”
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  His head tilts, and a brief expression of concern flickers over his features. His hand goes to her arm, giving a reassuring squeeze. “You are. I mean, you were the one that came over and binge watched Star Wars movies with me when I was having a rough time.” He’ll never forget that or how Eve insisted on having popcorn. “It may not seem like much, but it meant a lot to me.” 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
Being brought closer, Andrew was welcomed close and pressed his lips softly against Derrick’s, smiling as he did so. As they broke, he didn’t move, and he too leaned forward for a second. He tried for a third but Derrick had already broken away for good, leaving Andrew to recline back in his seat with a sigh. 
He understood then, smiling sadly as he inhaled and pushed his chair back. he stood up from his stool and cleared his throat, starting to pack up what remained of his sandwich, folding the paper over, and taking the trash in one hand. “I get it, I get it,” he said, tossing the trash away and even going to help Derrick clean up his own.
He stepped closer towards him as he did so, balling up paper of finished food and taking Derrick’s hand in his own to keep him from moving away too soon. “I’ll get this cleaned up. You need to head out.”Andrew’s head dipped closer and he kissed him again, just as soft as before- finally getting that third kiss he had been wanting much earlier. “I got this covered.”
Visiting in the middle of the day made it so much harder to leave, to return to the doldrums of retail. But it wasn’t in his nature to be irresponsible or leave everyone wondering where their manager had gone. 
He lightly returned the kiss, knowing time was no longer on his side. “Okay,” he murmured, reluctant to let go of Andrew’s hand. It was given a final squeeze before Derrick finally did. “I’ll see you later.” 
The bright sunshine on the drive helped him remain buoyant for awhile, but as soon as he passed through the doors of the store, he could feel his mood slipping. Rather than dwell on that or the time he had left in his shift, Derrick got to work cleaning around the store and unboxing new releases in the stockroom to help the hours pass. 
When he left for the day, Derrick made an immediate bee line for the nearest pizza place and picked up a couple pizzas to take to the shop. At the door, he shouldered it open, his hands occupied with the boxes. “I’ve got a special delivery for Andrew Brenner and the crew,” he announced, looking pleased with himself. 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
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“Know that when I’m braver, it’s because of you.”
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notyourgbf · 5 years
“Please stop apologizing.”
He means well, but the phrase comes out sharply. Where he wants to be compassionate, Hector is annoyed. Frustrated. Guilty. A heaving sigh escapes him as he offers an apologetic look for snapping. Anxious fingers run through his hair, messing it up instead of tidying it back.
“You don’t….you don’t have anythin’ t’be sorry for, okay?”
There’s a moment of uncertainty that Hector’s face contorts with. Quietly, he weighs his options. Telling Derrick means admitting another in a slew of selfish mistakes. As much as he’d like to unburden himself, he’s not sure he can stand the other’s judgement or disappointment. Again. But, saying nothing promises to weigh heavily on him for days to come. Maybe weeks. Hell, maybe forever at this point. The actor used to be able to lie to anyone with ease. But, not Derrick. Never Derrick. 
“I…” he frowns as he begins to speak, resigning to honesty, “…I fucked up, too.”
Hands rise and come to rest on Derrick’s shoulders. Hector gives them a gentle squeeze as he confesses, “I went out last night. Bought a six pack. Plowed through it. I woke up worse than you this mornin’.”
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“You’re not like me, okay? You’re allowed t’go out and have a couple a’ drinks. You don’t have t’apologize for it. I do. M’the one who keeps breaking promises and fallin’ off the fucking wagon. If anythin’, you shouldn’t have t’look after me.”
His brows knit together, a thin line of worry forming between them. But as Hector goes on, as his hands find their way to Derrick’s shoulders, it becomes clearer. His own guilt and shame come rushing back in like a lapping wave at the shore---only it’s more violent this time. He feels like the catalyst this time, and it’s the worst feeling to know that. 
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Those dark eyes fall shut for an instant as he tries to process what he wants to say. He shifts slightly, turning where he can wind his arms around Hector and cradle him close. “I’m sorry anyway,” is his quiet insistence as his cheek presses against Hector’s and his chin comes to rest in the crook of the man’s shoulder. 
“Because...after we started dating and things got serious, I quit drinking. I didn’t want to be a source of temptation for you.” His throat grows tighter, and he has to clear it to keep his tone even. A hand smooths up the other man’s back, fingertips coming to a stop at the nape of his neck and gently kneading. “I know it’s hard for you, and it’s okay. We’re both going to stumble and mess up and we’ll get through it.” 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
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Liv made a face and popped a green grape into her mouth. As she chewed and swallowed, she couldn’t help but think of a hundred other things she’d rather do than go to the gym. “You know,” she said, looking his way. “There are way better ways to lose a few brain cells than the gym.”
A few of those ways might have been slightly illegal in some states, but that only made the situation that much more fun. “Want some grapes?” she asked, holding out the bowl for him. She smiled before reaching in and popping another into her mouth.
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Derrick turned to Liv with a knowing look. There were many other ways he could imagine losing brain cells, but he’d committed to hitting the gym with his friend Rosie a couple times a week.
“Yeah, gladly. Thanks,” he expressed before helping himself to a handful. After a long hour at the gym, even something like grapes seemed like a great treat. He sat there for a moment, chewing them over a couple at a time, before speaking again. “I don’t know what it is about working out, but these are honestly the best grapes I’ve had in my entire life.” 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
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    “Well, duh! It’s like, part of my job so I’d better be good at it.” Eve hands the phone back to Derrick and then rests her head on his shoulder. “I’ll like whatever you post though. Because we’re like, friends and I love you so so much!”
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   He laughs softly at her comment, pocketing the phone soon afterward. An arm drapes across her shoulders, and Derrick gives her a fond squeeze. Her friendship has been very much a blessing in his life. “I love you, too Eve. You’re a really good friend.” 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
He gave a half hearted little shrug, as if to tell him it was nothing, although he waited endlessly and made numerous calls for the tickets and for the perfect theater. “No problem babe,” he uttered, letting his thumb trace over Derrick’s as spoke and twirled the box. 
 Mhm.. he hummed, and his brow rose then towards him as he mentioned that. Now he was speaking his love language. Leaning forward, Andrew turned on the charm once more. “Oh yeah? You really know how to get a guy, huh?” he teased, moving his hand up to pinch Derrick’s chin for a moment before standing up right. His posture was straight, but he leaned his head forward.
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“You wanna show me where it is? Do your job for once so you don’t get fired?“ he teased, “Might make a couple sales off ‘a me if you can point me in the direction.“ He didn’t like distracting Derrick from his work, nor did he like drawing too much attention to their relationship in a professional setting. But… it was a special day. Even so, he wanted to make sure Derrick didn’t look too distracted by his presence. Last thing he needed was to be banned from one of his favorite shops- and not just because Derrick worked there.
A broad grin spread across his face at Andrew’s teasing. This giddiness he felt---Derrick thought he’d never have something like this again. But somehow, he’d been lucky enough to find someone who took the time, who was thoughtful enough to surprise him with gestures like this. 
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“Sure. I think I can handle that.” He sidestepped around the end of the counter, leaving Andrew’s Pop out of reach there for later. Leading past a rack of t-shirts and clearance merchandise, Derrick brought them to the far left wall where most of the Marvel figures were displayed with coffee mugs, keychains, and other trinkets emblazoned with key characters from the films. 
“We got these in a couple days ago. There’s the new Captain America,” he added, poking the box and making it sway lightly on the display hook. “And Ronin. Captain Marvel,” he went on, indicating the others. “I’m thinking about getting hers. They really did a good job with the details on it.” 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
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mini psa: I’m working on a bit of queue. Work has been pretty rough on me lately, and I’m trying to be active but it’s difficult with stress at already high levels. I’m hoping it’ll ease up eventually or I’ll find another job, but until then, my activity may be pretty sparse.  
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notyourgbf · 5 years
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A good scary boy protecting his mother’s treasures.
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notyourgbf · 5 years
He had felt some guilt, making Derrick upset for even that split second. He couldn’t bring himself to do that on purpose, let alone by accident. Even that moment made his heart feel full with guilt, aching. Luckily, the change in his mood had that guilt withering with that small shove in his leg causing his jaw to drop in a mocking shock.  His foot reached under to hook with Derrick’s, keeping it locked and close to his as an apology.
Leaning forward, One arm extended over the table to bring the two of them closer and he rested his hand on Derrick’s back, gently tracing small lines between his shoulders. His eyes followed Derrick’s finger and he nodded, following along with what he was saying. “Yeah- I think I got some stuff in the books for that Saturday, but it’s enough notice I could move it but that’s it. Shouldn’t be an issue. And-” 
He turned his head to look at Derrick, inches from his face now as not only were his fingertips rubbing his back, but his palm as well, fingers splayed over his shoulder. His voice lowered for the conversation to fall just between them as he continued on. “You could bring your stuff to mine that week, and when you get off work Friday just stay the night. Then, we leave bright and early next mornin’. Sound good?”
With that suggestion, Derrick was overtaken with a helpless fondness. He couldn’t have thought of a better idea himself, and honestly, very few things could trump a long weekend spent with his boyfriend. The convention just felt like an extra bonus at this point.  
“Yeah, it does.” The proximity made it easy for Derrick to lean in closer. His hand moved, thumb coming to rest on Andrew’s chin to keep him there, and a short but sweet kiss was pressed to the other’s lips. He lingered, and the temptation became too much to resist. Another fleeting kiss followed. 
Once he pulled away for good, Derrick’s gaze fell to his phone and the time displayed on the screen. Minutes were getting away from him, and he’d soon be late returning from his lunch break if he didn’t get on his way soon. 
“I don’t want to, but I really need to go,” he murmured, reluctance plain in his tone. “But I’ll be back by after work.” 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
anyone else have a heart thats too soft….. a marshmallow heart…… tempur-pedic mattress heart…. a cotton candy heart…..
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notyourgbf · 5 years
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notyourgbf · 5 years
His toothbrush is instantly cast aside. Hector is quick to lower to his knees and gather Derrick’s hair in his hands, carefully tidying it back and away from the man’s face. His nose wrinkles with the sudden, piercing stench of vomit. A small, sympathetic groan escapes him as he watches, helpless, while Derrick’s stomach empties itself.
“Get it out,” is all he can think to say. Anything else and he’d risk throwing up, too. Instead, one hand lowers to Derrick’s back, tracing slow and soothing circles over the man’s bare, heated skin.
When the retching does eventually stop, Hector stands and opens the medicine cabinet. A family sized bottle of aspirin is promptly retrieved from the top shelf.
“Go back t’bed, alright?” He keeps his voice soft and even, careful to mask his own agony.
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 “I’ll bring you some water and something t’eat with these pills.”
He coughs softly and wipes his lips on the back of his hand. His mouth tastes disgusting, and he feels disgusting---in more ways than one. 
Before Hector, his body could have handled the mini binge of drinking he went on last night without too horrific of a hangover. But a few weeks into dating the man, Derrick hadn’t indulged once in an alcoholic beverage or even used it to cook. Perhaps, that’s why his own actions hurt him so personally this time. The temptation had never been so great before. What about last night caused him to cave beneath his friends’ insistence? 
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Eventually, he eases up, flushes, and quickly shuts the lid. Arms come to fold on top of it, and he rests his pounding head against them. The bed’s comforter pools around his waist, and the idea of moving or eating or anything seems less than ideal. Sleeping he could handle, and he almost thinks he could do it right here, right now without moving a muscle. 
“In a minute,” he murmurs, not arguing but not immediately complying. A deep breath is heaved into his chest, shoulders gently rising with the effort before they fall with a deflating sigh. The bitter and sickening taste of regret follows that of bile, and his mouth warps into a grimace.
“I’m sorry,” he adds quietly and sits up, scrubbing at his face. “It’s my own fault. You don’t have to...” There’s a pause as he steadies himself on the corner of the sink’s counter and gets to his feet, cinching the comforter around him with his other hand, “look after me.” 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
That sigh could only mean it would soon be time for him to leave. He was already mourning his boyfriend going off, to his own job and his own life only to be seen hours later. There was never enough time with Derrick, even if he saw him all day, he wished he could see him more. It was never boring or tiring with him, and it was refreshing.
But  until then he would savor the moments they had, no matter how quickly fleeting. 
The gentle echo of if I wanna be nice drew another smile, sweet and almost pleading. ALMOST to say ‘for me? Please, honey? 
Suddenly the conversation turned to something entirely new, brows risen as he waited for part two of his propositions. “Yeah, I know.” The convention, good memories. When they were new friends, and he had just gotten his tattoo done. When they were sitting, eating pizza and looking over their loot, and when Andrew had offered to be designated photographer. Fond and vivid memories flooded back to him. Hearing it was returning was nice news.
“No, I’m busy that day sorry.“ His face fell flat then, staring at him for a moment before the smile crack. “When is it? I’ll check my schedule, see if I have anything and if not I’m game. For old times sake…“
Derrick looked on, eyes bright with hope. It’d been such a great time last year, and having Andrew along this year would be an even greater delight. This would be a weekend getaway for them both, and they could enjoy all the con had to offer together once again. 
But Andrew had him fooled for a moment with his first answer, and his expression dropped into one of mild disappointment until Andrew smiled and asked when it was. His foot reached out beneath the table and gave the other’s leg a gentle, playful shove in return for teasing him like that. 
“I think it’s...hold on,” he mutters while digging his phone out of his pocket. With a few taps and a swipe, the calendar was brought up and he saw where he had marked the weekend with event reminders.“Yeah, it’s three weeks from now. This weekend here,” he answered while pointing out the dates on his phone. “It goes from Friday until Sunday, and I was thinking Saturday and Sunday would be good.” A brief nod followed the words. “I doubt I could get Friday off, too, but the weekend should be all right.” 
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notyourgbf · 5 years
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A Magician In The Wizarding World
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