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There shall not be an inch of free space on their heads hahaahahaha
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Wip! H bombs!
*casts anime beam*
Err honestly seeing them like this is a little cursed hahahahahahahahh
I tried very hard to retain Harold’s goofy dork qualities and in the end I gave him frog eyes
…the more I look at this the more unsettled I become, maybe some things shouldn’t be given the anime treatment hahahahahaha
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I’m never getting over the fact that in universe, the show “Total Drama Dirtbags” was believable enough of a project that it managed to fool multiple people into thinking it was real
Just the name is hilarious
Like what the hell was the concept even going to be???? It sounds like a dumpster fire on top of a train wreck HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAH
I’m so morbidly curious as to what the show would even look like, if anybody ever made AUs/fanfic/Fanart of Total Drama Dirtbags please give me the link hahahahahahhahahahah
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notthecommercialism · 15 days
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DONT ask this guy about his sister fr fr
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notthecommercialism · 15 days
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cowboy boyfriends yeeeeehaw
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notthecommercialism · 16 days
“Sorry we had to meet this way” HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
OP you’re so right, exploring how much of a petty jealous loser Alejandro is is *peak*
Got to find more ways to bully him more <3
My favourite alenoah prompt is when you make Alejandro jealous af.
Like your legit jealous of people interacting with a twink?? (Its so silly and I just love seeing him be possessive)
Especially when it's Owen.
Alejandro already dislikes Owen so I love seeing failing to understand how such a strong friendship between Owen and Noah works since they're so different.
Especially since Noah is shown to have a soft spot for Owen (see how he is never truly angry at Owen? He just dismisses him or calmly expresses frustration)
Noah would never be as lenient as he is to Owen towards anyone else.
So why does he get the special treatment and not Alejandro?
And why is he so nice to him without any effort while it seems Noah struggles to even share a conversation that does rely on insults with him?
Why is Owen allowed to give him physical affection and on the rare occasion have it retributed from him?
Aaaaaaaaa (I love this trope sm!!!!)
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notthecommercialism · 18 days
There’s also the possibility of both of them teaming up since they have the advantage of actually knowing each other before total drama…
Like right from the start Noah already knows Alejandro’s true personality so he wouldn’t be fooled for even a minute
And Alejandro knows that Noah knows so he wouldn’t even try to pretend otherwise when it’s just them
The idea grows hahahahahaha
Alenoah thought to chew on a little
What if they were childhood friends that reunited on world tour?
Imagine if both of them used to be enrolled in this special gifted children program when they were like 6-7
And little Alejandro just breezing through the program, leaving everybody in the dirt except for one other participant there
Like they just have this entirely one sided academic rivalry as little children because Alejandro is fuming that there’s this other kid that always manages to score *slightly* higher than him hahahahahhahha
So at that age I’m assuming that while Alejandro can mask his emotions way better than the average 6-7 year old, he’s still a 6-7 year old so his thinly veiled envy is immediately picked up on by Noah
And then one day it just culminates to Noah point blank asking him “why are you so upset? It’s just a few marks at best.”
Tiny Spanish overachiever rendered speechless at his candidness because to him it *is* a huge deal while to his sworn rival (all in his head) those points are treated like nothing
Err ok this is actually getting longer than I anticipated but essentially it boils down to
Alejandro —> Noah
Seething childish fury at being bested mixed in with begrudging admiration at Noah’s capabilities. He can’t really tell if he wants to best him or be with him because everybody else in the program doesn’t catch his interest but Noah’s complacent attitude infuriates him—
Noah —> Alejandro
Just some uptight weirdo hahahahahahahah
Now this arrangement lasts for a few years? Maybe until they reach 10-11? Throughout the years they never really became close friends but they’re definitely familiar with one another since by that point, over half of the original group has since dropped out, leaving the highest scorers behind to continue on
Alejandro’s envy and admiration grew as well since Noah has consistently been the top of the class for years with him always getting second
However, he starts to notice Noah changing as well. He’s starting to fall asleep in lessons and he’s getting increasingly grouchy
It all comes to an end when Alejandro shows up one day and suddenly he’s now top of the class. He asks the teacher what happened to Noah and he’s told that he dropped out.
Yes, I’m putting that burnt out gifted kid energy into everything like it’s cheese on pasta
So now he has the position he’s always been vying for. Getting it like this feels a little hollow though.
Fast forward to world tour and Alejandro has the shocking realisation that the kid he used to look up to like an unattainable star turned into a giant sloth hahahahahaahahhahaha
This is just a small thought I’ve been thinking of. No clue what to do with it so here’s this post!
I just think these two having the dynamic of estranged childhood friends is pretty neat
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notthecommercialism · 18 days
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dangs your rompers
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notthecommercialism · 18 days
I would imagine both of them simultaneously going “wow he really hasn’t changed at all” and “huh that sure is different” about each other
Alejandro would be tearing his hair out at how Noah’s potential is being “wasted” on this show and his previous job as Chris’s assistant
Imagine Alejandro remarking that Noah is actually brilliant while everybody else doesn’t believe him because all they’ve seen is the guy that refuses to play dodgeball hahahaha
Let’s see who wins! “You can really try harder” Alejandro or “You can really take it easier” Noah
Alenoah thought to chew on a little
What if they were childhood friends that reunited on world tour?
Imagine if both of them used to be enrolled in this special gifted children program when they were like 6-7
And little Alejandro just breezing through the program, leaving everybody in the dirt except for one other participant there
Like they just have this entirely one sided academic rivalry as little children because Alejandro is fuming that there’s this other kid that always manages to score *slightly* higher than him hahahahahhahha
So at that age I’m assuming that while Alejandro can mask his emotions way better than the average 6-7 year old, he’s still a 6-7 year old so his thinly veiled envy is immediately picked up on by Noah
And then one day it just culminates to Noah point blank asking him “why are you so upset? It’s just a few marks at best.”
Tiny Spanish overachiever rendered speechless at his candidness because to him it *is* a huge deal while to his sworn rival (all in his head) those points are treated like nothing
Err ok this is actually getting longer than I anticipated but essentially it boils down to
Alejandro —> Noah
Seething childish fury at being bested mixed in with begrudging admiration at Noah’s capabilities. He can’t really tell if he wants to best him or be with him because everybody else in the program doesn’t catch his interest but Noah’s complacent attitude infuriates him—
Noah —> Alejandro
Just some uptight weirdo hahahahahahahah
Now this arrangement lasts for a few years? Maybe until they reach 10-11? Throughout the years they never really became close friends but they’re definitely familiar with one another since by that point, over half of the original group has since dropped out, leaving the highest scorers behind to continue on
Alejandro’s envy and admiration grew as well since Noah has consistently been the top of the class for years with him always getting second
However, he starts to notice Noah changing as well. He’s starting to fall asleep in lessons and he’s getting increasingly grouchy
It all comes to an end when Alejandro shows up one day and suddenly he’s now top of the class. He asks the teacher what happened to Noah and he’s told that he dropped out.
Yes, I’m putting that burnt out gifted kid energy into everything like it’s cheese on pasta
So now he has the position he’s always been vying for. Getting it like this feels a little hollow though.
Fast forward to world tour and Alejandro has the shocking realisation that the kid he used to look up to like an unattainable star turned into a giant sloth hahahahahaahahhahaha
This is just a small thought I’ve been thinking of. No clue what to do with it so here’s this post!
I just think these two having the dynamic of estranged childhood friends is pretty neat
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notthecommercialism · 19 days
Alenoah thought to chew on a little
What if they were childhood friends that reunited on world tour?
Imagine if both of them used to be enrolled in this special gifted children program when they were like 6-7
And little Alejandro just breezing through the program, leaving everybody in the dirt except for one other participant there
Like they just have this entirely one sided academic rivalry as little children because Alejandro is fuming that there’s this other kid that always manages to score *slightly* higher than him hahahahahhahha
So at that age I’m assuming that while Alejandro can mask his emotions way better than the average 6-7 year old, he’s still a 6-7 year old so his thinly veiled envy is immediately picked up on by Noah
And then one day it just culminates to Noah point blank asking him “why are you so upset? It’s just a few marks at best.”
Tiny Spanish overachiever rendered speechless at his candidness because to him it *is* a huge deal while to his sworn rival (all in his head) those points are treated like nothing
Err ok this is actually getting longer than I anticipated but essentially it boils down to
Alejandro —> Noah
Seething childish fury at being bested mixed in with begrudging admiration at Noah’s capabilities. He can’t really tell if he wants to best him or be with him because everybody else in the program doesn’t catch his interest but Noah’s complacent attitude infuriates him—
Noah —> Alejandro
Just some uptight weirdo hahahahahahahah
Now this arrangement lasts for a few years? Maybe until they reach 10-11? Throughout the years they never really became close friends but they’re definitely familiar with one another since by that point, over half of the original group has since dropped out, leaving the highest scorers behind to continue on
Alejandro’s envy and admiration grew as well since Noah has consistently been the top of the class for years with him always getting second
However, he starts to notice Noah changing as well. He’s starting to fall asleep in lessons and he’s getting increasingly grouchy
It all comes to an end when Alejandro shows up one day and suddenly he’s now top of the class. He asks the teacher what happened to Noah and he’s told that he dropped out.
Yes, I’m putting that burnt out gifted kid energy into everything like it’s cheese on pasta
So now he has the position he’s always been vying for. Getting it like this feels a little hollow though.
Fast forward to world tour and Alejandro has the shocking realisation that the kid he used to look up to like an unattainable star turned into a giant sloth hahahahahaahahhahaha
This is just a small thought I’ve been thinking of. No clue what to do with it so here’s this post!
I just think these two having the dynamic of estranged childhood friends is pretty neat
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notthecommercialism · 20 days
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Harold doing god’s work that’s what he’s doing!
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Fic wip!
I’m juggling multiple wips like a clown and finishing none of them 🫠
Man this fic is weird hahahahahahhaha
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notthecommercialism · 21 days
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noah from @daveapologist total jet set radio au!
expand for little transparent version
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321 notes · View notes
notthecommercialism · 21 days
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Fic wip!
I’m juggling multiple wips like a clown and finishing none of them 🫠
Man this fic is weird hahahahahahhaha
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notthecommercialism · 21 days
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Hitting your 30s in a cloud of booze and smoke hahahahahahha
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notthecommercialism · 22 days
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going off-script
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notthecommercialism · 23 days
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