notcarianne · 2 years
Cut away the excess of your life, leave only the necessity. Do not create space for that which does not better you.
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notcarianne · 2 years
I've spent my entire life caring about what other people think about me; I've been criticized and judged on the basis of my appearance, personality, background, possessions, prospects—anything and everything.
I'm exhausted. I cannot be the agreeable, amenable person who satisfies everyone's expectations. I cannot be that pitiful hypocrite, that sad martyr. I have betrayed my spirit for my entire life by attempting to become that person. I know now that only I can love myself as I am: completely, wholly, without expectations or hesitations. I must surround my being with a loving embrace from herself; a perfect ouroboros of love and healing.
I must be true to myself, and let everything and everyone else fall to the wayside. The people who come and go in my life will either accept me as I am, or they will not. I cannot control the people in my life; I can only control myself.
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