notawarhero-blog · 9 years
It sounds good to me, but I’ve got a bum audio.
[He tries to split his attention between the soft blue lights adorning the speakers and Beatbox as the smaller mech comes back down onto the dancefloor. It takes him a second to realize how badly Beatbox is dancing, and another second before Bastion realizes it’s on purpose and starts laughing.]
What are you doing? That’s my job.
[He spins around on one ped a smidge too fast and stumbles.]
[He waits, watching Beatbox work, jolting when the speakers come on unexpectedly– the acoustics in this place are a lot better than he expected. He can feel the bass reverberating through his frame lightly as Beatbox finds and settles on a specific song; almost instinctively Bastion sways on his peds.]
Holy slag. It’s going to be really cool when you open up and you get to show the speakers off to everybody, huh?
[He spins around and then looks back at Beatbox, grinning stupidly.]
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
[He waits, watching Beatbox work, jolting when the speakers come on unexpectedly-- the acoustics in this place are a lot better than he expected. He can feel the bass reverberating through his frame lightly as Beatbox finds and settles on a specific song; almost instinctively Bastion sways on his peds.]
Holy slag. It’s going to be really cool when you open up and you get to show the speakers off to everybody, huh?
[He spins around and then looks back at Beatbox, grinning stupidly.]
[Primus. He feels horrible, wants to take it back almost as soon as it comes out of his mouth, but at the same time he doesn’t want to rush into things. It’s better for the both of them if he asks around for advice first.
That’s what he’s gonna keep telling himself, at least.]
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
[He puffs up a little, quickly latching onto the opening for something else to talk about.]
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
[Primus. He feels horrible, wants to take it back almost as soon as it comes out of his mouth, but at the same time he doesn’t want to rush into things. It’s better for the both of them if he asks around for advice first.
That’s what he’s gonna keep telling himself, at least.]
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
[He puffs up a little, quickly latching onto the opening for something else to talk about.]
[Shuffling closer, Beatbox’s chest taps up against Bastion’s, and he settles his free hand on his boyfriend’s chest. He strokes the metal thoughtfully, tracing a seam.]
So we…you…we’ve come across the subject of bitlets a lot lately. But even if we were to think about that, we’re still missing something pretty…crucial for that to happen.
[His audio fins become warm and gain a blue tinge on the ends, and he bashfully peers up at Bastion.]
Would you..consider it? Bonding? With me?
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
[Oh, Primus. He stares down at Beatbox, optics glazing over a little as the last three words rattle around in his helm.
Bonding. With Beatbox.]
I, I... I, uh..
[His first thought isn’t yes or no, it’s ‘I need to think on it’, and no matter how much he tries to steer himself towards ‘yes’ the word just won’t come out. He exvents sharply and looks away.]
I don’t know. I- I need to think about it.
At the end of the coming week. And sure, the more the merrier!
[Grins up at him, still admiring the Carozzi before looking past him at his surroundings. They look pretty damn good, and Beatbox gives himself a little pat on the back before turning thoughtful.
He gently squeezes Bastion’s hands to try and get his attention.]
Bas? Baby? Can I ask you something without you laughing at me?
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
Mm? Yeah, I suppose.
[He looks down at Beatbox curiously, withdrawing one hand to wrap it loosely around Beatbox’s waist.]
[Folds his hands behind his back and moves close to Bastion, his field reaching out with a warm caress.]
I like it as it is. I might decorate it at some point but, I feel like I’ve desecrated your Cybertron’s history enough as it is, even though I bought this building fair and square. I wanted to leave one thing as it was.
[He reaches out and gently runs his fingers down Bastion’s forearms, grasping his hands.]
Do you like it?
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
I might. I have datawork, but it can wait a little bit.
notawarhero replied to your post:Welp.[[MOR] Time to self-service.
You look like a mech who wants to join in.
If you’re not too tired, that is.
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
It’s beautiful. I love it.
[He shifts and clasps both of Beatbox’s hands in his own, still engrossed in the soaring space around them. The blue lights make it feel smaller than it is, but the ceilings are more than high enough to admit a bot as tall as Rhombus-- he likes the effect.]
When is it scheduled to open up? I should tell my coworkers. 
[A mildly embarrassed pause.]
If it’s okay with you.
It was kinda like runnin’ biolights but it took me…a lot longer. But instead of like, installing a tube in a channel, I laid the tile–with help of course–and installed the tubing and soldered it all together–
[As Beatbox chatters along, the doors slide open, revealing a huge dance hall. At the far end is a DJ platform, the broken ground bridge acting as a halo. He made no move to fix the bridge’s appearance because holy shit it just looks really cool.
Tower speakers line the walls, glowing the same blue as in the tile. On the left side is a gated, long window–an energon bar.]
–I just hope I reinforced the tile enough for the bigger bots, you know? Nothing against bigger bots…
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
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Range Rover Evoque | WAV
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
[Slips past Beatbox, still half-listening to him but more focused on the cavernous room surrounding them. He spins in a slow circle, taking in the faint blue glow cast from the speakers, tinging the room an intimate turquoise. It’s amazing, though his optics are still adjusting to the light.]
You didn’t decorate the groundbridge?
[He looks back at Beatbox, brows raised.]
[Grins and watches with Bastion’s curiosity with fond adoration, then steps up beside him to toe at the tile.]
It is. Color-changing synth-en byproduct. I can make these floors turn any color I want, and even rotate through the whole spectrum. Which…might be my favorite setting.
[Laughs, drifting his fingers over Bastion’s warhawk before approaching the final barrier separating them from the inner club.] You ready for the grand finale?
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
If you ever get the time you could always come visit.
Oh, yeah. War’s been over for a while now. A little over a million years or so.. the population’s getting more and more ‘integrated’.
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
Oh, yeah. War’s been over for a while now. A little over a million years or so.. the population’s getting more and more ‘integrated’.
Oh. Well- I’m.. I guess that gives you something to do, heh. Are you keeping safe?
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
Synth-en. Huh. I wanna see how you did that sometime.
[Follows after Beatbox eagerly, crowding up behind him.]
Yeah, I am. Amaze me.
[Beatbox’s field pulls over Bastion like a warm, reassuring blanket, and he takes his hand.]
Yup. It’s so quiet up there. And once we fix that up, it’ll be even quieter. We can test it out once I’m done giving you the grand tour.
[The elevator operates like a warm, greased piston, sliding with a soft shfff noise down into the belly of the abandoned terminal. Once there, the doors open into a lobby area, leading into another set of huge doors. There are still a few turnstiles here and there that Beatbox kept for the sake of aesthetics, but for the most part it’s been cleared out and outfitted with hexagon-shaped tile. The “grout” between each shape glows blue.]
You seem tense, baby.
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
Eenh. I ju- oh, wow.
[He steps out of the lift, slips past Beatbox and looks around, curiously bending down to touch the glowing floor.]
Is this energon-based biolumenescence, or.. ?
[He looks up at the music mech and taps a tile.]
Sorry I’m stealing a piece of your childhood.
[Grins, stepping up next to him and pressing another button to open the doors. Inside and straight ahead there is a large elevator in the center of the torus-shaped room.]
The flat is above us, and the club’s below us. I’ve tested the insulation and should we move into the upstairs, we won’t hear much, even if it gets wild.
[He nudges the ‘down’ button, and he slips into yet another lift.]
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
[Follows Beatbox into the lift, a smidge nervous-- he knows it’ll probably work fine, but this building is old, before-the-War old, and they tend to be.. creaky.]
Are you sure? I could probably just turn my audios off if I need to, but..
[The question of bitlets comes up in his mind again. He shoves it aside.]
[Laughs every time he feels a bump, and he may or may not have put his brakes on to bump right back into his boyfriend.
After a brief trip (and two steps out of civilization later), they arrive at a slanted sort of building. It’s circular, obviously the remnants of a traveling hub, but all the walls are tilted inward, creating a “cellar” sort of incline.
He transforms before the massive main doors, then pulls a remote from his subspace and disengages the locks. The sign, in glorious light, emblazons “Deep Bass Nine” above the double hatch.]
It’s beautiful.
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
[He transforms into bipedal mode and goggles up at the large building, silently surprised. It’s not the sort of place he’d think to put a club in, or the sort of location-- but he can’t deny its impressiveness.]
Wow. I think I’ve crept around here once or twice when I was younger. Deep Bass Nine, huh?
[He lays a hand flat against the doors, looking back at Beatbox.]
Then the place is big enough for Rhombus in case he wants to visit. 
[Grins, hooking his fingers into Bastion’s hip plating. Once the doors open on the ground level, he scampers quickly out to the main road and transforms, preparing to enter the sparse evening traffic.]
It’s not too far!
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notawarhero-blog · 9 years
[He transforms and follows after Beatbox, occasionally nudging him playfully with his front bumper.]
Yeah! The building I found is–used to be–a big underground bridge. It was pretty decrepit, which is why I really had to hunt for it in the listings. But I got it all fixed up and you will be happy to know that it has passed inspections with flying colors.
[He steps into the elevator, waiting for Bastion to sidle in along with him.]
Also, if, you know…we want to, there’s a flat on topside. Fully furnished home. Came with the place, and we just need to fix that up and we can..we can move in there. There’s space for Soundtrack and Rhombus, too.
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